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Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 61 (1989): 341 345 341<br />

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam -- Printed in The Netherlands<br />

Abstract<br />

<strong>AN</strong> <strong>EVALUATION</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>SPOROCARP</strong> <strong>STRUCTURE</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>THE</strong><br />


J.F. WHITE, JR.1 and T.N. TAYLOR 2<br />

1Department of Biology, Auburn University at Montgomery, Montgomery, AL 36193 (U.S.A.)<br />

2Department of Botany, The Ohio State University, Columbus OH 43210 (U.S.A.)<br />

(Received March 13, 1989; revised and accepted June 5, 1989)<br />

White Jr., J.F. and Taylor, T.N., 1989. An evaluation of sporocarp structure in the Triassic fungus Endochaetophora.<br />

Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol., 61: 341-345.<br />

Morphological and anatomical studies are made of three fossil fungi from silicified peat deposits of Triassic age from<br />

Antarctica. Structural features of sporocarps are evaluated and compared to those of the previously described<br />

Triassic fungus Endochaetophora antarctica. Features exhibited by these fossils suggests that they may be related to<br />

E. antarctica. Increasingly evidence is accumulating that this type of fossil fungus is not related to the Ascomycotina,<br />

but rather to an independent group, of which the extant Endogonaceae may be the sparse descendents.<br />

Introduction<br />

In recent years several investigators have<br />

demonstrated that a wealth of information<br />

about the natural history of fungi is available<br />

from the fossil record (e.g., Dilcher, 1965;<br />

Piorzynski, 1976; Wagner and Taylor, 1982;<br />

Stubblefield et al., 1983; Taylor and White,<br />

1989). The extraction of this information has<br />

proven to be a slow process due in part to the<br />

fact that most fungal specimens are incom-<br />

pletely preserved and accurate interpretation<br />

of morphology is often problematical. Interpre-<br />

tation of structure is usually done under the<br />

assumption that the fossil is classifiable in one<br />

of the major groups of extant fungi (e.g.,<br />

Ascomycotina, Basidiomycotina, Zygomyco-<br />

tina). If a fossil possesses an enclosed sporo-<br />

carp resembling a cleistothecium or perithe-<br />

cium it is usually interpreted as ascomycetous,<br />

since it is primarily the Ascomycotina which<br />

produce such structures. This approach in<br />

paleomycology is in part supported by the<br />

0034/6667/89/$03.50 © 1989 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.<br />

