Spisak roba svrstanih u skladu sa uredbama Evropske unije koje su ...

Spisak roba svrstanih u skladu sa uredbama Evropske unije koje su ...

Spisak roba svrstanih u skladu sa uredbama Evropske unije koje su ...


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Celex No:<br />

Regulation No/Date:<br />

OJ L No/Date<br />

"Sl. gl. RS"<br />

br./datum<br />

Discription of goods Opis robe CN oznaka<br />

31990R0028,<br />

28/90 of 4.1.1990,<br />

(OJ L 3, 6.1.1990, p.9).<br />

http<br />

112/2013,<br />

17/12/2013<br />

Product, in the form of a fine white powder,<br />

consisting of a mixture of native manioc starch<br />

and small quantities of acetylated manioc starch<br />

or very-weakly acetylated manioc starch, and<br />

having the following characteristics: starchcontent<br />

(determined by Ewer's method) of 95 % or<br />

more by weight on the dry product, and acetylcontent<br />

(determined by the enzymatic method) of<br />

less than 0,5 % by weight on the dry product<br />

Proizvod, u obliku finog belog praha, koji se<br />

<strong>sa</strong>stoje od mešavine prirodnog manioka sk<strong>roba</strong> i<br />

malih količina acetilizovanog manioka sk<strong>roba</strong> ili<br />

vrlo slabo acetilizovanog manioka sk<strong>roba</strong>, i ima<br />

sledeće karakteristike: <strong>sa</strong>držaj sk<strong>roba</strong> (određen<br />

prema modifikovanoj polarimetrijskoj metodi po<br />

Ever<strong>su</strong>) 95% ili više po masi račučnato na <strong>su</strong>vi<br />

proizvod, i <strong>sa</strong>držaj acetila (određen prema<br />

enzimskoj metodi) manji od 0,5%, po masi račučnato<br />

na <strong>su</strong>vi proizvod.<br />

1108 14 00<br />

32009R0446,<br />

446/2009 of 14.5.2009,<br />

(OJ L 132, 29.05.2009, p.3)<br />

. http<br />

052/2009,<br />

15/07/2009<br />

White shelled and skinned groundnuts (blanched<br />

peanuts). The shelled groundnuts are blanched by<br />

passing through a gas oven with four heating<br />

zones, where the kernels are steamed by being<br />

sprayed with 88-93 °C hot water vapour, before<br />

being passed through two cooling zones. The<br />

gradual increase in temperature of the kernels<br />

causes them to expand and thereby loosen the red<br />

skin from the kernel. The skin is <strong>su</strong>bsequently<br />

removed by mechanical means. The groundnuts,<br />

which have not been treated beyond the removal<br />

of the skin, are presented in bulk or in "big<br />

bags" of approximately 1000 kg.<br />

Beli, očišćen od ljuske i oguljen kikiriki<br />

(blanširani kikiriki). Očišćen kikiriki se blanšira<br />

prolaženjem kroz gasnu peć koja ima četiri toplotne<br />

zone, pri čemu se jezgra izlažu mlazu vrele vodene<br />

pare čija temperatura iznosi od 88-93°C, nakon čega<br />

prolaze kroz dve rashladne zone. Postepeno<br />

povećanje temperature dovodi do proširivanja<br />

jezgara i na taj način crvena ljuska otpada <strong>sa</strong><br />

njih. LJuske se potom otklanjaju mehaničkim putem.<br />

Kikiriki, koji nije bio podvrgnut drugim postupcima<br />

osim uklanjanju ljuske, se isporučuje u ra<strong>su</strong>tom<br />

stanju ili u "velikim vrećama" od približno 1 000<br />

kg.<br />

1202 20 00<br />

32007R0901,<br />

901/2007 of 27.7.2007,<br />

(OJ L 196, 28.7.2007, p.31)<br />

. http<br />

059/2008,<br />

11/06/2008<br />

Product consisting of the cut, fermented and<br />

dried leaves and plant tips of the rooibos plant<br />

(Aspalathus linearis), also known as "Red Bush".<br />

After harvesting, the green leaves and plant<br />

tips are cut into pieces of 2 to 5 mm in length.<br />

These are then bruised, fermented and dried. The<br />

product is mainly used to prepare infusions.<br />

Proizvod koji se <strong>sa</strong>stoji od sečenih, fermenti<strong>sa</strong>nih<br />

i <strong>su</strong>šenih listova i vrhova biljke ‚rojbos‛<br />

(Aspalathus linearis), takođe poznate i kao ‚crveni<br />

grm‛. Posle berbe, zeleni listovi i vrhovi biljke<br />

seku se na komade dužine 2 do 5 mm. Oni se zatim<br />

gnječe, fermentišu i <strong>su</strong>še. Ovaj proizvod se<br />

uglavnom koristi za pripremu infuzija.<br />

1212 99 70<br />

32013R0327, 327/2013<br />

of 8.4.2013, (OJ L 102,<br />

11.4.2013, p. 8–9).<br />

http<br />

047/2013,<br />

29/05/2013<br />

A product presented in the form of rolls (18 mm<br />

× 200 mm), put up for retail <strong>sa</strong>le in a box<br />

containing 10 rolls. Each roll weighs 28 g and<br />

consists of the following components (% by<br />

weight): —dried mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)<br />

leaves95—other dried herbs (<strong>su</strong>ch as <strong>sa</strong>lvia)5The<br />

product is used for the treatment of patients:<br />

the rolls are lit and held close to the skin of<br />

the patient on specific acupuncture points and<br />

are burned to create deeply penetrating heat.<br />

Proizvod isporučen u obliku rolni (18 mm x 200 mm),<br />

pripremljen je za prodaju na malo u kutiji koja<br />

<strong>sa</strong>drži 10 rolni. Svaka rolna je mase 28 g i <strong>sa</strong>stoji<br />

se od sledećih komponenti (% po masi): <strong>su</strong>vog lišća<br />

crnog pelena (Artemisia vulgaris)...95, drugih<br />

<strong>su</strong>vih trava (kao što je žalfija)...5. Proizvod se<br />

koristi za tretiranje pacijenata: rolne se zapale i<br />

drže blizu kože pacijenta na posebnim akupunkturnim<br />

tačkama i <strong>sa</strong>gorevanjem stvaraju toplotu visoke<br />

penetracije<br />

1404 90 00<br />

14.2.2014 Str. 9 od 241

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