A - a

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c'alla 2. c'alla 2. adv. only. Amharic: ብቻ. c'alla hook'- «to be, remain futile ??» «በከንቱ መቅረት». phrase. c'alla ih- «to be lonely». «ለብቻ መሆን». c'ank'aaliy- v. to indulge in luxury. Amharic: መንደላቀቅ. c'araancoo n m (-ugu). ?? Amharic: --. c'araaw- v. to be sharpened. Amharic: መሳል. c'arbaa (also c'erbaa) 1. adj. very moist. Amharic: እርጥብ. c'arbaa (also c'erbaa) 2. n f (-shi). soup. Amharic: ሱጎ. c'arbaad'- v. to get moist. Amharic: መርጠብ. c'arbaas- v caus. to moisten. Amharic: ማርጠብ. c'ari n m (-ugu). point, tip, end, top. Amharic: ጫፍ. c'ari baas- «to sharpen». «መሳል». phrase. c'ariy- v. to sharpen. Amharic: መሳል. c'ark'aa n f (-shi). rag, worn-out cloth. Amharic: ጨርቅ. c'ark'aaw- v. to be worn out. Amharic: ማርጀት, ማለቅ. c'ark'eys- v caus. to let become worn out. Amharic: ጨርቅ ማድረግ. c'aww- v. ?? Amharic: --. c'awwaa maskad'- phrase. ?? Amharic: --. c'ayyaaw- v. to get cancer. Amharic: በካንሰር መያዝ. c'ayyi n m (-ugu). cancer. Amharic: ካንስር. c'eed'ummi n m (-gu). share. Amharic: ድርሻ. c'eed'umma n f (-shi). share. Amharic: ድርሻ. c'eeh- v. to call, name. Amharic: መጠራት. c'eeha n f (-shi). --. Amharic: --. c'ehattee «call». «ጥሪ». --. c'eeham- v pass. to be called. Amharic: መጠራት. c'eehoo n f (-shi). shoulder-blade. Amharic: የትካሽ ኣጥንት. c'eeji n m (-ugu). blood. Amharic: ደም. c'eeji bass- «to hide, support a criminal». «ወንጀለኛ መደበቅ, መደገፍ». phrase. c'eeji dib- «to kill». «መግደል». c'eeji goy- «to revenge». «መበቀል». c'eejis- 2. v caus. to sacrifice. Amharic: መስዋት. c'eejiy- 1. v itr. to bleed. Amharic: መድማት. c'eejis- 1. v caus. to bleed. Amharic: ማድማት. c'eejiy- 2. v. to show charity. Amharic: መለገስ. c'eena n m (-ugu). rain. Amharic: ዝናብ. c'eenaa n m (-ugu). gall. Amharic: ሃሞት. c'eer- c'eera v. to be ashamed. Amharic: ማፈር. n f (-shi). shame. Amharic: ሀፍረት. c'erbaa (also c'arbaa) n f (-shi). soup. Amharic: ሱጎ. ci c'ibba pron f. this. Amharic: ይህች. num. hundred. Amharic: መቶ. c'ibbanna adv. hundred times. Amharic: መቶ ግዜ. c'ibbiseekka, c'ibbiseettaa f. num. hundredth. Amharic: መቶኛ. c'id'- v. to circumcise. Amharic: መገረዝ. c'id'am- v pass. to be circumcised. Amharic: መገረዝ. c'idd'- v. to collect bit by bit. Amharic: ትንሽ በትንሽ ማጠራቀም. c'idd'am- v pass. to be collected bit by bit. Amharic: ትንሽ በትንሽ ማጠራቀም. c'if- v. to rain. Amharic: መዝነብ. c'ifiss- v caus. to make rain. Amharic: ማዘነብ. c'ifraa n m (-eygu). history of the defunct. Amharic: የሙት ታሪክ. c'ifraa aseess- «to report about the dead». «የሙት ታሪክ መዘርዘር». phrase. c'iicc'ad'- v mid. to be discontented. Amharic: ቅር መሰኘት. c'iicc'attee n f (-shi). discontent. Amharic: ቅሬታ. c'iicc'oo n m (-ugu). discontent. Amharic: ቅሬታ. c'iicc'oo 2. n f (-shi). ?? Amharic: ጮጮ. c'iid'aa n f (-shi). bird. Amharic: ወፍ. c'iid'anga afeyi «bird's language??» «የወፍ ቋንቋ». c'ila phrase. c'iid'anga mina «nest». «የወፍ ጎጆ». c'iidoo woneyi (c'iidwoneyi) phrase. mustard. Amharic: ሰናፍጭ. c'iirin'aaw- v. to be full of moths. Amharic: በቅንቅን መሞላት. c'iirin'ee n f (-shi). moth. Amharic: ቅንቅን. c'ik'ilc- v. to oppress. Amharic: ማስቸገር. c'ikk'ad'- v mid. to become narrow. Amharic: መጥበብ. c'ikk'is- v caus. to make narrow, decrease. Amharic: ማጣበብ. c'ikk'anee adj. narrow. Amharic: ጠባብ. c'ikk'oo n m (-ugu). narrowness. Amharic: ጥበት. c'il- c'ila v. to defecate. Amharic: ማራት. n m (-ugu). feces. Amharic: ኣር. c'ilinda boolaa 02/06/2008 12

