A - a

A - a A - a


luls- luls- v caus. to make dull. Amharic: ማፍዛዝ. lulukkoo n ??. ?? Amharic: ?? luns- v caus. to lift up. Amharic: ማንሳት. lunsam- v pass. to be lifted up. Amharic: መነሳት. luucc'aa adj. smooth hair ?? Amharic: ሉጫ. luuf- v. to accuse, charge. Amharic: መከሰስ. luufam- v pass. to be accused. Amharic: መከሰስ. luufassi n m (-ugu). accusation, charge, law-suit. Amharic: ክስ. luufoo n f (-shi). law-suit. Amharic: ክስ. luuk'ee n f (-shi). sth. smooth. Amharic: ለስላስ ነገር. luul- v. to bleat (sheep, goat, cow). Amharic: ብዋ luula luulee luuls- madabee ማለት. luula loollis- ?? «to roar, yell, bark». «መጮህ, መጠውለግ». phrase. n f (-shi). bleating. Amharic: ጩሀት. n f (-shi). sistrum. Amharic: ጸናጽል. v caus. to make bleat. Amharic: ማስጩህ. luut'- 1. v. to peel. Amharic: መላጥ. luut'- 2. v. to pass through. Amharic: መሹለክ. luut'am- v pass. to be peeled. Amharic: መላጥ. luut'iss- v caus. to cause to peel. Amharic: ማላጥ. luutt'oo n f (-shi). barley. Amharic: ገብስ. M - m maabaraa n m (-eygu). association. Amharic: ማህበር. maac'atee (also maac'idee) n f (-shi). sickle. Amharic: ማጭድ. maacci adv f. how? Amharic: እንዴት? maac'idee (also maac'atee) n f (-shi). sickle. Amharic: ማጭድ. maadee n f (-shi). wonder. Amharic: ድንክ. maadeefad'- v mid. to wonder. Amharic: መደነቅ. maad'um- v. to be troubled. Amharic: መቸገር. maag- v. to wither. Amharic: መክሰም. maahaa? adv. what will it be? What can I do? Amharic: ምን ይሆናል? ምን ላድርግ? maahi? adv. how? Amharic: እንዴት. maala n m (-ugu). meat. Amharic: ስጋ. maaldaccoo n m (-ugu). ring worn by men of reputation. Amharic: ብታዋ. maalmalaa n m (-ugu). red soil. Amharic: መረረ ኣፈር. maam- v. to gossip. Amharic: ማማት. maamam- v pass. to be gossiped. Amharic: መታማት. maameyshee n f (-shi). gossip. Amharic: ሃሜት. maamma daa? phrase. how are you? Amharic: እንደም-ነህ/-ነሽ/-ናቸሁ? maammakadaa?, maammatadaa? f. pron. of what kind? Amharic: ምን ኣይነት? maamma? quest adv. how? Amharic: እንዴት? maancoo n m (-ugu). sand. Amharic: ኣሸዋ. maanc'ur- 1. v. to twist, make a rope. Amharic: መገመድ. maanc'ur- 2. v. to spin. Amharic: መፍተል. maanc'urs- v caus. to have spun, twisted together. Amharic: ማስፈተል. maan'ee? adv. How many, much? Amharic: ምን ያህል? maannoo? (also maahi innoo) quest. what did he/she say? Amharic: ምን ኣለ? ምን ኣለች? maar- v. to pardon, have mercy. Amharic: መማር, ይቅር ማለት. ee maari! «have mercy on me!» «ማረኝ!» phrase. maaram- v pass. to be pardoned. Amharic: ይቅርታ መደረግ. maarashaa n m (-eygu). plow. Amharic: ማረሻ. maaroo 1. n f (-shi). hand-line. Amharic: መዳፍ ላይ ያለ መስመር. maaroo 2. n f (-shi). farm row. Amharic: ቦይ. maasshaa n m (-eygu). [ct. ruler, ct. rank, assistant] ?? Amharic: ?? maatee n f (-shi). family. Amharic: ቤተ ሰብ. maattee n f (-shi). Guji tribe. Amharic: የጉጂ ጎሳ. maatumm- v. to be a large family. Amharic: በቤተሰብ ቁጥር መብዛት. maccallaa n m (-eygu). leather. Amharic: ቆዳ. madaa n f (-shi). wound. Amharic: ቁሰል. madaaw- v. to be wounded. Amharic: መቁሰል. madeys- v caus. to hurt, injure, wound. Amharic: ማቁሰል. madabee n f (-shi). sleeping place, bed of plants ?? Amharic: መደብ. 02/06/2008 58

