MORSi ROAStS IRAN - Kuwait Times

MORSi ROAStS IRAN - Kuwait Times

MORSi ROAStS IRAN - Kuwait Times


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FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 2012<br />

SEOUL: A South Korean protester shouts slogans during a<br />

rally against Japan’s sovereignty claims over disputed<br />

islets called Dokdo in Korean and Takeshima and<br />

demanding an apology and compensation for the victims<br />

during Japanese colonial rule yesterday. — AP<br />

Japan, N Korea meet<br />

for second day of talks<br />

BEIJING: Japan and North Korea were in close contact for a<br />

second day, officials said yesterday, as the countries seek to<br />

find enough common ground for possible future discussions at<br />

a higher level. Diplomats from the two sides held their first<br />

face-to-face encounter in four years Wednesday in Beijing, in<br />

relatively low-level talks Japan characterised as “matter-of-fact<br />

and frank.”<br />

The countries, which have no formal diplomatic relations,<br />

have long been at odds over numerous issues including North<br />

Korea’s abduction of Japanese citizens and the legacy of<br />

Japan’s colonial rule of the Korean peninsula. Beyond their<br />

bilateral relationship, however, the meetings in China’s capital<br />

are being closely watched for any clues as to whether North<br />

Korea’s foreign policy could change under new leader Kim<br />

Jong-Un. Kim, believed to be in his late 20s, took over leadership<br />

of the communist state after his father Kim Jong-Il died in<br />

December. Diplomats began the second day of meetings<br />

shortly before midday at North Korea’s embassy after having<br />

met the previous day at Japan’s diplomatic mission, according<br />

to a Japanese official, who declined to be named.<br />

Yesterday’s encounter ended after a little less than two<br />

hours and the two sides were keeping in touch, though it was<br />

unclear if they would gather again, said the official with the<br />

Japanese embassy. In Tokyo, Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu<br />