c'ilam- «latrine». «ሽንት ቤት». phrase. c'ilinga kottee «latrine». «ሽንት ቤት». c'ilam- v pass. to be defeated. Amharic: ማራት. c'ilfaa n m (-eygu). ladle. Amharic: ጭልፋ. c'illee?? n f (-shi). charcoal. Amharic: ከሰል. c'illi miik'aa, c'illi miik'aada f. adj. very green. Amharic: በጣም ኣረንግዋዴ. c'ilsiss- v caus. to have defecated. Amharic: ማሳራት. c'im- v. to become old. Amharic: መሸመገል. c'imaa ?? n m (-eygu). hardness. Amharic: ጠንካራ. c'imaayyee n f (-shi). old people. Amharic: ያረጁ ሰዎች. c'imbirree n f (-shi). top ?? Amharic: ጫፍ. c'imee ?? n f (-shi). bad joke. Amharic: ?? c'imeed'aa(ga), c'inceetaa(da) f. adj. old. Amharic: ያረጀ. c'imeyshi n m (-ugu). old man. Amharic: ሽማግሌ. c'imeyttee n f (-shi). old woman. Amharic: ኣሮግት. c'imili n m (-ugu). ct. kind of bird. Amharic: ?? የወፍ ኣይነት. c'imma n m (-ugu). bud. Amharic: እምቡጥ. c'immis- v. to bloom. Amharic: መዘርዘር. c'immiy- v. to cover eyes. Amharic: መጨፈን. c'imoo adj. hard. Amharic: ጠንካራ. c'in'akka, c'in'atta f. adj. small, little. Amharic: ትንሽ. c'inc'aa n m (-ugu). sweet smelling. Amharic: ጣፋጭ መዓዛ. c'inc'aas- v caus. to let smell. Amharic: ማሽተት. c'inc'ey- v. to have a sweet smell. Amharic: ጥሩ መዓዛ መሽተት ማሰማት. c'inc'iri n m (-gu). bird which leads people to good or evil. Amharic: ሰውን ወደ መጥፎ ወይም ደግ ነገር የምትመራ ወፍ. c'in'i c'in'a phrase. little by little. Amharic: ትንሽ በትንሽ. c'in'ibeyaanka, c'im'ibeyaanta f. adj. tiny. Amharic: በጣም ትንሽ. c'insad'- 1. v. to beg. Amharic: መለመን. c'insad'- 2. v mid. to pray. Amharic: መጸለይ. c'insattee n f (-shi). prayer. Amharic: ጸሎት. c'insattee n f (-shi). begging. Amharic: ልመና. c'insiss- v caus. to make old. Amharic: ማስረጀት. c'ir- 1. v. to clear. Amharic: መመንጠር. c'ir- 2. v. to mince. Amharic: መክተፍ. c'iraa c'oons- c'irc'ir- v. to mince. Amharic: መክታተፍ, መቆራረጥ. n m (-eygu). cuttings. Amharic: ምንጣሮ. c'iraatoo n f (-shi). small spear. Amharic: ትንሽ ጦር. c'iram- v pass. to be cleared, minced. Amharic: መመንጠር, መከተፍ. c'irc'iram- v pass. to be minced. Amharic: መከታተፍ, መቆራረጥ. c'irk'ad'- v mid. to spit through two teeth. Amharic: ምራ ቅ መትፋት. c'irree n f (-shi). bird (feeds on tick). Amharic: ጭሪ. c'isad'- v mid. to feel stomach ache. Amharic: ሆድ መቁረጥ. c'isi n m (-ugu). stomach ache. Amharic: ሆድ ቁርጠት. c'isiss- v caus. to have felt ?? stomach ache. Amharic: ሆድ ማሳመም. c'iss- v caus. to leak. Amharic: ማንጠባጠብ. c'issaa(ga), c'issidaa(da) f. adj. leaking. Amharic: የምያንጠባጥብ. c'ita n m (-ugu). soot. Amharic: ጥቀርሻ. C'ittawwaa n m (-eygu). "c'ittawwaa" age group. Amharic: የ"ጭታዋ" እድሜ ክልል. c'iw'ee n f (-shi). chicken. Amharic: ጫጩት. c'oh- v itr. to make up. Amharic: ማስዋብ. c'ohad'- v. to make up o.s. Amharic: መቆንጀት. c'oham- v pass. to be made up. Amharic: መቆንጀት. c'ohis- v caus. to have make-up. Amharic: ማስዋብ. c'okkee n f (-shi). horse, donkey, mule excrement. Amharic: ፋንድያ. c'ok'oree adv. at daybreak, early morning. Amharic: ማለዳ. dayga c'ok'oree «early in the morning». «በማለዳ». phrase. c'ok'orsaa n m (-eygu). ct. kind of grass. Amharic: ?? የሳር ኣይነት. c'ol'aa n f (-shi). desire ?? Amharic: ምኞት. c'ol'ey- v. to desire eagerly. Amharic: መመኘት. c'ol'eys- v caus. to attract. Amharic: ማስጎመጀት. c'ooc'ee n f (-shi). place of the potters. Amharic: የሸክላ ስራ ቦታ. c'ooddoo n f (-shi). gonorrhea. Amharic: ጨብጥ. c'oolu c'oolu iy- phrase. to be transpired. Amharic: መውዛት. c'ooma n m (-ugu). fat. Amharic: ጮማ. c'oons- v caus. to fatten. Amharic: ማወፈር. 02/06/2008 13

