piante e dintorni first edition - Lugano Turismo

piante e dintorni first edition - Lugano Turismo

piante e dintorni first edition - Lugano Turismo


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V i c o M o r c o t e , 1 3 A p r i l 2 0 1 2 p r e s s r e l e a s e<br />

<strong>piante</strong> e <strong>dintorni</strong><br />

<strong>first</strong> <strong>edition</strong><br />

Sunday 22 April from 10am to 8pm in the garden of i2a istituto internazionale<br />

di architettura of Vico Morcote will be held the <strong>first</strong> <strong>edition</strong> of the show Piante e<br />

Dintorni, an open fair-market for enthusiastic and curious gardeners. The event<br />

is part of a project started by i2a and Officina del Paesaggio last September<br />

with the installation Cumulo (that focused on the fertility of the earth) part of the<br />

positions out of space series.<br />

Piante e Dintorni is an opportunity for the general public of all ages – with a common<br />

passion for gardens, vegetable gardens, plants and landscape – with nurserymen<br />

and collectors known for the high quality of their vegetable production. The plants,<br />

on show and for sale, belong to the cultural and genetic heritage of the lake region,<br />

our region. The goal is to encourage the conservation and contribution to the<br />

evolution of the landscape; in this sense, each private garden, or private vegetable<br />

garden can be considered as a part of a desired landscape.<br />

Exhibitors from Ticino and nearby Italy will be showing edible plants, aromatic<br />

plants, seeds, vines, fruit trees among which ancient apple trees, magnolia,<br />

roses, wistaria, peonies, begonias, daphnes, palms, agaves, citrus trees and rare<br />

bushes. The Vivaio Cantonale (cantonal nursery) will take part in the event.<br />

On the occasion of Piante e Dintorni will be rewarded the prize dedicated to<br />

Sir Peter Smithers (1913-2006), diplomate, politician, secretary general of the<br />

European Counsel and honorary citizen of Vico Morcote. Great connoisseur<br />

of gardens, probably his life’s leitmotiv, he created a renowned garden in Vico<br />

Morcote.<br />

The “Sir Peter Smithers Prize” is awarded to “whom, by profession or<br />

passion, in Ticino or Insubria, acts in order to promote the garden as an active<br />

part of the landscape”. The jury – composed of the landscape architect Sophie<br />

Agata Ambroise, Christiane Gutbrod, member of the prestigious International<br />

Dendrology Society, Claudio Ferrata, geographer and author of La fabbricazione<br />

del paesaggio dei laghi. Giardini, panorami e cittadine per turisti tra Ceresio, Lario<br />

e Verbano, Nicola Schoenenberger, botanist and curator at the cantonal natural<br />

history museum in <strong>Lugano</strong>, and Gabriele Carraro, forestry engineer and consultant<br />

for Dionea – has decided to award the prize to Otto Eisenhut, nurseryman who<br />

has created one of the world’s largest collections of magnolia, encouraged by<br />

Sir Peter Smithers. Between Piazzogna and Vairano, on the Gambarogno riviera,<br />

Eisenhut has created, on a 17’000 square meter estate, an extraordinary park with<br />

magnolia, camellia, azalea, peonies, rhododendron, and rare conifer that attracts<br />

connoisseurs and enthusiasts.<br />

The award ceremony will start at 11am with an introduction by Christiane Gutbrod<br />

on Sir Peter Smithers, in the presence of Amelia Smithers, Sir Peter’s daughter,<br />

and Simona Genini, deputy-mayor of Vico Morcote.<br />

istituto internazionale di architettura portich da sura 18 . 6921 vico morcote . t 0041 91 996 13 87 . f 0041 91 996 24 21 . info@i2a.ch www.i2a.ch

p r e s s r e l e a s e<br />

At 3pm, Claudio Ferrata, Gabriele Carraro and Nicola Schoenenberger will take<br />

part in the round table Dal paesaggio al semplice giardino: quale identità per il<br />

territorio dei laghi? (From the landscape to the garden: which identity for the lake<br />

district?).<br />

Books on gardening and landscape will also be on sale. A food stall will be open<br />

all day for visitors to taste wild herbs and vegetable garden delights.<br />

Piante e Dintorni will take place 22 April 2012 from 10am to 8pm in the<br />

garden of i2a istituto internazionale di architettura (Portich da Sura 18,<br />

6921 Vico Morcote, Switzerland).<br />

In case of rain, the event will take place inside i2a’s villa.<br />

Our thanks go to the city of Vico Morcote for their kind collaboration.<br />

officina del paesaggio<br />

sophie agata ambroise, landscape architect, lugano<br />

She graduated in architecture from the Politecnico di Milano before specializing in<br />

landscape architecture at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Paysage in Versailles.<br />

Since 2000, she has been acting as an independent designer via her Officina del<br />

Paesaggio, which allows her to reflect and create on projects of all scales, without<br />

sacrificing her artisanal dimension.<br />

The luxury resort projects have brought her to work in Italy, France and Asia.<br />

The local and social contingency have made her embank the waters of the river<br />

Cassarate in <strong>Lugano</strong> and suggest collective allotments in Chiasso, in a single<br />

breath, from the garden, to the landscape, to the countryside.<br />

positions out of space<br />

Annual <strong>edition</strong> created and curated by Ludovica Molo, director of i2a, with the<br />

assistance of Debora Bonanomi, that consists in, along the lines of positions in<br />

space, a series of events for which landscape architects are invited to create an<br />

installation in i2a’s garden and, in turn, invite one or more relevant figures of their<br />

creative process. The goal is to trigger the public debate on territory, environment<br />

and landscape.<br />

istituto internazionale di architettura portich da sura 18 . 6921 vico morcote . t 0041 91 996 13 87 . f 0041 91 996 24 21 . info@i2a.ch www.i2a.ch

p r e s s r e l e a s e<br />

i2a: the house of architecture<br />

i2a istituto internazionale di architettura of Vico Morcote is a cultural centre<br />

dedicated to the study of issues related to landscape, the environment and<br />

contemporary reality that promotes conferences, exhibitions, installations,<br />

performances and didactic activities (including for children). It has taken on the task<br />

of increasing the knowledge of architecture’s instrumental role in the observation<br />

and comprehension of contemporary phenomena, in a spirit of openness and<br />

dialogue, as suits a true house of architecture.<br />

Amanda Prada<br />

Public relations, communication, development<br />

i2a istituto internazionale di architettura<br />

t 0041 91 996 13 87 . aprada@i2a.ch . www.i2a.ch<br />

information<br />

Location<br />

Vico Morcote is 11 km from <strong>Lugano</strong> and 23 km from Chiasso. From Melide<br />

(Melide/Bissone motorway exit) follow the signs to Morcote, then for Vico Morcote/<br />

Carona. Once in Vico Morcote, follow the signs to the restaurant La Sorgente, on<br />

the ground-floor of i2a, at Portich da Sura 18.<br />

Parking<br />

Visitors can use the large covered parking near the Santi Fedele e Simone Church,<br />

at the entrance of Vico Morcote, a 2-minute walk from i2a<br />

istituto internazionale di architettura portich da sura 18 . 6921 vico morcote . t 0041 91 996 13 87 . f 0041 91 996 24 21 . info@i2a.ch www.i2a.ch

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