mad'am- mad'am- v pass. to be married (for a woman). Amharic: መዳር. mad'iss- v caus. to give a girl in marriage. Amharic: መዳር. madd- v. to gush out, spring up ?? Amharic: መመነጨት. maddaa n f (-shi). leopard ?? Amharic: ነብር. madd'aasaa n m (-eygu). door. Amharic: በር. maddab- v. to allot. Amharic: መመደብ. maddabam- v pass. to be allotted ?? Amharic: መመደብ. maddass- v caus. to have allot. Amharic: ማስመደብ. maddee n f (-shi). nape of the neck. Amharic: ማጅራት. maddoo n f (-shi). spring, source ?? Amharic: ምንጭ. madd'umeyshi n m (-ugu). poor, needy person. Amharic: ችግረኛ. madduns- v. to trouble. Amharic: ማስቸገር. madee n f (-shi). shame. Amharic: ሃፍረት. mad'ee n f (-shi). marriage. Amharic: ጋብቻ. madi ?? ppos ??. since ?? Amharic: እስከ. mad'issad'- v. to give one's girl for marriage. Amharic: መዳር. madiy- v. to bleed. Amharic: መድማት. magaaddoo n f (-shi). ?? Amharic: ?? magaaloo adj. dark brown. Amharic: ጠይም. magaals- v caus. to make dark brown. Amharic: ጠይም ማድረግ. magan'- v mid. preserve. Amharic: በጥንቃቄ ማስቀመጥ. maganaa n m (-eygu). property, possession. Amharic: ጥሪት. maganaa! interj. please! Amharic: ባባትህ, ባባትሽ. maganoo n f (-shi). mist. Amharic: ውርጭ. magg- v. to be happy. Amharic: መደሰት. maggis- v caus. to please. Amharic: ማስደሰት. maggaa n f (-shi). happiness. Amharic: ደስታ. mahaals- v caus. to argue strongly. Amharic: ኣጥብቆ መከራከር. ma'i n m (-ugu). family. Amharic: ዘር. ma'imaysi (also ma'oomaysi) n m (-gu). ancestors, forefathers. Amharic: ዘርማንዘር. mak'aa n m (-eygu). name. Amharic: ስም. mak'aa baas- «to name». «መሰየም, ስም መውጣት». phrase. mak'ac'oo n f (-shi). penalty, fine. Amharic: መቀጮ. mak'ad'- v. to leave, go away. Amharic: መሄድ. mak'ees- v. to specify. Amharic: በስም መለየት. mammaassi makk- v. to measure. Amharic: መለካት, መስፈር. makk'a n f (-shi). reed. Amharic: መቃ. makkalaa n m (-eygu). upper arm. Amharic: እጅ. makkam- v pass. to be measured. Amharic: መለካት, መስፈር. makkiss- v caus. to have s.o. measure. Amharic: ማስለካት, ማስፈር. makkissad'- v mid. to have measured for o.s. Amharic: ማስለካት, ማሰፈር. makkoo n f (-shi). measurement, kilo. Amharic: መለኪያ, ኪሎ. mal- mala v. to formulate a hypothesis ?? Amharic: መላ መምታት. mal'- v mid. to formulate a hypothesis for o.s. ?? Amharic: ለራስ ችግር መላ መምታት. malc- v caus. to formulate a hypothesis ?? Amharic: መላ ምት ማቅረብ. malaa n f (-shi). idea for solving a problem, plan, scheme. Amharic: መላ. n f (-shi). pus. Amharic: መግል. malaal- v. to watch, keep, look after. Amharic: መጠበቅ. malaalam- v pass. to be looked after. Amharic: መጠበቅ. malaalattee n f (-shi). watching, keeping, looking after. Amharic: ጥበቃ. malaalmad'- v. to be looked after. Amharic: መጠበቅ. malaalsi n m (-ugu). watching, keeping, looking after. Amharic: ጥበቃ. malaaltoo n f (-shi). shepherd. Amharic: እረኛ. malam- v pass. to be assumed. Amharic: መል መውታት. malca malee n m (-ugu). proposal, idea for solving a problem. Amharic: መላ. adv. only, except. Amharic: ብቻ, በቀር. malfad'- v. to look down ?? Amharic: መናቅ. malisad'- v. to suppurate. Amharic: ማፍረጥ. maliy- v. to be suppurated. Amharic: መፍረጥ. malis- v caus. to suppurate. Amharic: ማፍረጥ. malkaa n f (-shi). river. Amharic: ወንዝ. mallak'aa n m (-eygu). coin. Amharic: ሳንቲም. mallee! addr. Mother! Amharic: እምዬ! malsi n m (-ugu). answer. Amharic: መልስ. mammaah- v. to tell a story, tales. Amharic: መተረክ. mammaaham- v pass. to be told. Amharic: መተረክ. mammaahoo n f (-shi). story, tale. Amharic: ተረት. mammaassi n m (-ugu). history. Amharic: ታሪክ. 02/06/2008 59

