A - a

A - a A - a


c'or- c'or- c'or'- c'ora v. to scratch. Amharic: መቧጨር. c'orc'or- v. to scratch repeatedly. Amharic: መቦጫጨር. v mid. to tear off for o.s. Amharic: መግመጥ. n f (-shi). chunk. Amharic: ግማጭ. c'oram- v pass. to be torn off. Amharic: መገመጥ. c'orc'oram- v pass. to be scratched repeatedly. Amharic: መቦጫጨር. c'ormad'- v mid. to have compassion, be generous. Amharic: መራራት. c'ormattee n f (-shi). compassion. Amharic: ርህራሄ. c'orsiss- v caus. to have s.o. scratch. Amharic: ማስብዋጨር. c'ubbam- v. to be evil. Amharic: መጥፎ መሆን. c'ubbis- v caus. to lead sb. into sin, to blame sb. Amharic: ሃጥያት ማስራት, ጥፋተኛ ማድረግ. c'ubbaaw- v. to be sinful. Amharic: በሃጥያት መሞላት. c'ubbam- v. to be evil. Amharic: መጥፎ መሆን. c'ubbis- v caus. to lead sb. into sin, to blame sb. Amharic: ሃጥያት ማስራት, ጥፋተኛ ማድረግ. c'ubbaaw- v. to be sinful. Amharic: በሃጥያት መሞላት. c'ukk- 1. v. to stop,block, prevent. Amharic: ማገድ. c'ukk- 2. v. to cover, close. Amharic: መሸፈን, መዝጋት. c'ukkaa n m (-eygu). lid, cover. Amharic: ክዳን, ሽፋን. c'ukkam- 1. v pass. to be covered. Amharic: መሸፈን, መከደን. c'ukkam- 2. v pass. to be stopped, blocked, closed. Amharic: መታገድ, መከልከል, መዘጋት. c'ukk'u iy- phrase. to make noise. Amharic: ድምጽ ማሰማት. c'ukk'is- v caus. to make noise. Amharic: ድምጽ ማስማት. daablosee (also daabuloosi) c'ukk'u! interj. keep quiet! Amharic: ዝም! c'uk'ru! interj. quiet! Amharic: ዝም! c'unc'ulloo adj. glass-clear, shining. Amharic: የምያብለጨልጭ. c'ungulatee n f (-shi). blowing. Amharic: ንፈት. c'uraa n m (-eygu). some milk. Amharic: ትንሽ ወተት. c'uraaw- v. to be dirty. Amharic: መቆሸሽ. c'uraaweed'aa(ga), c'ureesheettaa(da) f. adj. dirty. Amharic: የቆሸሸ. c'uree n f (-shi). rubbish. Amharic: እድፍ, ቆሻሻ. c'ur'eys- v caus. to soil. Amharic: ማቆሸሽ. c'urris- v caus. to finish (liquid). Amharic: መጨረስ (ፈሳሽ). c'urrisad'- v mid. to gulp down. Amharic: ጭልጥ ማድረግ. c'urriy- v. to be finished. Amharic: ማለቀ. c'uub- 1. v. to dip, soak. Amharic: መዛፍዘፍ. c'uub- 2. v. to baptize. Amharic: መጥመቅ. c'uuba 1. n f (-shi). immersion. Amharic: ዝፍዝፍ. c'uuba 2. n f (-shi). baptism. Amharic: ጥምቀት. c'uubattee n f (-shi). baptism. Amharic: ጥምቀት. c'uuc'aaw- v. to be gathered. Amharic: መከማተት. c'uuc'aaw- v. to be full of black ants. Amharic: በቁጫጭ መሞላት. c'uucc'ee n f (-shi). black ant. Amharic: ቁጫጭ. c'uul- v. to strangulate, choke. Amharic: ማነቅ. c'uul'- v mid. to strangulate o.s. Amharic: መታነቅ. c'uulam- v pass. to be strangulated. Amharic: መታነቅ. c'uutaa n m (-eygu). awn, beard of corn. Amharic: ?? D - d d'a' iy- (also d'atakku iy-) 1. phrase. to break. Amharic: መሰበር. d'a' iy- (also d'atakku iy-) 2. phrase. to die suddenly. Amharic: በድንገት መሞት. d'aa'a iy- phrase. to jump. Amharic: መዝለል. daa'am- v pass. --. Amharic: --. d'aab- ?? --. to tie an animal. Amharic: ?? daaba adj. horizontal. Amharic: ግድም. d'aaba n f (-shi). physical appearance. Amharic: የሰውነት አቋም. daaba ?? n f (-shi). horizon. Amharic: ኣግድም. daaban'- v. to go horizontally. Amharic: ኣግድም መሀድ. daabanee adj. horizontal. Amharic: ጋድም. daabans- v caus. to lay horizontally, down. Amharic: ማጋደም. daablosee (also daabuloosi) n m (-ugu). devil. 02/06/2008 14

