Challenges to Rural Poverty Reduction in Viet Nam - Oxfam Blogs

Challenges to Rural Poverty Reduction in Viet Nam - Oxfam Blogs

Challenges to Rural Poverty Reduction in Viet Nam - Oxfam Blogs


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10<br />

ActionAid<br />

ADB<br />

CCD<br />

CDF<br />

Decision 1002<br />

Decision 102<br />

Decision 112<br />

and<br />

Decision 101<br />

Decision 167<br />

Decision 1956<br />

Decision 30<br />

Decision 74<br />

Decree 49<br />

Decree 54<br />

Decree 67<br />

and<br />

Decree 13<br />

Decree 92<br />

DOLISA<br />

DPI<br />

FFS<br />

GOV<br />

GSO<br />

ActionAid International <strong>Viet</strong> <strong>Nam</strong><br />

Asian Development Bank<br />

Centre for Community Development<br />

Community Development Fund<br />

A government programme on improvement of community<br />

awareness and community-based disaster management (based<br />

on Decision No. 1002/QD-TTg dated 13 July 2009)<br />

A policy that directly supports poor households <strong>in</strong> difficult<br />

areas (based on Decision No.102/2009/QD-TTg dated 7<br />

August 2009)<br />

A government policy that supports poor students (based on<br />

Decision No. 112/2007/QD-TTg dated 20 July 2007 and<br />

Decision No. 101/2009/QD-TTg dated 5 August 2009)<br />

A government policy that supports poor households with<br />

houses (based on Decision No. 167/2008/QD-TTg dated 12<br />

December 2008)<br />

A government policy that supports vocational tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g for rural<br />

labourers (based on Decision No. 1956/QD-TTg dated 27<br />

November 2009)<br />

List of communes classified as difficult areas (based on<br />

Decision No. 30/2007/QD-TTg dated 5 March 2007)<br />

A government policy that supports productive and residential<br />

land for local ethnic m<strong>in</strong>ority households <strong>in</strong> the Mekong river<br />

delta (based on Decision No. 74/2008/QD-TTg dated 9 June<br />

2008)<br />

A government policy that exempts and reduces tuition<br />

fees, supports education expenses (based on Decree No.<br />

49/2010/ND-CP dated 14 May 2010)<br />

Guid<strong>in</strong>g the implementation of some articles of the Ord<strong>in</strong>ance<br />

on benefits given <strong>to</strong> people who rendered great services <strong>to</strong><br />

the Revolution (based on Decree No. 54/2006/ND-CP dated<br />

26 May 2006<br />

A government policy that supports beneficiaries of social<br />

welfare assistance programmes (based on Decree No.<br />

67/2007/ ND-CP dated 13 April 2007, and Decree No.<br />

13/2010/ND-CP dated 27 February 2010)<br />

A government policy stipulat<strong>in</strong>g the titles, quantity, benefits,<br />

policies <strong>to</strong>ward commune level civil servants (under Decree<br />

No. 92/2009/ND-CP dated 22 Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2009)<br />

Department of Labour, Invalids, and Social Affairs<br />

Department of Plann<strong>in</strong>g and Investment<br />

Farmer Field School<br />

Government of <strong>Viet</strong> <strong>Nam</strong><br />

General Statistics Office of <strong>Viet</strong> <strong>Nam</strong>

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