Diagnóstico y Proyección de las Actividades de Acuicultura entre Arica y Taltal (in English)

Texto completo disponible en: 1- goo.gl/k5S1g2 2- http://www.fip.cl/FIP/Archivos/pdf/informes/inffinal 2008-34.pdf 3- goo.gl/2XzYv5 (EXECUTIVE SUMMARY) En este proyecto se han integrado distintas aproximaciones con el objeto de desarrollar una herramienta que permita orientar de mejor forma la toma de decisiones en el ámbito de la gestión territorial integrada en el área costera y marina. Entre estas se consigna: el desarrollo de un indice de priorización de especies para su cultivo, la determinación de aptitud de sitios para el desarrollo de actividades productivas, la aplicación de procesos participativos de toma de decisiones, y la proyección y evolución de las áreas disponibles para un desarrollo de actividades de acuicultura en forma sustentable. Entre los principales productos obtenidos se tienen: las especies actualmente cultivadas y su localización geográfica, fichas de las especies con factibilidad de ser cultivadas en entre Arica y Taltal; el establecimiento de la condición ambiental y sanitaria de las áreas de interés; el software DIGAREA para la captura, organización y almacenamiento de la información obtenida de distintas fuentes primarias y su georeferenciación; mapas temáticos estandarizados y normalizados (SIG); el marco regulatorio vigente tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. Texto completo disponible en:
1- goo.gl/k5S1g2
2- http://www.fip.cl/FIP/Archivos/pdf/informes/inffinal 2008-34.pdf
3- goo.gl/2XzYv5 (EXECUTIVE SUMMARY)
En este proyecto se han integrado distintas aproximaciones con el objeto de desarrollar una herramienta que permita orientar de mejor forma la toma de decisiones en el ámbito de la gestión territorial integrada en el área costera y marina. Entre estas se consigna: el desarrollo de un indice de priorización de especies para su cultivo, la determinación de aptitud de sitios para el desarrollo de actividades productivas, la aplicación de procesos participativos de toma de decisiones, y la proyección y evolución de las áreas disponibles para un desarrollo de actividades de acuicultura en forma sustentable. Entre los principales productos obtenidos se tienen: las especies actualmente cultivadas y su localización geográfica, fichas de las especies con factibilidad de ser cultivadas en entre Arica y Taltal; el establecimiento de la condición ambiental y sanitaria de las áreas de interés; el software DIGAREA para la captura, organización y almacenamiento de la información obtenida de distintas fuentes primarias y su georeferenciación; mapas temáticos estandarizados y normalizados (SIG); el marco regulatorio vigente tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.


I NSTITUTO DE FOMENTO P E S Q UERO / DIVISIÓN INVESTIGACIÓN EN ACUICULTURA Along the coast of the northern regions of Chile, (Arica and Parinacota, Tarapacá and Antofagasta), there are 70 coastal polygons described in legal decrees as Suitable Areas for Aquaculture activities (A.A.A). These polygons are distributed between 41 sites, covering a total area of 32,129.91 ha. Nevertheless, despite the available area, there is clear underutilization of these areas, such that in 47 of these coastal polygons there are no aquaculture concessions or concession requests. Furthermore, there are issues regarding the overlap with AMERBs (Areas of Management and Exploitation of Benthic Resources). In function of coastal dynamics, 27 bay systems were identified in the study area. All the environmental information collected was plotted with Geographical Information System (GIS), producing standardized and normalized thematic maps, as well as determining variables and/or parameters which can be considered operationally suitable in designating “suitable areas for aquaculture”, with a focus on improved space utilization and the sustainability of this economic activity. In order to determine the species of “interest for aquaculture” an index was developed (IPEA: Index for Species Prioritization in Aquaculture) given the lack of this kind of tool. This procedure classified 14 species as “priority species” and 20 species as “non priority species” or “not for immediate consideration”, based on bioproductive, technological and economic considerations. Species within the first group were the following: Chilean scallop (Argopecten purpurata), Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas), Chilean oyster (Tiostrea chilensis), red abalone (Haliotis rufescens), Chilean abalone (Concholepas concholepas), octopus (Octopus mimus), South American freshwater shrimp (Cryphiops caementarius), hairy marron crayfish (Cherax tenuimanus), Chilean halfmoon (Medialuna ancietae), yellowtail amberjack (Seriola lalandi), tuna (Thunnus spp.), Japanese sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus), giant kelp (Lessonia nigrescens) and Gracilaria spp. algae. Thereafter, geographical areas of interest and priority species were matched, generating cultivation capabilities by sector. Results iv FIP N° 2008-34 - INFORME FINAL: DIAGNÓSTICO Y PROYECCIÓN DE LAS ACTIVIDADES DE ACUICULTURA ENTRE ARICA Y TALTAL

