AUCTION CATALOGUE By order of Pennant Clothing Limited Due to Closure of their Fine Gauge Knitwear Manufacturing Plant (Ex Jaeger Manufacturing Facility) LIVE AND WEBCAST AUCTION SALE FULLY FASHIONED AND CNC KNITTING MACHINES, CNC EMBROIDERY MACHINES, SEWING AND NECK LINKING MACHINES, COMPRESSORS AND GENERAL FACTORY EQUIPMENT To Be Sold In Lots At: Pennant Clothing Limited, Penn Street, Belper, Derbyshire, DE56 1GG, UK On: Tuesday 8 th June 2004 At: 11:00am On View: Monday 7 th June 2004 from 9:30am to 4:30pm and on morning of sale

<strong>AUCTION</strong> <strong>CATALOGUE</strong><br />

By order of Pennant Clothing Limited<br />

Due to Closure of their Fine Gauge Knitwear Manufacturing Plant<br />

(Ex Jaeger Manufacturing Facility)<br />

LIVE AND WEBCAST <strong>AUCTION</strong> SALE<br />





AND<br />


To Be Sold In Lots At:<br />

Pennant Clothing Limited, Penn Street, Belper,<br />

Derbyshire, DE56 1GG, UK<br />

On: Tuesday 8 th June 2004<br />

At: 11:00am<br />

On View: Monday 7 th June 2004 from 9:30am to 4:30pm<br />

and on morning of sale


1. These Conditions together with those set out in the Notice to Purchasers appearing in this catalogue are<br />

the only terms and conditions subject to which Henry Butcher International Limited (”the Auctioneer”) as<br />

agent for the Vendor will sell goods to a purchaser (“the Bidder”) and all other conditions, whether express,<br />

or implied at common law or by statute as are capable of lawful exclusion are hereby excluded.<br />

2. The Auctioneer may at its discretion or upon the instruction of the Vendor:<br />

(a) Alter or withdraw all or any lots referred to in this auction catalogue up to the moment at which the<br />

hammer falls in relation to such lot(s).<br />

(b) Where a reserve has been placed on any lot, withdraw that lot in the event that the highest bid price<br />

does not meet the reserve.<br />

(c) Where two or more consecutive lots are similar in quantity and description offer a choice on any<br />

subsequent lots to the bidder at the same price.<br />

(d) Bid for any lot or lots offered for sale at the Auction.<br />

3. Each lot shall be sold to the highest bidder and in the event of any dispute arising between bidders<br />

such dispute shall be dealt with in such manner as the Auctioneer may in its absolute discretion<br />

determine.<br />

4. Bidding shall be regulated by the Auctioneer in such manner as it may think fit and, without prejudice to<br />

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5. The Purchaser will pay to the Auctioneer such premium on the “Hammer Price” as stipulated in the<br />

Notice To Purchasers attached hereto, to which will be added Value Added Tax (“VAT”) at the current<br />

rate. The premium is not negotiable and is payable by all purchasers. The Auctioneer, when acting as<br />

agent for the Vendor, may also receive commission from the Vendor.<br />

6. (a) Immediately following the fall of the hammer the Bidder may be required to pay the Auctioneer in<br />

cash or in whatever form the Auctioneer may agree 25 per cent of the price of each lot which it has<br />

purchased and will supply the Auctioneer with whatever information the latter may require concerning<br />

the identity and place of abode/incorporation/centre of main business interest of the Bidder. Deposits<br />

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at the sale;<br />

(b) The balance of purchase monies due will be paid to the Auctioneer on or before the date specified<br />

in the Notice to Purchasers.<br />

(c) All lots will be cleared by the Bidder from the premises at which they are sold (subject to the<br />

conditions set out in Paragraph 7 hereof) not later than the time and date specified in the Notice to<br />

Purchasers and this condition shall be of the essence of the contract.<br />

(d) Should the Bidder fail to comply with any of the foregoing requirements the lot or lots which have<br />

been knocked down to him or any part thereof may be re-offered for sale, destroyed or otherwise<br />

disposed of by the Auctioneer in any manner as it shall in its absolute discretion deem fit, and any<br />

deposits paid shall be forfeit;<br />

(e) Without prejudice to any claims that the Auctioneer and/or the Vendor may have against the Bidder<br />

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incidental to re-selling and/or otherwise disposing of uncleared items.<br />

7. (a) The Bidder will only remove lots from the Vendor’s premises by previous arrangement with, and<br />

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until all sums due in respect thereof have been paid;<br />

(c) If, in the Auctioneer’s opinion, removal of any lot or part thereof will be likely to cause serious<br />

damage to the Vendor’s premises, or any other damage which the Bidder is either unable or unwilling<br />

to rectify, the Auctioneer may by notice to the Bidder rescind the sale of such lot or permit the removal<br />

thereof from the premises to proceed subject to such conditions as it may think fit to impose pursuant<br />

to Paragraph 8 hereof;

(d) Should any party claim possession of or title to all or part of a lot prior to its removal from the<br />

Vendor’s premises, the Auctioneer reserves the right to rescind the sale thereof or to permit the<br />

removal thereof from the Vendor’s premises subject to such conditions as it may see fit to impose.<br />

8. The Bidder will be responsible for all damage that it, its carriers or its agents may do to the property of<br />

any third party (and in particular, to the Vendor’s premises) in removing the lot(s) it has purchased.<br />

Should the Auctioneer consider such damage likely to occur, it may require the Bidder to deposit such<br />

sum of money with the Auctioneer, by way of security for the costs of reinstating that part of the<br />

premises likely to be damaged by the removal of a lot, as the Auctioneer may require. Should the<br />

Bidder refuse to deposit such monies, the Auctioneer may refuse the Bidder access to the Vendor’s<br />

premises for the purpose of collecting all or any of the lots it has purchased, or rescind the sale of such<br />

lot pursuant to Clause 7(c) above.<br />

9. (a) The Bidder is on risk once the hammer falls and is strongly advised to effect insurance at once.<br />

Upon the fall of the hammer the Bidder shall assume all risks in and relating to such lots. The Bidder is<br />

advised to effect in respect of all such risks arising thereafter any insurance it may consider necessary.<br />

The duty of the Auctioneer and/or the Vendor to deliver lots shall be deemed performed upon the fall of<br />

the hammer even if a lot is subsequently damaged and/or part thereof has been lost.<br />

(b) Property in each lot shall not pass to the Bidder until (i) full payment therefore has been made or<br />

