A - a

A - a A - a


surk'am- takkaal- ?? surk'am- v pass. to be plugged. Amharic: መወተፍ. surraa n m (-eygu). mucus. Amharic: ንፍጥ. surree n f (-shi). turban, headband. Amharic: ጥምጣም. sus- v caus. to knot. Amharic: ማሰር, ማያያዝ. susam- v pass. to be knotted. Amharic: መያያዝ, መተሳሰር. suub- v. to sip. Amharic: ፍት ማድረግ. suubam- v pass. to be sipped. Amharic: ፍት መድረግ. suubaa n m (-eygu). bag. Amharic: ከረጢት. suuf- 1. v. to suspect. Amharic: መጠርጠር. suuf- 2. v. to smell. Amharic: ማሽተት. suufam- 2. v pass. to be smelled. Amharic: መሽተት. suufam-1. v pass. to be suspected. Amharic: መጠርጠር. suuleydaa n m (-eygu). millet. Amharic: ዘንጋዳ. suulis- v caus. to make s.o. excessive?? Amharic: ?? suuliy- v. to feel very hot (weather). Amharic: በወበቅ መቃጠል. suun- v. to collect. Amharic: መሰበሰብ. suun'- v mid. to beg. Amharic: መለመን. suun'aa, suun'attoo f. n m (-eygu),. beggar. Amharic: ለማኝ. suunam- v pass. to be collected. Amharic: መሰብሰብ. suusaafad'am- v pass. to be smelled. Amharic: መሽተት. suuss- v caus. to let s.o. sip. Amharic: ሃት ማስደረግ. suutoo n f (-shi). buttock. Amharic: ቅጥ. T - t ta t'a'- pron f. this. Amharic: ይህች. v. to be clear. Amharic: መንዳት. t'a'a iy- phrase. to jump up. Amharic: መዝለል. t'aaf- v. to write. Amharic: መጻፍ. t'aafam- v pass. to be written. Amharic: መጻፍ. taalaaddu! interj. greeting of men to water fetching women. Amharic: ወንዶች ውሃ ለተሸከመ ሴቶች የሚሰጡ ሰላምታ. taar- v. to stir. Amharic: ማማሰል. taaram- v pass. to be stirred up. Amharic: መማሰል. t'aar- 1. v. to shout. Amharic: መጮህ. t'aar- 2. v. to complain. Amharic: ቅሬታ ማሰማት. t'aar'- v mid. to petition. Amharic: ኣቤቱታ ማቅረብ. t'aars- v caus. to make shout. Amharic: ማስጮህ. t'aarayyoo 1. n m (-ugu). petition. Amharic: ኣቤቱታ. t'aarayyoo 2. n m (-ugu). loud shouting. Amharic: ጩሄት. t'aassiss- v caus. to have s.o. write. Amharic: ማጻፍ. t'aassissad'- v mid. to have written for o.s. Amharic: ማጻፍ. taayyaa n m (-eygu). fly. Amharic: ዝንብ. t'ab- v. to be bright, shiny. Amharic: መፍካት, መብራት. tabac'aaw- v. to be spoilt by weevil. Amharic: መንቀዝ. tabac'ee n f (-shi). weevil. Amharic: ነቀዝ. tabac'eys- v caus. to let it become spoilt by weevils. Amharic: በነቀዝ ማስበለት. tabad'- v. to play, entertain. Amharic: መጫወት. tabad'am- v pass. to be entertained. Amharic: መጫወት. t'abar- v. to give light (sun). Amharic: ብርሃን መስጠት. tabar- ?? phrase. to rise, give light. Amharic: የጠሃይ መውጣት, መብራት. t'abara 1. n f (-shi). sun. Amharic: ጸሃይ. t'abara 2. n f (-shi). sunlight. Amharic: የጸሃይ ብርሃን. tabayaa n m (-eygu). play, entertainment. Amharic: ጨዋታ. t'abbitaa n m (-eygu). eye ointment. Amharic: ጠብታ. t'abi n m (-ugu). light. Amharic: ብርሃን. t'abiddi shiid- phrase. to speak, talk openly. Amharic: በግልጽ መናገር. t'adallaa n f (-shi). ct. kind of plant. Amharic: ጤና ኣዳም. t'af- v. to hide. Amharic: መደበቅ. t'afam- v pass. to be hidden. Amharic: መደበቅ. tafi t'afoo n m (-ugu). lap. Amharic: ጭን. adj. hidden, concealed. Amharic: ድብቅ. t'agaagaa ??. ?? Amharic: ?? tagaamad'- v. to argue, dispute. Amharic: መጨቃጨቅ. tagaans- v caus. to make argue. Amharic: ማጨቃጨቅ. tagee n f (-shi). spear-handle. Amharic: ?? tagirree n f (-shi). ?? Amharic: ?? tak'ee n f (-shi). bed. Amharic: ኣልጋ. takkaal- ?? phrase. [to hobble. Amharic: ?? 02/06/2008 76

