A - a

A - a A - a


wa'- (also waa-) wa'- (also waa-) v. to hate. Amharic: መጥላት. waa n m (-eygu). water. Amharic: ውሃ. wa'a iy- phrase. to be abundant ??, superfluous?? Amharic: መትረፍረፍ. waac'i n m (-ugu). house-spirit, guardian spirit. Amharic: ውቃቢ. waac'i godisad'- phrase. to communicate with guardian spirit. Amharic: ውቃቢ ማነጋገር. waad- v. to roast. Amharic: መጥበስ. waadad'- v. to roast for o.s. Amharic: መጥበስ. waadam- v pass. to be roasted. Amharic: መጠበስ. waadiss- v caus. to have s.o. roast. Amharic: ማስጠበስ. waadoo n f (-shi). roast. Amharic: ጥብስ. waaf- v. to weed. Amharic: ማረም. waafam- v pass. to be weeded. Amharic: መታረም. waag- v. to praise. Amharic: ማወደስ. waaga ?? n. praise. Amharic: ውዳሴ. waagam- v pass. to be praised. Amharic: መወደስ. waah- v. to groan. Amharic: ማቃሰት. waahad'- 1. v mid. to groan. Amharic: ማቃሰት. waahad'- 2. v mid. to be anxious. Amharic: መጓጓት. waaha n f (-shi). groaning. Amharic: ማቃሰት. waaha 2. n f (-shi). anxiety. Amharic: ጉጉት. waahee n f (-shi). groaning. Amharic: ማቃሰት. waaheelaa n m (-eygu). companion. Amharic: ጓደኛ. waaheels- v caus. to accompany. Amharic: ኣብሮ መሆን. waaheyshee 1. n f (-shi). restlessness, groaning. Amharic: ማቃሳት. waaheyshee 2. n f (-shi). anxiety. Amharic: ጉጉት. waajirataa n m (-eygu). companion. Amharic: ባልደረባ. waak'i waak'i iy- phrase. to wander about aimlessly. Amharic: ዘለል ዘለል ማለት. waakku adv. not so ... Amharic: እስከዚህም. waala n f (-shi). clothe. Amharic: ልብስ. waallaa n f (-shi). cloud. Amharic: ደመና. waallaaw- 1. v. to be cloudy. Amharic: መዳመን. waallaaw- 2. v. to be dim. Amharic: መደብዘዝ. waalleys- v caus. to make cloudy. Amharic: ማዳመን. wa'am- v pass. to be hated. Amharic: መጠላት. waannaa adj. main, primary, principal. Amharic: ዋና. waaraa n m (-eygu). matter, matter of discussion. Amharic: መነጋገሪያ ጉዳይ, ነገር. wod'aasiss- waardeyaa n m (-eygu). guard, watchman. Amharic: ዘብ. waareem- v. to be told. Amharic: መነገር. waarissad'- v mid. to betroth for o.s. Amharic: ማጨት. waariss- v caus. to betroth. Amharic: ማጨት. waarissam- v pass. to be betrothed. Amharic: መታጨት. waarissis- v caus. to have betrothed?? Amharic: ማሳጨት. waariy- v. to tell. Amharic: መንገር. waariyam- v pass. to be told. Amharic: መነገር. waasee n f (-shi). guarantor. Amharic: ዋስ. waasiss- v caus. to have disgusted?? Amharic: መጠላት. waayya n f (-shi). spiritual leader's home yard land. Amharic: የመንፈሳዊ መሪ የመኖሪያ ኣካባቢው መሬት. waayyanga shibiri «ct. kind of song». «?? የዘፈን ኣይነት». phrase. waayyaa n f (-shi). dribble. Amharic: ለሃጭ. waayyaa wor- phrase. to dribble. Amharic: ለሃጭ ማንጠበጠብ. wa'a! interj. be careful! Amharic: ተጠንቀቅ! wat'arma ?? n. ?? Amharic: ?? weenda aama phrase. crab. Amharic: ሸርጣን. weybaa (also woybaa) n f (-shi). podocarpo. Amharic: ዝግባ. weyda (also woyda) adj. in the past, long ago. Amharic: ዱሮ. weyfani (also woyfani) n m (-ugu). young bull. Amharic: ወይፈን. weyra (also woyra) n m (-ugu). rat. Amharic: ኣይጥ. wobbaa adj. foolish, silly. Amharic: ጅል. woccoo n f (-shi). dog. Amharic: ውሻ. woccoo mar'- phrase. to yield good results. Amharic: መልካም ፍሬ መስጠት. wod- woda v. to grow. Amharic: ማደግ. n f (-shi). growth. Amharic: እድገት. wodaa ?? n. ?? Amharic: ?? wodaa adj. of the same age. Amharic: እኩያ. wod'aa n f (-shi). rest. Amharic: እረፍት. wod'aamoo n f (-shi). wheat bread. Amharic: የስንዴ ቅጣ. wod'aasad'- v mid. to rest. Amharic: ማረፍ. wod'aasattee n f (-shi). rest. Amharic: እረፍት. wod'aasiss- v caus. to have s.o.rest. Amharic: ማስረፍ. 02/06/2008 82

