A - a

A - a A - a


mikkissam- mikkissam- v pass. to be quietened. Amharic: ዝም መሰኘት. mikkiy- v. to be silent. Amharic: ዝም ማለት. mikkiss- v caus. to quieten, silence. Amharic: ዝም ማሰኘት. mikki! interj. quiet! Amharic: ዝም! mililee n f (-shi). lightning. Amharic: መብረቅ. milils- v caus. to spark. Amharic: ብልጭ ማለት. milkiti n m (-ugu). sign. Amharic: ምልክት. mimmish- v. to break into pieces. Amharic: መሰባበር. mimmisham- v pass. to be broken into pieces. Amharic: መሰባበር. mina n m (-ugu). house. Amharic: ቤት. mindilaa n m (-eygu). syphilis. Amharic: ቅጥኝ. mindilaaw- v. to catch syphilis. Amharic: በቂጥኝ መያዝ. mindileys- v caus. to infect s.o. with syphilis. Amharic: ቅጥኝ ማስያዝ. ming- v. to be talkative. Amharic: መለፍለፍ. mingaa n f (-shi). goat and sheep family. Amharic: ፍየልና በግ ዘር. mir- v. to sprout, develop leaves. Amharic: ማቆጥቆጥ. miraaraa n m (-eygu). ?? Amharic: ?? mirc'oo n m (-ugu). anus. Amharic: ፍንጥጣ. mirg- mirga v. to give much milk (cow). Amharic: በደንብ ወተት መስጠት. adv. right. Amharic: ቀኝ. mirga malee «very much, excessively». «እጅግ, በጣም». phrase. mirgaka(anee) --. eastward, to the right. Amharic: በስተምስራቅ, በስተቀኝ. mirgisam- v pass. to be castrated. Amharic: መኮለሸት. mirgittee n f (-shi). eastward, to the right. Amharic: በስተምስራቅ, በስተቀኝ. mirgiy- v. to be castrated. Amharic: መኮላሸት. mirgis- v caus. to castrate. Amharic: ማኮላሸት. mirgoo n f (-shi). steer. Amharic: ሰንጋ. mirkaanaa 1. n m (-eygu). chance. Amharic: እድል. mirkaanaa 2. n m (-eygu). ?? Amharic: ?? mirkaanaaw- v itr. to be lucky. Amharic: መታደል. mis- misaa mirkaneys- v caus. to favour. Amharic: ማደል. mish- v. to rain continuously. Amharic: በተከታታይ መዝነብ. n m (-eygu). penis. Amharic: ቁላ. v. to break. Amharic: መስበር. mishiss- v caus. to break ?? Amharic: ማስበር. misham- v pass. to be broken. Amharic: ሜሴቤር. misheeni (also misooni) n m (-ugu). Evangelical Mission. Amharic: ወንጌላዊያን ሚስዮን. mishibi n m (-ugu). belt. Amharic: ቀብቶ. misi n m (-ugu). heavy, continuous rain ?? Amharic: ዶፍ, ተከተተይ ዘይናብ ?? misili n m (-gu). model. Amharic: ምስል. missooni (also mIsheni) n m (-ugu). Evangelical Mission. Amharic: ወንጌላዊያን ምስዮን. mittaa (also mihitaa) 1. n m (-eygu). power. Amharic: ጉልበት. mittaa (also mihitaa) 2. n m (-eygu). joint. Amharic: መገጣጠሚያ. mittaa? quest pron. what? Amharic: ምንድነው? miyyaadaa? quest pron. what? Amharic: ምን? miyyaagaa? quest adv. why? Amharic: ለምን? mons- miyyaana n m (-ugu). thing, something. Amharic: (ትንሽ) ነገር. miyyaa? quest pron. what? Amharic: ምን? mizgi iy- 1. VP. to move. Amharic: መንቀሳቀስ (ቦርዴ). mizgi iy- 2. VP. to get fermented (beer). Amharic: መብሰል (ቦርዴ). mo'- v mid. to be broken. Amharic: መሰበር. mo'eed'aaga, mosheetaada f. adj. broken. Amharic: የተሰበረ. moggoo n f (-shi). namesake. Amharic: ሞክሼ. mogoona n f (-shi). bedroom. Amharic: መኝታ ክፍል. mogoonaa (also moonaa) n m (-eygu). barn. Amharic: በረት. mogoonaa (also moonaa) 1. n m (-eygu). seed. Amharic: ዘር. mola adj. bald. Amharic: መላጣ. molaaw- v. to be bald. Amharic: መመለጥ. molis- v caus. cause to be bald. Amharic: ማስመለጥ. mol'ee n f (-shi). fruit of cardia africana. Amharic: የዋንዛ ፍሬ. moloo n f (-shi). bald-headed person. Amharic: መላጣ. moloo name. Molo. Amharic: ሞሎ. mom- v. to forget. Amharic: መረሳት. mons- v caus. to confuse. Amharic: ማደናገር. tikkissi mons- «to perplex». «ግራ መግባት». phrase. 02/06/2008 62

