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Celex No:<br />

Regulation No/Date:<br />

OJ L No/Date<br />

"Sl. gl. RS"<br />

br./datum<br />

Discription of goods Opis robe CN oznaka<br />

32007R0902,<br />

902/2007 of 27.7.2007,<br />

(OJ L 196, 28.7.2007, p.33)<br />

. http<br />

059/2008,<br />

11/06/2008<br />

Whole bulbs of garlic (Allium <strong>sa</strong>tivum)at a<br />

temperature between 0°C and – 5° C but not<br />

frozen throughout.<br />

Cele glavice belog luka (Allium <strong>sa</strong>tivum) na<br />

temperaturi između 0ºC i -5ºC ali <strong>koje</strong> ni<strong>su</strong> u<br />

potpunosti smrznute.<br />

0703 20 00<br />

31997R1196,<br />

1196/97 of 27.6.1997,<br />

(OJ L 170, 28.6.1997, p.13)<br />

. http<br />

024/2012,<br />

30/03/2012<br />

Mushrooms (of the genus Agaricus), provisionally<br />

preserved and immersed in liquid, with the<br />

following specifications: 0,1 % acetic acid by<br />

weight, 270 ppm <strong>su</strong>lphite and 19 % <strong>sa</strong>lt by weight<br />

Pečurke (roda Agaricus), privremeno konzervi<strong>sa</strong>ne i<br />

potopljene u tečnost sledećih karakteristika: 0,1 %<br />

sirćetne kiseline po masi, 270 ppm (delova u<br />

milion) <strong>su</strong>mpora i 19 % soli po masi<br />

0711 51 00<br />

31996R0214,<br />

214/96 of 2.2.1996,<br />

(OJ L 28, 6.2.1996, p.7).<br />

http<br />

064/2012,<br />

04/07/2012<br />

Vanilla pods, smelling slightly of vanilla and<br />

alcohol, cut into pieces, with a mean vanillincontent<br />

of 0,14 %, a <strong>su</strong>gar-content of 0,6 % by<br />

weight, and an alcoholic strength by mass of 8,6<br />

% mas. The product, from which vanillin has been<br />

extracted by means of alcohol, is used in the<br />

food-processing industry, e.g. in the<br />

manufacture of ice-cream<br />

LJuske vanile, <strong>koje</strong> blago mirišu na vanilu i<br />

alkohol, isečene na komade, <strong>sa</strong> prosečnim <strong>sa</strong>držajem<br />

vanile 0,14%, <strong>sa</strong>držajem šećera 0,6% po masi, i<br />

alkoholne jačine po masi 8,6% mas. Proizvod, iz<br />

<strong>koje</strong>g je vanilin dobijen pomoću alkohola, koristi<br />

se u prehrambenom industriji, t.j. u proizvodnji<br />

sladoleda.<br />

0905 00 00<br />

32008R0323,<br />

323/2008 of 08.04.2008,<br />

(OJ L 98, 10.04.2008. p.3).<br />

http<br />

059/2008,<br />

11/06/2008<br />

Fabric tis<strong>su</strong>e article in the form of a belt,<br />

containing common wheat grains, that after being<br />

heated by microwave, is used to relieve lower<br />

back pain.<br />

Proizvod od tekstilne tkanine u obliku poja<strong>sa</strong>,<br />

ispunjenog zrnima obične pšenice, koji se nakon<br />

zagrevanja u mikrotalasnoj pećnici, koristi za<br />

uklanjanje bola u donjem delu leđa.<br />

1001 90 99<br />

31993R1395,<br />

1395/93 of 4.6.1993,<br />

(OJ L 137, 8.6.1993, p.7).<br />

http<br />

027/2013,<br />

22/03/2013<br />

Wholly-milled 'micronised' rice. The rice has<br />

undergone heat-treatment using infra-red<br />

radiation, during which the starch is not<br />

gelatinised<br />

Obrađen ”mikronizovani‚ pirinač. Pirinač je prošao<br />

toplotnu obradu infra-crvenim zračenjem, u toku<br />

<strong>koje</strong>g skrob nije želatinizovan.<br />

1006 30 92/<br />

1006 30 94/<br />

1006 30 96/<br />

1006 30 98<br />

31999R0169,<br />

169/1999 of 25.1.1999,<br />

(OJ L 19, 26.1.1999, p.6).<br />

http<br />

071/2011,<br />

26/09/2011<br />

Mixed flours, for the preparation of multigrain<br />

bread, consisting by weight of 78,5 % common<br />

wheat flour, 7 % rye flour, 4 % oat flour, 4 %<br />

rice flour, 2 % barley flour, 1 % milled germ<br />

and 3,5 % wheat gluten<br />

Mešavina brašna za pripremanje ražanog hleba<br />

<strong>sa</strong>stoji se od (procenata po masi): - ražanog<br />

brašna: 59.0 - pšeničnog brašna: 48.6 - pšeničnog<br />

glutena: 1.4<br />

1101 00 15<br />

31999R0169,<br />

169/1999 of 25.1.1999,<br />

(OJ L 19, 26.1.1999, p.6).<br />

http<br />

071/2011,<br />

26/09/2011<br />

Flour, for bread-making, consisting by weight of<br />

99,85 % common wheat flour and 0,015 % <strong>sa</strong>lt,<br />

with very small quantities of amylase and<br />

antioxidant<br />

Mešavina brašna za pripremanje hleba od više vrsta<br />

žitarica <strong>sa</strong>stoji se od (procenata po masi): -<br />

brašna od obične pšenice: 78.5 - ražanog brašna:<br />

7.0 - ovsenog brašna: 4.0 - pirinčanog brašna:<br />

4.0 - ječmenog brašna: 2.0 - mlevenih klica: 1.0 -<br />

pšeničnog glutena: 3.5<br />

1101 00 15<br />

14.2.2014 Str. 7 od 241

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