daac'- Amharic: ዲያቢሎስ. daac'- v. to rebuke. Amharic: ማስቆጣት. daac'am- v pass. to be rebuked. Amharic: መቆጣት. d'aacc- v. to fetch water with a donkey carrying it. Amharic: በኣሂያ ላይ ጭኖ ውሃ ማምጣት. d'aadad'- v mid. to be proud, boast. Amharic: መፎከር, ጉራ መንዛት. daaddee (also hindaaddee) 1. n f (-shi). flower. Amharic: ኣበባ. daaddee (also hindaaddee) 2. n f (-shi). circumcision song. Amharic: የግርዘት ጨዋታ. daaddis- 1. v caus. to bloom. Amharic: ማበብ. daaddis- 2. v caus. to creep, crawl. Amharic: ማዳህ. daaddis- 3. v. to sing circumcision songs. Amharic: የግርዘት ጨዋታ መጫወት. d'aadoo n f (-shi). boasting, bragging. Amharic: ፉከራ. d'aad'umm- v. to hesitate, be suspicious. Amharic: መጠራጠር. d'aa'ee n f (-shi). robin?? Amharic: ?? d'aa'eenna t'aar- «to shout like a d'aa'ee». «እንደ . . . መጮህ». daaf- phrase. v. to creep, crawl. Amharic: መዳህ. daafaanaa n m (-eygu). coward. Amharic: ፈሪ. daafans- v caus. make sb. to be a coward. Amharic: ፈሪ እንዲሆን ማድረግ. daafee 1. n f (-shi). points of contact. Amharic: መገጣጠሚያ. daafee 2. n f (-shi). pretext. Amharic: ሰበብ. daafee 3. n f (-shi). branch. Amharic: ቅርንጫፍ. daahad'- v mid. to swim. Amharic: መዋኘት. daahoo n f (-shi). swimming. Amharic: ዋና. d'aal- v. to bequest, inherit. Amharic: መውረስ. daalacci adj, n -ugu. grey. Amharic: ዳላቻ. d'aalla n f (-shi). scar on monkey's buttock. Amharic: በዝንጀሮ ቅጥ ላይ የሚገኝ ጠባሳ. daallee n f (-shi). fool. Amharic: ሞኝ. daallis- v caus. to fool?? Amharic: ማሞኘት. d'aalloo n f (-shi). bequested, inherited wife. Amharic: ውርስ ሚስት. daallumma n m (-ugu). foolishness. Amharic: ሞኝነት. daalluntaa n f (-shi). foolishness. Amharic: ሞኝነት. d'aam- v. to deliver a message. Amharic: መልእክት መነገር. d'aamam- v pass. to be told (message). Amharic: መነገር (መልክት). d'aamsi (also d'aansi) n m (-ugu). message. Amharic: መልእክት. d'abbam- daandee n f (-shi). passage, short-cut. Amharic: ማለፍያ. daandis- v caus. to let s.b. pass. Amharic: ማሳለፍ. daandiy- v. to bypass, take a short-cut. Amharic: ማለፍ. daanyaa n f (-shi). judge. Amharic: ዳኝ. daar- v. to be naked. Amharic: መራቆት. daaraa n m (-eygu). ashes. Amharic: ኣመድ. daaraaddaa n m (-eygu). group member, companion. Amharic: ቡድን, ኣባል, ባልዳረባ. daariik'aa n f (-shi). larva, maggot. Amharic: እጭ. daariik'aaw- v. to get mouldy. Amharic: መሻገት. daarra n f (-shi). nakedness. Amharic: እርዛት. d'aas- v caus. to mock. Amharic: መቀለድ. d'aasa n f (-shi). mockery. Amharic: ከልድ. daasam- v pass. to be mocked. Amharic: መቀለድ. d'aashi n m (-ugu). Burji. Amharic: ቡርጂ. daass- v caus. to make s.o. crawl. Amharic: ማዳህ. daaw'ataa n m (-eygu). mirror. Amharic: መስተዋት. daayya 1. n f (-shi). arrow. Amharic: ቀስት. daayya k'aff- ?? «to have a sharp tongue». «ምላሰኛ መሆን». phrase. daayya 2. n f (-shi). poison. Amharic: መርዝ. d'ab k'afey'i! d'abi k'attey'i! f. phrase. it's great! Amharic: ትልቅ ነው ?? d'a(b)sis- v caus. to cause sb. to loose sth., to lead astray. Amharic: ማሳጣት. hooli d'ab- ?? «to miss». «ማጣት». phrase. d'ab- 1. v. to lack, miss, loose. Amharic: ማጣት. miiri d'ab- «to be ill, lack health». «መታመም». phrase. d'ab- 2. v. to blunder. Amharic: መሳት. d'aba n f (-shi). shortage. Amharic: እጦት. d'abam- 1. v pass. to be blundered ?? Amharic: መሳት. d'abam- 2. v pass. to be lost. Amharic: መታጣት. d'abana n f (-shi). bundle of wheat, sheaf of 15 ears. Amharic: ?? d'abanaa 1. n m (-eygu). half. Amharic: ግማሽ. d'abanaa 2. n m (-eygu). side. Amharic: ጎን. d'abb- v. to plaster. Amharic: መመረግ. d'abbam- v pass. to be plastered. Amharic: መለጠፍ. 02/06/2008 15

