A - a

A - a A - a


k'eesee k'eesee n f (-shi). priest. Amharic: ቄስ. keessummaa n f (-shi). guest. Amharic: እንግዳ. keessuns- 1. v caus. to see s.b. as a stranger. Amharic: ኣንድን ሰው እንደ እንግዳ ማየት. keessuns- 2. v caus. to invite a guest. Amharic: እንግዳ መጋበዝ. k'eesumma n f (-shi). priesthood. Amharic: ቅስና. k'eet'aamaa n m (-eygu). sedge. Amharic: ቄጠማ. kep'ee n f (-shi). honour. Amharic: ክብር. keree n f (-shi). upper part of a pipe (smoking). Amharic: ?? keshoo d'ek'oo phrase. passer by. Amharic: ሃላፊ ኣግዳሚ. keskeli n m (-gu). evil spirit, demon ?? Amharic: ርኩስ መንፈስ, ኣጋንንት. k'ey- keskelinga mood'aa phrase. algae. Amharic: ?? v. to win. Amharic: መርታት. k'eyam- v pass. to be won. Amharic: መረታት. kib- kibaa k'iic'- v. to support. Amharic: መድገፍ. n m (-eygu). support. Amharic: ድጋፍ. v. to grind fine. Amharic: ማድቀቅ. k'iic'am- v pass. to be powdered ?? Amharic: መድቀቅ. k'iic'is- v caus. to make ground fine. Amharic: ማስደቀቅ. k'iic'oo adj. fine, powdered. Amharic: ደቃቅ. kiidd'iss- v caus. to support. Amharic: ማስደገፍ. kiid'ee n f (-shi). roof-pole. Amharic: ምሶሶ. kiid'iy- v. to support. Amharic: መደገፍ. kiila k'iir- k'iir- n f (-shi). measurement, kilo. Amharic: መለኪያ, ኪሎ. v. to cut. Amharic: መቁረጥ. v. to cut. Amharic: መቆረጥ. k'iirisee n f (-shi). testicle. Amharic: ቆለጥ. kiisee n f (-shi). pocket. Amharic: ክስ. k'ik'ira n f (-shi). depth. Amharic: ጥልቀት. k'ik'iroo adj. deep. Amharic: ጥልቅ. k'ik'irs- v caus. to deepen. Amharic: ማጥለቅ. kikkaaboo ?? n f (-shi). basket. Amharic: ቅርጫት. kikkiw'ee n f (-shi). bell. Amharic: ቃጭል. k'ilaank'illoo n m (-ugu). snail. Amharic: ቀንድ ኣውጣ. killa (also killi) n m (-ugu). butter container, gourd. Amharic: የቅቤ ማስቀመጫ ቅል. killee n f (-shi). new utensils (of clay). Amharic: ኣዲስ ከሸክላ የተሰራ የምግብ እቃ. kobbortaa killi (also killa) n m (-ugu). butter container, gourd. Amharic: ቅቤ ማስቀመጫ ቅል. killis- v caus. to bless new utensils made of clay. Amharic: ኣዲስ ከሸክላ የተሰራ የምግብ እቃ መመረቅ. killoons- v caus. to bless new clay utensils. Amharic: ኣዲስ ከሸከላ የተሰራ የምግብ እቃ መመረቅ. k'im'- v. to press. Amharic: ጫን ማድረግ. k'im'am- v pass. to be pressed. Amharic: መጫን. kinoo n f (-shi). ?? Amharic: ?? kinsiis- v caus. to accumulate. Amharic: ማጠራቀም. kintaa n m (-eygu). skin, hide remnants. Amharic: የቆዳ ፍቅፋቂ. k'int'aa n m (-eygu). club. Amharic: ዱላ. k'irc'aa n m (-eygu). cut of meat to be shaved?? Amharic: ቅርጫ. kiristaani n m (-ugu). Christian. Amharic: ክርስትያን. kiristaanumma n m (-eygu). Christianity. Amharic: ክርስትና. kiristanoomaa n m (-eygu). Christianity. Amharic: ክርስትና. kirkir- v. ?? Amharic: ?? kirkiram- v. to try hard, with all effort. Amharic: መፍጨርጨር. kirkirs- v. to move back and forth. Amharic: ወደፊትና ወደውሃላ ማንቀሳቀሳ. kirree n f (-shi). thread. Amharic: ክር. k'irri t'udaa phrase. very white. Amharic: በጣም ነጭ. k'irt'i n m (-ugu). earring. Amharic: ጉትቻ. k'irt'i k'irt'i iy- phrase. ?? Amharic: ?? kisila (also kisissa, sisilaa) n m (-ugu). stove. Amharic: ጉልቻ. kisissaa (also kisila, sisilaa) n m (-ugu). stove. Amharic: ጉልቻ. k'itt'a (also k'itt'ee) 1. adj. equal. Amharic: እኩል. wolli k'itt'a, wolli k'itt'ee «equal». «እኩል». phrase. k'itt'a (also k'itt'ee) 2. adv. enough. Amharic: በቂ. k'itt'ey- 2. v. to be completed. Amharic: ማለቅ. k'itt'eys- v caus. to complete. Amharic: መጨረስ. k'itt'ey- 1. v. to be enough. Amharic: መብቃት. k'iw'aa n m (-eygu). thin part of last grain. Amharic: ?? kobbortaa n m (-eygu). carpet. Amharic: ካፖርት. 02/06/2008 50

