A - a

A - a A - a


mudd'u! (የእረኞች). mudd'u! adv. quiet! Amharic: ዝም! mudeefad'- v mid. to ashame. Amharic: ማፈር. muga n m (-ugu). head. Amharic: ራስ. muginda bukk'ee «skull». «ራስ ቅል». phrase. muginda bukk'ee phrase. skull. Amharic: ራስ ቅል. muhee n f (-shi). stones put on graves. Amharic: በመቃበር ላይ የሚደረግ ድንጋይ. muhee k'as- «to put stones on graves». «መቃበር ላይ ድንጋይ ማስቀመጥ». phrase. muhuhaa n m (-eygu). shuttle. Amharic: መወርወሪያ. mukk'- v. to come up. Amharic: ብቅ ማለት. mukk'aayyaa n m (-eygu). shoots (of crops). Amharic: ቡቃያ. muk'uk'aal- ?? v. to hide from, detain. Amharic: ደብቆ ማቆየት. muk'ul- v. to wrap up. Amharic: መጠቅለል. muk'ulmad'- v mid. to fold up. Amharic: መጠቅለል. muk'ulam- v pass. to be wrapped up. Amharic: መጠቅለል. mulaa n f (-shi). ensete-seedling. Amharic: የእንሰት ችግኝ. mulk'a n m (-ugu). sprain. Amharic: ወለምታ. mulk'ad'- v mid. to be sprained. Amharic: ወለም ማለት. mulk'aa n m (-eygu). absolution. Amharic: ስርየት. mullaa n m (-eygu). ceremonial blanket. Amharic: የባህላዊ ስርኣት ማሰፈጸሚያ ቡሉኮ. mulloo n f (-shi). coward. Amharic: ፈሪ. mullu mullu iy- phrase. ?? Amharic: ?? mululaancoo n m (-ugu). ?? Amharic: ?? mummus- v. to break into pieces. Amharic: መስባበር. mummusam- v pass. to be broken into pieces. Amharic: መስባበር. munnaa n f (-shi). vagina. Amharic: እምስ. mur- 1. v. to cut, harvest. Amharic: መቀረጥ, ማጨድ. murmur- v. to cut into pieces. Amharic: መቆራረጥ. mur'- 1. v. to delimit, define. Amharic: መወሰን. mur- 2. v. to slaughter. Amharic: ማረድ. mur'- 2. v. to cut o.s. Amharic: መቆረጥ. mur- 3. v. to sacrifice. Amharic: መሰዋት. mur- 4. v. to hit, kick, beat. Amharic: መምታት. mura muulmad'- n f (-shi). fertile piece of land. Amharic: ትንሽ ለም መሬት. muraallee n f (-shi). frontier. Amharic: ጠረፍ. muram- 1. v pass. to be cut, harvested. Amharic: መቆረጥ, መታጨድ. muram- 2. v pass. to be slaughtered. Amharic: መታረድ. muram- 3. v pass. to be sacrificed. Amharic: መሰዋት. muram- 4. v pass. to be beaten, hit. Amharic: መመታት. muranoo n m (-ugu). harvest time. Amharic: ኣጨዳ. murg- v itr. to be shocked. Amharic: መደንገጥ. murgis- v caus. to shock. Amharic: ማስደንገጥ. murgaa n f (-shi). shock. Amharic: ድንጋጤ. murkaamaa n m (-eygu). threshing stick. Amharic: መውቂያ. murkittee n f (-shi). s.b. amputated. Amharic: ቆራጣ. murk'oo n f (-shi). amputated. Amharic: ቆራጣ. murk'ootee n f (-shi). barley (with small awn). Amharic: ትንንሽ ገለባ ያለው ገብስ. murmuram- v pass. to be cut into pieces. Amharic: መቆራረጥ. murraa n m (-eygu). indignity. Amharic: ቁጣ. murris- v. to rebuke. Amharic: መቆጣት. murrisam- v pass. to be rebuked. Amharic: መቆጣት. murum- v. to bewitch. Amharic: መጠንቆል. murunsad'- v mid. to consult a witch-doctor. Amharic: ማስጠንቆል. murumaa adj. magic. Amharic: ጠንቆለኛ. murumi n m (-ugu). wizard, magician, sorcerer. Amharic: ጠንቋይ. murunshaa n m (-eygu) ??. magician. Amharic: ጠንቅዋይ. musurk'- v. to mix flour with water. Amharic: ማበሰበስ. musurk'am- v pass. to be mixed (flour with water and beans). Amharic: ዱቄት ከውሃና ኣደንግዋሬ መዋሄድ. musurk'oo n f (-shi). food (from roasted barley and beans). Amharic: ብላንብሎ. muujis- v caus. to melt. Amharic: ማምዋምዋት. muujiy- v. to melt. Amharic: መሟሟት. muul- v. to mix together. Amharic: መበጥበጥ. muulam- v pass. to be mixed together. Amharic: መበጥበጥ. muulmad'- v mid. to be mixed together. Amharic: መበጥበጥ. 02/06/2008 64

