a brief comp a brief comparison of modern pteridophyte arison of ...

a brief comp a brief comparison of modern pteridophyte arison of ... a brief comp a brief comparison of modern pteridophyte arison of ...

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126 Indian Fern Journal Volume XXVI (2009) reference to systematic arrangement of families distributed in China J Syst Evol (Act Phytotax Sinica) 46 46(6) 46 46 : 808-829 LOVIS J D 1977 Evolutionary Patterns and Processes in Ferns in Preston R W & Woolhouse H W (eds) Advances Bot Res 4 : 229-415 Academic Press, London New York, San Francisco LU, S-G & Yang T Y A 2005 The Checklist of Taiwanese Pteridophytes Following Ching’s System Taiwania 50 50 (2) : 137-165 MANTON I 1950 Problems of cytology and evolution in the Pteridophyta pp 316 Cambridge Univ Press MANTON I & SLEDGE W A 1954 Observations on the cytology and taxonomy of the Pteridophyte flora of Ceylon Phil Trans Roy Soc Lond Biol 238 238 : 127-185 MEHRA P N 1961 Cytological evolution of ferns with particular reference to the Himalayan forms Proc 48th Indian Sci Congr Part 3 Bot 2 : 1-24 MURAKAMI N 1995 Systematics and evolutionary biology of the fern genus Hymenasplenium (Aspleniaceae) J Plant Res 108 108 : 257-268 MURAKAMI N, NOGAMI S, WATANABE M & IWATSUKI K 1999 Phylogeny of Aspleniaceae inferred from rbcL nucleotide sequences Amer Fern J 89 89 : 232-243 MURDOCK A G 2008 A taxonomic revision of the eusporangiate fern family Marattiaceae, with description of a new genus Ptisana, Taxon 57 57 (3) : 737-755 NAKAZATO T & GASTONY G J 2001 Molecular phylogenetics of Anogramma species and related genera (Pteridaceae: Taenitidoideae) Botany 2001 : 86 Albuquerque New Mexico NAYAR B K 1970 A phylogenetic classification of the homosporous ferns Taxon 19 19 : 229-236 et t NOOTEBOOM H P 1998 An account of the Malay-Pacific species of Selliguea (Polypodiaceae) Blumea 43 43 43 (1) : 1- 108 (sub pg 58) NOOTEBOOM H P 2008 How many genera have Davalliaceae?, in Amoroso V B (ed) Proceedings of the 4th symposium on Asian pteridology and garden show: 63-68 Central Mindanao University, Musuan, Bukidnon (Philippines) PICHI SERMOLLI R E G 1953 The nomenclature of some fern-genera Webbia 9 (2) : 387-454 PICHI SERMOLLI R E G 1958 The higher taxa of the Pteridophyta and their classification, in Hedberg O (ed) Systematics of Today Uppsala Univ Årsskrift 1958 1958 (6) : 70-90 PICHI SERMOLLI R E G 1970 A provisional catalogue of the family names of living pteridophytes Webbia 25 25 (1) : 219-297 PICHI SERMOLLI R E G 1973 Historical review of the higher classification of the Filicopsida, in JERMY A C, CRABBE J A & THOMAS B A (eds), The Phylogeny and Classification of the Ferns Bot J Linn Soc 67 67, 67 67 Suppl 1 : 11-40, t 1-19 PICHI SERMOLLI R E G 1977 Tentamen Pteridophytorum genera in taxonomicum ordinem redigendi Webbia 31 31 (2) : 313-512 PICHI SERMOLLI R E G 1981 Report of the Subcommittee for family names of Pteridophyta Taxon 30 30 30: 30 163-168 PICHI SERMOLLI R E G 1982 A further contribution to the nomenclature of the families of Pteridophyta Webbia 35 35 : 223-237 PICHI SERMOLLI R E G 1986 Report of the Subcommittee for family names of Pteridophyta Taxon 35 35 : 686-691 PICHI SERMOLLI R E G 1993 New studies on some family names of Pteridophyta Webbia 47 47 : 121-143 PICHI SERMOLLI R E G 1996 Authors of scientific names in Pteridophyta etc: 1-78 Royal Botanic Gardens Kew PRYER K M, SCHNEIDER H, SMITH A R, CRANFILL R, WOLF P G, HUNT J S & SIPES S D 2001a Horsetails and ferns are a monophyletic group and the closest living relatives to seed plants Nature 409 409 409 : 618-62 PRYER K M, SCHUETTPELZ E, WOLF PG, SCHNEIDER H, SMITH A R & CRANFILL R 2004 Phylogeny and evolution of ferns (monilophytes) with a focus on the early leptosporangate divergences Amer J Bot 91 91 : 1582-1598 PRYER K M, SMITH A R, HUNT J S & DUBUISSON J-Y 2001b rbcL data reveal two monophyletic groups of filmy ferns (Filicopsida: Hymenophyllaceae) Amer J Bot 88 88 : 1118-1130

