A - a

A - a A - a


shamac'ee shamac'ee n f (-shi). darkness. Amharic: ጨለማ. shamac'eeyya arraawwaa ?? «noble clothes». «??» phrase. shamusi n m (-ugu). shirt. Amharic: ሸሚዝ. shannac'eemaaw- v. to get dark, foggy ?? frowned ?? Amharic: መጨገግ, መጨፍገግ ?? shannac'eemoo n f (-shi). mist, fog. Amharic: ጭጋግ. sharee n m (-ugu). ?? Amharic: ?? sharree n f (-shi). wickedness. Amharic: ሸር. shar'umm- v. to be wrinkled. Amharic: መጨማደድ, መኮማተር. shasshaas- (also shesshaas-) v caus. to shake. Amharic: ማነቃነቅ. shasshaasam- (also shesshaasam-) v pass. to be shaken. Amharic: መነቃነቅ. shasshataa n m (-eygu). sistrum. Amharic: ጽናጽል. shaw'anaa n m (-eygu). beehive. Amharic: የንብ ቀፎ. shawwoo n f (-shi). swarm. Amharic: ?? shawwoo 1. n f (-shi). liberty. Amharic: ነጻነት. shayyi shee n m (-ugu). sticks used as musical instruments during circumcision. Amharic: በግዝራት በኣል የሙዚቃ መጫወቻ ዱላ. pron sg. you. Amharic: ኣንተ. sheed'eem- v. to be shrouded up. Amharic: መገነዝ. sheed'iy- v tr. to wrap up, shroud a corpse. Amharic: መገነዝ. sheehee (also keehee) n f (-shi). building ground, living place. Amharic: ቤት መስሪያ ስታ, መኖሪያ ቦታ. sheesa pron sg. for you. Amharic: ላንተ, ላንቺ. sheet'anaa (also seyt'anaa??) n m (-eygu). ጻtan. Amharic: ሰይጣን. shesshey- v itr. to be shaken. Amharic: መነቃነቅ. shesshaas- (also shashaas-) v caus. to shake. Amharic: ማነቃነቅ. shibir- v. to sing and dance ?? Amharic: መዝፈን. shibirs- v caus. to have s.o. sing. Amharic: ማዘፈን. shibiri shicc- n m (-gu). song. Amharic: ዘፈን. shibiri kad- «to sing and dance». «መዝፈን, መጨፈር». phrase. waayyanga shibiri «ct. kind of song». «?? የዘፈን ኣይነት». v. to write. Amharic: መጻፍ. shiccaa n m (-eygu). secretary. Amharic: ጸሃፊ. shiccaanoo n m (-ugu). writing. Amharic: ጽሁፍ. shiccam- v pass. to be written. Amharic: መጻፍ. shiccis- v caus. to have write. Amharic: ማጻፍ. shiid- v. to speak. Amharic: መናገር. shiidad'- v mid. to explain one's problem. Amharic: የራስን ችግር መግለጽ. shomaa shiidiss- 1. v caus. to speak to. Amharic: ማናገር. shiidam- v pass. to be spoken. Amharic: መነገር. shiidi n m (-ugu). speech, matter of discussion. Amharic: ንግግር, መነጋገሪያ ጉዳይ. shiidiss- 2. v. to read. Amharic: ማንበብ. shiittiy- v. to be tough. Amharic: መለዘዝ. shiittiyaa adj. tough. Amharic: ልዝዝ. shilloo n m (-ugu). rock. Amharic: ኣለት. shilmaa n f (-shi). tick. Amharic: መዝህገር. shini dem. there. Amharic: እዚያ. shinka, shinku pron m pl. your. Amharic: የናንተ. shinnaga adv. towards there, in future. Amharic: ወደዚያ, ወደፊት. shinsa pron. for you pl. Amharic: ለናንተ. shinsi pron pl. you. Amharic: እናንተ. shinta (shinci) phrase pron f sg. your. Amharic: የናንተ. shirk'- v. to crawl. Amharic: መንፏቀቅ. shirk'is- v caus. to make crawl. Amharic: ማንፏቀቅ. shirk'aa n m (-eygu). cup. Amharic: ኩባያ. shirk'am- v pass. to be crawling?? Amharic: መንፍዋቀቅ. shitt'aa n m (-eygu). robber. Amharic: ሽፍታ. shitta, shicci pron f sg. yours. Amharic: ያንተ. shiyya, shiyyu ?? pron m sg. yours. Amharic: ያንተ. sho'- v. to choose, select, elect. Amharic: መምረጥ. shod- 1. v. to uproot. Amharic: መንቀል. shod- 2. v. to kidnap. Amharic: መጥለፍ. shodam- 1. v pass. to be uprooted. Amharic: መነቀል. shodam- 2. v pass. to be kidnapped. Amharic: መጠለፍ. shodonoo n m (-ugu). beginning of sowing season. Amharic: የኣዝመራ መጀመሪያ. shokkeya n f (-shi). flail, thresher ?? Amharic: መውቂያ. shom- v. to pay charge, compensate. Amharic: መክፈል, መካል. shon'- v mid. to pay for o.s. Amharic: መክፈል. shonsiss- v caus. to charge, make sb. pay. Amharic: ማስከፈል. shomaa n f (-shi). pubic hair. Amharic: ጭገር. 02/06/2008 72