muulaamad'- muulaamad'- v mid. to go to and fro. Amharic: መንጎራዳድ. muummee n f (-shi). end. Amharic: መጨረሻ. muummiy- v. to be ground coarsely. Amharic: መሸርካት. muummis- v caus. to grind coarsely. Amharic: መሸርኬት. muus- v. to break. Amharic: መስበር. muusaaw- v. to doze off. Amharic: ሸለብ ማድረግ. muusam- v pass. to be broken. Amharic: መሰበር. muusee n f (-shi). doze. Amharic: ሸለብታ. muuseys- v caus. to make doze off. Amharic: ሸለብ ማድረግ. nak'- muut'ad'- v mid. to strip off one's skin. Amharic: ቆዳውን መገፈፍ. muut'i ??. ?? Amharic: ?? muutt'ee n f (-shi). last sorghum when sowing ?? Amharic: የዘር መጨረሽ ማሽላ. muyi n m (-ugu). coward. Amharic: ፈሪ. muyumm- v. to be a coward. Amharic: ፈሪ መሆን. muyuns- v caus. to frighten. Amharic: ፈሪ ማድረግ. muyuntaa n f (-shi). cowardice. Amharic: ፈሪነት. N - n na'- v. to fear, be afraid of. Amharic: መፍራት. naasiss- v caus. to frighten. Amharic: ማስፈራራት. naac'aa n m (-eygu). joke. Amharic: ቀልድ. naac'i naac'i iy- «to smile». «ፈገግ ማለት». phrase. naac'aaw- v. to be humorous. Amharic: ቀልደኛ መሆን. naac'eys- v caus. to amuse. Amharic: ማሳቅ. naac'eyshee n f (-shi). joke. Amharic: ቀልድ. naaci naag- n m (-ugu). crocodile. Amharic: ኣዞ. v. to insult. Amharic: መስደብ. naagam- v pass. to be insulted. Amharic: መሰደብ. na'am- v pass. to be feared. Amharic: መፍራት. naanee n f (-shi). evening. Amharic: ማምሻ. naanneyaa n m (-gu). trough (for animals to drnk from). Amharic: ገንዳ. naanoo naanoo (also eeddo naanoo) ?? phrase. to make anxious ?? Amharic: ማጓጓት. naanu pron. we. Amharic: እኛ. naap'i (also nyaap'i) n m (-ugu). enemy. Amharic: ጠላት. naara n f (-shi). sheaf. Amharic: ነዶ. naaraa n m (-eygu). cliff. Amharic: ገደል. naaraya ?? ?? n. iron hammer ?? Amharic: ?? naartee (also naarkee) n f (-shi). hell. Amharic: ገሃነም. naasissaa(ga), naasisidaa(da) f. adj. frightening. Amharic: ኣስፈሪ. naasoo n f (-shi). fear. Amharic: ፍርሃት. naat'- v. to crush. Amharic: መጨፍለቅ. naat'am- v pass. to be crushed. Amharic: መጨፍለቅ. naattoo n f (-shi). knife. Amharic: ቢላዋ. naatturaa n f (-shi). ct. kind of plant. Amharic: ሃርት. nabbab- v. to read. Amharic: ማንበብ. nabbabam- v pass. to be read. Amharic: መነበብ. nabbabamaa(ga), nabbabandaa(da) f. adj. legible, readable ?? Amharic: የምነበብ. nabis- v caus. to appease. Amharic: ማስታገል. nad- nada naddi v. to pile up. Amharic: መከመር. nadam- v pass. to be piled up. Amharic: መከመር. n f (-shi). heap, pile ?? Amharic: ክምር. n m (-ugu). incense. Amharic: እጣን. nadiss- v caus. to make pile up. Amharic: ማስከመር. nadissad'- v mid. to make pile up for o.s. Amharic: ማስከመር. nafa n f (-shi). body. Amharic: ሰውነት. nagey- v. to spend the day. Amharic: መዋል. dammoo nageyoo «from day to day, day after day». «ከ ቀን ወደ ቀን». phrase. nageyaa n f (-shi). peace. Amharic: ሰላም. nageysummaa n f (-shi). a full day. Amharic: ውሎ. naggaadee n f (-shi). merchant, trader. Amharic: ነጋዴ. naggad- v. to trade. Amharic: መነገድ. naggadam- v pass. to be traded. Amharic: መነገድ. naggadis- v caus. to let trade. Amharic: ማስነገድ. naggadisad'- v mid. to make trade for o.s. Amharic: ማስነገድ. nak'- v. to hit, beat, kick. Amharic: መምታት. simoo nak'- «to ring up, make a phonecall». «ስልክ 02/06/2008 65

