A - a

A - a A - a


gaar- (also gagar-) ቤት ሃላፊ. gaar- (also gagar-) v. to catch, hold, arrest. Amharic: መያዝ. d'add'aga gaar- «to oppress». «መጨቆን». phrase. gaaram(ad')- v. to be arrested. Amharic: መያዝ. gaareyfad'- v. to look at s.o. with hatred. Amharic: በጥላቻ ማየት. gaargal- v. to be troubled. Amharic: መችገር. gaargalc- v. to trouble ?? Amharic: ማስቸገር. gaargalaa n m (-eygu). trouble. Amharic: ችግር. gaarguleyi (also gaargulaccoo) n m (-eygu). duiker. Amharic: ምዳቋ. gaari 1. n m (-ugu). eyelash. Amharic: ሽፋሽፍት. gaari 2. n m (-ugu). horizon. Amharic: ኣድማስ. gaari 3. n m (-ugu). country. Amharic: ኣገር. gaars- 1. v caus. to connect. Amharic: ማያያዝ. gaars- 2. (also gagars-) v caus. to have sb. arrested. Amharic: ማስያዝ. gaask'- v caus. to smooth. Amharic: ማለስለስ. gaaskeettoo 1. n f (-shi). vagabound. Amharic: ተንከራታች. gaaskeettoo 2. n f (-shi). daily labourer. Amharic: የቀን ሰራተኛ. gaaskey- 1. v. to wander from place to place. Amharic: መንከራተት. gaaskey- 2. v. to look for daily labour. Amharic: የቀን ስራ መፈለግ. gaasshaa n m (-eygu). 40 hectares of land. Amharic: ጋሻ. gaassi n m (-ugu). back. Amharic: ጀርባ. gaawwa n f (-shi). pot. Amharic: ጋን. gaawwa god'- --. to make pottery. Amharic: ሸከላ መስራት. gaayya suddoo phrase. tacazze sunbird. Amharic: ?? gaayyaa n f (-shi). pipe (smoking). Amharic: ፕፓ. gaayyaa suub- phrase. to smoke a pipe. Amharic: ማጨስ. gaazee n f (-shi). shield. Amharic: ጋሻ. gabaa n m (-eygu). communal self-help association. Amharic: እድር. gabalaa n m (-ugu). limit. Amharic: ወሰን. gabari n m (-gu). slave. Amharic: ባርያ. gabayaa n f (-shi). market. Amharic: ገበያ. gabbaaraa n m (-gu). tenant farmer. Amharic: ገባር. gafoo gabbad'- v mid. to become fatty ?? Amharic: መወፈር. gabbar- v. to tribute. Amharic: መገበር. gabbars- v caus. subjugate. Amharic: ማስገበር. gabbinna n m (-ugu). fatness. Amharic: ወፍረት. gabboo adj. fat. Amharic: ስብ. gabee adv. over. Amharic: ላይ, ከ. . . ላይ. gabee lat'- phrase. to surround. Amharic: መክበብ. gabi ppos. from over,above. Amharic: ከ . . . ላይ. gabicci ppos. from over ?? Amharic: ከ . . . ላይ. gabikka adv. up. Amharic: ላይ, ከላይ. gabi hook'- phrase. to console. Amharic: መጽናናት. gaboo n f (-shi). communal work (before noon). Amharic: ከሰኣት በፊት የሚሰራ የጋራ ስራ. gaburshaa n m (-eygu). slave, male. Amharic: ባሪያ. gaburttee ?? n f (-shi). gacc'oo n m (-ugu). molar. Amharic: መንጋጋ. gadaa 1. n f (-shi). s.b. of the same age. Amharic: እኩያ. gadaa 2. n f (-shi). type of grasshopper. Amharic: የኣንበጣ ኣይነት. gadaa 3. n f (-shi). administration. Amharic: ኣስተዳደር. gadaadee n f (-shi). badness, vice. Amharic: መጥፎ. gadama n f (-shi). deer. Amharic: ኣጋዘን. gadama gaarree phrase. ?? Amharic: --. gadaneysi n m (-ugu). scar. Amharic: ጠባሳ. gad'asa n f (-shi). market. Amharic: ገበያ. gadd'- v. to take. Amharic: መውሰድ. gadd'- v. to marry (for man). Amharic: ማግባት (ለወንድ). gadee gadee n, adj. lower. Amharic: የበታች. n f (-shi). leather-strip to bind hindlegs of cow when milking. Amharic: ላም በምትታለብበት ጊዜ የህዋላ እግሮች ማስሪያ. gad'ee adj. lower. Amharic: የበታች. gaf- gafaa! v. to suffer, trouble. Amharic: ማስጨነቅ, ማስቸገር. addr (lit."my relatives!". address of male clan members. Amharic: ወገኔ! gafam- v pass. to be troubled. Amharic: መቸገር. gafi gafoo n m (-ugu). clan member. Amharic: የጎሳ ኣባል. n f (-shi). suffering, trouble. Amharic: ጭንቅ, ችግር. gafoo goy- «to be troubled». «መጨነቅ, መቸገር». phrase. 02/06/2008 28