shomam- shomam- v pass. to be paid. Amharic: መከፈል. shombi n m (-ugu). lung. Amharic: ሳንባ. shomoo n f (-shi). punishment, compensation, fee. Amharic: መቀጫ, ካሳ, ቅጣት. shonaa n m (-eygu). love, blood relationship. Amharic: ፍቅር, ዝምድና. shonci n m (-ugu). sideframe of door. Amharic: ጉበን. shonjee n f (-shi). big, long and strong spear. Amharic: ትልቅና ረጅም መሆነ ጦር. shonkooraa n f (-shi). sugar-cane. Amharic: ሽንኮራ-ኣገዳ. shonkooraa (also sonkoortoo) n m (-eygu). sugar cane. Amharic: ሽንኮራ ኣገዳ. shood'- v mid. to have s.o. choose. Amharic: መምረጥ. sho'am- v pass. to be chosen, elected, selected. Amharic: መመረጥ. sho'iss- v caus. to let choose. Amharic: ማስመረጥ. shook'- v. to stink. Amharic: መሸተት. shooki n m (-ugu). chalk. Amharic: ጠመኔ. shook'i n m (-ugu). bad smell. Amharic: ግማት. shool- v. to peel. Amharic: መላጥ. shoolaamaa n m (-eygu). shell, peel, hull ?? Amharic: ልጣጭ. shoolam- v pass. to be peeled. Amharic: መላጥ. shoolee n f (-shi). bark. Amharic: ቅርፍት. shoop'a n m (-ugu). side. Amharic: ጎን. shootaa n m (-ugu). cabbage seedling. Amharic: ኣዲስ እያደገ ያለ ጎመን. shop'oo adv. near. Amharic: ኣጠገብ. shor- v. to become horny and tough (hands) ?? Amharic: መለዘዝ ?? short- v. to peel. Amharic: መላጥ. shortam- v pass. to be peeled. Amharic: መላጥ. shukk- v. to mince. Amharic: መክተፍ. shukkam- v pass. to be minced. Amharic: መከተፍ. shuk'oo n f (-shi). knife ?? Amharic: ቆንጮራ. shuk'ulee n f (-shi). shin. Amharic: ቅልጥም. shullukku iy- ?? phrase. [to change one's mind, escape]. Amharic: ማመለጥ. shuncoo n m (-ugu). strip, thong. Amharic: ጠፍር. shunkurtee n f (-shi). onion. Amharic: ሽንኩርት. shurraabbi n m (-ugu). sweater. Amharic: ሹራብ. shurruuk'- v. to slip. Amharic: መንሸራተት. shurruusk'- v caus. to slip. Amharic: ማንሸራተት. shurruuk'ee n f (-shi). slide. Amharic: ሸርተቴ. shuruubaa n m (-eygu). long hair ?? Amharic: ሹሩባ. siib- shuuk'- v. to shrink, be wrinkled. Amharic: መጨማደድ. shuuk'am- v pass. to be shrunk, wrinkled. Amharic: መጨማደድ. shuuli n m (-ugu). face. Amharic: ግንባር. shuuli shuuli utteyoo! «Good luck!» «መልካም እድል!» phrase interj. shuuli d'ab- «to have bad luck». «መጥፎ እድል መግጠም». phrase. shuuli k'af- «to have good luck». «መልካም እድል መግጠም». shuuli t'ab- «to smile». «ፈገግ ማለት». shuum- v. to appoint. Amharic: መሾም. shuumataa n m (-eygu). appointment. Amharic: ሹመት. shuumee n f (-shi). chief, leader, ?? appointee. Amharic: ሹም. shuun'- v. to appoint. Amharic: ለራስ መሾም. shuusk'- v caus. to wrinkle, shrink. Amharic: ማጨማደድ. shuusk'am- v pass. to be shrunk, wrinkled. Amharic: መጨማደድ. si'aa n f (-shi). eagerness. Amharic: ጉጉት. si'aancoo n m (-ugu). hare. Amharic: ጥንቸል. si'aaw- v. to be eager. Amharic: መጓጓት. sibaabboo (also simbaabboo) n f (-shi). spider. Amharic: ሽረርት. sibeencoo (also subeencoo, sal'eencoo) n f (-shi), -ugu. young female goat. Amharic: ቄብ ፍየል. sibi n m (-ugu). moisture. Amharic: እርጥበት. sibilcoo n m (-ugu). pick-axe. Amharic: ዶማ. sibili n m (-ugu). iron, metal ?? Amharic: ብረት. sid'ikopaa n f (-shi). haricot bean. Amharic: ቦሎቄ. sifaaw- v. to be blessed. Amharic: መባረክ. sifaa! interj. thank you, it's enough! Amharic: ኣመሰግናለሁ. sifeefad'- v mid. to use economically. Amharic: ማብቃቃት. sifeys- v caus. to bless, praise ?? Amharic: መባረክ. sigiddoo n f (-shi). song of the circumcision festival. Amharic: የግርዘት በኣል ጨዋታ. sigiri siib- n m (-gu). coldness, cold wind. Amharic: ብርድ. v. to weed. Amharic: ማረም. 02/06/2008 73