muulaamad'-<br />

muulaamad'- v mid. to go to and fro.<br />

Amharic: መንጎራዳድ.<br />

muummee n f (-shi). end. Amharic: መጨረሻ.<br />

muummiy- v. to be ground coarsely.<br />

Amharic: መሸርካት.<br />

muummis- v caus. to grind coarsely.<br />

Amharic: መሸርኬት.<br />

muus- v. to break. Amharic: መስበር.<br />

muusaaw- v. to doze off. Amharic: ሸለብ ማድረግ.<br />

muusam- v pass. to be broken. Amharic: መሰበር.<br />

muusee n f (-shi). doze. Amharic: ሸለብታ.<br />

muuseys- v caus. to make doze off. Amharic: ሸለብ<br />

ማድረግ.<br />

nak'-<br />

muut'ad'- v mid. to strip off one's skin. Amharic: ቆዳውን<br />

መገፈፍ.<br />

muut'i ??. ?? Amharic: ??<br />

muutt'ee n f (-shi). last sorghum when sowing ??<br />

Amharic: የዘር መጨረሽ ማሽላ.<br />

muyi<br />

n m (-ugu). coward. Amharic: ፈሪ.<br />

muyumm- v. to be a coward. Amharic: ፈሪ መሆን.<br />

muyuns- v caus. to frighten. Amharic: ፈሪ ማድረግ.<br />

muyuntaa n f (-shi). cowardice. Amharic: ፈሪነት.<br />

N - n<br />

na'-<br />

v. to fear, be afraid of. Amharic: መፍራት.<br />

naasiss- v caus. to frighten. Amharic: ማስፈራራት.<br />

naac'aa n m (-eygu). joke. Amharic: ቀልድ. naac'i naac'i<br />

iy- «to smile». «ፈገግ ማለት».<br />

phrase.<br />

naac'aaw- v. to be humorous. Amharic: ቀልደኛ መሆን.<br />

naac'eys- v caus. to amuse. Amharic: ማሳቅ.<br />

naac'eyshee n f (-shi). joke. Amharic: ቀልድ.<br />

naaci<br />

naag-<br />

n m (-ugu). crocodile. Amharic: ኣዞ.<br />

v. to insult. Amharic: መስደብ.<br />

naagam- v pass. to be insulted. Amharic: መሰደብ.<br />

na'am- v pass. to be feared. Amharic: መፍራት.<br />

naanee n f (-shi). evening. Amharic: ማምሻ.<br />

naanneyaa n m (-gu). trough (for animals to drnk from).<br />

Amharic: ገንዳ.<br />

naanoo naanoo (also eeddo naanoo) ?? phrase.<br />

to make anxious ?? Amharic: ማጓጓት.<br />

naanu<br />

pron. we. Amharic: እኛ.<br />

naap'i (also nyaap'i) n m (-ugu). enemy.<br />

Amharic: ጠላት.<br />

naara<br />

n f (-shi). sheaf. Amharic: ነዶ.<br />

naaraa n m (-eygu). cliff. Amharic: ገደል.<br />

naaraya ?? ?? n. iron hammer ?? Amharic: ??<br />

naartee (also naarkee) n f (-shi). hell. Amharic: ገሃነም.<br />

naasissaa(ga), naasisidaa(da) f. adj. frightening.<br />

Amharic: ኣስፈሪ.<br />

naasoo n f (-shi). fear. Amharic: ፍርሃት.<br />

naat'-<br />

v. to crush. Amharic: መጨፍለቅ.<br />

naat'am- v pass. to be crushed. Amharic: መጨፍለቅ.<br />

naattoo n f (-shi). knife. Amharic: ቢላዋ.<br />

naatturaa n f (-shi). ct. kind of plant. Amharic: ሃርት.<br />

nabbab- v. to read. Amharic: ማንበብ.<br />

nabbabam- v pass. to be read. Amharic: መነበብ.<br />

nabbabamaa(ga), nabbabandaa(da) f. adj.<br />

legible, readable ?? Amharic: የምነበብ.<br />

nabis- v caus. to appease. Amharic: ማስታገል.<br />

nad-<br />

nada<br />

naddi<br />

v. to pile up. Amharic: መከመር.<br />

nadam- v pass. to be piled up. Amharic: መከመር.<br />

n f (-shi). heap, pile ?? Amharic: ክምር.<br />

n m (-ugu). incense. Amharic: እጣን.<br />

nadiss- v caus. to make pile up. Amharic: ማስከመር.<br />

nadissad'- v mid. to make pile up for o.s.<br />

Amharic: ማስከመር.<br />

nafa<br />

n f (-shi). body. Amharic: ሰውነት.<br />

nagey- v. to spend the day. Amharic: መዋል. dammoo<br />

nageyoo «from day to day, day after day». «ከ<br />

ቀን ወደ ቀን».<br />

phrase.<br />

nageyaa n f (-shi). peace. Amharic: ሰላም.<br />

nageysummaa n f (-shi). a full day. Amharic: ውሎ.<br />

naggaadee n f (-shi). merchant, trader. Amharic: ነጋዴ.<br />

naggad- v. to trade. Amharic: መነገድ.<br />

naggadam- v pass. to be traded. Amharic: መነገድ.<br />

naggadis- v caus. to let trade. Amharic: ማስነገድ.<br />

naggadisad'- v mid. to make trade for o.s.<br />

Amharic: ማስነገድ.<br />

nak'-<br />

v. to hit, beat, kick. Amharic: መምታት. simoo<br />

nak'- «to ring up, make a phonecall». «ስልክ<br />

02/06/2008 65

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