belief that fungi are simple and evolutionarily<br />

primative groups of organisms in which evolu-<br />

tionary change has been conservative, i.e., that<br />

fungi evolved relatively early and changed<br />

little since their origins.<br />

The idea of conservative evolution of fungi<br />

may be a fundamental source of error in<br />

paleomycology since it assumes that extinc-<br />

tions of major fungal groups has not occurred.<br />

Fossil evidence evaluated to date suggests that<br />

this assumption may be incorrect (Taylor and<br />

White, 1989). The peculiar morphologies of<br />

several fossil fungi, such as Traquairia, Sporo-<br />

carpon and Mycocarpon, from Paleozoic sedi-<br />

ments do not correspond to extant species of<br />

fungi (Stubblefield and Taylor, 1983; Stub-<br />

blefield et al., 1983; Taylor and White, 1989).<br />

This fact raises the possibility that periodic<br />

extinctions, comparable to those hypothesized<br />

for other groups of organisms, may have<br />

occurred in fungi. This possibility compounds<br />

the problem of the identification of fossil fungi<br />

and suggests the need to reevaluate the

342<br />

structural and morphological organization of<br />

many fossil fungi.<br />

Recent studies of Triassic sediments from<br />

Antarctica have revealed the presence of a<br />

fossil fungus possessing sporocarps resembling<br />

perithecia of ascomycetes. This fossil was<br />

given the binomial Endochaetophora antarctica<br />

White et Taylor and suggested to be ascomyce-<br />

tous, or ancestral to that group (White and<br />

Taylor, 1988). After the original description of<br />

this fossil, three additional specimens<br />

possessing characters similar to those of E. an-<br />

tarctica were discovered. In this paper the<br />

structural features of these fossils are evalu-<br />

ated and compared to those of the original<br />

E. antarctica.<br />

Materials and methods<br />

Specimens are preserved as silicified permin-<br />

eralizations collected from the Fremouw Peak<br />

locality of the Transantarctic Mountains<br />

(Smoot et al., 1985). These sediments are<br />

included in the Beacon Supergroup and re-<br />

garded as early-middle Triassic (Barrett, 1969;<br />

Barrett and Elliot, 1972). Specimens were<br />

prepared for examination using hydrofluoric<br />

acid-etched cellulose acetate peels mounted on<br />

microscope slides. The peels and slides are<br />

deposited in the Paleobotanical collections of<br />

The Ohio State University under the acquisi-<br />

tion numbers 18,836-18,842. Comparative data<br />

is presented in tabular form (Table I).<br />

Results and discussion<br />

Previously described features of E. antarc-<br />

tica include the following compliment of fea-<br />

tures: sporocarp wall composed of three cellu-<br />

lar layers, hyphal appendages possessing nar-<br />

row lumina embedded in the sporocarp wall,<br />

uneven development of the middle layer of the<br />

wall, ostiole and spherical spores. While it is<br />

evident that the specimens described in this<br />

paper are not identical to E. antarctica they<br />

show many similar features, including size and<br />

shape of the sporocarp, multilayered nature of<br />

sporocarp wall, size of wall cells and the<br />

presence of hyphal appendages in wall (Ta-<br />

bleI). The similarities between these speci-<br />

mens and E. antarctica suggests that they may<br />

be related and may be considered congeneric.<br />

Structural studies of these specimens may give<br />

insights concerning development and phylo-<br />

genetic affinities of Endochaetophora.<br />

Specimen 1 (Plate I, 1 3) is represented by<br />

only two sporocarps which appear to have fully<br />

developed tripartite walls. The middle layer of<br />

the wall is composed of cells that compare in<br />

size and shape to those in E. antarctica, how-<br />

ever, the inner and outer layers are acellular,<br />

in contrast to those layers in E. antarctica<br />

which are cellular or porus (Table I). Hyphal<br />

appendages in E. antarctica appeared to con-<br />

tain narrow lumina (White and Taylor, 1988),<br />

while there is no evidence of narrow lumina in<br />

appendages of these specimens (Plate I, 3, 5). It<br />

is possible that what was initially interpreted<br />

as a narrow lumen in hyphae of E. antarctica<br />

may instead be a preservational artifact.<br />

Specimen 2 (Plate I, 4, 5) is represented by<br />

several sporocarps demonstrating a range of<br />

development stages. These stages suggest a<br />

method of sporocarp development in Endochae-<br />

tophora. Immature sporocarps are globose and<br />

surrounded only by a thin wall which bears<br />

hyphal extensions (Plate I, 5). Within this pre-<br />

existing wall, a new layer forms and thickens<br />

irregularly so that the sporocarp wall is<br />

unevenly thickened in partially developed<br />

structures. The presence of hyphal appendages<br />

on the sporocarps prior to formation of the<br />

middle layer of the wall (Plate I, 5) suggests<br />

that the appendages may have functioned to<br />

provide a skeletal support network for the<br />

developing sporocarp wall. The appendages<br />

also may have anchored the sporocarps in an<br />

extracellular matrix which is suggested to<br />

have been present surrounding the specimens<br />

due to the absence of debris around many of<br />

the developing specimens (Plate I, 4, 5).<br />

Specimen 3 (Plate I, 6, 7) is preserved in what<br />

appears to be an assemblage of similar sporo-<br />

carps. However, these sporocarps were some-<br />

what different from those of the other speci-<br />

mens in that hyphal appendages are rarely

TABLE I<br />

Characteristics of Endochaetophora sporocarps<br />

Criteria Specimen 1 Specimen 2 Specimen 3 Endochaetophora<br />

antarctica 1<br />

Sporocarp shape globose globose globose globose<br />

Sporocarp size (diam) (290)300- (310)350 (200)255- 350-500 IJm<br />