Fujimura emphasised that the talks were very much alive even<br />

if yesterday’s physical meeting had ended for the time being.<br />

“We have continued coordination with each other,” he told<br />

a news conference. Japanese broadcaster NHK television<br />

reported North Korean and Japanese diplomats were staying<br />

in contact by phone while receiving instructions from their<br />

governments. In another sign the sides were making some<br />

headway, news agency Jiji press said Japan’s delegation had<br />

postponed its return to Tokyo until today.<br />

A key issue for Japan is the fate of its citizens abducted by<br />

North Korean agents to help train spies, amid suspicions that<br />

Pyongyang has failed to provide all the information it has<br />

about them. “The abduction issue is among the most important<br />

of the various problems between Japan and North Korea,”<br />

Fujimura said.<br />

“As a matter of course, there won’t be any change in our<br />

stance that we want to discuss it.” Secretive North Korea<br />

admitted in 2002 its agents kidnapped Japanese in the 1970s<br />

and 1980s to help train spies by teaching them Japanese language<br />

and culture, and later allowed five of them and their<br />

families to return home.<br />

It said a number of others died, though many in Japan hold<br />

out hope they remain alive. There are also suspicions that<br />

Pyongyang’s agents abducted more Japanese than they<br />

admitted. Japan says North Korea agreed to reopen investigations<br />

into the fate of abducted Japanese when the two sides<br />

last met in 2008. Impoverished yet highly militarised North<br />

Korea remains suspicious of Japan, which is a close military ally<br />

of the United States. Pyongyang also regularly blasts Japan for<br />

its colonisation of the Korean peninsula in the first half of the<br />

20th century and treatment of ethnic Koreans in Japan. — AFP<br />

SEOUL: Twin typhoons are renewing<br />

fears of a humanitarian crisis in North<br />

Korea, where poor drainage, widespread<br />

deforestation and crumbling infrastructure<br />

can turn even a routine rainstorm<br />

into a catastrophic flood. Typhoon<br />

Bolaven struck the North on Tuesday<br />

and Wednesday, submerging houses<br />

and roads, ruining thousands of acres of<br />

crops and triggering landslides that<br />

buried train tracks - scenes that are all<br />

too familiar in this disaster-prone nation.<br />

A second major storm, Typhoon<br />

Tembin, pounded the Korean Peninsula<br />

with more rains yesterday.<br />

The storms come as North Korea is<br />

still recovering from earlier floods that<br />

killed more than 170 people and<br />

destroyed thousands of homes. That in<br />

turn followed a springtime drought that<br />

was the worst in a century in some<br />

areas. Foreign aid groups contacted yesterday<br />

said they are standing by in<br />

Pyongyang, but had not received new<br />

requests for help from the North Korean<br />

government. They had little information<br />

on the extent of damage and were relying<br />

on reports from state media. The<br />

country’s wariness toward the outside<br />

world, as well as a primitive rural road<br />

system, means aid may be slow arriving,<br />

if it is allowed to come at all.<br />

“These fresh storms, coming just a few<br />

weeks after the serious flooding - they do<br />

raise concerns because we see parts of<br />

the countryside battered again that have<br />

already been left in a vulnerable state,”<br />

said Francis Markus, spokesman for the<br />

International Federation of Red Cross and<br />

Red Crescent Societies in East Asia.<br />

Tembin’s strong winds and hard rain<br />

were pounding South Korea yesterday,<br />

as residents of some cities waded<br />

through streets flooded with murky,<br />

knee-deep water. The national weather<br />

BEIJING: Giving up his successful career as the head of a medical<br />

research firm to spend his days at home reading from children’s<br />

story books was a tough choice for Chinese father<br />

Zhang Qiaofeng. But Zhang, one of a small but growing number<br />

of Chinese parents who are turning their backs on the<br />

country’s rigidly exam-oriented state-run school system, felt<br />

he had no choice. “China’s education system has special problems,”<br />

said Zhang, a wiry-looking graduate of one of the country’s<br />

top universities.<br />

“I want my son to receive a style of education which is<br />

much more participative, not just the teacher talking while<br />

students listen. Most of my son’s time is set aside for following<br />

his interests, or playing.” From a small apartment on the outskirts<br />

of Beijing, Zhang teaches his son Hongwu for four hours<br />

a day, in contrast to the six hours of compulsory classes the<br />

seven-year-old used to sit through at primary school.<br />

In the living room where he holds most of his classes,<br />

Zhang rattles through a long list of gripes with China’s education<br />

system, from what he calls its “obsession” with exam<br />

results to an overly authoritarian teaching style. China has<br />

made impressive progress in rolling out universal education<br />

across the country, with urban areas such as Shanghai claiming<br />

a perfect school enrolment rate. The United Nations says<br />

China has a youth literacy rate of 99 percent.<br />

But many parents complain about the focus on rote learning<br />

and passing exams, which means that children spend long<br />

hours in class. Chinese children spend an average of 8.6 hours<br />

a day in school, with some spending 12 hours in the classroom,<br />

according to a 2007 survey conducted by China’s Youth<br />

agency in Seoul said the storm would<br />

move off the peninsula’s east coast and<br />

that some cities in North Korea would<br />

see severe weather conditions. There<br />

were no deaths reported from Tembin;<br />

20 people were dead or missing in<br />

South Korea from Bolaven.<br />

North Korea has yet to release casualty<br />

details, though heavy rains that might<br />

be little more than an inconvenience<br />

elsewhere can be calamitous there.<br />

Downpours trigger landslides that barrel<br />

down the country’s deforested mountains.<br />

For years, rural people have felled<br />

trees to grow crops and for fuel, leaving<br />

the landscape barren and heavily eroded.<br />

Rivers overflow, submerging crops,<br />

inundating roads and engulfing hamlets.<br />

Since June, thousands have been<br />

left without clean water, electricity and<br />

access to food and other supplies. That<br />

leads to a risk of water-borne and respiratory<br />

diseases and malnutrition, aid<br />

workers say.<br />

Because the North annually struggles<br />

to produce enough food from its rocky,<br />

mountainous landscape to feed its 24<br />

International<br />

Twin typhoons raise fears<br />

in disaster-prone N Korea<br />

Second typhoon pounds S Korea, kills two<br />

million people, a poorly timed natural<br />

disaster can easily tip the country into<br />

crisis, like the famine in the 1990s that<br />

followed a similar succession of devastating<br />

storms.<br />

A North Korean land management<br />

official acknowledged in an interview<br />

with The Associated Press that widespread<br />

deforestation and a lack of basic<br />

infrastructure have made the country vulnerable<br />

to the typhoons and storms that<br />

batter the peninsula each year. “It’s<br />

important for the future of our children<br />

to make our country rich and beautiful,”<br />

Ri Song Il, director of external affairs for<br />

the Ministry of Land and Environmental<br />

Protection, said in June.<br />

He said a campaign is under way to<br />

replenish forests, build highways and<br />

construct proper irrigation at the order<br />

of North Korea’s new leader, Kim Jong<br />

Un. He held up a green pamphlet on<br />

land management that was the first official<br />

document Kim published after taking<br />

power from his father. But it may be<br />

too little, too late, for this year’s summer<br />

rains. — AP<br />

SEOUL: A man carries his dog to safer place from the cage yesterday. — AP<br />

Parents reject China’s classrooms<br />

and Children Research Center. Lao Kaisheng, an education<br />

policy researcher at Beijing Normal University, said growing<br />

numbers of Chinese parents were demanding more of a say in<br />

how their children were educated.<br />

“There’s been a rapid rise in home schooling, especially in<br />

the past few years,” he told AFP. “Parents who home school<br />

tend to have more strict requirements for their children’s education,<br />

and feel that schools won’t meet their children’s individual<br />

needs.” No official figures are available for the proportion<br />

of Chinese parents educating their children at home, but<br />

Lao estimates it at less than one percent.<br />

One of the most prominent is Xu Xuejin, who moved from<br />

the booming eastern Chinese manufacturing hub of Zhejiang<br />

to the picturesque but sleepy southwestern town of Dali to<br />

provide a better environment for his two children. “Chinese<br />

children are taught to compete from a young age,” Xu told<br />

AFP by phone. “Students who can’t compete are eliminated...<br />

there’s too much pressure on them.” Xu, a Christian, said he<br />

wanted to give his children a more “Bible-centred” education<br />

than they could get in school, a key motivating factor in countries<br />

such as the United States where home schooling is<br />

becoming more popular.<br />

An Internet discussion forum he started in 2010 for Chinese<br />

home schoolers to swap classroom materials and discuss educational<br />

theory now has more than 4,000 registered members.<br />

Worries about the legality of home schooling feature heavily<br />

on the forum Chinese law states that children must be<br />

enrolled in school aged seven and receive compulsory education<br />

for nine years. — AFP

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