(where payment or part payment is made by cheque) until the cheque(s) in question have been cleared<br />

and (ii) each such lot has been removed from the premises in its entirety.<br />

10. The Vendor and the Auctioneer shall not be liable in respect of any claim whether in contract or in tort<br />

(other than claims in respect of injury to persons arising out of the negligence of the Vendor or<br />

Auctioneer) by the Bidder arising out of or in, any way in connection with the sale or purported sale of<br />

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may be) paid by the Bidder in respect of the goods which are the subject of the claim.<br />

11. All goods are sold with all faults and imperfections and errors of description. Illustrations in catalogues<br />

are for identification only. The Auctioneer has used its reasonable endeavours to ensure that the<br />

description of each lot(s) appearing in this catalogue are accurate, but the Bidder relies upon such<br />

description at its own risk. Bidders should satisfy themselves prior to the sale as to the condition of the<br />

lot and should exercise and rely on their judgment as to whether the lot accords with its description. No<br />

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express or implied conditions or warranties are hereby excluded.<br />

12. The price at which the Bidder purchases each lot will be exclusive of the premium (payable under<br />

clause 5) and VAT. Where the Bidder intends any lot to be exported outside the UK a refund of VAT<br />

will (subject to what-ever regulations made from time to time may be in force) be available upon the<br />

production by the Bidder of such proof of the export as the Auctioneer may require.<br />

13. The Vendor and the Auctioneer hereby severally exclude liability for any accident or injury, howsoever<br />

arising, sustained by any person or persons who may attend at the premises for the purpose of the<br />

auction, inspection, purchase, collection or any other business.<br />

14. Certain lots have been included on behalf of other clients in this sale by kind permission of the Vendor.<br />

15. Delivery of lot(s) purchased by the Bidder (which shall be at the sole expense of the Bidder) may not be<br />

required by him outside normal business hours and is to be made within a reasonable time following<br />

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any legal proceedings for the removal of any such aforesaid impediment to delivery of lot(s) which<br />

might in its own judgement exacerbate the matter or be detrimental to its own reputation or goodwill.<br />

16. It is expressly brought to the Bidder’s attention that, at the time of sale, any item of plant, machinery or<br />

equipment contained in the lot(s) may not necessarily comply with the Health and Safety at Work Etc.<br />

Act 1974, Environmental Protection Act 1990 or any other UK and/or EEC Act or Acts or Regulations<br />

there under governing the use of that plant, machinery or equipment in a working environment.<br />

Successful Bidders for any such plant, machinery or equipment are hereby required to ensure that the<br />

use of any such plant and equipment at a place of work within the UK or EEC does not contravene<br />

such relevant Act or Regulation there under applicable thereto. The Purchaser undertakes to take<br />

steps sufficient to ensure the lot will be safe and without risks to Health & Safety when properly used<br />

and thereby relieves the Vendor and Auctioneer from any Health & Safety duties imposed by sub<br />

section 1A of Clause 6 of the Health & Safety 1974 Act.<br />

17. It is expressly brought to the Bidder’s attentions that certain types of plant or main service installations<br />

could contain blue or white asbestos, dangerous chemicals, etc. which if not handled correctly during<br />

their removal from the site could be in breach of the Health and Safety at Work Etc. Act 1974 Section<br />

2-9 and Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1988 (COSHH) or any other current<br />

legislations covering the use of such substances in a working environment.<br />

18. The Bidder must comply with all current legislations and regulations in relation to the removal/disposal<br />

of waste including hazardous waste and may be required to satisfy the Auctioneer in relation to their<br />

disposal/removal procedures. Where waste materials are removed all work must be undertaken by an<br />

approved and licensed contractor.<br />

19. Where the Bidder loads any item of plant, machinery or equipment contained in a lot or lots to remove it<br />

from the site, the Auctioneer shall be under no liability whatsoever to the Bidder or any third party for<br />

any damage however so caused by the removal and the Bidder shall be responsible for and indemnify<br />

the Auctioneer against any damage or loss which the Auctioneer may suffer or incur in respect of loss,<br />

damage or injury suffered by the Bidder’s employees or any third party arising from the removal of the<br />

plant, machinery or equipment. The Bidder shall indemnify the Auctioneer against any loss damage<br />

suffered by the Auctioneer which directly or indirectly is attributable to the nature of the plant,<br />

equipment or machinery acquired by the Bidder whether through breakage rust decay, desiccation,<br />

leakage wastage, inherent or latent defect or vice or nature deterioration.<br />

20. The Bidder acknowledges that any software or intellectual property rights attaching to a lot or lots may<br />

not be the property of the Vendor or capable of transfer by the Vendor and that neither the Vendor nor<br />

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shall be at the Bidder’s sole risk.<br />

21. These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and any<br />

disputes will be decided only by the English courts.


1. Useful Tel. No’s Site Manager: John Overton Tel. +44 (0) 7899 833 983<br />

Auction Accounts: Tel +44 (0) 20 7098 3700 Fax +44 (0) 20 7098 3795<br />

2. Directions: From the North:<br />

Exit M1 Motorway at Junction 28 onto the A38 (signposted Derby). Continue until<br />

junction with the A610 (signposted Ripley / Ambergate). At the roundabout take the<br />

A610 signposted to Ambergate. Continue for approximately 1 mile turn left at<br />

excavator public house (signposted Heage / Belper – B6013). At ‘T’ Junction (with<br />

White Hart Public House on the left) take the right turn and follow B6013 to Belper.<br />

After a sharp left hand turn take the left hand slip road into Penn Street. Pennant<br />

Clothing Ltd can be found immediately on your right hand side.<br />

From the South;<br />

Exit M1 Motorway at Junction 26 onto A610 (signposted Ripley). Continue for 7.7<br />

miles until traffic lights in Codnor. Turn right and continue on A610 (signposted Ripley /<br />

Matlock). After 1.4 miles turn right at roundabout and straight on at 3 rd roundabout. At<br />

next roundabout take the A610 signposted to Ambergate (passing under the A38).<br />

Continue for approximately 1 mile turn left at excavator public house (signposted<br />

Heage / Belper – B6013). At ‘T’ Junction (with White Hart Public House on the left)<br />

take the right turn and follow B6013 to Belper. After a sharp left hand turn take the left<br />

hand slip road into Penn Street. Pennant Clothing Ltd can be found immediately on<br />

your right hand side.<br />

3. Viewing: The Lots may be viewed Monday 7 th June 2004 between the hours of 9:30am to<br />

4:30pm and throughout the sale or if necessary by prior appointment.<br />

4. Refreshments Light refreshments will be available at the sale.<br />

5. Sale Procedure: All Attendees must register giving their full United Kingdom address and telephone<br />

number. All attendees will be asked for secondary forms of identification i.e. Driver’s<br />

