A - a

A - a A - a


huuw'i illa 2. huuw'i n m (-ugu). vomiting. Amharic: ትውከት. huwwa n m (-ugu). bee. Amharic: ንብ. huwwaa n m (-eygu). little flute, pipe, whistle (at harvest) ?? Amharic: ፊሽካ. I - i i pron f. that. Amharic: ያች. ihakad'i, ihakaci f. adv. maybe. Amharic: ምናልባት. ibaarshoo n f (-shi). female goat. Amharic: ሴት ፍየል. ibaass- v caus. to dress. Amharic: ማልበስ. ibaat- (also ubaat-) v. to wear, to dress. Amharic: መልበስ. ibaatad'- v mid. to dress, wear. Amharic: መልበስ. ibaatam- (also ubaatam-) v pass. to be dressed. Amharic: መለበስ. ibaati ibba n m (-ugu). dress, cloth. Amharic: ልብስ. n f (-shi). louse. Amharic: ቅማል. ibbaaw- v. to be infested by lice. Amharic: መቅመል. ibbeys- v caus. to make full of lice?? Amharic: ማቅመል. ibbik'ee n f (-shi). t'ef-husk. Amharic: እብቅ. ic'am- v. to gather, concentrate on. Amharic: መሰብሳብ, መከማቸት. icci(k'aa) adv f. being like that. Amharic: እንድህ ሆኖ. icci(k'aa) adv f. then. Amharic: እንድህ ሆና. idd- v. to sting. Amharic: መንደፍ. iddam- v pass. to be stung. Amharic: መነደፍ. iddiri n m (-ugu). communal self-help organization. Amharic: እድር. iddiroo n m (-ugu). bedbug. Amharic: ትን. ifa ifacci adv. out. Amharic: ውጭ. adv. from outside, abroad. Amharic: ከውጭ. ifakkanee adv. outside. Amharic: በስተውጭ. ifakka, ifatta f. adj. wild, foreign. Amharic: የውጭ. ifattoo n f (-shi). work-clothes. Amharic: የሰራ ልብስ. ih- v. to be. Amharic: መሆን. iheyi adu, itteyi adu f. (also iheyi adoo, itteyi adoo) «if not, unless». «ካልሆነ». phrase. ihaa dooyyi, ittaa dooyyi f. therefore. Amharic: ስለሆነ. ihaa marru, ittaa marru f. therefore. Amharic: ስለሆነ. ihaadi, ittaadi f. conj. then. Amharic: እና. ihaakkalli, ittakkalli f. adv. maybe. Amharic: ምናልባት. ihaanna conj. then. Amharic: እና. iham- ihan'i v. to be. Amharic: መሆን. iham wa'- «not to be». «ኣለመሆን». phrase. adv. then. Amharic: እነ. ihannoonna conj. if ... Amharic: ብሆን. iheed'aa(ga), icceettaa(da) f. adv. like this, such. Amharic: እንዲህ የሆነ, ንዲህ የሆነች. ihey'i, ittey'i f. adv. it won't be. Amharic: ኣይሆንም. ihis- ihisaa v. to fertilize. Amharic: ማዳበር. n m (-eygu). fertilizer, manure. Amharic: ማዳበርያ. ihi(k'aa) --. --. Amharic: --. ihooni malee, ittooni malee f. conj. but, nevertheless. Amharic: ይሁን እንጅ. ihu, ittu f. conj m. be it ?? Amharic: ሊሆን. ittu ... ittu ?? «be it ... be it». «--». iiyii ilaal- ilaala ilaalci ilaal'- phrase. interj ??. yes. Amharic: ኣዎን. v. to look, watch. Amharic: መመለከት. v mid. to look, watch for o.s. Amharic: መመለከት. n f (-shi). looking ?? Amharic: እይታ. n m (-ugu). outlook. Amharic: ኣመልካከት. ilaalik'aagee! (also ilaaligaagee) adv. listen! (speech introducer). Amharic: ስማኝ, እኔ የሚለው! ileed'- v. to give generously. Amharic: መቸር, መለገስ. ileennoo adj. generous, kind. Amharic: ለጋሽ. ቸር. ili ilis- n m (-ugu). ember. Amharic: ድን. v caus. to make generous ?? Amharic: ቸር ማድረግ. illa k'uun'- phrase. to begin to see (a new-born animal). Amharic: ማየት መጀመር (የእንሰሳት ግልገሎች). illa 1. illa 2. n f (-shi). eye. Amharic: ኣይን. n f (-shi). fruit. Amharic: ፍሬ. illa hirshad'- «to rub one's eyes». «ኣይን ማሽት». phrase. illa sugg- «to be impudent, shameless». «ኣይነ ደረቅ መሆን». 02/06/2008 42

