A - a

A - a A - a


ad'am- aguncoo (also awuncoo) 2. ad'am- v pass ??. to fight. Amharic: መዋጋት. ad'ad'- (also had'ad'-) v. to throw ?? Amharic: መወርወር. ada 1. (also adu) interj. oh I see, so, then. Amharic: ለካ እንዲህ ነው, ኤሃ! ada 2. n f (-shi). milk. Amharic: ወተት. adaaddoo n f (-shi). lime. Amharic: ኖራ. adaalaa n m (-eygu). ?? Amharic: ?? adaba n f (-shi). behaviour, quality, nature. Amharic: ጠባይ. adabad'- v mid. to behave well. Amharic: ኣዳብ መግዛት. addaaw- v. to be straight. Amharic: ቀጥ ማለት. addad'- (also abdad'-) v mid. to hope for. Amharic: ተስፋ ማድረግ. wolli addad'- «to rely on each other». «እርስ ብርስ መመካት». phrase. issi addad'- «to be self-confident». «በራስ መተማመን». addaddi adv. in fact, really. Amharic: በእርግጥ. addee (also abdee) n f (-shi). hope. Amharic: ተስፋ. addee ... kar' «to rely on, hope for». «መተማመን, ተስፋ ማድረግ». phrase. addee mur' «to despair». «ተስፋ መቁረጥ». addeys- v caus. to make straight. Amharic: ማቃጥት. addi n m (-ugu), addunna pl. heifer. Amharic: ግደር. addi yaa mullaa «expression in a child's game, lit. "heifer and cloak"». «የልጆች ጨዋታ: "ግደርና ቡሉኮ"». phrase. addis- v caus ??. to promise, give hope. Amharic: ተስፋ መስጠት. adibaaree n f (-shi). tree consecrated to guardian spirits. Amharic: ኣድባር. ad'inci n m (-ugu). fighting, war. Amharic: ጦር, ጦርነት. ad'iss- 1. v caus. to have asked a price ?? Amharic: ዋጋ ማስጠየቅ. ad'iss- 2. v caus. to conduct war. Amharic: ማዋጋት. adu (also ada) interj. oh I see, I understand. Amharic: ለካ እንድህ ነው, ኣሃ! adu (also addu ?? addoo ??) conj. since. Amharic: ስ-. af- afam- v itr, tr. to spread out. Amharic: መዘርጋት. v pass. to be spread out. Amharic: መዘርጋት. afaaw- v. to be talkative. Amharic: መለፍለፍ. afala n f (-shi). liver. Amharic: ጉበት. afarroo n f (-shi). moustache. Amharic: ሪዝ. afeyi 1. n m (-gu). mouth. Amharic: ኣፍ. afeyi 2. n m (-gu). language. Amharic: ቋንቋ. afeyi ba'- «to insult, blaspheme». «መሳደብ, በኣፍ ማለፍ». phrase. wolli afeyi goy- «to agree». «መስማማት». afeyi gagar'- «to keep quiet». «ዝም ማለት». afeyi arraad'- «to be talkative». «መለፍለፍ». afeyi d'ed'ensad'- «to taste, have a snack». «ማቅመስ, ትንሽ ነገር መብላት». afeyi gagars- «to keep sb./sth. quiet». «ዝም ማሰኘት, ኣፍ ማስያዝ». afeys- v caus. to make talkative. Amharic: ማስለፍለፍ. affu, affu affu phrase adv. of bad smell. Amharic: እፍ ማለት (ለክፉ ሽታ). afree afta n f (-shi). edge, margin. Amharic: ጠርዝ. n f (-shi). exhaustion. Amharic: ድካም. aftaaw- v. to be exhausted. Amharic: መድከም. aftays- v tr. to exhaust. Amharic: ማድከም. afu kar- phrase. to incriminate. Amharic: መወንጀል. wolli afu kar- «to incriminate one another». «መወንጃጀል». afu kar'- phrase. to have a snack. Amharic: ትንሽ ነገር መግውርስ. afuraanee n f (-shi). end, top. Amharic: ጫፍ. afuraarshi n m (-gu). daisy. Amharic: የመስቀል አበባ. agab- v. to fast. Amharic: መጦም. agaboo 1. n f (-shi). hunger. Amharic: ረሃብ. agaboo 2. n f (-shi). fast, fasting. Amharic: ጦም. agabs- v caus. to make stay without food (?? something). Amharic: ጾም ማስዋል. agaree (also hagaree) n f (-shi). famine. Amharic: ረሃብ. agareenga beri «year of famine». «የረሃብ ዘመን». agas- phrase. v. to stir. Amharic: ማማሰል. jirma agas- phrase. to stir porridge. Amharic: ገንፎ መገንፋት. agasam- v pass. to be stirred up. Amharic: መማሰል. agasi (also hagasi) n m (-ugu). trophy. Amharic: ምርኮ. aggaa! interj. oh! Amharic: ኣሃ! aguncoo (also awuncoo) 1. n m (-ugu). moon. Amharic: ጨረቃ. aguncoo (also awuncoo) 2. n m (-ugu). month. Amharic: ወር. 02/06/2008 2