License, Bank Reference, etc. Following the completion of registration procedures a<br />

bid card will be issued under which purchases will be made. You are responsible for all<br />

bids made under this number. IMPORTANT – Once a bid number is issued you will<br />

have signed to acknowledge the conditions under which your bid is accepted. If in<br />

doubt, these conditions are available in the catalogue, on the sale site or at any of the<br />

Henry Butcher International Limited Offices.<br />

6. Buyers Premium: The Buyer will pay to the Auctioneer a premium of 12.5% on the “Hammer Price” to<br />

which will be added Value Added Tax at the current rate. The Premium is not<br />

negotiable and is payable by all purchasers. The Auctioneer, when acting as Agent for<br />

the Seller, may also receive Commission from the seller. All items purchased through<br />

the Webcast Facility are subject to a Buyers Premium of 16%.<br />




Cheques and Bank Drafts should be made payable to “Henry Butcher<br />

International Ltd”<br />

Cash, Telegraphic Transfer:<br />

Bank details for telegraphic transfer:<br />

Account: Henry Butcher Client Account 3<br />

Account Number: 2042 0603<br />

Sort Code: 20-37-75<br />

Bank: Barclays Bank Plc

Bank Address: Barclays Bank Business Centre<br />

99 Hatton Garden<br />

London EC1N 8DN<br />

International Swift Code: BARCGB22<br />

8. Deposits:<br />

Bankers Draft, Building Society cheque - which will be subject to verification.<br />

Cheques – cheques not accompanied by a letter from your bank stating the amount to<br />

which your cheque will be honoured will be subject to a special clearance surcharge of<br />

£10.00.<br />


In accordance with The Auction Conditions of Sale the Auctioneer reserves the right to<br />

request a deposit to be paid. Non UK buyers must lodge a £500 cash deposit with the<br />

Auctioneer prior to registration. See Notice No. 17 on Motor Vehicles.<br />

9. Buying Order: For the convenience of buyers who may wish to make purchases, but who do not wish<br />

to attend the sale, the auctioneer will arrange to bid on their behalf. Please complete<br />

the form at the rear of this catalogue. The Auctioneer shall not be liable for any<br />

neglect, default or failure in executing bids. There is a minimum bid of £25.00 per lot<br />

and viewing is strongly recommended.<br />

10. Risk: The Bidder is on risk once the hammer falls and is strongly advised to effect insurance<br />

at once.<br />

Purchasers should note that all Henry Butcher lot display boxes are for display<br />

purposes ONLY. They are not intended for transportation of contents.<br />

11. Clearance: All lots to be cleared without fail by Friday 18 th June 2004. Any lots not cleared Friday<br />

11 th June 2004 will be subject to progress chasing. Purchasers of retained lots will be<br />

notified as and when lots become available. You should ensure that any haulier holds<br />

sufficient insurance cover for ‘Public Liability and Goods in Transit.’ Copies of the<br />

insurance cover should be made available to Henry Butcher Site Supervisor before<br />

removal of goods from site.<br />

Note certain Lots may be available for clearance during the auction at the discretion of<br />

the Site Manager upon receipt of funds.<br />

The premises will be open 9.00am to 4.30pm Monday to Thursday and 9.00am to<br />

3.00pm Friday.<br />

Health & Safety<br />

Depending on the size of the removal programme, it may be that certain projects will<br />

come under the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) assuming the role of the client under<br />

Construction, Design, and Management Regulations 1994 (CDM). This will be where<br />

walls, roofs, or major structural movement may take place. Any plant movement<br />

involving more than a “Lift & Shift” situation needs to be referred to Henry Butcher<br />

International Health & Safety Officer before a “Permit to Work” is issued.<br />

Clearance of all Lots must be undertaken in accordance with current Health and Safety<br />

at Work Regulations and, where necessary, Construction, Design, & Management<br />

Regulations 1994 (CDM). You may have to provide a “Work Method Statement” and<br />

“Risk Assessment” approved by a Henry Butcher Health and Safety Officer via the site<br />

supervisor, prior to the removal of any Lots. Henry Butcher reserve the right to halt<br />

clearance if they feel in their opinion, it is being carried out in an unsafe manner or<br />

without an approved “Method statement” and “Risk assessment”, as stated.<br />

Disconnection/ Oil / Liquid Removal<br />

Electrical disconnections from the MAINS supply are the responsibility of the<br />

purchaser, unless stated otherwise, and MUST be carried out by an Approved<br />


Any fluids remaining in the machine at the time of purchase are the responsibility of the<br />

purchaser and MUST be removed from site to conform with “COSHH” (Control of<br />

Substances Hazardous to Health) regulations.<br />

12. Buyers Choice Where similar lots are indicated in the catalogue the Auctioneer may offer Buyers<br />

Choice. This allows the successful bidder to choose which (or all) lots in a given run<br />

they would like on a per lot basis taken either in or out of sequence.<br />

13. Transfer of Lots The Auctioneer will only accept payment from and permit removal of lots purchased by<br />

the Purchaser successfully bidding at the sale or its agent acting for the purchaser.<br />

14. Value Added Tax Purchasers will be charged Value Added Tax at the current rates on the amount of their<br />

purchases and the buyers premium.<br />

15. Recording Please note this sale is recorded and we reserve the right to use the recordings to<br />

assist with resolving disputes or legal issues as appropriate.<br />

16. Conditions of sale The attention of Purchasers is drawn to the Conditions of Sale included in this<br />

Catalogue<br />

17. Motor Vehicles Purchasers must satisfy themselves and make their own arrangements to ensure<br />

that any vehicles purchased comply with the 1991 Road Traffic Act as well as<br />

any current Road Traffic Legislation. All purchasers will sign an indemnity form<br />

prior to removal and Henry Butcher make no claim or warranty as to the<br />

roadworthiness of any vehicle.<br />

Recorded mileage’s are only given for information purposes and must not be relied<br />

upon as indicating the actual mileage run by any vehicle.<br />

Unless prior arrangements are made with the auctioneers a deposit, the greater of<br />

£250 or 10% of the bid price will be required from the purchaser at the fall of the<br />

hammer.<br />

No vehicles can be collected until the auctioneers receive cleared funds in full.<br />

18. Purchase of The Auctioneers draw to the attention of buyers contemplating purchasing goods<br />

goods through a through a finance company that arrangements should be made well in advance<br />

Finance Company of the Sale so they may make payment in accordance with the Conditions of Sale.<br />