wod'akkaa wod'akkaa adv. midnight, very early in the morning. Amharic: እኩለ ሌልት, በጣም በማለዳ. wodam- v. to insult, curse. Amharic: መሰደብ, መርገም. wodans- v caus. cause to be insulted, cursed. Amharic: መስደብ, ማስረገም. wodamaa n f (-shi). insult, curse. Amharic: ስድብ, እርግማን. wodamam- v pass. to be insulted, cursed. Amharic: መብደብ. wodana n m (-ugu). heart. Amharic: ልብ. wodanaaw- v. to be courageous. Amharic: ድፍረት ማግኘት. wog- woga v. to collect honey. Amharic: ማር መቁረጥ. n m (-ugu). leaf. Amharic: ቅጠል. wogam- v pass. to be collected (honey). Amharic: መቆረጥ. woggaa n m (-eygu). time, season. Amharic: ጊዜ, ወቅት. wogiccoo n m (-ugu). leaf. Amharic: ቅጠል. wogis- v caus. to up-bring. Amharic: ማሳደግ. wogisad'- v. to up-bring s.o. for o.s. Amharic: ማሳደግ. wohee n f (-shi). pretext. Amharic: ሰበብ. wok'as- v. to reproach. Amharic: መውቀስ. wok'asaa n m (-eygu). reproach. Amharic: ወቀሳ. wokkaal- v. to translate. Amharic: መተርጎም. wokkals- v caus. to interpret. Amharic: ማስተርጛም. wokkaaloo n f (-shi). meaning, translation, interpretation. Amharic: ትርጉም. wokki wokki iy- phrase. to be naughty. Amharic: መቅበጥበጥ. wokkis- v caus. to glimpse, spark. Amharic: ማብረቅረቅ. wol'- v mid. to last, stay, be late. Amharic: መዝግየት, መቆየት. wolaa wolaa iy- phrase. to overact. Amharic: ልታይልታይ ማለት. wolaallee n f (-shi). fine clothes. Amharic: ?? wolaancoo n f (-shi). stick. Amharic: በትር. wolalli iy- phrase. to flare up. Amharic: ወገግ ማለት. woldeennaa n m (-eygu). meeting place. Amharic: መገናኛ, መሰበሰቢያ ቦታ. woldey- v itr. to be gathered. Amharic: መሰበሰብ. woldeys- v caus. to gather. Amharic: ማሰባሰብ. wol'eed'aa, wol'acceettaa f. adj. long-dated. Amharic: የቆየ. wolga n f (-shi). [rush, grass plants. Amharic: ?]. wol'is- v caus. to delay. Amharic: ማቆየት. wolli wolwalee adv. together, each other. Amharic: እርስ በርስ, ኣብሮ. wolli afu kar- «to incriminate one another». «መወንጃጀል». phrase. wolli bak'- «to separate, divide». «መለያየት». wolli bak'ad'- «to respect one another». «መከባበር». wolli burs- «to favour». «ማበላለጥ». wolli k'itt'a «equal». «እኩል». wolli d'akk'ab- «to quarrel (children)». «መጣላት (ህጻናት)». wolli d'akk'as- «to distribute». «መከፋፈል». wolli fakkaattu «similar». «ተመሳሳይ». wolli gal- «to agree». «መስማማት». wolli goysi goy- «to help each other». «መረዳደት». wolli k'itt'a god'- «to make equal, equate». «እኩል ማድረግ». wolli k'itt'a ih- «to become equal». «እኩል መሆን». wolli saleyci «unanimous». «ባንድ ድምጽ». wolli shoosk'ad'- «not talk to one another». «ኣለመነጋገር». wolli gabee phrase. one after another. Amharic: ኣንዱ በሌለው ላይ. wolli gabi d'oor- «to reconcile». «ማስታረቅ». wolli gabi fiij- ?? «to separate, divide». «መለያየት, መከፋፈል». wolli gabi gal- «to depart». «መለያየት». wolli gabi lays- «to take apart». «ማለያየት». wolli shoosk'ad'- phrase. to refuse, decline. Amharic: መጥላት. wollida adv. with, in each other. Amharic: ኣንዱ በሌላው ውስጥ. wollidda him- «to interlink». «መጠላለፍ». phrase. wollidda lad- «to mix up». «ማደባለቅ». wolliga pron. on each other. Amharic: ኣንዱ በሌላ ላይ. wolliga d'irk'- «to collect, gather». «መሰብሰብ». phrase. wolliga gagar- «to put together». «ኣንድ ላይ ማድረግ». wolliga hid'- «to yoke together». «ማያያዝ». wolliga k'aad'- «to help each other». «መረዳዳት». wolliga k'ad- «to add up». «መጨመር». wolwalee n f (-shi). kindness. Amharic: ርህሩህ. 02/06/2008 83