C. R. Fraser-Jenkins : A Brief Comparison of Modern Pteridophyte Classifications (Families and Genera in India) 127 PRYER K M, SMITH A R & SKOG J E 1995 Phylogenetic relationships of extant ferns based on evidence from morphology and rbcL sequences Amer Fern J 85 85 : 205-264 QI X-P & ZHANG X-C 2009 Additions to the Pteridophyte flora of Xizang (Tibet) - 3 Indian Fern J 26 26 (in press) RANKER T A , SMITH A R, PARRIS B S, GEIGER J M O, HAUFLER C H, STRAUB S C K & SCHNEIDER H 2004 Phylogeny and evolution of grammitid ferns (Grammitidaceae): a case of rampant morphological homoplasy Taxon 53 53 : 415-428 RIESEBERG L H & BROUILLET L 1994 Are many plant species paraphyletic? Taxon 43(1): 21-32 ROUX J P 1999 Polypodium ensiforme, the correct name of Microsorum ensiforme (Polypodiaceae) Bothalia 29 29 29 : 103-106 SANO R, TAKAMIYA M, ITO M, KURITA S & HASEBE M 2000 Phylogeny of the lady fern group, tribe Physematieae (Dryopteridaceae), based on chloroplast rbcL gene sequences Molecular Phylogen Evol 15 15 15 : 403-413 SCHNEIDER H, RUSSELL S J, COX C J, BAKKER F, HENDERSON S, RUMSEY F, BARRETT J, GIBBY M & VOGEL J C 2004a Chloroplast phylogeny of Asplenioid ferns based on rbcL and trnL-F spacer sequences (Polypodiidae Aspleniaceae) and its implications for biogeography Syst Bot 29 29 : 260-274 SCHNEIDER H, SMITH A R, CRANFILL R, HAUFLER C H, RANKER T A & HILDEBRAND T 2002 Gymnogrammitis dareiformis is a polygrammoid fern (Polypodiaceae) - resolving an apparent conflict between morphological and molecular data Plant Syst Evol 234 234 234 : 121-136 SCHNEIDER H, SMITH A R, CRANFILL R, HILDEBRAND T J, HAUFLER C H & RANKER T A 2004b Unraveling [sic] the phylogeny of the polygrammoid ferns (Polypodiaceae and Grammitidaceae): exploring aspects of the diversification of epiphytic plants Molecular Phylogen Evol 31 31 31 : 1041-1063 SCHUETTPELZ E & PRYER K M 2007 Fern phylogeny inferred from 400 leptosporangiate species and three plastid genes Taxon 56 56 : 1036-1050 SMITH A R & CRANFILL R B 2002 Intrafamilial relationships of the thelypteroid ferns (Thelypteridaceae) Amer Fern J 92 : 131-149 SMITH A R, PRYER K M, SCHUETTPELZ E, KORALL P, SCHNEIDER H & WOLFF P G 2006 A classification for extant ferns Taxon 55 55 55 : 705-731 THOMSON J A 2000 Morphological and genomic diversity in the genus Pteridium (Dennstaedtiaceae) Annals Bot 85 85 (Suppl B) : 77-99 TSUTSUMI C & KATO M 2005 Molecular phylogenetic study on Davalliaceae Fern Gaz 17 17: 17 147-162 TSUTSUMI C, ZHANG X-C & KATO M 2008 Molecular phylogeny of Davalliaceae and implications on the classification Syst Bot 33 33 : 44-48 WANG M L, CHEN Z D, ZHANG X C, LU S G & ZHAO G F 2003 Phylogeny of the Athyriaceae : evidence from chloroplast trn L-F region sequences Act Phytotax Sinica 41 41(5) 41 : 416-426 WOLF P G, SOLTIS P S & SOLTIS D E 1994 Phylogenetic relationships of dennstaedtioid ferns : evidence from rbcL sequences Molecular Phylogen Evol 3 : 383-392 YATABE Y, NISHIDA H & MURAKAMI N 1999 Phylogeny of Osmundaceae inferred from rbcL nucleotide sequences and comparison to the fossil evidence J Plant Res 112 112 : 397-404 ZHANG G M, ZHANG X & CHEN Z 2005 Phylogeny of cryptogrammoid ferns and related taxa based on rbcL sequences Nordic J Bot 23 23 23 : 485-493 ZHANG G M, ZHANG X C, CHU Z D, LIU H M & YANG W L 2007 Insights in the phylogeny of Asian cheilanthoid ferns based on sequences of two chloroplast markers Taxon 56 56 (2) : 369-378

126 Indian Fern Journal Volume XXVI (2009)<br />

reference to systematic arrangement <strong>of</strong> families distributed in China J Syst Evol (Act Phytotax Sinica)<br />

46 46(6) 46 46 : 808-829<br />

LOVIS J D 1977 Evolutionary Patterns and Processes in Ferns in Preston R W & Woolhouse H W (eds) Advances<br />

Bot Res 4 : 229-415 Academic Press, London New York, San Francisco<br />

LU, S-G & Yang T Y A 2005 The Checklist <strong>of</strong> Taiwanese Pteridophytes Following Ching’s System Taiwania 50<br />