gagaa gagaa n m (-eygu). wax. Amharic: ሰም. gagar- (also gaar-) v. to hold, handle, catch, arrest. Amharic: መያዝ. wolliga gagar- ?? «to collect». «መሰብሰብ, ኣንድ ላይ ማድረግ». phrase. gagars- (also gaars-) 1. v caus. to connect. Amharic: ማያያዝ. gagars- (also gaars-) 2. v caus. to have sb. arrested. Amharic: ማስያዝ. gagaram(ad')- v. to be arrested. Amharic: መያዝ. gagg- v. to turn, push aside. Amharic: ?? gagga ppos. on. Amharic: በ- ላይ. gagga gam- 1. «to try». «መሞከር». phrase. gagga gam- 2. «to argue». «መጣላት». gagga gagar- (also gagga gaar-) «to aim at». «ማለም, መደገን». gagga shaash- phrase. to be fond of. Amharic: መውደድ. gagga shaasham- phrase. to be fond of. Amharic: መውደድ. gaggab- 1. v. to be unconscious. Amharic: ራሲን መሳት. gaggab- 2. v. to be greedy. Amharic: መስገብገብ. gaggoo n m (-ugu). molar. Amharic: መንጋጋ. gajeemaa n m (-eygu). relative. Amharic: ዘመድ. gal- 1. v. to return. Amharic: መመለስ. gal- 2. v. to enter. Amharic: መግባት. wolli gal- «to agree with one another, take counsel ??» «መስማማት, መመካከር». phrase. wolli gabi gal- «to depart from each other». «መለያየት». anaagaa gal- «a wife having left her husband returns». «ሚስት ከባሏ ተጣልታ ከወጣች በላ መመለስ». galataa n m (-eygu). thanks, praise. Amharic: ምስጋና. galateefad'- v. to praise, thank. Amharic: ማመስገን. galatees- v. to praise, thank. Amharic: ማመስገን. galcummaa n m (-eygu). late afternoon (time for cattle to come home from grazing). Amharic: ወደ ማምሻ (የከቶች መግቢያ ጊዜ). gallaa galoo galsa adv. last night. Amharic: ማታ. n f (-shi). provision. Amharic: ስንቅ. n f (-shi). dowry. Amharic: ጥሎሽ. galsad'- v. to swarm. Amharic: ግር ብሎ መግባት. galtoo n f (-shi). newcomer. Amharic: መጤ. gam- 1. v. to tear off. Amharic: መግመጥ. gam- 2. v. to bite. Amharic: መንከስ. gam- 3. v. to itch. Amharic: ማሳከክ. garams- gama 1. n f (-shi). side. Amharic: በኩል. deyi gama ?? «on the other hand». «በሌላ በኩል». phrase. gama 2. n f (-shi). bite. Amharic: ንክሻ. gamaa n m (-eygu). shawl-like garment. Amharic: ነጠላ. gamam- 1. v pass. to be torn off. Amharic: መገመጥ. gamam- 2. v pass. to be bitten. Amharic: መነከስ. gambaarroo n f (-shi). wart. Amharic: ክንታሮት. gamboolee adv. outside. Amharic: ውጭ. gambooraa n m (-eygu). euphorbia. Amharic: ቁልቅዋል. gambun'- v. to fall by itself on the face?? Amharic: መደፋት. gambuns- v. to bend down. Amharic: መድፋት. gambunsam- v pass. to be bent over. Amharic: መደፋት. ganaa n f (-shi). palm (of hand), sole (of foot). Amharic: መዳፍ. ganaas- v. to slap. Amharic: በጥፊ መምታት. ganaasad'- v mid. to clap. Amharic: ማጨብጨብ. gandi n m (-ugu). barn. Amharic: በረት. gangam- 1. v. to bite each other. Amharic: መነካከስ. gangam- 2. v. to itch ?? Amharic: ማሳከክ. gannaneega, gannaneeda f. adj. big, high. Amharic: ትልቅ, ከፍተኛ. gannantoo n f (-shi). mature, older persons. Amharic: ኣዋቂ ሰዎች, ሽማገለዎች. ganni n m (-ugu). traditional spiritual leader ?? Amharic: ባህላው መንፈሳው መሪ. gannissoo n f (-shi). greatness, bigness. Amharic: ትልቅነት. gannoom- v. to take on spiritual leadership. Amharic: ስልጣን መያዝ. gannoomaa n m (-eygu). ?? Amharic: ?? gannoomaa n m (-eygu). spiritual leadership. Amharic: መንፈሳዊ መሪነት. gannoons- v caus. to make s.b. a spiritual leader. Amharic: መንፈሳዊ ስልጣን ማሽያዝ. gapaada n f (-shi). upper row of the comb (loom). Amharic: ?? garaf- v. to flog, punish. Amharic: መግረፍ. garams- v caus. to tame, make quiet. Amharic: ?? 02/06/2008 29