wa'- (also waa-)<br />

wa'- (also waa-) v. to hate. Amharic: መጥላት.<br />

waa<br />

n m (-eygu). water. Amharic: ውሃ.<br />

wa'a iy- phrase. to be abundant ??, superfluous??<br />

Amharic: መትረፍረፍ.<br />

waac'i<br />

n m (-ugu). house-spirit, guardian spirit.<br />

Amharic: ውቃቢ.<br />

waac'i godisad'- phrase. to communicate with<br />

guardian spirit. Amharic: ውቃቢ ማነጋገር.<br />

waad- v. to roast. Amharic: መጥበስ.<br />

waadad'- v. to roast for o.s. Amharic: መጥበስ.<br />

waadam- v pass. to be roasted. Amharic: መጠበስ.<br />

waadiss- v caus. to have s.o. roast. Amharic: ማስጠበስ.<br />

waadoo n f (-shi). roast. Amharic: ጥብስ.<br />

waaf-<br />

v. to weed. Amharic: ማረም.<br />

waafam- v pass. to be weeded. Amharic: መታረም.<br />

waag- v. to praise. Amharic: ማወደስ.<br />

waaga ?? n. praise. Amharic: ውዳሴ.<br />

waagam- v pass. to be praised. Amharic: መወደስ.<br />

waah- v. to groan. Amharic: ማቃሰት.<br />

waahad'- 1. v mid. to groan. Amharic: ማቃሰት.<br />

waahad'- 2. v mid. to be anxious. Amharic: መጓጓት.<br />

waaha n f (-shi). groaning. Amharic: ማቃሰት.<br />

waaha 2. n f (-shi). anxiety. Amharic: ጉጉት.<br />

waahee n f (-shi). groaning. Amharic: ማቃሰት.<br />

waaheelaa n m (-eygu). companion. Amharic: ጓደኛ.<br />

waaheels- v caus. to accompany. Amharic: ኣብሮ መሆን.<br />

waaheyshee 1. n f (-shi). restlessness, groaning.<br />

Amharic: ማቃሳት.<br />

waaheyshee 2. n f (-shi). anxiety. Amharic: ጉጉት.<br />

waajirataa n m (-eygu). companion. Amharic: ባልደረባ.<br />

waak'i waak'i iy- phrase. to wander about aimlessly.<br />

Amharic: ዘለል ዘለል ማለት.<br />

waakku adv. not so ... Amharic: እስከዚህም.<br />

waala<br />

n f (-shi). clothe. Amharic: ልብስ.<br />

waallaa n f (-shi). cloud. Amharic: ደመና.<br />

waallaaw- 1. v. to be cloudy. Amharic: መዳመን.<br />

waallaaw- 2. v. to be dim. Amharic: መደብዘዝ.<br />

waalleys- v caus. to make cloudy. Amharic: ማዳመን.<br />

wa'am- v pass. to be hated. Amharic: መጠላት.<br />

waannaa adj. main, primary, principal. Amharic: ዋና.<br />

waaraa n m (-eygu). matter, matter of discussion.<br />