c'ilam-<br />

«latrine». «ሽንት ቤት».<br />

phrase. c'ilinga kottee «latrine». «ሽንት<br />

ቤት».<br />

c'ilam- v pass. to be defeated. Amharic: ማራት.<br />

c'ilfaa<br />

n m (-eygu). ladle. Amharic: ጭልፋ.<br />

c'illee?? n f (-shi). charcoal. Amharic: ከሰል.<br />

c'illi miik'aa, c'illi miik'aada f. adj. very green.<br />

Amharic: በጣም ኣረንግዋዴ.<br />

c'ilsiss- v caus. to have defecated. Amharic: ማሳራት.<br />

c'im-<br />

v. to become old. Amharic: መሸመገል.<br />

c'imaa ?? n m (-eygu). hardness. Amharic: ጠንካራ.<br />

c'imaayyee n f (-shi). old people. Amharic: ያረጁ ሰዎች.<br />

c'imbirree n f (-shi). top ?? Amharic: ጫፍ.<br />

c'imee ?? n f (-shi). bad joke. Amharic: ??<br />

c'imeed'aa(ga), c'inceetaa(da) f. adj. old.<br />

Amharic: ያረጀ.<br />

c'imeyshi n m (-ugu). old man. Amharic: ሽማግሌ.<br />

c'imeyttee n f (-shi). old woman. Amharic: ኣሮግት.<br />

c'imili<br />

n m (-ugu). ct. kind of bird. Amharic: ?? የወፍ<br />

ኣይነት.<br />

c'imma n m (-ugu). bud. Amharic: እምቡጥ.<br />

c'immis- v. to bloom. Amharic: መዘርዘር.<br />

c'immiy- v. to cover eyes. Amharic: መጨፈን.<br />

c'imoo adj. hard. Amharic: ጠንካራ.<br />

c'in'akka, c'in'atta f. adj. small, little. Amharic: ትንሽ.<br />

c'inc'aa n m (-ugu). sweet smelling. Amharic: ጣፋጭ<br />

መዓዛ.<br />

c'inc'aas- v caus. to let smell. Amharic: ማሽተት.<br />

c'inc'ey- v. to have a sweet smell. Amharic: ጥሩ መዓዛ<br />

መሽተት ማሰማት.<br />

c'inc'iri n m (-gu). bird which leads people to good or<br />

evil. Amharic: ሰውን ወደ መጥፎ ወይም ደግ ነገር<br />

የምትመራ ወፍ.<br />

c'in'i c'in'a phrase. little by little. Amharic: ትንሽ በትንሽ.<br />

c'in'ibeyaanka, c'im'ibeyaanta f. adj. tiny.<br />

Amharic: በጣም ትንሽ.<br />

c'insad'- 1. v. to beg. Amharic: መለመን.<br />

c'insad'- 2. v mid. to pray. Amharic: መጸለይ.<br />

c'insattee n f (-shi). prayer. Amharic: ጸሎት.<br />

c'insattee n f (-shi). begging. Amharic: ልመና.<br />

c'insiss- v caus. to make old. Amharic: ማስረጀት.<br />

c'ir- 1. v. to clear. Amharic: መመንጠር.<br />

c'ir- 2. v. to mince. Amharic: መክተፍ.<br />

c'iraa<br />

c'oons-<br />