ahaahacci ahaahacci n m (-ugu). great grandfather. Amharic: ቅድመ ኣያት. ahaahattee n f (-shi). great grandmother. Amharic: ሴት ቅድመ ኣያት. ahaa! interj. Oh I see! Amharic: ኣሃ! aheeh- (also eheeh-) v. to lead, direct, guide. Amharic: ምሪት መስጠት, ኣቅጣጫ ማሳየት. aheehaa (also eheehaa) n m (-eygu). sign, guide. Amharic: ምልክት, ምሪት. aheeham- (also eheeham-) v pass. to be guided, directed. Amharic: መመራት. aheehattee (also eheehattee) n f (-shi). sign, guide. Amharic: ምልክት, ምሪት. ahi ajaj- ajajaa adv. like this. Amharic: እንዲህ. v. to command, order. Amharic: ማዘዝ. n m (-eygu). order. Amharic: ትእዛዝ. ajajameed'aa(ga), ajajanceetaa(da) f. adj. ordered, obedient. Amharic: ታዛጅ, የተዘዘ, የተዘዘች. ajimoo n f (-shi). weaver bird. Amharic: ግርሳ. akaafaa n m (-eygu). drizzle. Amharic: ኣካፋ. ak'ilee n f (-shi). brain. Amharic: ኣንጎል. akka 1. n f (-shi). grandmother. Amharic: ሴት ኣያት. akka 2. n f (-shi). babysitter. Amharic: የህጻን ኣስዳጊ. akkaa n f (-shi). big partridge. Amharic: ትልቅ ቆቅ. akkab- v. to hear, listen. Amharic: መስማት, ማዳመጥ. akkan'- 1. v mid. to be experienced, know, learn. Amharic: መልመድ, ማወቅ, መማር. akkans- v caus. to teach, domesticate. Amharic: ኣስተማር, ማለማመድ. akkan'- 2. v. to take s.o. as a lover. Amharic: መወሸም. akkan'attee n f (-shi). exercise, learning. Amharic: ልምምድ, ትምህርት. akkand'ed'aa(ga), akkand'acceetaa(da) f. adj. educated, experienced. Amharic: የተማረ, ልምድ ያለው, የተማረች, ልምድ ያላት. akkansaa n m (-gu). teacher. Amharic: ኣስተማሪ. akkar- v. to become evening. Amharic: መምሸት. akkars- v caus. to delay s.o. in the evening. Amharic: ማስመሸት. akkarsad'- v. to be late in the evening. Amharic: ማምሸት. akkarraga adv. late afternoon. Amharic: ወደ ማምሻ. akkass- v caus. to tell, announce, inform. Amharic: ማስማት, ማስታወቅ. al'ool- akkatta riid'a phrase. mushroom. Amharic: እንጉዳይ. akkatta wolaancoo phrase. rainbow. Amharic: ቀስተ ደመና. akkatta wolaancoo phrase. rainbow. Amharic: ቀስተ ደመና. akkayyaa araashoo phrase. placenta. Amharic: እንግዴ ልጅ. akkeys- 1. v. to try. Amharic: መሞከር. akkeys- 2. v. to aim at, point at. Amharic: ማለም. akkeesad'- v mid. to aim at. Amharic: ማለም. akkeysoo n f (-shi). aim. Amharic: ኢላማ. akki akkoo n m (-ugu). grandfather. Amharic: የወንድ ኣያት. n f (-shi). grandmother. Amharic: ሴት ኣያት. akkoo manooyyee phrase. ancient woman leader. Amharic: ጥንት ሴት መሪ. alal- alalaa v. to chew. Amharic: ማመንጀግ. n m (-eygu). cud. Amharic: ምንጃክ. alalchi n m (-ugu). cud. Amharic: ምንጃክ. alassi, alassishi f. adv. slowly, gently. Amharic: በቀስታ. al'attee n f (-shi). hawk, kite. Amharic: ጭልፍት. aleelloo n m (-ugu). boy. Amharic: ወንድ ልጅ. algal- v. to commit adultery. Amharic: ማመነዘር. algalaa n m (-eygu). adulterer, adultery?? Amharic: ኣመንዛሪ. algaltoo n f (-shi). prostitute. Amharic: ኣመንዝራ ሴት. aliccanga anaa phrase. son-in-law. Amharic: የልጅ ባል. aliccoo 1. n f (-shi). girl, Amharic: ልጃገረድ. aliccoo 2. n f (-shi). daughter. Amharic: ሴት ልጅ. alk'i alk'i iy- phrase. to be without manners, mannerless. Amharic: መንቀልቀል. alki (also olki) n m (-ugu). conflict, revolution. Amharic: ብጥብጥ, ኣብዮት. all- v. to bear, give birth. Amharic: መውለድ. alla sal- «to take food (gift) to a woman who gave birth». «ኣራስ ጥሪ መውሰድ». phrase. allamm- v. to buy. Amharic: መግዛት. allee alland'- (also allan'-) v mid. to buy for o.s. Amharic: መግዛት. n f (-shi). two wives of a man. Amharic: ጣውንት. alleyaa n f (-shi). heavy rain. Amharic: ዶፍ. alloo n f (-shi). millet. Amharic: ቀይ ማሽላ. al'ool- v. to be immoral. Amharic: ስርኣት ማጣት. 02/06/2008 3