kobi kobi koc'- k'oc'- n m (-ugu). basket. Amharic: ቅርጫት. v. to take out the taste?? Amharic: ለቅምሻ ማውጣት. v. to glean. Amharic: መቃረም. koc'aa n f (-shi). tortoise. Amharic: ኤሊ. koc'am- v pass. to be taken out for taste?? Amharic: ለቅምሻ መውጣት. k'oc'am- v pass. to be gleaned ?? Amharic: መቃረም. k'occ'aani n m (-ugu). long feather. Amharic: ረጅም ላባ. k'occ'eega, k'occ'eeda f. 1. adj. uncooked, unripe. Amharic: ጥሬ. k'occ'eega, k'occ'eeda f. 2. adj. wet. Amharic: እርጥብ. koc'ee n f (-shi). taste. Amharic: ቅምሻ. k'oc'ee n f (-shi). gleaning. Amharic: ቃርሚያ. k'oc'eed'aa n f (-shi). unfermented ensete. Amharic: ያልበሰለ ቆጮ. kocikoolee n f (-shi). tyre. Amharic: ጎማ. kocikools- v caus. to roll. Amharic: ማንከባለል. koc'iss- v caus. to make s.o. take out sth.for taste. Amharic: ለቅምሻ ማስወጣት. k'odd'- v. to glean. Amharic: መቃረም. k'odd'am- v pass. to be gleaned. Amharic: መቃረም. kodd'eyi n m (-gu). ct. kind of grass. Amharic: ?? የሳር ኣይነት. k'oddoo n f (-shi). wood-pecker. Amharic: ግንደ ቆርቆር. k'odd'oo n f (-shi). gleaning. Amharic: ቃርሚያ. kod'eyshi (synon. korp'eyshi) n m (-ugu). male goat. Amharic: ወንድ ፍየል. kohaas- v. to kick. Amharic: መምታት. kohaasee n f (-shi). ball. Amharic: ኳስ. kokkee (also k'ook'ee) n f (-shi). throat. Amharic: ጉሮሮ. kokkee goy- «to take out tonsils». «እንጥል መቁረጥ». phrase. kokkoosh- v. to refuse strongly. Amharic: እምቢ ማለት. k'ok'obaa n m (-eygu). shelter. Amharic: መጠለያ. kolaa n m (-eygu). castrated goat. Amharic: ቅጥቅጥ ፍየል. kolaas- v caus. to castrate. Amharic: መቀጥቀጥ. kolammaa adj. black. Amharic: ጥቋቁር. kolbaa n m (-eygu). long grass. Amharic: ስንበለጥ. kolee n f (-shi). crow. Amharic: ቁራ. k'olee (also k'oree) n f (-shi). wooden bowl. Amharic: ገበታ. koleed'- v mid. to be black. Amharic: መጥቆር. kolis- v caus. to blacken. Amharic: ማጥቆር. k'ont'oor- koleeda n. mourning clothes. Amharic: የሃዘን ልብስ. koleega, koleeda f. adj. black. Amharic: ጥቁር. kolee d'aha «selfish, greedy (lit. "black stone")». «ራስ ወዳድ ስስተም». phrase. d'illi koleega, d'illi koleeda f. «very black». «በጣም ጥቁር». k'oleeyyaa k'orataa phrase. ?? Amharic: ?? k'oliy- v. to fall down, fail. Amharic: መውደቅ. k'olis- v caus. to drop. Amharic: መጣል. k'ollic'i ba'- phrase. to end a woman's childbed period. Amharic: ከኣራስ ቤት መውጣት. k'ollof- v. to lock. Amharic: መቆለፍ. k'ollofam- v pass. to be locked. Amharic: መቆለፍ. k'olloo n f (-shi). woman in childbed. Amharic: ኣራስ. k'olollu iy- phrase. to slobber. Amharic: ፈሰስ ማለት. k'oloo n f (-shi). shirt. Amharic: ሸሚዝ. k'olp'u iy- (also k'olombu iy-) phrase. to get warm. Amharic: ለብ ማለት. k'oltee n f (-shi). morsel of bread. Amharic: ቁራሽ. k'olteem- v. to be broken off. Amharic: መቆረስ. k'oltiy- v. to break off. Amharic: መቁረስ. kombossi n m (-ugu). head decoration when mourning. Amharic: ?? k'om'u iy- phrase. ?? Amharic: ?? kon- kon'- v. to insult. Amharic: መስደብ. v. to climb on. Amharic: ላይ መውጣት. konam- v pass. to be insulted. Amharic: መሰደብ. k'ondaallaa n m (-eygu). ct. kind of clothes (like buulukkoo). Amharic: ?? የልብስ ኣይነት. koneyshee n f (-shi). insult. Amharic: ስድብ. k'on'i n m (-ugu). toad, frog. Amharic: እንቁራሪት. konoonaa 1. n m (-eygu). nose tip. Amharic: ያፍንጫ ጫፍ. konoonaa 2. n m (-eygu). edge. Amharic: ጠርዝ. k'onossoo n f (-shi). squirrel. Amharic: ሽካካ. Konsoo n f (-shi). Konso people. Amharic: የኮንሶ ብሄረሰብ ሰዎች. kontoma n f (-shi). ?? Amharic: ?? kontoolloo n m (-ugu). lump of earth. Amharic: ጓል. k'ont'oor- v. to nibble, take a pinch of ?? Amharic: መቆንጠር ማድረግ. 02/06/2008 51