moma moma n f (-shi). forgetfulness. Amharic: መርሳት. momam- v pass. to be forgotten. Amharic: መረሳት. momisaa n m (-eygu). innocence. Amharic: ኣለማወቅ, የዋህነት. monnokkee adj. dull, passive. Amharic: ደደብ. monnokku iy- phrase. to be dull, passive. Amharic: መደደብ. monnu monnu iss- phrase. to itch. Amharic: ማስከክ. monsad'- ?? v mid. to disguise, change o.s. Amharic: ራሱን መደበቅ. mooc'- v. to sanctify a house. Amharic: መቀደስ. mooc'am- v pass. to be sanctified. Amharic: መቀደስ. mooccaa n m (-eygu). animal. Amharic: ኣውሬ. mooc'ee n f (-shi). kind of liturgy ?? Amharic: ቅዳሴ. moodumm- v. to crow. Amharic: መጮህ. moofaraa n m (-eygu). beam of plough. Amharic: ሞፈር. moohad'- v mid. to win, overcome. Amharic: ማሸነፍ. moohis- v caus. to support to win. Amharic: እንዲያሸንፍ ማድረግ. moohoo n f (-shi). cassava tree. Amharic: ?? mook'aa n m (-eygu). spoon. Amharic: ማንኪያ. mookkaa n m (-eygu). top (of pole). Amharic: ጫፍ (የምስሶ). moolee ?? n. ?? Amharic: ?? moolis- v. ?? Amharic: ?? moonaa d'ish- phrase. to make a barn. Amharic: በረት መስራት. moonaa (also mogoonaa) n m (-eygu). barn, byre. Amharic: በረት. moonda n f (-shi). good chance, luck. Amharic: እድል. moondaddi hal- phrase. to face good luck. Amharic: መልካም እድል መግጠም. mooraaw- v. to be chubby. Amharic: ቦርጭ ማውጣት. moor'ee n f (-shi). civet cat. Amharic: ጥርኝ. mooreys- v caus. to make chubby. Amharic: ቦርጭ ማስወጣት. moorga n f (-shi). thief. Amharic: ሌባ. moorganga mic'a phrase. ankle. Amharic: ቁርጭ ምርጭሚት. moorgeed'- v mid. to steal. Amharic: መስረቅ. moorginna n m (-ugu). theft. Amharic: ስርቆት. moori adj. fat. Amharic: ጮማ. moorjoo n m (-ugu). thief. Amharic: ሌባ. mudd'oo mootee n f (-shi). "Mootee" age group. Amharic: የ"ሞቴ" የእድሜ ክልል. mooyya 1. n m (-ugu). wild animal. Amharic: የዱር እንሰሳ. mooyya 2. n m (-ugu). parasite. Amharic: ?? mooyyee 1. n f (-shi). mortar. Amharic: ሙቃጫ. mooyyeenga hakk'aa phrase. mooyyee 2. n f (-shi). animal without a horn ?? Amharic: ቀንድ የሌለው እንሰሳ (በግ, ፍየል). mork- v. to compete. Amharic: መወዳደር. morkad'- v mid. to compete. Amharic: መወዳደር. morkaa (also morkee) 1. n f (-shi). competition. Amharic: ውድድር. morkaa (also morkee) 2. n f (-shi). jealousy. Amharic: ቅናት. morod- v. to file. Amharic: መሞረድ. morodaa n m (-eygu). file (metal). Amharic: ሞረድ. morodam- v pass. to be filed. Amharic: መሞረድ. morom- 1. v. to argue. Amharic: መከራከር. morom- 2. v. to deny. Amharic: መካድ. morons- v caus. to argue, oppose. Amharic: መከራከር, መቃወም. moromaa 1. n f (-shi). argument. Amharic: ክርክር. moromaa 2. n f (-shi). denial. Amharic: ክህደት. moromam- 1. v pass. to be denied. Amharic: መካድ. moromam- 2. v pass. to be argued. Amharic: መከርከር. motaa n f (-shi). lame. Amharic: ሺባ. motokkaa n m (-eygu). motor-car. Amharic: መክና. motumm- v. to be lame. Amharic: ሺባ መሆን. motuns- v caus. to make lame. Amharic: ሺባ ማድረግ. muc'ataaw- v. to be provocative. Amharic: መተናኮል. muc'atee n f (-shi). provocation. Amharic: ተንኮል. muc'urk'- v. to fracture. Amharic: መጭመቅ. muc'urk'am- v pass. to be fractured. Amharic: መጨመቅ. mudaa n f (-shi). shame. Amharic: ሃፍረት. mudaa muddee phrase. ?? Amharic: ?? mudd- v. to hasten. Amharic: ማስቸኮል. mudd'aa n m (-eygu). small gourd. Amharic: ትንሽ ቅል. muddam- v. to be in a hurry. Amharic: መቸኮል. muddans- v caus. to hasten. Amharic: ማስቸኮል. muddamaa n f (-shi). haste. Amharic: ችኮላ. mudd'oo n f (-shi). lunch (for shepherds). Amharic: ምሳ 02/06/2008 63