Sporocarp wall<br />

370(400) ~m 400(450) ~m 400(450) ~m<br />

No. of layers<br />

Composition<br />

and thickness<br />

of wall layers<br />

3 3 2 3<br />

Inner layer acellular, acellular, acellular, porus or cellular(?),<br />

6 20 ~m 3 5 ~m 5 7 pm 11 18 ~m<br />

Middle layer cellular, unknown, cellular, cellular,<br />

45-60 ~m 9-80 ~m 19-70 ~m 55-76 ~tm<br />

Outer layer acellular, acellular, not evident porus or cellular(?),<br />

6-20 ~un 2-4 ~tm 11-14 ~m<br />

Size (diam) (4)5-6(8) ~m cells not (2)4 6(10) ~m 3-10 ~m<br />

of cells<br />

in middle<br />

layer of wall<br />

Hyphal<br />

appendages<br />

preserved<br />

Frequency frequent frequent infrequent frequent<br />

Diameter (8)9-10(14) pm (6)8-10(11) pm (5)6 10(12) ~m 5-10 lam<br />

1 Characteristic of E. antarctica are those given by White and Taylor (1988).<br />

encountered and sporocarp walls seem to<br />

contain only two layers (Table I). This speci-<br />

men has an acellular inner wall layer and a<br />

cellular outer wall layer (Plate I, 7) which<br />

compares structurally to the cellular middle<br />

wall layer of E. antarctica.<br />

The walls of ascomycete sporocarps are<br />

usually composed of pseudoparenchyma de-<br />

rived from interwoven hyphae. Individual cells<br />

in these walls often show a tangential flatten-<br />

ing due to the shear of sporocarp expansion.<br />

The cells in the wall of Endochaetophora<br />

sporocarps are not tangentially flattened (Pla-<br />

te I, 2, 7). This suggests that sporocarps of this<br />

fossil fungus developed differently from the<br />

usual method of ascocarp development in<br />

which the wall forms before the sporocarp<br />

expands. Endochaetophora sporocarps prob-<br />

ably enlarged to near maximum size before the<br />

cells of the middle wall layer proliferated, thus<br />

the cells were not subjected to shear of<br />

sporocarp expansion and did not become tan-<br />

343<br />

gentially compressed like the pseudoparen-<br />

chyma of ascomycetes. Whether the cells of the<br />

middle wall layer of these fossils are pseudo-<br />

parenchymatous, i.e., derived from interwoven<br />

hyphae, is difficult to assess with the present<br />

material, however, interwoven hyphae have<br />

not been observed in sporocarps.<br />

Occasionally sporocarps of Endochaetophora<br />

contain spores (e.g., E. antarctica; White and<br />

Taylor, 1988), however, typically the sporocarps<br />

are empty. The absence of spores is difficult to<br />

explain since one would expect that spores,<br />

which are often resistant propagules, would<br />

preserve readily. Perhaps spores are not differ-<br />

entiated within the sporocarp until just before<br />

they are released. If this is the case, most<br />

sporocarps either may not yet have produced<br />

spores, or may have already released them.<br />

With so little known about Endochaetophora<br />

it is impossible to accurately classify it.<br />

However, features of its development are<br />

inconsistent with those of the Ascomycotina to

• ' ...... *<br />


which it superficially bears some resemblance.<br />

Since we know of no other morphological<br />

equivalent among extant species of fungi it<br />

seems evident that the fungi we identify as<br />

Endochaetophora have become extinct. In a<br />

previous article (Taylor and White, 1989) we<br />

suggested that Endochaetophora may have<br />

affinities to the zygomycete family Endogona-<br />

ceae. This suggestion is based on: (1) the<br />

presence of an acellular inner wall layer<br />

(Plate I, 7), much like the wall of Glomus<br />

chlamydospores, (2) the presence of a cellular<br />

wall layer (Plate I, 2, 7) which may be equivalent<br />

to the cellular mantles of zygospores of extant<br />

species of Endogone (Gerdemann and Trappe,<br />

1974) and (3) the abundance of fungi in Triassic<br />

peat which corresponds to extant species of<br />

Endogonaceae (White and Taylor, 1989).<br />

Evidence is beginning to accumulate which<br />

suggests that extant members of the Endogo-<br />

nales may represent relicts of a larger group of<br />

fungi which may have been important in the<br />

terrestrial environment prior to widespread<br />

diversification of the Ascomycotina in the<br />

Tertiary (Pirozynski, 1976; Taylor and White,<br />

1989; White and Taylor, 1989). The continued<br />

study of fossil fungi, including their distribution<br />

in time and space will no doubt yield new dis-<br />

coveries of forms which will elucidate some of<br />

the complexities associated with their evolution.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

This research was supported by a National<br />

Science Foundation grant (BSR-8516323).<br />

PLATE I<br />

References<br />

345<br />

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volcanoclastic Prebble Formation, Beardmore Glacier<br />

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1. Collapsed sporocarp of specimen 1, C.B 540A (bot-1), × 176.<br />

2. Detail of wall of specimen 1 showing acellular nature of the inner and outer wall layers (arrows) and cellular structure<br />

of the middle wall layer, C.B. 540A (bot-1), × 1100.<br />

3. Detail of specimen 1 showing cross-sections of hyphal appendages (arrow) embedded in wall, C.B. 540A (bot-1), × 1100.<br />

4. Partially developed sporocarp of specimen 2 showing unevenly thickened wall. The arrow indicates a thin area of the wall<br />

where numerous appendages attach, C.B. 10,236C (bot-2), × 176.<br />

5. Detail of wall of specimen 2 showing attachment of appendages, C.B. 10,236C (bot-2) x 350.<br />

6. Partially developed sporocarp of specimen 3, C.B. 10,028G (top-2), × 176.<br />

7. Detail near a rupture in the sporocarp wall of specimen 3 showing the acellular inner wall layer (arrow) surrounded by a<br />

layer composed of numerous cells, C.B. 10,028G (top-2), × 410.

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