mad'am-<br />

mad'am- v pass. to be married (for a woman).<br />

Amharic: መዳር.<br />

mad'iss- v caus. to give a girl in marriage.<br />

Amharic: መዳር.<br />

madd- v. to gush out, spring up ?? Amharic: መመነጨት.<br />

maddaa n f (-shi). leopard ?? Amharic: ነብር.<br />

madd'aasaa n m (-eygu). door. Amharic: በር.<br />

maddab- v. to allot. Amharic: መመደብ.<br />

maddabam- v pass. to be allotted ?? Amharic: መመደብ.<br />

maddass- v caus. to have allot. Amharic: ማስመደብ.<br />

maddee n f (-shi). nape of the neck. Amharic: ማጅራት.<br />

maddoo n f (-shi). spring, source ?? Amharic: ምንጭ.<br />

madd'umeyshi n m (-ugu). poor, needy person.<br />

Amharic: ችግረኛ.<br />

madduns- v. to trouble. Amharic: ማስቸገር.<br />

madee n f (-shi). shame. Amharic: ሃፍረት.<br />

mad'ee n f (-shi). marriage. Amharic: ጋብቻ.<br />

madi ?? ppos ??. since ?? Amharic: እስከ.<br />

mad'issad'- v. to give one's girl for marriage.<br />

Amharic: መዳር.<br />

madiy- v. to bleed. Amharic: መድማት.<br />

magaaddoo n f (-shi). ?? Amharic: ??<br />

magaaloo adj. dark brown. Amharic: ጠይም.<br />

magaals- v caus. to make dark brown. Amharic: ጠይም<br />

ማድረግ.<br />

magan'- v mid. preserve. Amharic: በጥንቃቄ ማስቀመጥ.<br />

maganaa n m (-eygu). property, possession.<br />

Amharic: ጥሪት.<br />

maganaa! interj. please! Amharic: ባባትህ, ባባትሽ.<br />

maganoo n f (-shi). mist. Amharic: ውርጭ.<br />

magg- v. to be happy. Amharic: መደሰት.<br />

maggis- v caus. to please. Amharic: ማስደሰት.<br />

maggaa n f (-shi). happiness. Amharic: ደስታ.<br />

mahaals- v caus. to argue strongly. Amharic: ኣጥብቆ<br />

መከራከር.<br />

ma'i<br />

n m (-ugu). family. Amharic: ዘር.<br />

ma'imaysi (also ma'oomaysi) n m (-gu). ancestors,<br />

forefathers. Amharic: ዘርማንዘር.<br />

mak'aa n m (-eygu). name. Amharic: ስም. mak'aa baas-<br />

«to name». «መሰየም, ስም መውጣት».<br />

phrase.<br />

mak'ac'oo n f (-shi). penalty, fine. Amharic: መቀጮ.<br />

mak'ad'- v. to leave, go away. Amharic: መሄድ.<br />

mak'ees- v. to specify. Amharic: በስም መለየት.<br />

mammaassi<br />

makk- v. to measure. Amharic: መለካት, መስፈር.<br />