moma<br />

moma<br />

n f (-shi). forgetfulness. Amharic: መርሳት.<br />

momam- v pass. to be forgotten. Amharic: መረሳት.<br />

momisaa n m (-eygu). innocence. Amharic: ኣለማወቅ,<br />

የዋህነት.<br />

monnokkee adj. dull, passive. Amharic: ደደብ.<br />

monnokku iy- phrase. to be dull, passive.<br />

Amharic: መደደብ.<br />

monnu monnu iss- phrase. to itch. Amharic: ማስከክ.<br />

monsad'- ?? v mid. to disguise, change o.s.<br />

Amharic: ራሱን መደበቅ.<br />

mooc'- v. to sanctify a house. Amharic: መቀደስ.<br />

mooc'am- v pass. to be sanctified. Amharic: መቀደስ.<br />

mooccaa n m (-eygu). animal. Amharic: ኣውሬ.<br />

mooc'ee n f (-shi). kind of liturgy ?? Amharic: ቅዳሴ.<br />

moodumm- v. to crow. Amharic: መጮህ.<br />

moofaraa n m (-eygu). beam of plough. Amharic: ሞፈር.<br />

moohad'- v mid. to win, overcome. Amharic: ማሸነፍ.<br />

moohis- v caus. to support to win. Amharic: እንዲያሸንፍ<br />

ማድረግ.<br />

moohoo n f (-shi). cassava tree. Amharic: ??<br />

mook'aa n m (-eygu). spoon. Amharic: ማንኪያ.<br />

mookkaa n m (-eygu). top (of pole). Amharic: ጫፍ<br />

(የምስሶ).<br />

moolee ?? n. ?? Amharic: ??<br />

moolis- v. ?? Amharic: ??<br />

moonaa d'ish- phrase. to make a barn. Amharic: በረት<br />

መስራት.<br />

moonaa (also mogoonaa) n m (-eygu). barn, byre.<br />

Amharic: በረት.<br />

moonda n f (-shi). good chance, luck. Amharic: እድል.<br />

moondaddi hal- phrase. to face good luck.<br />

Amharic: መልካም እድል መግጠም.<br />

mooraaw- v. to be chubby. Amharic: ቦርጭ ማውጣት.<br />

moor'ee n f (-shi). civet cat. Amharic: ጥርኝ.<br />

mooreys- v caus. to make chubby. Amharic: ቦርጭ<br />

ማስወጣት.<br />

moorga n f (-shi). thief. Amharic: ሌባ.<br />

moorganga mic'a phrase. ankle. Amharic: ቁርጭ<br />

ምርጭሚት.<br />

moorgeed'- v mid. to steal. Amharic: መስረቅ.<br />

moorginna n m (-ugu). theft. Amharic: ስርቆት.<br />

moori<br />

adj. fat. Amharic: ጮማ.<br />

moorjoo n m (-ugu). thief. Amharic: ሌባ.<br />

mudd'oo<br />

mootee n f (-shi). "Mootee" age group. Amharic: የ"ሞቴ"<br />