c'irc'ir- v. to mince. Amharic: መክታተፍ, መቆራረጥ.<br />

n m (-eygu). cuttings. Amharic: ምንጣሮ.<br />

c'iraatoo n f (-shi). small spear. Amharic: ትንሽ ጦር.<br />

c'iram- v pass. to be cleared, minced.<br />

Amharic: መመንጠር, መከተፍ.<br />

c'irc'iram- v pass. to be minced. Amharic: መከታተፍ,<br />

መቆራረጥ.<br />

c'irk'ad'- v mid. to spit through two teeth.<br />

Amharic: ምራ ቅ መትፋት.<br />

c'irree<br />

n f (-shi). bird (feeds on tick). Amharic: ጭሪ.<br />

c'isad'- v mid. to feel stomach ache. Amharic: ሆድ<br />

መቁረጥ.<br />

c'isi<br />

n m (-ugu). stomach ache. Amharic: ሆድ ቁርጠት.<br />

c'isiss- v caus. to have felt ?? stomach ache.<br />

Amharic: ሆድ ማሳመም.<br />

c'iss-<br />

v caus. to leak. Amharic: ማንጠባጠብ.<br />

c'issaa(ga), c'issidaa(da) f. adj. leaking.<br />

Amharic: የምያንጠባጥብ.<br />

c'ita<br />

n m (-ugu). soot. Amharic: ጥቀርሻ.<br />

C'ittawwaa n m (-eygu). "c'ittawwaa" age group.<br />

Amharic: የ"ጭታዋ" እድሜ ክልል.<br />

c'iw'ee n f (-shi). chicken. Amharic: ጫጩት.<br />

c'oh-<br />

v itr. to make up. Amharic: ማስዋብ.<br />

c'ohad'- v. to make up o.s. Amharic: መቆንጀት.<br />

c'oham- v pass. to be made up. Amharic: መቆንጀት.<br />

c'ohis- v caus. to have make-up. Amharic: ማስዋብ.<br />

c'okkee n f (-shi). horse, donkey, mule excrement.<br />

Amharic: ፋንድያ.<br />

c'ok'oree adv. at daybreak, early morning.<br />

Amharic: ማለዳ. dayga c'ok'oree «early in the<br />

morning». «በማለዳ».<br />

phrase.<br />

c'ok'orsaa n m (-eygu). ct. kind of grass. Amharic: ??<br />

የሳር ኣይነት.<br />

c'ol'aa<br />

n f (-shi). desire ?? Amharic: ምኞት.<br />

c'ol'ey- v. to desire eagerly. Amharic: መመኘት.<br />

c'ol'eys- v caus. to attract. Amharic: ማስጎመጀት.<br />

c'ooc'ee n f (-shi). place of the potters. Amharic: የሸክላ<br />

ስራ ቦታ.<br />

c'ooddoo n f (-shi). gonorrhea. Amharic: ጨብጥ.<br />

c'oolu c'oolu iy- phrase. to be transpired.<br />

Amharic: መውዛት.<br />

c'ooma n m (-ugu). fat. Amharic: ጮማ.<br />

c'oons- v caus. to fatten. Amharic: ማወፈር.<br />

02/06/2008 13

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