ahaahacci<br />

ahaahacci n m (-ugu). great grandfather. Amharic: ቅድመ<br />

ኣያት.<br />

ahaahattee n f (-shi). great grandmother. Amharic: ሴት<br />

ቅድመ ኣያት.<br />

ahaa!<br />

interj. Oh I see! Amharic: ኣሃ!<br />

aheeh- (also eheeh-) v. to lead, direct, guide.<br />

Amharic: ምሪት መስጠት, ኣቅጣጫ ማሳየት.<br />

aheehaa (also eheehaa) n m (-eygu). sign, guide.<br />

Amharic: ምልክት, ምሪት.<br />

aheeham- (also eheeham-) v pass. to be guided,<br />

directed. Amharic: መመራት.<br />

aheehattee (also eheehattee) n f (-shi). sign, guide.<br />

Amharic: ምልክት, ምሪት.<br />

ahi<br />

ajaj-<br />

ajajaa<br />

adv. like this. Amharic: እንዲህ.<br />

v. to command, order. Amharic: ማዘዝ.<br />

n m (-eygu). order. Amharic: ትእዛዝ.<br />

ajajameed'aa(ga), ajajanceetaa(da) f. adj.<br />

ordered, obedient. Amharic: ታዛጅ, የተዘዘ,<br />

የተዘዘች.<br />

ajimoo n f (-shi). weaver bird. Amharic: ግርሳ.<br />

akaafaa n m (-eygu). drizzle. Amharic: ኣካፋ.<br />

ak'ilee n f (-shi). brain. Amharic: ኣንጎል.<br />

akka 1. n f (-shi). grandmother. Amharic: ሴት ኣያት.<br />

akka 2. n f (-shi). babysitter. Amharic: የህጻን ኣስዳጊ.<br />

akkaa<br />

n f (-shi). big partridge. Amharic: ትልቅ ቆቅ.<br />

akkab- v. to hear, listen. Amharic: መስማት, ማዳመጥ.<br />

akkan'- 1. v mid. to be experienced, know, learn.<br />

Amharic: መልመድ, ማወቅ, መማር.<br />

akkans- v caus. to teach, domesticate.<br />

Amharic: ኣስተማር, ማለማመድ.<br />

akkan'- 2. v. to take s.o. as a lover. Amharic: መወሸም.<br />

akkan'attee n f (-shi). exercise, learning.<br />

Amharic: ልምምድ, ትምህርት.<br />

akkand'ed'aa(ga), akkand'acceetaa(da) f. adj.<br />

educated, experienced. Amharic: የተማረ, ልምድ<br />

ያለው, የተማረች, ልምድ ያላት.<br />

akkansaa n m (-gu). teacher. Amharic: ኣስተማሪ.<br />

akkar- v. to become evening. Amharic: መምሸት.<br />

akkars- v caus. to delay s.o. in the evening.<br />

Amharic: ማስመሸት.<br />

akkarsad'- v. to be late in the evening.<br />

Amharic: ማምሸት.<br />

akkarraga adv. late afternoon. Amharic: ወደ ማምሻ.<br />

akkass- v caus. to tell, announce, inform.<br />

Amharic: ማስማት, ማስታወቅ.<br />

al'ool-<br />