illaal'- illa sugganeega, illa sugganeeda f. shameless. Amharic: ኣይነ ደረቅ. illa wor'- «to bear fruit». «ፍሬ ማፍራት». illaal'- v. to take ceremonial food and drink to a circumcised boy. Amharic: ለተገረዘ ወንድ ልጅ ባህላዊ ምግብና መጠጥ መውለድ. illaddee ?? n f (-shi). area around the eyes. Amharic: ሬት. illaga hal- phrase. illaga halaaga «beautiful. handsome». «ጥሩ, ቆንጆ». ilma 1. n f (-shi). tears. Amharic: እንባ. ilma 2. n f (-shi). mourning. Amharic: ለቅሶ. ilma baas- «to commemorate the dead». «ተዝካር ማውጣት». phrase. ilma hal- phrase. imaltiy- v. to visit. Amharic: መጎበኘት. imaltoo n f (-shi). visit. Amharic: ጉብኝት. im'am- v. to murmur. Amharic: ማጉረምረም. im'ans- v caus. to murmur. Amharic: ማጉረምረም. imbiroo n f (-shi). eyelid. Amharic: ሽፋሽፍት. iminati n m (-eygu). belief. Amharic: እምነት. indoo! n f (-shi). mother! Amharic: እማማ! inneenna conj. if. Amharic: ቢሆን. inni ?? int'- int'a n m (-ugu). pimple. Amharic: ብጉር. v itr. to groan, sigh. Amharic: ማቃሰት. n f (-shi). sigh, groaning. Amharic: ማቃስት. int'am- v pass. to be groaned ?? Amharic: መቃሰት. intey- int'is- intoo ir'- 1. ir'- 2. iraa v. to come. Amharic: መምጣት. v caus. to make groan. Amharic: ማቃሰት. n f (-shi). coming. Amharic: መምጣት. v. to become less. Amharic: መጉደል. v. to be odd. Amharic: ማነስ. n m (-eygu). stomach. Amharic: ጨጓራ. irbaancoo (also hirbaancoo) n m (-ugu)/-shi. rabbit. Amharic: ጥንቸል. ir'is- ir'is- irk'a ir'oo ir'iy- v caus. to make odd. Amharic: ማጉደል. v caus. to make less. Amharic: ማሳነስ. v. to decrease. Amharic: መጉደል. n f (-shi). tooth. Amharic: ጥርስ. adj. odd. Amharic: ጔደሎ. irraabaatee n f (-shi). worn-out clothes. Amharic: ያለቀ ልብስ. irsigee n f (-shi). charm. Amharic: ኣሸን ክታብ. itopiyaa (also toopiyaa) isakka, isatta f. pron. his, its. Amharic: ይእርሱ. isey- (also d'isey-) v. to take. Amharic: መውሰድ. ishee pron. she. Amharic: እርሷ. isheekka, isheetta f. pron. her. Amharic: የእርስዋ. ishila (also hishila) n f (-shi). skin, hide. Amharic: ቁርበት. ishila kar- «to spread out a rug, skin». «ቁርበት ማንጠፍ». isi phrase. pron. he, it. Amharic: እርሱ. isinakka, isinatta f. pron. their. Amharic: የእነርሱ. isinoo pron. they. Amharic: እነርሱ. iskittaa n m (-eygu). dance. Amharic: እስክስታ. iskittaa goddis- «to dance». «እስክስታ ማስነካት». phrase. islaam- v. to become a Muslim. Amharic: መስለም. islaans- v caus. to convert to Islam. Amharic: ማስለም. islaamaa n m (-eygu). Islam ?? Amharic: እስላም. islaamoomaa n m (-eygu). Islamic religion ?? Amharic: እስልምና. islaani n m (-ugu). Muslim. Amharic: ሙስሊም. iss- 1. ?? pron. -self. Amharic: ራስ-. iss- 2. v caus. to do, make. Amharic: መስራት. iss- 3. v caus. to have intercourse. Amharic: የግብረ ስጋ ግንኙነት መፍጸም. issa pron. for oneself. Amharic: ለራሱ, ለራሷ. issaabaa n m (-eygu). calculation. Amharic: ስሌት. issaad'- v. to make the reckoning?? Amharic: መተሳሰብ. issab- v. to reckon, think. Amharic: ማሰብ. issi pron. himself. Amharic: እርሱ ራሱ. issoo ?? adv. doing like this. Amharic: እንደዝህ በመስራት. it- itam- itiss- v. to eat. Amharic: መብላት. v pass. to corrode, decay. Amharic: መበላት. v caus. to feed. Amharic: መመገብ. it'a (also hit'a) n m (-eygu). luck, chance, lot. Amharic: እድል, እጣ. it'aa baas- «to draw a lot». «እጣ መጣል ??» phrase. itaanoo n m (-ugu). food. Amharic: መብል. itee itit- itittoo n m (-eygu). food, meal. Amharic: ምግብ. v. to coagulate. Amharic: መርጋት. n f (-shi). curd. Amharic: እርጎ. itopiyaa (also toopiyaa) name -shi. Ethiopia. Amharic: ኢትዮጵያ. 02/06/2008 43

