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Celex No:<br />

Regulation No/Date:<br />

OJ L No/Date<br />

"Sl. gl. RS"<br />

br./datum<br />

Discription of goods Opis robe CN oznaka<br />

32006R1114,<br />

1114/2006 of 20.7.2006,<br />

(OJ L 199, 21.7.2006, p.3).<br />

http<br />

002/2010,<br />

15/01/2010<br />

Liquid product put up for retail <strong>sa</strong>le in a<br />

bottle of 30 ml volume, with an alcoholic<br />

strength by volume of 68 %, containing:<br />

—plantain (Plantago lanceolata) leaves, thyme<br />

(Thymus vulgaris) and helichry<strong>su</strong>m (Helichry<strong>su</strong>m<br />

italicum) flowers 2,1 g; —dry extract of<br />

propolis 84 mg; —freeze-dried extract of<br />

grindelia (Grindelia robusta) 45 mg; —eucalyptus<br />

(Eucalyptus globulus) essential oil 10,5 mg;<br />

—Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris) essential oil<br />

10,5 mg; —alcohol; —water. According to the<br />

packaging the product could be used to improve<br />

respiration and is intended for human<br />

con<strong>su</strong>mption.Recommended do<strong>sa</strong>ge: 25 drops,<br />

diluted in a little water, 3 times a day.<br />

Tečni proizvod pripremljen za prodaju na malo u<br />

bočicu zapremine 30 ml, zapreminske alkoholne<br />

jačine od 68%, <strong>sa</strong>drži: lišće bokvice (Plantago<br />

lanceolata), cvetove majčine dušice (Thymus<br />

vulgaris) i cvetove smilja (Helichry<strong>su</strong>m italicum)<br />

2.1 g; <strong>su</strong>vi ektrakt propoli<strong>sa</strong> 84.0 mg;<br />

liofilizovani ekstrakt grindelie(Grindelia robusta)<br />

45.0 mg; eterično ulje eukaliptu<strong>sa</strong> (Eucalyptus<br />

globulus) 10.5 mg; eterično ulje belog bora (Pinus<br />

sylvestris) 10.5 mg; alkohol; vodu. U <strong>skladu</strong> <strong>sa</strong><br />

pakovanjem proizvod se može koristiti za<br />

poboljšanje di<strong>sa</strong>nja i namenjen je za ljudsku<br />

ishranu. Preporučena doza: 25 kapi, razblaženo u<br />

malo vode, 3 puta na dan..<br />

2208 90 69<br />

32006R1114,<br />

1114/2006 of 20.7.2006,<br />

(OJ L 199, 21.7.2006, p.3).<br />

http<br />

002/2010,<br />

15/01/2010<br />

Liquid product based on glycerine macerate of<br />

blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum) buds (ratio<br />

drug/extract 1:20), put up for retail <strong>sa</strong>le in a<br />

bottle of 100 ml volume, with an alcoholic<br />

strength by volume of 38 %.According to the<br />

packaging the product is intended for human<br />

con<strong>su</strong>mption for uses other than liquor<br />

production.Recommended do<strong>sa</strong>ge: 50 to 150 drops,<br />

diluted in a little water, per day.<br />

Tečni proizvod na bazi glicerinskog macerata od<br />

pupoljaka crne ribizle (Ribes nigrum) (proporcija<br />

<strong>su</strong>pstanca/ekstrakt 1:20), pripremljen za prodaju na<br />

malo u bočici zapremine od 100 ml, zapreminske<br />

alkoholne jačine od 38%. U <strong>skladu</strong> <strong>sa</strong> pakovanjem<br />

proizvod je namenjen za ljudsku ishranu, ali ne za<br />

potrebe spravljanja pića. Preporučena doza: 50 do<br />

150 kapi, na dan, razblaženo u malo vode.<br />

2208 90 69<br />

32006R1114,<br />

1114/2006 of 20.7.2006,<br />

(OJ L 199, 21.7.2006, p.3).<br />

http<br />

002/2010,<br />

15/01/2010<br />

Liquid product put up for retail <strong>sa</strong>le in a<br />

bottle of 30 ml volume, with an alcoholic<br />

strength by volume of 70 %, containing:<br />

—hydroalcoholic extract of propolis<br />

(standardized with native dry extract of<br />

propolis 0,6 g; —alcohol; —water. According to<br />

the packaging the product is intended for human<br />

con<strong>su</strong>mption in a recommended do<strong>sa</strong>ge of 25 drops<br />

once or twice a day, diluted in half a glass of<br />

water. It can also be used as a mouthwash, by<br />

diluting 25 drops in water as desired.<br />

Tečni proizvod pripremljen za prodaju na malo u<br />

bočici zapremine 30 ml, zapreminske alkoholne<br />

jačine od 70%, <strong>sa</strong>drži: hidroalkoholni ekstrakt<br />

propoli<strong>sa</strong> (standardizovano prirodnim <strong>su</strong>vim<br />

ekstraktom propoli<strong>sa</strong>) 0.6 g; alkohol; vodu. U<br />

<strong>skladu</strong> <strong>sa</strong> pakovanjem proizvod je namenjen za<br />

ljudsku ishranu u preporučenoj dozi od 25 kapi<br />

jedanput ili dvaput na dan, razblaženo u pola čaše<br />

vode. Takođe, može biti korišćen za ispiranje usta,<br />

25 kapi razblaženo u vodi po želji.<br />

2208 90 69<br />

14.2.2014 Str. 38 od 241

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