akkatta riid'a phrase. mushroom. Amharic: እንጉዳይ.<br />

akkatta wolaancoo phrase. rainbow. Amharic: ቀስተ<br />

ደመና.<br />

akkatta wolaancoo phrase. rainbow. Amharic: ቀስተ<br />

ደመና.<br />

akkayyaa araashoo phrase. placenta. Amharic: እንግዴ<br />

ልጅ.<br />

akkeys- 1. v. to try. Amharic: መሞከር.<br />

akkeys- 2. v. to aim at, point at. Amharic: ማለም.<br />

akkeesad'- v mid. to aim at. Amharic: ማለም.<br />

akkeysoo n f (-shi). aim. Amharic: ኢላማ.<br />

akki<br />

akkoo<br />

n m (-ugu). grandfather. Amharic: የወንድ ኣያት.<br />

n f (-shi). grandmother. Amharic: ሴት ኣያት.<br />

akkoo manooyyee phrase. ancient woman leader.<br />

Amharic: ጥንት ሴት መሪ.<br />

alal-<br />

alalaa<br />

v. to chew. Amharic: ማመንጀግ.<br />

n m (-eygu). cud. Amharic: ምንጃክ.<br />

alalchi n m (-ugu). cud. Amharic: ምንጃክ.<br />

alassi, alassishi f. adv. slowly, gently.<br />

Amharic: በቀስታ.<br />

al'attee n f (-shi). hawk, kite. Amharic: ጭልፍት.<br />

aleelloo n m (-ugu). boy. Amharic: ወንድ ልጅ.<br />

algal-<br />

v. to commit adultery. Amharic: ማመነዘር.<br />

algalaa n m (-eygu). adulterer, adultery??<br />

Amharic: ኣመንዛሪ.<br />

algaltoo n f (-shi). prostitute. Amharic: ኣመንዝራ ሴት.<br />

aliccanga anaa phrase. son-in-law. Amharic: የልጅ ባል.<br />

aliccoo 1. n f (-shi). girl, Amharic: ልጃገረድ.<br />

aliccoo 2. n f (-shi). daughter. Amharic: ሴት ልጅ.<br />

alk'i alk'i iy- phrase. to be without manners,<br />

mannerless. Amharic: መንቀልቀል.<br />

alki (also olki) n m (-ugu). conflict, revolution.<br />

Amharic: ብጥብጥ, ኣብዮት.<br />

all-<br />

v. to bear, give birth. Amharic: መውለድ. alla<br />

sal- «to take food (gift) to a woman who gave<br />

birth». «ኣራስ ጥሪ መውሰድ».<br />

phrase.<br />

allamm- v. to buy. Amharic: መግዛት.<br />

allee<br />

alland'- (also allan'-) v mid. to buy for o.s.<br />

Amharic: መግዛት.<br />

n f (-shi). two wives of a man. Amharic: ጣውንት.<br />

alleyaa n f (-shi). heavy rain. Amharic: ዶፍ.<br />

alloo<br />

n f (-shi). millet. Amharic: ቀይ ማሽላ.<br />

al'ool- v. to be immoral. Amharic: ስርኣት ማጣት.<br />

02/06/2008 3

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