daac'-<br />

Amharic: ዲያቢሎስ.<br />

daac'- v. to rebuke. Amharic: ማስቆጣት.<br />

daac'am- v pass. to be rebuked. Amharic: መቆጣት.<br />

d'aacc- v. to fetch water with a donkey carrying it.<br />

Amharic: በኣሂያ ላይ ጭኖ ውሃ ማምጣት.<br />

d'aadad'- v mid. to be proud, boast. Amharic: መፎከር,<br />

ጉራ መንዛት.<br />

daaddee (also hindaaddee) 1. n f (-shi). flower.<br />

Amharic: ኣበባ.<br />

daaddee (also hindaaddee) 2. n f (-shi).<br />

circumcision song. Amharic: የግርዘት ጨዋታ.<br />

daaddis- 1. v caus. to bloom. Amharic: ማበብ.<br />

daaddis- 2. v caus. to creep, crawl. Amharic: ማዳህ.<br />

daaddis- 3. v. to sing circumcision songs.<br />

Amharic: የግርዘት ጨዋታ መጫወት.<br />

d'aadoo n f (-shi). boasting, bragging. Amharic: ፉከራ.<br />

d'aad'umm- v. to hesitate, be suspicious.<br />

Amharic: መጠራጠር.<br />

d'aa'ee n f (-shi). robin?? Amharic: ?? d'aa'eenna<br />

t'aar- «to shout like a d'aa'ee». «እንደ . . .<br />

መጮህ».<br />

daaf-<br />

phrase.<br />

v. to creep, crawl. Amharic: መዳህ.<br />

daafaanaa n m (-eygu). coward. Amharic: ፈሪ.<br />

daafans- v caus. make sb. to be a coward. Amharic: ፈሪ<br />

እንዲሆን ማድረግ.<br />

daafee 1. n f (-shi). points of contact.<br />

Amharic: መገጣጠሚያ.<br />

daafee 2. n f (-shi). pretext. Amharic: ሰበብ.<br />

daafee 3. n f (-shi). branch. Amharic: ቅርንጫፍ.<br />

daahad'- v mid. to swim. Amharic: መዋኘት.<br />

daahoo n f (-shi). swimming. Amharic: ዋና.<br />

d'aal-<br />

v. to bequest, inherit. Amharic: መውረስ.<br />

daalacci adj, n -ugu. grey. Amharic: ዳላቻ.<br />

d'aalla n f (-shi). scar on monkey's buttock.<br />

Amharic: በዝንጀሮ ቅጥ ላይ የሚገኝ ጠባሳ.<br />

daallee n f (-shi). fool. Amharic: ሞኝ.<br />

daallis- v caus. to fool?? Amharic: ማሞኘት.<br />

d'aalloo n f (-shi). bequested, inherited wife.<br />

Amharic: ውርስ ሚስት.<br />

daallumma n m (-ugu). foolishness. Amharic: ሞኝነት.<br />

daalluntaa n f (-shi). foolishness. Amharic: ሞኝነት.<br />

d'aam- v. to deliver a message. Amharic: መልእክት<br />

መነገር.<br />

d'aamam- v pass. to be told (message). Amharic: መነገር<br />

(መልክት).<br />

d'aamsi (also d'aansi) n m (-ugu). message.<br />