makk'a n f (-shi). reed. Amharic: መቃ.<br />

makkalaa n m (-eygu). upper arm. Amharic: እጅ.<br />

makkam- v pass. to be measured. Amharic: መለካት,<br />

መስፈር.<br />

makkiss- v caus. to have s.o. measure.<br />

Amharic: ማስለካት, ማስፈር.<br />

makkissad'- v mid. to have measured for o.s.<br />

Amharic: ማስለካት, ማሰፈር.<br />

makkoo n f (-shi). measurement, kilo. Amharic: መለኪያ,<br />

ኪሎ.<br />

mal-<br />

mala<br />

v. to formulate a hypothesis ?? Amharic: መላ<br />

መምታት.<br />

mal'- v mid. to formulate a hypothesis for o.s. ??<br />

Amharic: ለራስ ችግር መላ መምታት.<br />

malc- v caus. to formulate a hypothesis ??<br />

Amharic: መላ ምት ማቅረብ.<br />

malaa<br />

n f (-shi). idea for solving a problem, plan,<br />

scheme. Amharic: መላ.<br />

n f (-shi). pus. Amharic: መግል.<br />

malaal- v. to watch, keep, look after. Amharic: መጠበቅ.<br />

malaalam- v pass. to be looked after. Amharic: መጠበቅ.<br />

malaalattee n f (-shi). watching, keeping, looking after.<br />

Amharic: ጥበቃ.<br />

malaalmad'- v. to be looked after. Amharic: መጠበቅ.<br />

malaalsi n m (-ugu). watching, keeping, looking after.<br />

Amharic: ጥበቃ.<br />

malaaltoo n f (-shi). shepherd. Amharic: እረኛ.<br />

malam- v pass. to be assumed. Amharic: መል መውታት.<br />

malca<br />

malee<br />

n m (-ugu). proposal, idea for solving a<br />

problem. Amharic: መላ.<br />

adv. only, except. Amharic: ብቻ, በቀር.<br />

malfad'- v. to look down ?? Amharic: መናቅ.<br />

malisad'- v. to suppurate. Amharic: ማፍረጥ.<br />

maliy- v. to be suppurated. Amharic: መፍረጥ.<br />

malis- v caus. to suppurate. Amharic: ማፍረጥ.<br />

malkaa n f (-shi). river. Amharic: ወንዝ.<br />

mallak'aa n m (-eygu). coin. Amharic: ሳንቲም.<br />

mallee! addr. Mother! Amharic: እምዬ!<br />

malsi<br />

n m (-ugu). answer. Amharic: መልስ.<br />

mammaah- v. to tell a story, tales. Amharic: መተረክ.<br />

mammaaham- v pass. to be told. Amharic: መተረክ.<br />

mammaahoo n f (-shi). story, tale. Amharic: ተረት.<br />

mammaassi n m (-ugu). history. Amharic: ታሪክ.<br />

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