An Assessment of the Status of Biodiversity in the Muthurajawela ...

An Assessment of the Status of Biodiversity in the Muthurajawela ...

An Assessment of the Status of Biodiversity in the Muthurajawela ...


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Appendix 7<br />

List <strong>of</strong> Birds recorded at <strong>Muthurajawela</strong><br />

Family Species <strong>Status</strong> Abundance<br />

Phalacrocoracidae Little Cormorant - Phalacrocorax niger<br />

Indian Cormorant - Phalacrocorax fuscicollis<br />

Ardeidae Intermediate Egret - Mesophoyx <strong>in</strong>termedia C<br />

Little Egret - Egretta garzetta<br />

C<br />

Large Egret - Casmerodius albus<br />

R<br />

Cattle Egret - Bubulcus ibis<br />

C<br />

Purple Heron - Ardea purpurea<br />

UC<br />

Indian Pond Heron - Ardeola grayii<br />

VC<br />

Little Green Heron - Butorides striatus<br />

UC<br />

Night Heron - Nycticorax nycticorax<br />

R<br />

Yellow Bittern - Ixobrychus s<strong>in</strong>ensis<br />

R<br />

Chestnut Bittern - Ixobrychus c<strong>in</strong>namomeus<br />

UC<br />

Black Bittern - Dupetor flavicollis<br />

R<br />

Ciconiidae Asian Openbill - <strong>An</strong>astomus oscitans C<br />

Threskiornithidae White Ibis - Threskiornis melanocephalus<br />

Jacanidae Pheasant-tailed Jacana - Hydrophasianus chirurgus R<br />

Rallidae White-breasted Waterhen - Amaurornis phoenicurus VC<br />

Ruddy-breasted Crake - Porzana fusca T VR<br />

Purple Coot - Porphyrio porphyrio<br />

UC<br />

Watercock - Gallicrex c<strong>in</strong>eria<br />

VR<br />

Common Moorhen - Gall<strong>in</strong>ula chloropus<br />

UC<br />

<strong>An</strong>atidae Lesser Whistl<strong>in</strong>g Teal - Dendrocygna javanica VC<br />

Recurvirostridae Black-w<strong>in</strong>ged Stilt - Himantopus himantopus R<br />

C<br />

UC<br />

Scolopacidae Whimbrel - Numenius phaeopus WM R<br />

Eurasian Curlew - Numenius arqueta WM R<br />

Common Sandpiper - Actitis Hypoleucos WM UC<br />

Curlew Sandpiper - Calidris ferrug<strong>in</strong>ea WM R<br />

Marsh Sandpiper - Tr<strong>in</strong>ga stagnatilis WM VR<br />

P<strong>in</strong>tail Snipe - Gall<strong>in</strong>ago stenura WM R<br />

Rostratulidae Greater Pa<strong>in</strong>ted-Snipe - Rostratula benghalensis T VR<br />

Burh<strong>in</strong>idae Eurasian Thick-Knee - Burh<strong>in</strong>us oedicnemus VR<br />

Charadriidae Red-wattled Lapw<strong>in</strong>g - Vanellus <strong>in</strong>dicus C<br />

Laridae Gull-billed Tern - Gelochelidon nilotica WM C<br />

Whiskered Tern - Chlidonias hybridus WM VC<br />

Lesser Crested Tern - Sterna bengalensis WM C<br />

Little Tern - Sterna albifrons<br />

UC<br />

Podicipedidae Little Grebe - Tachybaptus ruficollis UC<br />

R<br />


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