19. Indivisible Loads Successful Purchasers must obtain the necessary permission (i.e. Police, Ministry of<br />

Transport, Local Authority) to transport off site loads (long/wide loads) within sufficient<br />

time prior to the commencement of clearance of those items, in order to comply with<br />

the clearance period as stated in the Notice to Purchasers.<br />

20. Overseas Purchasers<br />

Overseas Purchasers must register showing or providing details of:<br />

1) Their passport(s).<br />

2) One other method confirming their identity, i.e. drivers licence, name, address, UK<br />

Agent (if any), telephone and fax numbers.<br />

3) Full details of their National Bank and their UK corresponding bank.<br />

4) Details from their bank confirming method of payment etc.<br />

Please also ensure that:<br />

5) Your country, or the country to which the items are destined, holds no import<br />

restrictions on the goods that you wish to purchase.<br />

6) The country has no import licence restrictions or a restriction on currency allocation.<br />

7) The country has no prolonged inspection procedure which might cause excessive<br />

delay in allowing your goods to be imported.<br />

8) You receive a fully-descriptive invoice in order that you may arrange payment as<br />

soon as possible with our bank. Barclays Bank Plc, Barclays Bank Business Centre,<br />

99 Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8DN.

9) You employ a reputable freight-forwarding organisation. Please note that many of<br />

the machinery removal companies in this country are not necessarily freight<br />

forwarders. We will be pleased to advise accordingly.<br />

10) You have read the Conditions of Sale<br />

21. Please Note: a) We cannot allow removal of any Lot from the Auction Site until our Accounts<br />

Department has received notification from our bankers a) that your payment has been<br />

properly cleared in full. Monies must be transferred to ourselves within the time stated<br />

in the “Notice to a) Purchasers” on the preceding page.<br />

b) If there are any special arrangements that you wish to make with us, you must<br />

contact us at least three days before the Sale date.<br />


Non EEC Purchasers:<br />

All non EEC Purchasers will be charged VAT at the current rate on each Lot<br />

purchased. This will be refunded to you as soon as we receive a copy of the bill of<br />

lading as proof of export. We are unable to refund the VAT on the Buyers Premium<br />

EEC Registered Companies:<br />

Non United Kingdom based companies registered in the European Economic<br />

Community are exempt from VAT except on the Buyers Premium element, subject to<br />

receipt of the following information:<br />

i.. Company name and address.<br />

ii. Telephone / Fax Number<br />

iii. Contact Name / Position<br />

iv. VAT Number<br />

v. The number allocated to you for intra-EC trade (where applicable)<br />

vi. A letter of assurance from a freight forwarder confirming that they will provide<br />

satisfactory documentation proving export.<br />

The above information must be supplied in writing to our office: New London Bridge<br />

House, 25 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9BQ. For the attention of Miss Vicky<br />

Thomas on your official Company notepaper and signed by the contact name quoted.<br />




If you intend to export your purchases using your own transport (either by Sea or Air)<br />

then VAT will be levied and refunded upon receipt of satisfactory documentation.<br />

Henry Butcher reserve the right to refuse to accept the bid of any attendee<br />

should they be unable to satisfy Henry Butcher on any of the above.



1. Go to You will see the “Pennant Clothing Limited” sale listed on the home<br />

page.<br />

2. Click the link for “Pennant Clothing Limited” sale and you will be transferred to the auction list.<br />

3. Select the ‘‘register here’’ option and then complete the registration form. Please ensure that you<br />

read and accept the Terms and Conditions of sale.<br />

4. As part of the approval process you are requested to fax the fully completed ‘’Payment Details’’ form<br />

to Henry Butcher at the following no: +44 (0) 207 098 3796.<br />

5. Upon approval you will receive an email confirming your participation and containing instructions for<br />

the bidding via the GoIndustry Webcast<br />


Once you have been approved you will have the opportunity to place proxy bids. To do this, please<br />

follow these instructions:<br />

1. Click on the link for proxy bidding that is contained in your approval e-mail.<br />

2. Login using your username and password.<br />

3. Go through the list of lots and enter your bid in the field to the right of the lot description.<br />

4. Activate the ‘’Save’’ button to save your entries before moving on to the next page of lots.<br />

5. When you are finished entering your proxy bids activate the ‘’Submit Proxy Bids’’. This information<br />

will then be sent to GoIndustry.<br />

6. Please note proxy bidding will be available until 18.00pm BST on the day prior to the start of auction.<br />


1. Go to you will see the “Pennant Clothing Limited” listed on the home page.<br />

2. Click on the link for the “Pennant Clothing Limited” sale and you will be transferred to the auction list.<br />

3. Select the ‘’Login’’ option. This will take you to the login page where you should enter your<br />

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4. Following from this, a small Java applet (a computer application needed to run WebCast) will be<br />

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6. You will now see the bidding applet on your screen.<br />

7. There are 2 ways to place a bid:<br />

a. Activate the ‘’Place Bid’’, to place a bid in relation to the auctioneer’s increment.<br />

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8. For more detailed bidding instructions we recommend you read the Webcast instructions that you<br />

will find on on the auction-listing page in the section ‘’WebCast Instructions’’.<br />


You will receive your invoice confirming your purchases by fax on the day after the sale. All items<br />

purchased through the Webcast Facility are subject to a Buyers Premium of 16%.<br />


The Internet is not foolproof and a number of factors such as the speed of your modem, the<br />

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Whilst all efforts have been made to ensure fast data transfer from the site neither Henry<br />

Butcher or GoIndustry can accept responsibility for equipment failure or loss of connection from<br />

the site.<br />

For all other technical enquiries relating to Internet bidding contact:<br />

Henry Butcher IT Support: +44 (0) 20 7098 3793<br />

Webcast Payment Enquiries: +44 (0) 7775 697 533




Bonis SK51 “Never Stop” Cup Seaming Machine<br />

Rimoldi COV/Gro Cup Seaming Machine<br />

Rimoldi 053/00/03 Cup Seaming Machine<br />

Rimoldi 155/00/02 Cup Seaming Machine<br />

Rimoldi Cup Seaming Machine (Qty 3)<br />

Rimoldi 33-Cup Seaming Machine<br />


Rimoldi ‘327’ Over Locking Machine (Qty 2)<br />

Brother ‘EF4 B438-7’ Over Locking Machine<br />

Brother ‘EF4 B531’ Over Locking Machine<br />

Brother ‘LK3 B430-4’ Bartack Machine (Qty 3)<br />

Brother ‘LK3 B438-2’, ‘LK3 B826’ & ‘LK3 B432’ Bartack Machines (Qty 3)<br />


Brother LK3 B438-2 Button Sewing Machine<br />

Brother LK3 B438-7 Button Sewing Machine<br />

Union Lewis ‘160-20’ Tabbing Machine (Qty 7)<br />


Juki ‘LBH783’ Button Holer Machine (Qty 4)<br />


Juki ‘DDL-5550-4’ Programmable Lockstitch Machine with Juki E.C. 121. Pattern Control (Qty 5)<br />