shomam-<br />

shomam- v pass. to be paid. Amharic: መከፈል.<br />

shombi n m (-ugu). lung. Amharic: ሳንባ.<br />

shomoo n f (-shi). punishment, compensation, fee.<br />

Amharic: መቀጫ, ካሳ, ቅጣት.<br />

shonaa n m (-eygu). love, blood relationship.<br />

Amharic: ፍቅር, ዝምድና.<br />

shonci n m (-ugu). sideframe of door. Amharic: ጉበን.<br />

shonjee n f (-shi). big, long and strong spear.<br />

Amharic: ትልቅና ረጅም መሆነ ጦር.<br />

shonkooraa n f (-shi). sugar-cane.<br />

Amharic: ሽንኮራ-ኣገዳ.<br />

shonkooraa (also sonkoortoo) n m (-eygu). sugar<br />

cane. Amharic: ሽንኮራ ኣገዳ.<br />

shood'- v mid. to have s.o. choose. Amharic: መምረጥ.<br />

sho'am- v pass. to be chosen, elected, selected.<br />

Amharic: መመረጥ.<br />

sho'iss- v caus. to let choose. Amharic: ማስመረጥ.<br />

shook'- v. to stink. Amharic: መሸተት.<br />

shooki n m (-ugu). chalk. Amharic: ጠመኔ.<br />

shook'i n m (-ugu). bad smell. Amharic: ግማት.<br />

shool- v. to peel. Amharic: መላጥ.<br />

shoolaamaa n m (-eygu). shell, peel, hull ??<br />

Amharic: ልጣጭ.<br />

shoolam- v pass. to be peeled. Amharic: መላጥ.<br />

shoolee n f (-shi). bark. Amharic: ቅርፍት.<br />

shoop'a n m (-ugu). side. Amharic: ጎን.<br />

shootaa n m (-ugu). cabbage seedling. Amharic: ኣዲስ<br />

እያደገ ያለ ጎመን.<br />

shop'oo adv. near. Amharic: ኣጠገብ.<br />

shor- v. to become horny and tough (hands) ??<br />

Amharic: መለዘዝ ??<br />

short- v. to peel. Amharic: መላጥ.<br />

shortam- v pass. to be peeled. Amharic: መላጥ.<br />

shukk- v. to mince. Amharic: መክተፍ.<br />

shukkam- v pass. to be minced. Amharic: መከተፍ.<br />

shuk'oo n f (-shi). knife ?? Amharic: ቆንጮራ.<br />

shuk'ulee n f (-shi). shin. Amharic: ቅልጥም.<br />

shullukku iy- ?? phrase. [to change one's mind,<br />

escape]. Amharic: ማመለጥ.<br />

shuncoo n m (-ugu). strip, thong. Amharic: ጠፍር.<br />

shunkurtee n f (-shi). onion. Amharic: ሽንኩርት.<br />

shurraabbi n m (-ugu). sweater. Amharic: ሹራብ.<br />

shurruuk'- v. to slip. Amharic: መንሸራተት.<br />

shurruusk'- v caus. to slip. Amharic: ማንሸራተት.<br />