Amharic: መልእክት.<br />

d'abbam-<br />

daandee n f (-shi). passage, short-cut. Amharic: ማለፍያ.<br />

daandis- v caus. to let s.b. pass. Amharic: ማሳለፍ.<br />

daandiy- v. to bypass, take a short-cut. Amharic: ማለፍ.<br />

daanyaa n f (-shi). judge. Amharic: ዳኝ.<br />

daar-<br />

v. to be naked. Amharic: መራቆት.<br />

daaraa n m (-eygu). ashes. Amharic: ኣመድ.<br />

daaraaddaa n m (-eygu). group member, companion.<br />

Amharic: ቡድን, ኣባል, ባልዳረባ.<br />

daariik'aa n f (-shi). larva, maggot. Amharic: እጭ.<br />

daariik'aaw- v. to get mouldy. Amharic: መሻገት.<br />

daarra n f (-shi). nakedness. Amharic: እርዛት.<br />

d'aas- v caus. to mock. Amharic: መቀለድ.<br />

d'aasa<br />

n f (-shi). mockery. Amharic: ከልድ.<br />

daasam- v pass. to be mocked. Amharic: መቀለድ.<br />

d'aashi n m (-ugu). Burji. Amharic: ቡርጂ.<br />

daass- v caus. to make s.o. crawl. Amharic: ማዳህ.<br />

daaw'ataa n m (-eygu). mirror. Amharic: መስተዋት.<br />

daayya 1. n f (-shi). arrow. Amharic: ቀስት. daayya<br />

k'aff- ?? «to have a sharp tongue». «ምላሰኛ<br />

መሆን».<br />

phrase.<br />

daayya 2. n f (-shi). poison. Amharic: መርዝ.<br />

d'ab k'afey'i! d'abi k'attey'i! f. phrase. it's great!<br />

Amharic: ትልቅ ነው ??<br />

d'a(b)sis- v caus. to cause sb. to loose sth., to lead<br />

astray. Amharic: ማሳጣት. hooli d'ab- ?? «to<br />

miss». «ማጣት».<br />

phrase.<br />

d'ab- 1. v. to lack, miss, loose. Amharic: ማጣት. miiri<br />

d'ab- «to be ill, lack health». «መታመም».<br />

phrase.<br />

d'ab- 2. v. to blunder. Amharic: መሳት.<br />

d'aba<br />

n f (-shi). shortage. Amharic: እጦት.<br />

d'abam- 1. v pass. to be blundered ?? Amharic: መሳት.<br />

d'abam- 2. v pass. to be lost. Amharic: መታጣት.<br />

d'abana n f (-shi). bundle of wheat, sheaf of 15 ears.<br />

Amharic: ??<br />

d'abanaa 1. n m (-eygu). half. Amharic: ግማሽ.<br />

d'abanaa 2. n m (-eygu). side. Amharic: ጎን.<br />

d'abb- v. to plaster. Amharic: መመረግ.<br />

d'abbam- v pass. to be plastered. Amharic: መለጠፍ.<br />

02/06/2008 15

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