kobi<br />

kobi<br />

koc'-<br />

k'oc'-<br />

n m (-ugu). basket. Amharic: ቅርጫት.<br />

v. to take out the taste?? Amharic: ለቅምሻ<br />

ማውጣት.<br />

v. to glean. Amharic: መቃረም.<br />

koc'aa n f (-shi). tortoise. Amharic: ኤሊ.<br />

koc'am- v pass. to be taken out for taste??<br />

Amharic: ለቅምሻ መውጣት.<br />

k'oc'am- v pass. to be gleaned ?? Amharic: መቃረም.<br />

k'occ'aani n m (-ugu). long feather. Amharic: ረጅም ላባ.<br />

k'occ'eega, k'occ'eeda f. 1. adj. uncooked, unripe.<br />

Amharic: ጥሬ.<br />

k'occ'eega, k'occ'eeda f. 2. adj. wet.<br />

Amharic: እርጥብ.<br />

koc'ee n f (-shi). taste. Amharic: ቅምሻ.<br />

k'oc'ee n f (-shi). gleaning. Amharic: ቃርሚያ.<br />

k'oc'eed'aa n f (-shi). unfermented ensete.<br />

Amharic: ያልበሰለ ቆጮ.<br />

kocikoolee n f (-shi). tyre. Amharic: ጎማ.<br />

kocikools- v caus. to roll. Amharic: ማንከባለል.<br />

koc'iss- v caus. to make s.o. take out sth.for taste.<br />

Amharic: ለቅምሻ ማስወጣት.<br />

k'odd'- v. to glean. Amharic: መቃረም.<br />

k'odd'am- v pass. to be gleaned. Amharic: መቃረም.<br />

kodd'eyi n m (-gu). ct. kind of grass. Amharic: ?? የሳር<br />

ኣይነት.<br />

k'oddoo n f (-shi). wood-pecker. Amharic: ግንደ ቆርቆር.<br />

k'odd'oo n f (-shi). gleaning. Amharic: ቃርሚያ.<br />

kod'eyshi (synon. korp'eyshi) n m (-ugu). male<br />

goat. Amharic: ወንድ ፍየል.<br />

kohaas- v. to kick. Amharic: መምታት.<br />

kohaasee n f (-shi). ball. Amharic: ኳስ.<br />

kokkee (also k'ook'ee) n f (-shi). throat.<br />

Amharic: ጉሮሮ. kokkee goy- «to take out<br />

tonsils». «እንጥል መቁረጥ».<br />

phrase.<br />

kokkoosh- v. to refuse strongly. Amharic: እምቢ ማለት.<br />

k'ok'obaa n m (-eygu). shelter. Amharic: መጠለያ.<br />

kolaa<br />

n m (-eygu). castrated goat. Amharic: ቅጥቅጥ<br />

ፍየል.<br />

kolaas- v caus. to castrate. Amharic: መቀጥቀጥ.<br />

kolammaa adj. black. Amharic: ጥቋቁር.<br />

kolbaa n m (-eygu). long grass. Amharic: ስንበለጥ.<br />

kolee<br />

n f (-shi). crow. Amharic: ቁራ.<br />

k'olee (also k'oree) n f (-shi). wooden bowl.<br />

Amharic: ገበታ.<br />

koleed'- v mid. to be black. Amharic: መጥቆር.<br />

kolis-<br />

