A - a

A - a A - a


hang- 1. hang- 1. v. to reach, avail. Amharic: መድረስ, መብቃት. hangad'- v mid. to use. Amharic: መጠቀም. hangis- v caus. to distribute. Amharic: ማዳረስ. hang- 2. v. to benfit. Amharic: መጥቀም. hanga n f (-shi). usefulness. Amharic: ጥቅም. hangaa(ga), hangidaa(da) f. adj. useful. Amharic: ጠቃም. hanjaa adj. very good. Amharic: በጣም ጥሩ. hankaah- v. to give (search)light. Amharic: ከተኛ ብርሃን መስጠት. hankaahaa n m (-eygu). searchlight. Amharic: ባውዛ. hank'ad'- v mid. not to reach fully, to be odd. Amharic: ኣለመብቃት, መጉደል. hank'is- v caus. to make odd. Amharic: ማጉደል. hank'oo adj. odd. Amharic: ጛደሎ. han'ura n f (-shi). navel. Amharic: እምብርት. hap'ee adj. thin. Amharic: ቀጭን. hap'is- v caus. to make thin. Amharic: ማቅጠን. har'- har'a v. to plough. Amharic: ማረስ. n f (-shi). ploughed land. Amharic: የታረሰ መሬት. haraaddoo n f (-shi). creeping grass. Amharic: ሰርዶ. haraama n f (-shi). dirt, filth. Amharic: በክት. haraamoo adj. dirty, filthy. Amharic: በክት. haraari n m (-gu). sacrifice. Amharic: መሷት. haraarmad'- v mid. to become reconciled. Amharic: መታረቅ. haraars- v caus. to reconcile. Amharic: ማስታረቅ. haraaroo n f (-shi). reconciliation. Amharic: እርቅ. haraasaa n m (-eygu). drink. Amharic: መጠጥ. haraddaa n m (-eygu). creeping grass. Amharic: ሰርዶ. harafaa n m (-eygu). loom. Amharic: ኣርብ. har'am- v pass. to be ploughed. Amharic: መታረስ. harand'oo n m (-ugu). millipede. Amharic: ቅምቡርስ. harbooraa 1. n m (-eygu). bracelet. Amharic: ኣምባር. harbooraa 2. n m (-eygu). "Harbooraa" age group. Amharic: የ"ሃርቦራ" የእድሜ ክልል. harbooree n f (-shi). sorghum. Amharic: ማሽላ. harc'ad'- v. to get long, tall. Amharic: መርዘም. harc'anee(ga), harc'anee(da) f. adj. long, tall. Amharic: ረጅም. harc'inna n m (-ugu). length, height. Amharic: ርዝመት, ቁመት. harc'is- v caus. to lengthen. Amharic: ማስረዘም. hassoo harc'ummaa 1. n f (-shi). broom. Amharic: መጥረግያ. harc'ummaa 2. n f (-shi). lath, cane. Amharic: ኣርጨሜ. hardee n f (-shi). weed of sorghum. Amharic: የማሽላ ኣረም. hardi hardi iy- phrase. to become morning, dawn. Amharic: ወገግ ማለት. hardiy- v. to weed sorghum. Amharic: ማሽላ ማረም. har'eyaa (also ar'eyaa) n f (-shi). oxen. Amharic: በሬዎች. har'eyi (also ar'eyi) 1. n m (-gu). ox. Amharic: በሬ. har'eyi (also ar'eyi) 2. n m (-gu). penalty. Amharic: ቅጣት. hargan- v. to bleat (ox). Amharic: መጮህ (በሬ). hariyoo n f (-shi). song about a brave man's deeds. Amharic: ?? hariyoo n f (-shi). work song when farming. Amharic: ?? harjoom- v. to advise. Amharic: መምከር. harjoon'- v. to seek advice, consult. Amharic: ምክር መጠየቅ, ማማከር. harjoonsad'- v mid. to consult, seek advice. Amharic: ማማከር, ምክር መጠየቅ. harjoomaa n m (-eygu). advisor. Amharic: ኣማካሪ. harjoomi n m (-gu). advice. Amharic: ምክር. harkoo n f (-shi). cow of which the calf is dead. Amharic: ጥጃዋ የሞተችበት ላም. harmant'a n m (-ugu). hoe. Amharic: መቆንጠጫ. haroo n f (-shi). song of sowing season. Amharic: የኣዝመራ ወቆት ዘፈን. harree 1. n f (-shi). donkey. Amharic: ኣህያ. harree 2. n f (-shi). coward. Amharic: ፈሪ. harsittaa n m (-eygu). sword. Amharic: ሰይፍ. haruraa n m (-eygu). weaver. Amharic: ሸማኔ. haruri n m (-gu). weaver. Amharic: ሸማኔ. harurshaa n m (-gu). weaver. Amharic: ሽማኔ. hasaas- v. to whisper. Amharic: መንሾካሾክ. hasaasaa n m (-eygu). whisper. Amharic: ሹክሹክታ. hask'annee n f (-shi). March, April. Amharic: መጋብት/ሚያዚያ. hask'i n m (-ugu). fire made when sb. dies. Amharic: ኣንድ ሰው ሲሞት የሚነድ እሳት. hasshu! adv. please ... Amharic: ኣደራ! hassiss- v caus. to make sb. forget. Amharic: ማስረሳት. hassiy- v. to rub, stroke, knead dough. Amharic: ማሸት. hassoo n f (-shi). twigs. Amharic: ጭራሮ. 02/06/2008 36