huuw'i illa 2.<br />

huuw'i n m (-ugu). vomiting. Amharic: ትውከት.<br />

huwwa n m (-ugu). bee. Amharic: ንብ.<br />

huwwaa n m (-eygu). little flute, pipe, whistle (at<br />

harvest) ?? Amharic: ፊሽካ.<br />

I - i<br />

i<br />

pron f. that. Amharic: ያች.<br />

ihakad'i, ihakaci f. adv. maybe. Amharic: ምናልባት.<br />

ibaarshoo n f (-shi). female goat. Amharic: ሴት ፍየል.<br />

ibaass- v caus. to dress. Amharic: ማልበስ.<br />

ibaat- (also ubaat-) v. to wear, to dress.<br />

Amharic: መልበስ.<br />

ibaatad'- v mid. to dress, wear. Amharic: መልበስ.<br />

ibaatam- (also ubaatam-) v pass. to be dressed.<br />

Amharic: መለበስ.<br />

ibaati<br />

ibba<br />

n m (-ugu). dress, cloth. Amharic: ልብስ.<br />

n f (-shi). louse. Amharic: ቅማል.<br />

ibbaaw- v. to be infested by lice. Amharic: መቅመል.<br />

ibbeys- v caus. to make full of lice?? Amharic: ማቅመል.<br />

ibbik'ee n f (-shi). t'ef-husk. Amharic: እብቅ.<br />

ic'am- v. to gather, concentrate on. Amharic: መሰብሳብ,<br />

መከማቸት.<br />

icci(k'aa) adv f. being like that. Amharic: እንድህ ሆኖ.<br />

icci(k'aa) adv f. then. Amharic: እንድህ ሆና.<br />

idd-<br />

v. to sting. Amharic: መንደፍ.<br />

iddam- v pass. to be stung. Amharic: መነደፍ.<br />

iddiri<br />

n m (-ugu). communal self-help organization.<br />

Amharic: እድር.<br />

iddiroo n m (-ugu). bedbug. Amharic: ትን.<br />

ifa<br />

ifacci<br />

adv. out. Amharic: ውጭ.<br />

adv. from outside, abroad. Amharic: ከውጭ.<br />

ifakkanee adv. outside. Amharic: በስተውጭ.<br />

ifakka, ifatta f. adj. wild, foreign. Amharic: የውጭ.<br />

ifattoo n f (-shi). work-clothes. Amharic: የሰራ ልብስ.<br />

ih-<br />

v. to be. Amharic: መሆን. iheyi adu, itteyi adu<br />

f. (also iheyi adoo, itteyi adoo) «if not,<br />

unless». «ካልሆነ».<br />

phrase. ihaa dooyyi, ittaa dooyyi f.<br />

therefore. Amharic: ስለሆነ. ihaa marru, ittaa<br />

marru f.<br />

therefore. Amharic: ስለሆነ.<br />

ihaadi, ittaadi f. conj. then. Amharic: እና.<br />