I NSTITUTO DE FOMENTO P E S Q UERO / DIVISIÓN INVESTIGACIÓN EN ACUICULTURA from a numerical procedure indicate that: Cerro Moreno-Isla Santa Maria, Ñajo- Pabellón de Pica, Caleta San Marcos-Playa Corazones, Tocopilla-Río Loa and Taltal- Paposo are the areas where the best conditions are concentrated (High Potential) for the development of aquaculture, allowing the cultivation of 6 to 12 of the total of evaluated species in this analysis. Those species with the highest suitability across study areas were (in decreasing order): Gracilaria spp., Chilean scallop, giant kelp, Chilean oyster and red abalone, whose spatial coverage spans at least 7 areas. Punta Camarones-Caleta Chica, Tiviliche–Pisagua, Chipana and Playa Folkers-Lobitos only scored intermediate conditions in the diversification matrix, allowing for the cultivation of 2 to 4 species. Most of the biological requirements for the Japanese oyster, octopus, Chilean abalone, Peruvian halfmoon and the Japanese sea cucumber were not present in the areas evaluated, thus these species are spatially limited to areas where production is possible but with certain restrictions (Medium Potential). In the case of amberjack and tuna, both species presented Low Potential in the Playa Folkers - Lobito sector which makes their cultivation unsuitable in this coastal area, (Table 1.43). The same premises should be followed for other areas where medium potential was identified, except Cerro Moreno-Isla Santa María where potential was high. The procedures outlined in this study are focused on better spatial utilization and sustainability of resource cultivation, representing a tool that allows better orientation for decision making in integrated spatial management in aquaculture. This can be used for spatial planning of resource use, locating areas of potential, zonification of areas with previously defined limits (geographically and politico-administratively) and comparing the productive and environmental value of different zones, among other applications in conserving a national resource of public use. To quantify the evolution or development of the aquaculture sector, a tracking system was employed which incorporates geographical factors, resource v FIP N° 2008-34 - INFORME FINAL: DIAGNÓSTICO Y PROYECCIÓN DE LAS ACTIVIDADES DE ACUICULTURA ENTRE ARICA Y TALTAL


Along the coast of the northern regions of Chile, (<strong>Arica</strong> and Par<strong>in</strong>acota, Tarapacá<br />

and Antofagasta), there are 70 coastal polygons <strong>de</strong>scribed <strong>in</strong> legal <strong>de</strong>crees as<br />

Suitable Areas for Aquaculture activities (A.A.A). These polygons are distributed<br />

between 41 sites, cover<strong>in</strong>g a total area of 32,129.91 ha. Nevertheless, <strong>de</strong>spite the<br />

available area, there is clear un<strong>de</strong>rutilization of these areas, such that <strong>in</strong> 47 of<br />

these coastal polygons there are no aquaculture concessions or concession<br />

requests. Furthermore, there are issues regard<strong>in</strong>g the overlap with AMERBs<br />

(Areas of Management and Exploitation of Benthic Resources). In function of<br />

coastal dynamics, 27 bay systems were i<strong>de</strong>ntified <strong>in</strong> the study area.<br />

All the environmental <strong>in</strong>formation collected was plotted with Geographical<br />

Information System (GIS), produc<strong>in</strong>g standardized and normalized thematic maps,<br />

as well as <strong>de</strong>term<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g variables and/or parameters which can be consi<strong>de</strong>red<br />

operationally suitable <strong>in</strong> <strong>de</strong>signat<strong>in</strong>g “suitable areas for aquaculture”, with a focus<br />

on improved space utilization and the susta<strong>in</strong>ability of this economic activity.<br />

In or<strong>de</strong>r to <strong>de</strong>term<strong>in</strong>e the species of “<strong>in</strong>terest for aquaculture” an <strong>in</strong><strong>de</strong>x was <strong>de</strong>veloped<br />

(IPEA: In<strong>de</strong>x for Species Prioritization <strong>in</strong> Aquaculture) given the lack of this k<strong>in</strong>d of<br />

tool. This procedure c<strong>las</strong>sified 14 species as “priority species” and 20 species as “non<br />

priority species” or “not for immediate consi<strong>de</strong>ration”, based on bioproductive,<br />

technological and economic consi<strong>de</strong>rations. Species with<strong>in</strong> the first group were the<br />

follow<strong>in</strong>g: Chilean scallop (Argopecten purpurata), Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas),<br />

Chilean oyster (Tiostrea chilensis), red abalone (Haliotis rufescens), Chilean abalone<br />

(Concholepas concholepas), octopus (Octopus mimus), South American freshwater<br />

shrimp (Cryphiops caementarius), hairy marron crayfish (Cherax tenuimanus), Chilean<br />

halfmoon (Medialuna ancietae), yellowtail amberjack (Seriola lalandi), tuna (Thunnus<br />

spp.), Japanese sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus), giant kelp (Lessonia<br />

nigrescens) and Gracilaria spp. algae. Thereafter, geographical areas of <strong>in</strong>terest and<br />

priority species were matched, generat<strong>in</strong>g cultivation capabilities by sector. Results<br />

iv<br />


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