hat'- hid'iss- 2. hat'- hat'a v. to mow. Amharic: ማጨድ. n f (-shi). mowing. Amharic: ኣጨዳ. hat'aanoo n m (-ugu). mowing. Amharic: ኣጨዳ. hat'am- v pass. to be mowed. Amharic: መታጨድ. hat'iss- v caus. to let mow, cut. Amharic: ማስጨድ, ማስቆረጥ. hat'issad'- v. to have cut. Amharic: ማስቆረጥ, ማሳጠር. hatt'aaw- v. to wipe, sweep, clean. Amharic: ማጽዳት, መጥረግ. hattisheed'- v. to sneeze. Amharic: ማስነጠስ. hattisheys- v caus. cause to sneeze. Amharic: ማስነጠስ. hattishoo n f (-shi). sneezing. Amharic: ማስነጠስ. hattoo n f (-shi). thief. Amharic: ሌባ. haww- v. to wave. Amharic: ማርገብገብ. hawwam- v pass. to be waved. Amharic: መርገብገብ. hawwee n f (-shi). information. Amharic: ወሬ. hawweysee n f (-shi). eagle. Amharic: ጪልፊት. hawwuns- (also habuns-, haguns-) v. to cover. Amharic: መክደን. hawwunsad'- (also hagunsad'-) v mid. to cover up. Amharic: መከናነብ. hawwunsam- v pass. to be covered up. Amharic: መከናነብ. hawwunsattee n f (-shi). covering up. Amharic: ክንንብ. hayd'ee n f (-shi). blessing. Amharic: ምርቃት. hayd'is- v caus. to praise, thank, bless. Amharic: ማመስገን, ማወደስ, መባረክ. hayg- v. ?? Amharic: ?? haylaa n f (-shi). room for guardian spirit. Amharic: የውቃቢ ክፍል. haylaas- v caus. to reconcile. Amharic: ማስታረቅ. haylawaayyoo n f (-shi). flying period of termites. Amharic: ኣሽን የሚፈላበት ወቅት. haylee n f (-shi). communal labour. Amharic: ደቦ. haylee wor- phrase. to coordinate communal labour. Amharic: ጸቦ ማዘጋጀት. haymaanooti n m (-ugu). religion. Amharic: ሃይማኖት. haynu? quest pron. when? Amharic: መቼ? hayroo 1. n f (-shi). smallpox. Amharic: ፈንጣጣ. hayroo 2. n f (-shi). bee swarm. Amharic: የንብ ጭፍራ. hayya adv. so then, well now, please ?? Amharic: እስቲ. hayya''a! ?? interj. thanks! Amharic: ኣመሰግናለሁ! hayyad'- v mid. to love, like, want. Amharic: ማፍቀር, መውደድ, መፈለግ. hayyad'am- v pass. to be loved, liked, wanted. Amharic: መወደድ, መፈቀር, መፈለግ. hayyad'aa(ga), hayyattaa(da) f. n m (-gu). lover, one who wants. Amharic: ፈላጊ. hayyad'ameedaa(ga), hayyad'anceettaa(da) f. adj. loved, liked, wanted. Amharic: የተፈቀረ, የተወደደ, የተፈለገ. hayyad'eed'aa(ga), hayyaceettaada f. adj. loved, wanted, liked. Amharic: ያፈቀረ, የወደደ, የፈለገ. hayyi n m (-gu). fore leg. Amharic: የፊተኛ እጊር. hayyinna 1. n m (-ugu). love. Amharic: ፍቅር. hayyinna 2. n m (-ugu). need. Amharic: ፈላጎት. hayyinna 3. n m (-ugu). will. Amharic: ፈቃደኘት. hayyis- 1. v caus. to quieten. Amharic: ዝም ማሰኘት. hayyis- 2. v caus. to appoint an age-group leader. Amharic: የተመሳሳይ እድሜ ክልል ሰዎች መሪ መሸም. hayyoo n f (-shi). age group leader. Amharic: የተመሳሳይ እድሜ ክልል ሰዎች መሪ. hedabba n f (-shi). piece of skin. Amharic: ቁርበት. hedad'- v mid. to think. Amharic: ማሰብ. hedis- v caus. to remind. Amharic: ማስታወስ. hedoo n f (-shi). idea, thought. Amharic: ሃሳብ. heebeyshi n m (-ugu). weaver bird. Amharic: ግርሳ. he'ee! interj. here it is! Amharic: ይሀው! heettaa! interj. Here it is! Amharic: ይሀውልህ/ሽ. hegeree (also yegeree) adv. in the future. Amharic: ወደፊት. heleelloo n f (-shi). shell, cowry shell. Amharic: ዛጓል. hesherk'i iy- phrase. to sit improperly. Amharic: ያለ ስርኣት መቀመጥ. hibbis- v. to tell riddles. Amharic: እንቆቅልሽ መናገር. hibik'i «o.k., tell me the riddle ...» «ምን ላውቅልህ(ሽ)». --. hibbisam- v pass. to be told (riddle). Amharic: መነገር (እንቆክልሽ). hibboo n f (-shi). riddle. Amharic: እንቆቅልሽ. hicc'in- v. to keep quiet. Amharic: ዝም ማሌት. hid'- v. to tie, imprison. Amharic: ማሰር. hid'ad'- v mid. to gird o.s. Amharic: መታጠቅ. hid'iss- 1. v caus. to arm, equip. Amharic: ማስታጠቅ. hid'iss- 2. v caus. to imprison. Amharic: ማሳሰር. 02/06/2008 37

