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Celex No:<br />

Regulation No/Date:<br />

OJ L No/Date<br />

"Sl. gl. RS"<br />

br./datum<br />

Discription of goods Opis robe CN oznaka<br />

32003R0627,<br />

627/2003 of 4.4.2003,<br />

(OJ L 90, 8.4.2003, p.34).<br />

http<br />

084/2010,<br />

12/11/2010<br />

Viscous preparation, with a Brix value of 69 and<br />

with the following composition by weight: 32,2 %<br />

glucose syrup, 26,6 % condensed milk, 18 %<br />

<strong>su</strong>gar, 12,4 % water, 4,2 % cream, 3,2 % brown<br />

<strong>su</strong>gar, 1,1 % milk, 1,1 % butter, and small<br />

quantities of <strong>sa</strong>lt, thickening agents,<br />

preservatives, anti-foaming agents and<br />

flavourings. The product is used in the<br />

manufacture of ice-cream, provides a<br />

marbled/rippled appearance and imparts a caramel<br />

flavour. It is put up in packings of 20 kg<br />

Viskozni preparat, čija je Brix vrednost 69,<br />

sledećeg <strong>sa</strong>stava po masi: 32,2 % glukoznog sirupa,<br />

26,6 % kondenzovanog mleka, 18 % šećera, 12,4 %<br />

vode, 4,2 % pavlake, 3,2 % smeđeg šećera, 1,1 %<br />

mleka, 1,1 % maslaca, i malih količina soli,<br />

sredstava za zgušnjavanje, konzervan<strong>sa</strong>, sredstava<br />

protiv penušanja i arome. Proizvod se koristi u<br />

proizvodnji sladoleda, dajući mermerno/tala<strong>sa</strong>st<br />

izgled i karamel aromu. Pripremljen je u pakovanja<br />

od 20 kg.<br />

2106 90 98<br />

31997R0287,<br />

287/97 of 17.2.1997,<br />

(OJ L 48, 19.2.1997, p.5).<br />

http<br />

024/2012,<br />

30/03/2012<br />

Spreadable fat, consisting by weight of 70 to 80<br />

% milk-fat and 20 to 30 % vegetable-fat,<br />

generally put up for retail <strong>sa</strong>le in 500-g<br />

packets. The product may be obtained by mixing<br />

butter (heading 0405) and vegetable-fat (Chapter<br />

15), or by mixing cream (heading 0401) and<br />

vegetable-fat (Chapter 15) and churning after<br />

mixing<br />

Masnoća koja se može mazati, koja se po masi<br />

<strong>sa</strong>stoji od 70 do 80 % mlečne masnoće i 20 do 30 %<br />

biljne masnoće, obično pripremljena za prodaju na<br />

malu u pakovanja od 500-g. Proizvod se može dobiti<br />

mešanjem maslaca (tarifni broj 0405) i biljne<br />

masnoće (Glava 15), ili mešanjem pavlake (tarifni<br />

broj 0401) i biljne masnoće (Glava 15) i mlaćenjem<br />

posle mešanja.<br />

2106 90 98<br />

31997R0287,<br />

287/97 of 17.2.1997,<br />

(OJ L 48, 19.2.1997, p.5).<br />

http<br />

024/2012,<br />

30/03/2012<br />

Food-preparation, of the following composition<br />

by weight: 74 % milk-fat, 5 % whole-egg powder,<br />

4 % wine vinegar, 1,5 % <strong>sa</strong>lt and 15,5 % water.<br />

The product, presented in the chilled state,<br />

takes the form of a pale yellow, oily block<br />

Prehrambeni proizvod sledećeg <strong>sa</strong>stava po masi: 74 %<br />

mlečne masnoće, 5 % jaja u prahu, 4 % vinskog<br />

sirćeta, 1,5 % soli i 15,5 % vode. Proizvod se<br />

isporučuje u rashlađenom stanju, u obliku svetlo<br />

žutih, masnih kocki (blokovi).<br />

2106 90 98<br />

32006R0227,<br />

227/2006 of 9.2.2006,<br />

(OJ L 39, 10.2.2006, p.3).<br />

http<br />

002/2010,<br />

15/01/2010<br />

Preparation consisting of (% by weight) <strong>su</strong>crose<br />

95; cocoa butter 5. This preparation consists of<br />

white, sweet, sticky crystals with a slight<br />

cocoa taste.<br />

Proizvod <strong>sa</strong>drži (% po masi): <strong>sa</strong>harozu 95; kako<br />

buter 5. Ovaj proizvod je u obliku belih, slatkih,<br />

lepljivih kristala <strong>sa</strong> blagim ukusom kakaoa.<br />

2106 90 98<br />

32006R0227,<br />

227/2006 of 9.2.2006,<br />

(OJ L 39, 10.2.2006, p.3).<br />

http<br />

002/2010,<br />

15/01/2010<br />

Preparation consisting of (% by weight) white<br />

<strong>su</strong>gar 90; wheat flour 10.<br />

Proizvod <strong>sa</strong>drži (% po masi): beli šećer 90;<br />

pšenično brašno 10.<br />

2106 90 98<br />

32006R0227,<br />

227/2006 of 9.2.2006,<br />

(OJ L 39, 10.2.2006, p.3).<br />

http<br />

002/2010,<br />

15/01/2010<br />

Preparation consisting of (% by weight) <strong>su</strong>crose<br />

90; cocoa butter 10. This preparation is a lightcoloured,<br />

yellow-tinged, very sweet, coarse<br />

powder with a cocoa butter taste.<br />

Proizvod <strong>sa</strong>drži (% po masi): <strong>sa</strong>harozu 90; kakao<br />

buter 10. Ovaj proizvod je bledo žute boje, veoma<br />

sladak, oštar prah <strong>sa</strong> ukusom kakao butera.<br />

2106 90 98<br />

14.2.2014 Str. 30 od 241

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