ihaakkalli, ittakkalli f. adv. maybe.<br />

Amharic: ምናልባት.<br />

ihaanna conj. then. Amharic: እና.<br />

iham-<br />

ihan'i<br />

v. to be. Amharic: መሆን. iham wa'- «not to<br />

be». «ኣለመሆን».<br />

phrase.<br />

adv. then. Amharic: እነ.<br />

ihannoonna conj. if ... Amharic: ብሆን.<br />

iheed'aa(ga), icceettaa(da) f. adv. like this, such.<br />

Amharic: እንዲህ የሆነ, ንዲህ የሆነች.<br />

ihey'i, ittey'i f. adv. it won't be. Amharic: ኣይሆንም.<br />

ihis-<br />

ihisaa<br />

v. to fertilize. Amharic: ማዳበር.<br />

n m (-eygu). fertilizer, manure.<br />

Amharic: ማዳበርያ.<br />

ihi(k'aa) --. --. Amharic: --.<br />

ihooni malee, ittooni malee f. conj. but,<br />

nevertheless. Amharic: ይሁን እንጅ.<br />

ihu, ittu f. conj m. be it ?? Amharic: ሊሆን. ittu ... ittu ??<br />

«be it ... be it». «--».<br />

iiyii<br />

ilaal-<br />

ilaala<br />

ilaalci<br />

ilaal'-<br />

phrase.<br />

interj ??. yes. Amharic: ኣዎን.<br />

v. to look, watch. Amharic: መመለከት.<br />

v mid. to look, watch for o.s.<br />

Amharic: መመለከት.<br />

n f (-shi). looking ?? Amharic: እይታ.<br />

n m (-ugu). outlook. Amharic: ኣመልካከት.<br />

ilaalik'aagee! (also ilaaligaagee) adv. listen!<br />

(speech introducer). Amharic: ስማኝ, እኔ<br />

የሚለው!<br />

ileed'- v. to give generously. Amharic: መቸር, መለገስ.<br />

ileennoo adj. generous, kind. Amharic: ለጋሽ. ቸር.<br />

ili<br />

ilis-<br />

n m (-ugu). ember. Amharic: ድን.<br />

v caus. to make generous ?? Amharic: ቸር<br />

ማድረግ.<br />

illa k'uun'- phrase. to begin to see (a new-born<br />

animal). Amharic: ማየት መጀመር (የእንሰሳት<br />

ግልገሎች).<br />

illa 1.<br />

illa 2.<br />

n f (-shi). eye. Amharic: ኣይን.<br />

n f (-shi). fruit. Amharic: ፍሬ. illa hirshad'- «to<br />

rub one's eyes». «ኣይን ማሽት».<br />

phrase. illa sugg- «to be impudent,<br />

shameless». «ኣይነ ደረቅ መሆን».<br />

02/06/2008 42

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