American ‘G615’ Blindstitch Machine<br />

Strobel ‘K170Y1FD’ Blindstitch Hemming Machine<br />

Lilliput Cording Machine on stand (Qty 4)<br />


ARNDT Technic Mock Linking Machine with Rimoldi 264/00/1Ma-25 Head (Qty 2)<br />

ARNDT Technic Mock Linking Machine with 264/00/1MA 24 Head.<br />

ARNDT Technic Mock Linking Machine with 261/38/2MD07 Head.<br />

ARNDT Technic Mock Linking Machine with Rimoldi 261/30/3mr/27 Head.<br />


IBIS ‘HF59’ Steam Press with ‘T460’ Timer, 900mm & 1800 mm (Qty 3)<br />

IBIS ‘18/8’ Steam Table<br />

Veit Ironing Table and Iron with ‘2335’ Steam Boiler<br />

IBIS Ironing Tables with Irons (Qty 2)<br />

INOX ‘1199’ Ironing Tables with Electrolux Orton Steam Boiler and Irons (Qty 2)<br />

Large Quantity of Garment Stretching Frames<br />

Dromack Spot Cleaning Table With Extraction<br />

Superlite Illuminated Full Garment Examining Machine with Rise and Fall Centre Panel (Qty 7)<br />

CAB ‘ Apollo 3’ Label Printer with Keyboard<br />

Kennett Lasser Size 12 Tailors Dummy


Large Quantities of Operators Mobile Work Piece Stands, Packing and Inspection Benches, Mobile Fibre<br />

Body Work Bins, Mobile Garment Rails, Operators Chairs etc.<br />


Fluid Air ‘Rotopak 47’ Packaged Air Compressor<br />

Ingersoll Rand ‘TMS’ Air Drier<br />


Range of Desks, Filing Cabinets, Meeting Room and Reception Furniture, Personal Computers and<br />