hang- 1.<br />

hang- 1. v. to reach, avail. Amharic: መድረስ, መብቃት.<br />

hangad'- v mid. to use. Amharic: መጠቀም.<br />

hangis- v caus. to distribute. Amharic: ማዳረስ.<br />

hang- 2. v. to benfit. Amharic: መጥቀም.<br />

hanga<br />

n f (-shi). usefulness. Amharic: ጥቅም.<br />

hangaa(ga), hangidaa(da) f. adj. useful.<br />

Amharic: ጠቃም.<br />

hanjaa adj. very good. Amharic: በጣም ጥሩ.<br />

hankaah- v. to give (search)light. Amharic: ከተኛ ብርሃን<br />

መስጠት.<br />

hankaahaa n m (-eygu). searchlight. Amharic: ባውዛ.<br />

hank'ad'- v mid. not to reach fully, to be odd.<br />

Amharic: ኣለመብቃት, መጉደል.<br />

hank'is- v caus. to make odd. Amharic: ማጉደል.<br />

hank'oo adj. odd. Amharic: ጛደሎ.<br />

han'ura n f (-shi). navel. Amharic: እምብርት.<br />

hap'ee adj. thin. Amharic: ቀጭን.<br />

hap'is- v caus. to make thin. Amharic: ማቅጠን.<br />

har'-<br />

har'a<br />

v. to plough. Amharic: ማረስ.<br />

n f (-shi). ploughed land. Amharic: የታረሰ መሬት.<br />

haraaddoo n f (-shi). creeping grass. Amharic: ሰርዶ.<br />

haraama n f (-shi). dirt, filth. Amharic: በክት.<br />

haraamoo adj. dirty, filthy. Amharic: በክት.<br />

haraari n m (-gu). sacrifice. Amharic: መሷት.<br />

haraarmad'- v mid. to become reconciled.<br />

Amharic: መታረቅ.<br />

haraars- v caus. to reconcile. Amharic: ማስታረቅ.<br />

haraaroo n f (-shi). reconciliation. Amharic: እርቅ.<br />

haraasaa n m (-eygu). drink. Amharic: መጠጥ.<br />

haraddaa n m (-eygu). creeping grass. Amharic: ሰርዶ.<br />

harafaa n m (-eygu). loom. Amharic: ኣርብ.<br />

har'am- v pass. to be ploughed. Amharic: መታረስ.<br />

harand'oo n m (-ugu). millipede. Amharic: ቅምቡርስ.<br />

harbooraa 1. n m (-eygu). bracelet. Amharic: ኣምባር.<br />

harbooraa 2. n m (-eygu). "Harbooraa" age group.<br />

Amharic: የ"ሃርቦራ" የእድሜ ክልል.<br />

harbooree n f (-shi). sorghum. Amharic: ማሽላ.<br />

harc'ad'- v. to get long, tall. Amharic: መርዘም.<br />

harc'anee(ga), harc'anee(da) f. adj. long, tall.<br />

Amharic: ረጅም.<br />

harc'inna n m (-ugu). length, height. Amharic: ርዝመት,<br />

ቁመት.<br />

harc'is- v caus. to lengthen. Amharic: ማስረዘም.<br />

hassoo<br />