50<br />

(2) : 137-165<br />

MANTON I 1950 Problems <strong>of</strong> cytology and evolution in the Pteridophyta pp 316 Cambridge Univ Press<br />

MANTON I & SLEDGE W A 1954 Observations on the cytology and taxonomy <strong>of</strong> the Pteridophyte flora <strong>of</strong> Ceylon<br />

Phil Trans Roy Soc Lond Biol 238 238 : 127-185<br />

MEHRA P N 1961 Cytological evolution <strong>of</strong> ferns with particular reference to the Himalayan forms Proc 48th Indian<br />

Sci Congr Part 3 Bot 2 : 1-24<br />

MURAKAMI N 1995 Systematics and evolutionary biology <strong>of</strong> the fern genus Hymenasplenium (Aspleniaceae) J<br />

Plant Res 108 108 : 257-268<br />

MURAKAMI N, NOGAMI S, WATANABE M & IWATSUKI K 1999 Phylogeny <strong>of</strong> Aspleniaceae inferred from rbcL<br />

nucleotide sequences Amer Fern J 89 89 : 232-243<br />

MURDOCK A G 2008 A taxonomic revision <strong>of</strong> the eusporangiate fern family Marattiaceae, with description <strong>of</strong> a new<br />

genus Ptisana, Taxon 57 57 (3) : 737-755<br />

NAKAZATO T & GASTONY G J 2001 Molecular phylogenetics <strong>of</strong> Anogramma species and related genera<br />

(Pteridaceae: Taenitidoideae) Botany 2001 : 86 Albuquerque New Mexico<br />

NAYAR B K 1970 A phylogenetic classification <strong>of</strong> the homosporous ferns Taxon 19 19 : 229-236 et t<br />

NOOTEBOOM H P 1998 An account <strong>of</strong> the Malay-Pacific species <strong>of</strong> Selliguea (Polypodiaceae) Blumea 43 43 43 (1) : 1-<br />

108 (sub pg 58)<br />

NOOTEBOOM H P 2008 How many genera have Davalliaceae?, in Amoroso V B (ed) Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the 4th<br />

symposium on Asian pteridology and garden show: 63-68 Central Mindanao University, Musuan, Bukidnon<br />

(Philippines)<br />

PICHI SERMOLLI R E G 1953 The nomenclature <strong>of</strong> some fern-genera Webbia 9 (2) : 387-454<br />

PICHI SERMOLLI R E G 1958 The higher taxa <strong>of</strong> the Pteridophyta and their classification, in Hedberg O (ed)<br />

Systematics <strong>of</strong> Today Uppsala Univ Årsskrift 1958 1958 (6) : 70-90<br />

PICHI SERMOLLI R E G 1970 A provisional catalogue <strong>of</strong> the family names <strong>of</strong> living <strong>pteridophyte</strong>s Webbia 25<br />

25<br />

(1) : 219-297<br />

PICHI SERMOLLI R E G 1973 Historical review <strong>of</strong> the higher classification <strong>of</strong> the Filicopsida, in JERMY A C,<br />

CRABBE J A & THOMAS B A (eds), The Phylogeny and Classification <strong>of</strong> the Ferns Bot J Linn Soc 67 67, 67 67<br />

Suppl 1 : 11-40, t 1-19<br />

PICHI SERMOLLI R E G 1977 Tentamen Pteridophytorum genera in taxonomicum ordinem redigendi Webbia 31<br />

31<br />

(2) : 313-512<br />

PICHI SERMOLLI R E G 1981 Report <strong>of</strong> the Subcommittee for family names <strong>of</strong> Pteridophyta Taxon 30 30 30: 30 163-168<br />

PICHI SERMOLLI R E G 1982 A further contribution to the nomenclature <strong>of</strong> the families <strong>of</strong> Pteridophyta Webbia<br />

35 35 : 223-237<br />

PICHI SERMOLLI R E G 1986 Report <strong>of</strong> the Subcommittee for family names <strong>of</strong> Pteridophyta Taxon 35 35 : 686-691<br />

PICHI SERMOLLI R E G 1993 New studies on some family names <strong>of</strong> Pteridophyta Webbia 47 47 : 121-143<br />

PICHI SERMOLLI R E G 1996 Authors <strong>of</strong> scientific names in Pteridophyta etc: 1-78 Royal Botanic Gardens Kew<br />


and ferns are a monophyletic group and the closest living relatives to seed plants Nature 409 409 409 : 618-62<br />


evolution <strong>of</strong> ferns (monilophytes) with a focus on the early leptosporangate divergences Amer J Bot 91 91 :<br />

1582-1598<br />

PRYER K M, SMITH A R, HUNT J S & DUBUISSON J-Y 2001b rbcL data reveal two monophyletic groups <strong>of</strong><br />

filmy ferns (Filicopsida: Hymenophyllaceae) Amer J Bot 88 88 : 1118-1130

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