v caus. to blacken. Amharic: ማጥቆር.<br />

k'ont'oor-<br />

koleeda n. mourning clothes. Amharic: የሃዘን ልብስ.<br />

koleega, koleeda f. adj. black. Amharic: ጥቁር. kolee<br />

d'aha «selfish, greedy (lit. "black stone")».<br />

«ራስ ወዳድ ስስተም».<br />

phrase. d'illi koleega, d'illi koleeda f. «very<br />

black». «በጣም ጥቁር».<br />

k'oleeyyaa k'orataa phrase. ?? Amharic: ??<br />

k'oliy- v. to fall down, fail. Amharic: መውደቅ.<br />

k'olis- v caus. to drop. Amharic: መጣል.<br />

k'ollic'i ba'- phrase. to end a woman's childbed period.<br />

Amharic: ከኣራስ ቤት መውጣት.<br />

k'ollof- v. to lock. Amharic: መቆለፍ.<br />

k'ollofam- v pass. to be locked. Amharic: መቆለፍ.<br />

k'olloo n f (-shi). woman in childbed. Amharic: ኣራስ.<br />

k'olollu iy- phrase. to slobber. Amharic: ፈሰስ ማለት.<br />

k'oloo<br />

n f (-shi). shirt. Amharic: ሸሚዝ.<br />

k'olp'u iy- (also k'olombu iy-) phrase. to get warm.<br />

Amharic: ለብ ማለት.<br />

k'oltee n f (-shi). morsel of bread. Amharic: ቁራሽ.<br />

k'olteem- v. to be broken off. Amharic: መቆረስ.<br />

k'oltiy- v. to break off. Amharic: መቁረስ.<br />

kombossi n m (-ugu). head decoration when mourning.<br />

Amharic: ??<br />

k'om'u iy- phrase. ?? Amharic: ??<br />

kon-<br />

kon'-<br />

v. to insult. Amharic: መስደብ.<br />

v. to climb on. Amharic: ላይ መውጣት.<br />

konam- v pass. to be insulted. Amharic: መሰደብ.<br />

k'ondaallaa n m (-eygu). ct. kind of clothes (like<br />

buulukkoo). Amharic: ?? የልብስ ኣይነት.<br />

koneyshee n f (-shi). insult. Amharic: ስድብ.<br />

k'on'i<br />

n m (-ugu). toad, frog. Amharic: እንቁራሪት.<br />

konoonaa 1. n m (-eygu). nose tip. Amharic: ያፍንጫ<br />

ጫፍ.<br />

konoonaa 2. n m (-eygu). edge. Amharic: ጠርዝ.<br />

k'onossoo n f (-shi). squirrel. Amharic: ሽካካ.<br />

Konsoo n f (-shi). Konso people. Amharic: የኮንሶ ብሄረሰብ<br />

ሰዎች.<br />

kontoma n f (-shi). ?? Amharic: ??<br />

kontoolloo n m (-ugu). lump of earth. Amharic: ጓል.<br />

k'ont'oor- v. to nibble, take a pinch of ??<br />

Amharic: መቆንጠር ማድረግ.<br />

02/06/2008 51

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