Amharic: መነጋገሪያ ጉዳይ, ነገር.<br />

wod'aasiss-<br />

waardeyaa n m (-eygu). guard, watchman. Amharic: ዘብ.<br />

waareem- v. to be told. Amharic: መነገር.<br />

waarissad'- v mid. to betroth for o.s. Amharic: ማጨት.<br />

waariss- v caus. to betroth. Amharic: ማጨት.<br />

waarissam- v pass. to be betrothed.<br />

Amharic: መታጨት.<br />

waarissis- v caus. to have betrothed??<br />

Amharic: ማሳጨት.<br />

waariy- v. to tell. Amharic: መንገር.<br />

waariyam- v pass. to be told. Amharic: መነገር.<br />

waasee n f (-shi). guarantor. Amharic: ዋስ.<br />

waasiss- v caus. to have disgusted?? Amharic: መጠላት.<br />

waayya n f (-shi). spiritual leader's home yard land.<br />

Amharic: የመንፈሳዊ መሪ የመኖሪያ ኣካባቢው<br />

መሬት. waayyanga shibiri «ct. kind of song».<br />

«?? የዘፈን ኣይነት».<br />

phrase.<br />

waayyaa n f (-shi). dribble. Amharic: ለሃጭ.<br />

waayyaa wor- phrase. to dribble. Amharic: ለሃጭ<br />

ማንጠበጠብ.<br />

wa'a!<br />

interj. be careful! Amharic: ተጠንቀቅ!<br />

wat'arma ?? n. ?? Amharic: ??<br />

weenda aama phrase. crab. Amharic: ሸርጣን.<br />

weybaa (also woybaa) n f (-shi). podocarpo.<br />

Amharic: ዝግባ.<br />

weyda (also woyda) adj. in the past, long ago.<br />

Amharic: ዱሮ.<br />

weyfani (also woyfani) n m (-ugu). young bull.<br />

Amharic: ወይፈን.<br />

weyra (also woyra) n m (-ugu). rat. Amharic: ኣይጥ.<br />

wobbaa adj. foolish, silly. Amharic: ጅል.<br />

woccoo n f (-shi). dog. Amharic: ውሻ.<br />

woccoo mar'- phrase. to yield good results.<br />

Amharic: መልካም ፍሬ መስጠት.<br />

wod-<br />

woda<br />

v. to grow. Amharic: ማደግ.<br />

n f (-shi). growth. Amharic: እድገት.<br />

wodaa ?? n. ?? Amharic: ??<br />

wodaa adj. of the same age. Amharic: እኩያ.<br />

wod'aa n f (-shi). rest. Amharic: እረፍት.<br />

wod'aamoo n f (-shi). wheat bread. Amharic: የስንዴ<br />

ቅጣ.<br />

wod'aasad'- v mid. to rest. Amharic: ማረፍ.<br />

wod'aasattee n f (-shi). rest. Amharic: እረፍት.<br />

wod'aasiss- v caus. to have s.o.rest. Amharic: ማስረፍ.<br />

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