Printers<br />

For Further Information visit our website<br />

Or contact – Jonathan Saville +44 (0) 7774 652404 –


1 A Double Door Steel<br />

Storage Cabinet 900 x 450<br />

and a Glass Fronted Notice<br />

Board 1240 x 940mm High<br />

2 A Proline Refrigerator and<br />

One Other<br />

3 A Vestfrost Chest Freezer<br />

1550 x 600 x 840mm High<br />

4 A Moorwood & Vulcan<br />

'6510670' Grey Enamel<br />

Gas Heated Grill on a<br />

Stand<br />

5 A Moorwood & Vulcan<br />

'COL07' Gas Heated 10<br />

Burner Double Oven<br />

Stainless Steel Cooking<br />

Range<br />

6 A Casio 'CE3410' Cash<br />

Register with Change<br />

Display, Receipt Print Out<br />

and a Wrapmaster '3000'<br />

Film Dispenser<br />

7 Two Mobile Stainless Steel<br />

Kitchen Trolley's<br />

8 A Quantity of Cooking<br />

Utensils, Crockery, Cutlery,<br />

Wall Clock, etc.<br />

9 Five Canteen 4 Seater<br />

Units (Located Backwinder<br />

Room)<br />

10 A Classic 'Tribune'<br />

Unvented Hot Water<br />

System and a Redring<br />

Hand Drier<br />

11 A Double Sink, Double<br />

Drainer Stainless Steel<br />

Sink Unit with Undershelf<br />

1740 x 610 x 900mm High<br />

12 A Preparation Table<br />

Stainless Steel Top with<br />

Can Opener 1830 x 610 x<br />

750mm High<br />

13 A Potato Peeling Machine<br />

and a Scarbrow Potato<br />

Chipper on a Stainless<br />

Steel Table<br />

14 A Moorwood & Vulcan<br />

'AMV/4920' Gas Heated<br />

Six Pan, Two Door<br />

Stainless Steel Serving<br />

Unit<br />

15 A Imperial Gas Heated<br />

Twin Basket Stainless<br />

Steel Deep Fat Fryer 400 x<br />

760 x 1200mm High<br />

16 - 19 Blank Lot<br />


20 A Juki 'LBH783' Button<br />

Holer Machine S/n<br />

XD45619<br />

21 A Brother 'LK3 B430-4'<br />

Bartack Machine S/n<br />

44590380<br />

22 A Brother 'LK3 B438-2'<br />

Button Sewing Machine<br />

S/n 148582897<br />

23 A Brother 'EF4 B531'<br />

Overlocking Machine S/n<br />

531302<br />

24 A Similar Lot<br />

25 A Brother 'LK3 B826-5'<br />

Bartack Machine S/n<br />

229969<br />

26 A Brother 'LT2 B832-405'<br />

Twin Needle Flat Stitch<br />

Machine S/n A2570876<br />

27 A Union Lewis '160-20'<br />

Tabbing Machine S/n<br />

1757378<br />

28 - 31 A Similar Lot<br />

32 A Union Lewis '160-20'<br />

Tabbing Machine (Spares)<br />

S/n 1496410<br />

33 A Union Special '39500AW'<br />

Overlocking Machine S/n<br />

1269193<br />

34 A Rimoldi 'COV1GRD' Cup<br />

Seaming Machine S/n 864<br />

35 A Rimoldi '155/00/02' Cup<br />

Seaming Machine S/n 426<br />

36 A Rimoldi Cup Seaming<br />

Machine S/n 18<br />

37 A Similar Lot<br />

38 A Rimoldi '155/00/01' Cup<br />

Seaming Machine S/n<br />

415329<br />

39 A Similar Lot<br />

40 Blank Lot<br />

41 A Rimoldi Cup Seaming<br />

Machine S/n 218947

42 A Rimoldi '055/COV' Cup<br />

Seaming Machine S/n<br />

86632<br />

43 A Rimoldi '263-46-3MD-05'<br />

Twin Needle Flat Stitch<br />

Machine S/n 646127<br />

44 A Juki 'DDL5550-4'<br />

Programmable<br />

Lockstitch Machine with<br />

Juki 'EC-121' Pattern<br />

Control S/n 23137<br />

45 A Mathbirk 14 Point, 21<br />

Gauge Single Needle Neck<br />

Linker<br />

46 A Similar Lot<br />

47 A Mathbirk 20 Point, 30<br />

Gauge Single Needle Neck<br />

Linker S/n 7962<br />

48 - 56 A Similar Lot<br />

57 A Mathbirk 20 Point, 30<br />

Gauge Single Needle Neck<br />

Linker (Heads Only) S/n<br />

7974 & 7963<br />

58 A Complett '66' 22 Point,<br />

30 Gauge Single Needle<br />

Neck Linker<br />

59 A Similar Lot<br />

60 A Complett '66' 20 Point,<br />

30 Gauge Single Needle<br />

Neck Linker<br />

61 A Complett '66' 14 Point,<br />

21 Gauge Single Needle<br />

Neck Linker<br />

62 A Complett '66' 20 Point,<br />

30 Gauge Single Needle<br />

Neck Linker<br />

63 - 66 A Similar Lot<br />

67 A Complett '66' 20 Point,<br />

30 Gauge Single Needle<br />

Neck Linker (Incomplete)<br />

68 A Complett '66' 14 Point,<br />

21 Gauge Single Needle<br />

Neck Linker<br />

69 - 71 A Similar Lot<br />

72 A Quantity of Neck Linking<br />

Machines (Spares and<br />

Repairs)<br />

73 An ARNDT-Technic Mock<br />

Linking Machine S/n 277<br />

With Rimoldi '264/00/1MA-<br />

25' Head<br />

74 A Similar Lot<br />

75 An ARNDT-Technic Mock<br />

Linking Machine S/n 298<br />

With Rimoldi '261/30/3MR-<br />

27' Head<br />

76 An ARNDT-Technic Mock<br />

Linking Machine With<br />

Rimoldi Head<br />

77 - 78 A Similar Lot<br />

79 A Fusion Press<br />



80 A TAJIMA 'TMEF-HC912'<br />

12 HEAD, 9 THREAD<br />



TABLE S/n 1017-2-1D<br />

(1992)<br />

81 A BARUDAN 'BEJM<br />

U.F.8' 8 HEAD, 5 THREAD<br />



CONTROLLER (1982)<br />



82 A Bentley Cotton 'AE'<br />

Fully Fashioned Knitting<br />

Machine, 12 Section, 30"<br />

x 30g, Welt, 3 Colour<br />

Stripe With PC Control<br />

S/n 1663<br />

83 A Bentley Cotton 'AE'<br />

Fully Fashioned Knitting<br />

Machine, 12 Section, 32"<br />

x 30g, Welt, 3 Colour<br />

Stripe, Lace and Cable<br />

With PC Control S/n 2672<br />

84 A Bentley Cotton 'AE'<br />

Fully Fashioned Knitting<br />

Machine, 12 Section, 32"<br />

x 30g, 3 Colour Stripe<br />

With PC Control S/n 2618<br />

85 A Bentley Cotton 'AEF'<br />

Fully Fashioned Knitting<br />

Machine, 12 Section, 32"<br />

x 30g, Welt, 3 Colour<br />

Stripe With PC Control<br />

S/n 20132

86 A Bentley Cotton 'AE'<br />

Fully Fashioned Knitting<br />

Machine, 12 Section, 32"<br />

x 30g, Welt, 3 Colour<br />

Stripe With PC Control<br />

S/n 2150<br />

87 A Bentley Cotton 'F' Fully<br />

Fashioned Knitting<br />

Machine, 6 Section, 32" x<br />

21g, Welt, 3 Colour<br />

Stripe, Lace, Cable With<br />

PC Control S/n 7230<br />

88 A Bentley Cotton 'AET'<br />

Fully Fashioned Knitting<br />

Machine, 8 Section, 32" x<br />

21g, Welt, 3 Colour Stripe<br />

With PC Control S/n 3134<br />

89 A Bentley Cotton 'AET'<br />

Fully Fashioned Knitting<br />

Machine, 16 Section, 32"<br />

x 21g, Welt, 3 Colour<br />

Stripe With PC Control<br />

S/n 3533<br />

90 A Monk Fully Fashioned<br />