gaar- (also gagar-)<br />

ቤት ሃላፊ.<br />

gaar- (also gagar-) v. to catch, hold, arrest.<br />

Amharic: መያዝ. d'add'aga gaar- «to<br />

oppress». «መጨቆን».<br />

phrase.<br />

gaaram(ad')- v. to be arrested. Amharic: መያዝ.<br />

gaareyfad'- v. to look at s.o. with hatred.<br />

Amharic: በጥላቻ ማየት.<br />

gaargal- v. to be troubled. Amharic: መችገር.<br />

gaargalc- v. to trouble ?? Amharic: ማስቸገር.<br />

gaargalaa n m (-eygu). trouble. Amharic: ችግር.<br />

gaarguleyi (also gaargulaccoo) n m (-eygu). duiker.<br />

Amharic: ምዳቋ.<br />

gaari 1. n m (-ugu). eyelash. Amharic: ሽፋሽፍት.<br />

gaari 2. n m (-ugu). horizon. Amharic: ኣድማስ.<br />

gaari 3. n m (-ugu). country. Amharic: ኣገር.<br />

gaars- 1. v caus. to connect. Amharic: ማያያዝ.<br />

gaars- 2. (also gagars-) v caus. to have sb. arrested.<br />

Amharic: ማስያዝ.<br />

gaask'- v caus. to smooth. Amharic: ማለስለስ.<br />

gaaskeettoo 1. n f (-shi). vagabound.<br />

Amharic: ተንከራታች.<br />

gaaskeettoo 2. n f (-shi). daily labourer. Amharic: የቀን<br />

ሰራተኛ.<br />

gaaskey- 1. v. to wander from place to place.<br />

Amharic: መንከራተት.<br />

gaaskey- 2. v. to look for daily labour. Amharic: የቀን<br />

ስራ መፈለግ.<br />

gaasshaa n m (-eygu). 40 hectares of land. Amharic: ጋሻ.<br />

gaassi<br />

n m (-ugu). back. Amharic: ጀርባ.<br />

gaawwa n f (-shi). pot. Amharic: ጋን.<br />

gaawwa god'- --. to make pottery. Amharic: ሸከላ<br />

መስራት.<br />

gaayya suddoo phrase. tacazze sunbird. Amharic: ??<br />

gaayyaa n f (-shi). pipe (smoking). Amharic: ፕፓ.<br />

gaayyaa suub- phrase. to smoke a pipe.<br />

Amharic: ማጨስ.<br />

gaazee n f (-shi). shield. Amharic: ጋሻ.<br />

gabaa<br />

n m (-eygu). communal self-help association.<br />

Amharic: እድር.<br />

gabalaa n m (-ugu). limit. Amharic: ወሰን.<br />

gabari n m (-gu). slave. Amharic: ባርያ.<br />

gabayaa n f (-shi). market. Amharic: ገበያ.<br />

gabbaaraa n m (-gu). tenant farmer. Amharic: ገባር.<br />

gafoo<br />

gabbad'- v mid. to become fatty ?? Amharic: መወፈር.<br />