harc'ummaa 1. n f (-shi). broom. Amharic: መጥረግያ.<br />

harc'ummaa 2. n f (-shi). lath, cane. Amharic: ኣርጨሜ.<br />

hardee n f (-shi). weed of sorghum. Amharic: የማሽላ<br />

ኣረም.<br />

hardi hardi iy- phrase. to become morning, dawn.<br />

Amharic: ወገግ ማለት.<br />

hardiy- v. to weed sorghum. Amharic: ማሽላ ማረም.<br />

har'eyaa (also ar'eyaa) n f (-shi). oxen.<br />

Amharic: በሬዎች.<br />

har'eyi (also ar'eyi) 1. n m (-gu). ox. Amharic: በሬ.<br />

har'eyi (also ar'eyi) 2. n m (-gu). penalty.<br />

Amharic: ቅጣት.<br />

hargan- v. to bleat (ox). Amharic: መጮህ (በሬ).<br />

hariyoo n f (-shi). song about a brave man's deeds.<br />

Amharic: ??<br />

hariyoo n f (-shi). work song when farming. Amharic: ??<br />

harjoom- v. to advise. Amharic: መምከር.<br />

harjoon'- v. to seek advice, consult. Amharic: ምክር<br />

መጠየቅ, ማማከር.<br />

harjoonsad'- v mid. to consult, seek advice.<br />

Amharic: ማማከር, ምክር መጠየቅ.<br />

harjoomaa n m (-eygu). advisor. Amharic: ኣማካሪ.<br />

harjoomi n m (-gu). advice. Amharic: ምክር.<br />

harkoo n f (-shi). cow of which the calf is dead.<br />

Amharic: ጥጃዋ የሞተችበት ላም.<br />

harmant'a n m (-ugu). hoe. Amharic: መቆንጠጫ.<br />

haroo<br />

n f (-shi). song of sowing season.<br />

Amharic: የኣዝመራ ወቆት ዘፈን.<br />

harree 1. n f (-shi). donkey. Amharic: ኣህያ.<br />

harree 2. n f (-shi). coward. Amharic: ፈሪ.<br />

harsittaa n m (-eygu). sword. Amharic: ሰይፍ.<br />

haruraa n m (-eygu). weaver. Amharic: ሸማኔ.<br />

haruri<br />

n m (-gu). weaver. Amharic: ሸማኔ.<br />

harurshaa n m (-gu). weaver. Amharic: ሽማኔ.<br />

hasaas- v. to whisper. Amharic: መንሾካሾክ.<br />

hasaasaa n m (-eygu). whisper. Amharic: ሹክሹክታ.<br />

hask'annee n f (-shi). March, April.<br />

Amharic: መጋብት/ሚያዚያ.<br />

hask'i<br />

n m (-ugu). fire made when sb. dies.<br />

Amharic: ኣንድ ሰው ሲሞት የሚነድ እሳት.<br />

hasshu! adv. please ... Amharic: ኣደራ!<br />

hassiss- v caus. to make sb. forget. Amharic: ማስረሳት.<br />

hassiy- v. to rub, stroke, knead dough. Amharic: ማሸት.<br />

hassoo n f (-shi). twigs. Amharic: ጭራሮ.<br />

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