t'alalak'- t'eek'i duwwaa(ga), t'eek'i duwwaada f. t'alalak'- v. to be exposed. Amharic: መጋለጥ. t'alalask'- v caus. to uncover, expose. Amharic: ማጋለጥ. t'allak'- v. to spark. Amharic: መብረቅረቅ. t'allak'aa(ga), t'allat'aa(da) f. adj. sparkling. Amharic: ኣብረቅራቂ. tamaar- v. to learn. Amharic: መማር. tamaars- v caus. to teach. Amharic: ማስተማር. tamaaree n f (-shi). student. Amharic: ተማሪ. tamboo n f (-shi). tobacco. Amharic: ትምባሆ. t'ammak'- v. to baptize. Amharic: መጥመቅ. t'ammak'am- v pass. to be baptized. Amharic: መጠመቅ. tanaga adv f. on this. Amharic: በዚህች ላይ. tanagaa conj. because of this. Amharic: ስለዚህ. tananna adv f. like this. Amharic: እንደዚህች. tandu tanee adv. last time. Amharic: ባለፈው ጊዜ. adv. now. Amharic: ኣሁን. tana duree «before». «ከዚህ በፊት». phrase. tanatana «again and again, now and then». «ኣሁንም ኣሁንም». --. tangileyshee (also tingileyshee) n f (-shi). heel. Amharic: ተረከዝ. tanna num. ten. Amharic: ኣስር. tanniseeka, tanniseeta f. «the tenth». «ኣስረኛ». t'annee n f (-shi). famished condition. Amharic: ጠኔ. t'ant'- v. to be smart, brave, strong. Amharic: መጎበዝ. t'ant'is- v caus. to make strong, brave, smart. Amharic: ማጎበዝ. t'ant'aa adj. clever, smart, brave. Amharic: ጎበዝ. t'antt'umma n f (-shi). strength, bravery, smartness. Amharic: ጉብዝና. t'ant'untaa n f (-shi). strength, smartness, bravery. Amharic: ጉብዝና. taraa n m (-eygu). turn, row. Amharic: ተራ. tarataraa «turn by turn». «ተራ በተራ». --. tarayoo ?? n f (-shi). [shame. Amharic: ?? t'arfannaa n m (-eygu). fork. Amharic: ሹካ. tarkaafad'- ?? v mid. to step over, miss the way. Amharic: ማጥፋት, መንገድ መስጠት. tarkaalloo n m (-ugu). hoe. Amharic: መኮትኮቻ. tark'aaw- v. to be full of fleas. Amharic: በቁንጫ መሞላት. tark'ee n f (-shi). flea. Amharic: ቁንጫ. tarsa adj. loose. Amharic: ልቅ. tarsh- v. to break off ?? Amharic: መገንጠል. tarsham- v pass. to be broken off. Amharic: መገንጠል. tarsiss- ?? v caus. to cause to shout. Amharic: ማስጮህ. tasa adv. vain. Amharic: ከንቱ. tasa bey- phrase. to remain in vain. Amharic: በከንቱ መቅረት. tasaal- v. to make a vow. Amharic: መሳል. tass- (also tabs-) v caus. to make play, entertain. Amharic: ማጫወት. tassiss- v caus. to entertain. Amharic: ማጫወት, ማዝናናት. t'ass- (also t'abs-) 1. v caus. to put off. Amharic: ማጥፋት. t'ass- (also t'abs-) 2. v caus. to give away. Amharic: መንገድ መስጠት. t'ass- (also t'abs-) 3. v caus. to give light. Amharic: ማብራት. tassissam- v pass. to be entertained. Amharic: መጫወት. t'at'- 1. v. to drain. Amharic: መጥፈፍ. t'at'- 2. v. to tie fast. Amharic: ኣጥብቆ ማሰር. t'at'am- v pass. to be fastened. Amharic: መጥበቅ. tattaaf- v. to caress ??, grope. Amharic: መደባበስ. tattaafam- v pass. to be groped?? Amharic: መደባበል. tawataa n m (-eygu). pole. Amharic: ዋልታ. tawurta adv. recently. Amharic: በቂርቡ. t'aww- v. to grieve (about husband's death). Amharic: በባል ሞት ማዘን. t'awwa n f (-shi). widow. Amharic: ጋለሞታ. tayd'- v mid. to sit. Amharic: መቀመጥ. taymaa n f (-shi). manner of sitting. Amharic: ኣቀማመጥ. t'aymaa n f (-shi). castor plant. Amharic: ጉሎ. t'aynaa n m (-eygu). health. Amharic: ጤና. tays- 2. v caus. to put down. Amharic: ማስቀመጥ. tays- (also toys-) 1. v. to return. Amharic: መመለስ. taysk'- (also toysk'-, tosk'-) ?? v caus. to break. Amharic: መበጠስ. taysummaa n f (-shi). way of sitting. Amharic: ኣቀማመጥ. ta''! interj. sit down! (to child). Amharic: ቁጭ! (ለህጻናት). t'eefee n f (-shi). t'eff (grain). Amharic: ጤፍ. t'eek'i duwwaa(ga), t'eek'i duwwaada f. adj. very red. Amharic: በጣም ቀይ. 02/06/2008 77