Knitting Machine, 16<br />

Section, 32" x 21g, Welt,<br />

3 Colour Stripe, Lace and<br />

Cable With PC Control<br />

S/n 10081<br />

91 A Monk Fully Fashioned<br />

Knitting Machine, 12<br />

Section, 32" x 21g, Welt,<br />

3 Colour Stripe, Lace,<br />

Cable With PC Control<br />

S/n 10069<br />

92 A Monk Fully Fashioned<br />

Knitting Machine, 12<br />

Section, 34" x 21g, Welt,<br />

3 Colour and Asemetrics<br />

S/n 10062<br />

93 - 94 Blank Lot<br />

95 A Scheller Fully<br />

Fashioned Knitting<br />

Machine, 4 Section, 36" x<br />

18g Intarsia, Welt, Tartan<br />

With PC Control S/n 2696<br />

96 A Similar Lot<br />


97 A PROTTI 'P500D' RIB<br />


100CM BED, 30GG/18 S/n<br />

43037783 (2001)<br />

98 - 101 Blank Lot<br />


102 A Protti 'P222' CNC Flat<br />

Bed Knitting Machine, 18<br />

Gauge, 218cm Bed S/n<br />

75368682 (2000)<br />

103 A Protti 'PT242' Flat Bed<br />

Knitting Machine, 5<br />

Gauge, 218cm Bed S/n<br />

07744351 (1999)<br />

104 A Protti 'PT221' Flat Bed<br />

Knitting Machine, 12/10<br />

Gauge, 213cm Bed S/n<br />

24451952 (1995)<br />

105 A Similar Lot<br />

106 A Protti 'PT22' CNC Flat<br />

Bed Knitting Machine, 12<br />

Gauge, 203cm Bed S/n<br />

82151922 (1992)<br />

107 - 108 A Similar Lot<br />

109 A Protti 'PT22' CNC Flat<br />

Bed Knitting Machine, 14<br />

Gauge, 203cm S/n<br />

86451903 (1990)<br />

110 A Similar Lot<br />

111 A Protti 'PT22' CNC Flat<br />

Bed Knitting Machine, 12<br />

Gauge, 203cm Bed S/n<br />

82051922<br />

112 A Steiger Vesta '3.120'<br />

Flat Bed Knitting<br />

Machine, 10 Gauge,<br />

120cm Bed S/n 4346<br />

(1995)<br />

113 A Steiger Vesta '3.120'<br />

Flat Bed Knitting<br />

Machine, 5 Gauge, 120cm<br />

Bed S/n 3729 (1994)<br />

114 A Steiger Vesta '120' Flat<br />

Bed Knitting Machine, 8<br />

Gauge, 120cm Bed S/n<br />

3796 (1992)<br />

115 A Steiger Vesta '1+1 130'<br />

Flat Bed Knitting<br />

Machine, 12 Gauge,<br />

130cm Bed S/n 5763<br />

(1999)<br />

116 A Steiger Vesta '2x3'<br />

Twin V Flat Bed Knitting<br />

Machine, 12 Gauge,<br />

115cm x 2 S/n 4573<br />

(1996)<br />

117 - 122 A Similar Lot

123 A Steiger Vesta '2x3'<br />

Twin V Flat Bed Knitting<br />

Machine, 10 Gauge,<br />

115cm x 2 S/n 3596<br />

(1996)<br />

124 - 126 A Similar Lot<br />

127 A Steiger Vesta '2x3'<br />

Twin V Flat Bed Knitting<br />

Machine, 8 Gauge, 115cm<br />

x 2 S/n 4057 (1995)<br />

128 A Similar Lot<br />

129 A Computer Programming<br />

System (For Steiger Vesta)<br />

130 - 131 A Similar Lot<br />

132 A Steiger Electra '6FF'<br />

CNC Twin V Flat Bed<br />

Knitting Machine, 8<br />

Gauge, 2 x 150cm Bed<br />

S/n 351691<br />

133 - 134 A Similar Lot<br />

135 A Steiger Electra '4' CNC<br />

V Flat Bed Knitting<br />

Machine, 12 Gauge,<br />

228cm Bed S/n 2131<br />

(1987)<br />

136 A Computer Programming<br />

System (For Steiger<br />

Electra)<br />

137 A Computer Programming<br />

System Tester<br />

138 Blank Lot<br />

139 A Shima Seiki '122CS'<br />

CNC V Flat Bed Knitting<br />

Machine, 5 Gauge, 122cm<br />

Bed S/n 51425 (1994)<br />

140 A Similar Lot<br />

141 A New Super Micro<br />

Complete Programming<br />

System with a Tablet (For<br />

Shima Seiki)<br />

142 A Stoll 'DSTRI Selectaknit'<br />

CNC V Flat Bed Knitting<br />

Machine, 7 Gauge,<br />

2000mm Bed S/n 2709662<br />

143 A Stoll 'DSTR 200/10' V<br />

Flat Bed Knitting Machine,<br />

2700mm Bed, 10 Gauge<br />

S/n 330750<br />

144 A Stoll '220' V Flat Bed<br />

Knitting Machine, 12<br />

Gauge S/n 6806621<br />

145 - 146 A Similar Lot<br />

147 A Dubied 'DRC2' V Flat<br />

Bed Knitting Machine, 14<br />

Gauge, 170cm Bed S/n<br />

345796<br />

148 A Dubied 'NHF2' Hand<br />

Flat, 12 Gauge, 100cm<br />

Bed S/n 546045<br />

149 Blank Lot<br />


150 A Scomar 'BC' Strapping<br />

Machine, 36cm Bed, 5<br />

Gauge S/n 4210 (1987)<br />

151 A Steiger 'TMA4' Strapping<br />

Machine, Twin Bed, 8<br />

Gauge, 20cm x 2 S/n 1809<br />

152 A Steiger 'TM4' NPI 12<br />

Strapping Machine S/n<br />

91777<br />

153 A Steiger 'TM9' NPI 8<br />

Strapping Machine S/n<br />

78977<br />

154 A Tortex Engineering<br />

Strapping Machine<br />

155 A Dubiet 'MRF10' 2.T.J25<br />

Strapping Machine<br />

156 - 157 A Similar Lot<br />

158 A Universal '12/21'<br />

Strapping Machine<br />

159 A Hosiery Equipment<br />

Limited Air Tensioner S/n<br />

1008<br />

160 - 163 A Similar Lot<br />

164 Four Lilliput Roulo Machine<br />

165 Ten Operators Mobile<br />

Work Piece Stands<br />

166 - 190 A Similar Lot<br />

191 Six Rolls of Woven Cotton<br />

and 1 Roll of Black Velour<br />

192 A Superlite Illuminated Full<br />

Garment Examining<br />

Machine with Rise and Fall<br />

Centre Panel<br />

193 Ten Mobile White Garment<br />

Rails<br />

194 - 195 A Similar Lot<br />

196 An Electronic LED<br />

Production Target Board

197 A 56 Drawer Steel Storage<br />

Unit<br />

198 A Wooden Operators<br />

Bench with a Lightbox<br />

199 - 201 A Similar Lot<br />

202 Four Wooden Operators<br />

Benches<br />

203 - 204 A Similar Lot<br />

205 A 24-Compartment Glass<br />

Fronted Yarn Storage<br />

Cabinet<br />

206 A Tardis Style Wooden<br />

Phone Booth<br />



207 A Wooden Bench with a<br />

Record No.3 Vice and a<br />

Wolf Double Ended<br />

Grinder<br />

208 A 90-Drawer Steel Storage<br />

Unit with a Large Quantity<br />

of Knitting Machine Spares<br />

209 Two 2-Door Steel Lockers<br />

and a Eighteen Hole<br />

Storage Rack with<br />

Contents<br />

210 A Maier & Sohne 'UTT68'<br />

Needle Grinding Machine<br />

S/n 8653<br />

211 Blank Lot<br />


212 An Avery 'L101' Digital<br />

Platform Scale to Weigh<br />

150kg (55cm x 50cm<br />

Platform)<br />

213 Blank Lot<br />

214 A Moss 4-End Backwinder<br />

S/n 032 (1982)<br />

215 A Similar Lot<br />

216 A Moss Single End<br />

Backwinder S/n 067 (1985)<br />

217 A Motocono 16-End<br />

Backwinder<br />

218 A 16-End Backwinder<br />

219 A Diffused Fan<br />

220 A Pakseal 'AS210' Parcel<br />