gabbar- v. to tribute. Amharic: መገበር.<br />

gabbars- v caus. subjugate. Amharic: ማስገበር.<br />

gabbinna n m (-ugu). fatness. Amharic: ወፍረት.<br />

gabboo adj. fat. Amharic: ስብ.<br />

gabee<br />

adv. over. Amharic: ላይ, ከ. . . ላይ.<br />

gabee lat'- phrase. to surround. Amharic: መክበብ.<br />

gabi<br />

ppos. from over,above. Amharic: ከ . . . ላይ.<br />

gabicci ppos. from over ?? Amharic: ከ . . . ላይ.<br />

gabikka adv. up. Amharic: ላይ, ከላይ.<br />

gabi hook'- phrase. to console. Amharic: መጽናናት.<br />

gaboo<br />

n f (-shi). communal work (before noon).<br />

Amharic: ከሰኣት በፊት የሚሰራ የጋራ ስራ.<br />

gaburshaa n m (-eygu). slave, male. Amharic: ባሪያ.<br />

gaburttee ?? n f (-shi).<br />

gacc'oo n m (-ugu). molar. Amharic: መንጋጋ.<br />

gadaa 1. n f (-shi). s.b. of the same age. Amharic: እኩያ.<br />

gadaa 2. n f (-shi). type of grasshopper.<br />

Amharic: የኣንበጣ ኣይነት.<br />

gadaa 3. n f (-shi). administration. Amharic: ኣስተዳደር.<br />

gadaadee n f (-shi). badness, vice. Amharic: መጥፎ.<br />

gadama n f (-shi). deer. Amharic: ኣጋዘን.<br />

gadama gaarree phrase. ?? Amharic: --.<br />

gadaneysi n m (-ugu). scar. Amharic: ጠባሳ.<br />

gad'asa n f (-shi). market. Amharic: ገበያ.<br />

gadd'- v. to take. Amharic: መውሰድ.<br />

gadd'- v. to marry (for man). Amharic: ማግባት<br />

(ለወንድ).<br />

gadee<br />

gadee<br />

n, adj. lower. Amharic: የበታች.<br />

n f (-shi). leather-strip to bind hindlegs of cow<br />

when milking. Amharic: ላም በምትታለብበት ጊዜ<br />

የህዋላ እግሮች ማስሪያ.<br />

gad'ee adj. lower. Amharic: የበታች.<br />

gaf-<br />

gafaa!<br />

v. to suffer, trouble. Amharic: ማስጨነቅ,<br />

ማስቸገር.<br />

addr (lit."my relatives!". address of male clan<br />

members. Amharic: ወገኔ!<br />

gafam- v pass. to be troubled. Amharic: መቸገር.<br />

gafi<br />

gafoo<br />

n m (-ugu). clan member. Amharic: የጎሳ ኣባል.<br />

n f (-shi). suffering, trouble. Amharic: ጭንቅ,<br />

ችግር. gafoo goy- «to be troubled». «መጨነቅ,<br />

መቸገር».<br />

phrase.<br />

02/06/2008 28

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