surk'am- takkaal- ??<br />

surk'am- v pass. to be plugged. Amharic: መወተፍ.<br />

surraa n m (-eygu). mucus. Amharic: ንፍጥ.<br />

surree n f (-shi). turban, headband. Amharic: ጥምጣም.<br />

sus-<br />

v caus. to knot. Amharic: ማሰር, ማያያዝ.<br />

susam- v pass. to be knotted. Amharic: መያያዝ,<br />

መተሳሰር.<br />

suub-<br />

v. to sip. Amharic: ፍት ማድረግ.<br />

suubam- v pass. to be sipped. Amharic: ፍት መድረግ.<br />

suubaa n m (-eygu). bag. Amharic: ከረጢት.<br />

suuf- 1. v. to suspect. Amharic: መጠርጠር.<br />

suuf- 2. v. to smell. Amharic: ማሽተት.<br />

suufam- 2. v pass. to be smelled. Amharic: መሽተት.<br />

suufam-1. v pass. to be suspected. Amharic: መጠርጠር.<br />

suuleydaa n m (-eygu). millet. Amharic: ዘንጋዳ.<br />

suulis- v caus. to make s.o. excessive?? Amharic: ??<br />

suuliy- v. to feel very hot (weather). Amharic: በወበቅ<br />

መቃጠል.<br />

suun-<br />

v. to collect. Amharic: መሰበሰብ.<br />

suun'- v mid. to beg. Amharic: መለመን.<br />

suun'aa, suun'attoo f. n m (-eygu),. beggar.<br />

Amharic: ለማኝ.<br />

suunam- v pass. to be collected. Amharic: መሰብሰብ.<br />

suusaafad'am- v pass. to be smelled.<br />

Amharic: መሽተት.<br />

suuss- v caus. to let s.o. sip. Amharic: ሃት ማስደረግ.<br />

suutoo n f (-shi). buttock. Amharic: ቅጥ.<br />

T - t<br />

ta<br />

t'a'-<br />

pron f. this. Amharic: ይህች.<br />

v. to be clear. Amharic: መንዳት.<br />

t'a'a iy- phrase. to jump up. Amharic: መዝለል.<br />

t'aaf-<br />

v. to write. Amharic: መጻፍ.<br />

t'aafam- v pass. to be written. Amharic: መጻፍ.<br />

taalaaddu! interj. greeting of men to water fetching<br />

women. Amharic: ወንዶች ውሃ ለተሸከመ ሴቶች<br />

የሚሰጡ ሰላምታ.<br />

taar-<br />

v. to stir. Amharic: ማማሰል.<br />

taaram- v pass. to be stirred up. Amharic: መማሰል.<br />

t'aar- 1. v. to shout. Amharic: መጮህ.<br />

t'aar- 2. v. to complain. Amharic: ቅሬታ ማሰማት.<br />

t'aar'-<br />

v mid. to petition. Amharic: ኣቤቱታ ማቅረብ.<br />