የእድሜ ክልል.<br />

mooyya 1. n m (-ugu). wild animal. Amharic: የዱር<br />

እንሰሳ.<br />

mooyya 2. n m (-ugu). parasite. Amharic: ??<br />

mooyyee 1. n f (-shi). mortar. Amharic: ሙቃጫ.<br />

mooyyeenga hakk'aa phrase.<br />

mooyyee 2. n f (-shi). animal without a horn ??<br />

Amharic: ቀንድ የሌለው እንሰሳ (በግ, ፍየል).<br />

mork- v. to compete. Amharic: መወዳደር.<br />

morkad'- v mid. to compete. Amharic: መወዳደር.<br />

morkaa (also morkee) 1. n f (-shi). competition.<br />

Amharic: ውድድር.<br />

morkaa (also morkee) 2. n f (-shi). jealousy.<br />

Amharic: ቅናት.<br />

morod- v. to file. Amharic: መሞረድ.<br />

morodaa n m (-eygu). file (metal). Amharic: ሞረድ.<br />

morodam- v pass. to be filed. Amharic: መሞረድ.<br />

morom- 1. v. to argue. Amharic: መከራከር.<br />

morom- 2. v. to deny. Amharic: መካድ.<br />

morons- v caus. to argue, oppose.<br />

Amharic: መከራከር, መቃወም.<br />

moromaa 1. n f (-shi). argument. Amharic: ክርክር.<br />

moromaa 2. n f (-shi). denial. Amharic: ክህደት.<br />

moromam- 1. v pass. to be denied. Amharic: መካድ.<br />

moromam- 2. v pass. to be argued. Amharic: መከርከር.<br />

motaa<br />

n f (-shi). lame. Amharic: ሺባ.<br />

motokkaa n m (-eygu). motor-car. Amharic: መክና.<br />

motumm- v. to be lame. Amharic: ሺባ መሆን.<br />

motuns- v caus. to make lame. Amharic: ሺባ ማድረግ.<br />

muc'ataaw- v. to be provocative. Amharic: መተናኮል.<br />

muc'atee n f (-shi). provocation. Amharic: ተንኮል.<br />

muc'urk'- v. to fracture. Amharic: መጭመቅ.<br />

muc'urk'am- v pass. to be fractured.<br />

Amharic: መጨመቅ.<br />

mudaa n f (-shi). shame. Amharic: ሃፍረት.<br />

mudaa muddee phrase. ?? Amharic: ??<br />

mudd- v. to hasten. Amharic: ማስቸኮል.<br />

mudd'aa n m (-eygu). small gourd. Amharic: ትንሽ ቅል.<br />

muddam- v. to be in a hurry. Amharic: መቸኮል.<br />

muddans- v caus. to hasten. Amharic: ማስቸኮል.<br />

muddamaa n f (-shi). haste. Amharic: ችኮላ.<br />

mudd'oo n f (-shi). lunch (for shepherds). Amharic: ምሳ<br />

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