shurruuk'ee n f (-shi). slide. Amharic: ሸርተቴ.<br />

shuruubaa n m (-eygu). long hair ?? Amharic: ሹሩባ.<br />

siib-<br />

shuuk'- v. to shrink, be wrinkled. Amharic: መጨማደድ.<br />

shuuk'am- v pass. to be shrunk, wrinkled.<br />

Amharic: መጨማደድ.<br />

shuuli<br />

n m (-ugu). face. Amharic: ግንባር. shuuli shuuli<br />

utteyoo! «Good luck!» «መልካም እድል!»<br />

phrase interj. shuuli d'ab- «to have bad<br />

luck». «መጥፎ እድል መግጠም».<br />

phrase. shuuli k'af- «to have good luck».<br />

«መልካም እድል መግጠም».<br />

shuuli t'ab- «to smile». «ፈገግ ማለት».<br />

shuum- v. to appoint. Amharic: መሾም.<br />

shuumataa n m (-eygu). appointment. Amharic: ሹመት.<br />

shuumee n f (-shi). chief, leader, ?? appointee.<br />

Amharic: ሹም.<br />

shuun'- v. to appoint. Amharic: ለራስ መሾም.<br />

shuusk'- v caus. to wrinkle, shrink.<br />

Amharic: ማጨማደድ.<br />

shuusk'am- v pass. to be shrunk, wrinkled.<br />

Amharic: መጨማደድ.<br />

si'aa<br />

n f (-shi). eagerness. Amharic: ጉጉት.<br />

si'aancoo n m (-ugu). hare. Amharic: ጥንቸል.<br />

si'aaw- v. to be eager. Amharic: መጓጓት.<br />

sibaabboo (also simbaabboo) n f (-shi). spider.<br />

Amharic: ሽረርት.<br />

sibeencoo (also subeencoo, sal'eencoo) n f<br />

(-shi), -ugu. young female goat. Amharic: ቄብ<br />

ፍየል.<br />

sibi<br />

n m (-ugu). moisture. Amharic: እርጥበት.<br />

sibilcoo n m (-ugu). pick-axe. Amharic: ዶማ.<br />

sibili<br />

n m (-ugu). iron, metal ?? Amharic: ብረት.<br />

sid'ikopaa n f (-shi). haricot bean. Amharic: ቦሎቄ.<br />

sifaaw- v. to be blessed. Amharic: መባረክ.<br />

sifaa!<br />

interj. thank you, it's enough!<br />

Amharic: ኣመሰግናለሁ.<br />

sifeefad'- v mid. to use economically.<br />

Amharic: ማብቃቃት.<br />

sifeys- v caus. to bless, praise ?? Amharic: መባረክ.<br />

sigiddoo n f (-shi). song of the circumcision festival.<br />

Amharic: የግርዘት በኣል ጨዋታ.<br />

sigiri<br />

siib-<br />

n m (-gu). coldness, cold wind. Amharic: ብርድ.<br />

v. to weed. Amharic: ማረም.<br />

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