t'aars- v caus. to make shout. Amharic: ማስጮህ.<br />

t'aarayyoo 1. n m (-ugu). petition. Amharic: ኣቤቱታ.<br />

t'aarayyoo 2. n m (-ugu). loud shouting.<br />

Amharic: ጩሄት.<br />

t'aassiss- v caus. to have s.o. write. Amharic: ማጻፍ.<br />

t'aassissad'- v mid. to have written for o.s.<br />

Amharic: ማጻፍ.<br />

taayyaa n m (-eygu). fly. Amharic: ዝንብ.<br />

t'ab-<br />

v. to be bright, shiny. Amharic: መፍካት,<br />

መብራት.<br />

tabac'aaw- v. to be spoilt by weevil. Amharic: መንቀዝ.<br />

tabac'ee n f (-shi). weevil. Amharic: ነቀዝ.<br />

tabac'eys- v caus. to let it become spoilt by weevils.<br />

Amharic: በነቀዝ ማስበለት.<br />

tabad'- v. to play, entertain. Amharic: መጫወት.<br />

tabad'am- v pass. to be entertained. Amharic: መጫወት.<br />

t'abar- v. to give light (sun). Amharic: ብርሃን መስጠት.<br />

tabar- ?? phrase. to rise, give light. Amharic: የጠሃይ<br />

መውጣት, መብራት.<br />

t'abara 1. n f (-shi). sun. Amharic: ጸሃይ.<br />

t'abara 2. n f (-shi). sunlight. Amharic: የጸሃይ ብርሃን.<br />

tabayaa n m (-eygu). play, entertainment.<br />

Amharic: ጨዋታ.<br />

t'abbitaa n m (-eygu). eye ointment. Amharic: ጠብታ.<br />

t'abi<br />

n m (-ugu). light. Amharic: ብርሃን.<br />

t'abiddi shiid- phrase. to speak, talk openly.<br />

Amharic: በግልጽ መናገር.<br />

t'adallaa n f (-shi). ct. kind of plant. Amharic: ጤና ኣዳም.<br />

t'af-<br />

v. to hide. Amharic: መደበቅ.<br />

t'afam- v pass. to be hidden. Amharic: መደበቅ.<br />

tafi<br />

t'afoo<br />

n m (-ugu). lap. Amharic: ጭን.<br />

adj. hidden, concealed. Amharic: ድብቅ.<br />

t'agaagaa ??. ?? Amharic: ??<br />

tagaamad'- v. to argue, dispute. Amharic: መጨቃጨቅ.<br />

tagaans- v caus. to make argue. Amharic: ማጨቃጨቅ.<br />

tagee n f (-shi). spear-handle. Amharic: ??<br />

tagirree n f (-shi). ?? Amharic: ??<br />

tak'ee<br />

n f (-shi). bed. Amharic: ኣልጋ.<br />

takkaal- ?? phrase. [to hobble. Amharic: ??<br />

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