Strapping Machine S/n<br />

1447<br />

221 Blank Lot<br />

222 An Avery Mobile Dial Type<br />

Scale to Weigh 50kg<br />

(110lbs)<br />


223 - 224 A Similar Lot<br />

225 A Vacuum Pump<br />

226 A DCE 'Unimaster<br />

UMA154K3' Dust<br />

Extraction Unit with<br />

Memrex Explosion<br />

Membrane<br />

227 A Strobel 'KL70-11F0'<br />

Blindstitch Hemming<br />

Machine with Erka<br />

'Variostop Motor' S/n<br />

147029-8<br />

228 - 231 Blank Lot<br />


232 A Jones & Shipman '540'<br />

Surface Grinder with<br />

Magnetic Chuck<br />

233 A G.V.A '1.A Series 3'<br />

Centre Lathe, 30" Between<br />

Centres, 3 Jaw Chuck and<br />

Accessories<br />

234 A Manchester Mechanical<br />

Hacksaw, 18" Blade<br />

235 A 4" Bandfacer Single<br />

Phase<br />

236 A Denbigh Pedestal Drill,<br />

1½" Chuck Cap (Belt<br />

Driven)<br />

237 A Slotter with 10" Rotary<br />

Table v 3 Jaw Chuck<br />

238 A Startrite 'Mercury Mark II'<br />

Pillar Drill S/n 20915<br />

239 A Denbigh Milling Machine<br />

(Belt Driven)<br />

240 A Selecta 8" Double Ended<br />

Grinder S/n BEC53537/95<br />

241 A Master-Mover 'MM5-100'<br />

Battery Operated<br />

Pedestrian Controlled<br />

Towing Vehicle<br />

242 A Key Hydraulic Pallet<br />

Lifter (Cap 34")<br />

243 Blank Lot<br />

244 Three Various 5 Ton Toe<br />


245 A Hilmor Pipe Vice Stand<br />

and an Osaki '1202'<br />

Cordless Drill<br />

246 A Gas Bottle Trolley, Pipes<br />

and Gauges<br />

247 A Broomwade Receiver<br />

Mounted Air Compressor<br />

S/n 66796/89 (1956)<br />

248 A Clarke 'Pioneer' Portable<br />

Compressor, 240 Volts<br />

249 - 251 Blank Lot<br />


- STORES<br />

252 A Wooden Glass Fronted<br />

Multi Compartment Multi<br />

Drawer Cabinet, including<br />

Contents, Various<br />

Bearings, etc, 2700 x 160 x<br />

80mm High<br />

253 A Set of Extending Ladders<br />

and a Set of Steps<br />

254 Blank Lot<br />

255 A 60-Drawer Steel Storage<br />

Unit<br />

256 A Similar Lot<br />

257 Three Works Trolleys<br />

258 A Quantity of Bentley<br />

Knitting Machine Spares<br />

on a Trolley<br />

259 A Williams Cotton<br />

Controller<br />

260 A Quantity of Bentley and<br />

Monk Spares on Two<br />

Racks<br />

261 A Quantity of Electrical<br />

Spares on a Rack<br />

262 Two Racks and Contents<br />

including Steel Bar / Rod<br />

etc<br />

263 Two Racks of Fully<br />

Fashioned Knitting<br />

Machine Spares<br />

264 Two Racks and Contents<br />

265 Three Manual Spray Units<br />

266 A 1XL 'Capital' Belt Driven<br />

Lathe with Drive Shaft<br />

267 Blank Lot<br />

268 A Kardex 4-Drawer Safe<br />

File<br />

269 A Kardex 3-Drawer Safe<br />

File<br />

270 A Similar Lot<br />

271 A Lips of London Key<br />

Operated Safe<br />

272 A Similar Lot<br />

273 A Chubb Key and<br />

Combination Operated<br />

Safe<br />

274 A Dudley Key Operated<br />

Safe<br />

275 A Salter '236' 30kg 50g<br />

Hanging Scale<br />

276 An Avery 50kg (110lb)<br />

Platform Scale<br />

277 An Avery 12kg Platform<br />

Scale<br />

278 A Shirley General Purpose<br />

Yarn Fraction Recorder S/n<br />

3369<br />

279 - 281 Blank Lot<br />


282 An Ingersoll Rand<br />

'SSR.MH.II' Packaged Air<br />

Compressor S/n 2160116<br />

(1996)<br />

283 A Similar Lot<br />

284 A Fluid-Air 'RotoPak<br />

RP67' Packaged Air<br />

Compressor S/n 31263<br />

285 An Ingersoll Rand 'TMS20'<br />

Air Dryer<br />

286 A Wall Mounted Air Dryer<br />

287 An Abbot Air Receiver<br />

Tank S/n 33995<br />

288 A Similar Lot<br />

289 A Fluidair Rotosave<br />

'RP45L23' Packaged Air<br />

Dryer S/n 18923<br />


290 An E.C.C 'Type BRF 400'<br />

330 KVA Standby<br />

Generator with Rolls-<br />

Royce 8 Cylindrical<br />

Diesel Engine '5500-115'<br />

3 Phase, 400/230 Volt,<br />

476 Amp with Remote<br />

Control Panel by Deep<br />

Sea Electronics Limited<br />

Model 607 S/n A06828/1<br />

291 Blank Lot<br />

YARD<br />

292 A Steel Secure Storage<br />

Jackleg Storage Container<br />

293 A Similar Lot<br />

294 - 299 Blank Lot<br />



For the convenience of Buyers who may wish to make purchases, but who do not wish to attend<br />

the sale, the Auctioneer will arrange to bid on their behalf if the orders are sent in on the subjoined<br />

form. A prior inspection on the specified View Days is, however, advised.<br />

The Auctioneers shall not be liable for any neglect, default or failure in executing bids nor any<br />

liability arising thereto.<br />

Date .........................................<br />

To: Henry Butcher<br />

New London Bridge House<br />

25 London Bridge Street<br />

London, SE1 9BQ<br />

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7098 3700<br />

Fax: +44 (0) 20 7098 3795<br />

e-mail:<br />

Please bid on our behalf at the below-named sale for any undermentioned lots, at or under the limit<br />

marked against them.<br />

We enclose a cheque for £ ............... being 25% of the estimated amounts of the purchase money,<br />

and in event of you buying any lots for us we undertake to pay for, and remove, the goods in<br />

conformity with the Conditions of Sale and Notice to Purchasers.<br />

Location Town of Sale<br />

Belper, Derbyshire<br />

Date of Sale<br />

Tuesday 8 th June 2004<br />

Lot Description Limit of Price<br />

This order is given on the understanding that a 12½% Buyer's Premium plus Value Added Tax will<br />

be levied on the "Hammer Price" and will be charged over and above the limit placed by you on<br />

this order.<br />

Name .................................................................................<br />

Address .................................................................................<br />

.................................................................................<br />

Telephone ........................................ Signature ...............................................<br />

Fax ……………………………… E-mail: ……………………………......……<br />


NOTES<br />

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