Newsletter - Invest in Tunisia

Newsletter - Invest in Tunisia

Newsletter - Invest in Tunisia


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9:00 am - 4:00 pm Reception and registration<br />

Program of the Carthage <strong>Invest</strong>ment Forum<br />

Thursday 12 June, 2008<br />

5:00 - 7:00 pm OPENING CEREMONY<br />

Open<strong>in</strong>g ceremony chaired by H.E Mr. Mohamed GHANNOUCHI, <strong>Tunisia</strong>n Prime M<strong>in</strong>ister<br />

Speakers: Mr. Mohamed Nouri JOUINI, M<strong>in</strong>ister of Development and International Cooperation<br />

Mr. Hedi DJILANI, President of <strong>Tunisia</strong>n Union of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts (UTICA)<br />

Chairman of the Forum: Mr. Mohamed BEN SEDRINE, Executive Board Member of the <strong>Tunisia</strong>n Union of<br />

Industry, Trade and Handicrafts, UTICA.<br />

<strong>Tunisia</strong>'s susta<strong>in</strong>ability as an attractive place for FDI, by Mr. Peter GRIMSDITCH, Editorial Director, Oxford<br />

Bus<strong>in</strong>ess Group.<br />

Awards ceremony<br />

8:00 pm Gala d<strong>in</strong>ner.<br />

Friday 13 June, 2008<br />

8:30 - 10:00 am<br />

1 st SESSION<br />

Integration <strong>in</strong> the Euromed zone: enhanc<strong>in</strong>g the attractiveness of <strong>Tunisia</strong> as an <strong>in</strong>vestment site<br />

Guest of Honour: Mr. Ridha TOUITI, M<strong>in</strong>ister of Trade and Handicraft<br />

- The <strong>in</strong>tegrated market as an opportunity for greater attractiveness<br />

- New opportunities created by the regional <strong>in</strong>tegration of <strong>Tunisia</strong><br />

- Impact of <strong>in</strong>tegration policies on the <strong>Tunisia</strong>n economy<br />

- Greater opportunities for partnership between <strong>Tunisia</strong>n and foreign operators<br />

- Better human resources, <strong>in</strong>frastructure, logistics, bus<strong>in</strong>ess climate and after-care.<br />

Discussion<br />

10:00- 10:30 am Coffee break<br />

10:30- 11:30 am<br />

2 nd SESSION<br />

Manufactur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>dustries: a further step <strong>in</strong>to high tech<br />

Guest of Honour: Mr. Afif CHELBI, M<strong>in</strong>ister of Industry, Energy and SMES<br />

- The dynamics <strong>in</strong> the IMEE sector<br />

- The emergence of the aeronautical components <strong>in</strong>dustry <strong>in</strong> <strong>Tunisia</strong>.<br />

Discussion<br />

11:30 - 12:30 pm<br />

3 rd SESSION<br />

<strong>Tunisia</strong>, a regional center for high added value services<br />

Guest of Honour: Mr.Lazhar BOUOUNI, M<strong>in</strong>ister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and<br />

Technology<br />

- <strong>Tunisia</strong>, a first-class platform for nearshor<strong>in</strong>g<br />

- Development of high added value eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g<br />

- Launch<strong>in</strong>g of competences centers and R&D units <strong>in</strong> <strong>Tunisia</strong>.<br />

Discussion<br />

1:00- 2:30 pm Lunch<br />

3:00 - 6:00 pm NETWORKING<br />

FIPA News May 2008<br />


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NICT<br />

<strong>Tunisia</strong> precedes Italy, Greece and<br />

Poland<br />

The Davos world report, published on April 9th<br />

2008, has ranked <strong>Tunisia</strong> first <strong>in</strong> North Africa<br />

and 35th <strong>in</strong> the world over a total of 127<br />

countries <strong>in</strong> the field <strong>in</strong>formation technologies.<br />

<strong>Tunisia</strong> has hence ga<strong>in</strong>ed 5 places as compared<br />

to the 2007 classification.<br />

<strong>Tunisia</strong> precedes European countries like Italy,<br />

Greece, Cyprus, Poland and Asian countries<br />

such as Ch<strong>in</strong>a and India.<br />

Europe rema<strong>in</strong>s a major actor of the networked<br />

read<strong>in</strong>ess, with 11 countries among the 20 first<br />

of the classification. Apart from Denmark,<br />

Sweden and Switzerland, above mentioned, we<br />

f<strong>in</strong>d F<strong>in</strong>land (6 th ), the Netherlands (7 th ), Island<br />

(8 th ), Norway (10 th ), the United K<strong>in</strong>gdom<br />

(12 th ), Austria (15 th ), Germany (16 th ) and<br />

Estonia (20 th ).<br />

The report bases its classification on three<br />

major elements: the political and economic<br />

environment of the country, the level of<br />

technological development and the extent to<br />

which the NICT are used.<br />

Published for the seventh consecutive year, the<br />

report deals with a record number of 127<br />

economies <strong>in</strong> the world. It now became the<br />

most complete <strong>in</strong>ternational reference for the<br />

assessment of the impact of ICT on the<br />

development process and the competitiveness<br />

of the different countries.<br />

Regional Integration<br />

Open<strong>in</strong>g of the first direct shipp<strong>in</strong>g<br />

l<strong>in</strong>e between <strong>Tunisia</strong> and Morocco<br />

The first merchant ship between <strong>Tunisia</strong> and<br />

Morocco has heaved anchor on Friday, April 4 th<br />

from the port of Rades to that of Casablanca.<br />

This first travel aboard the Moroccan boat<br />

“Fes”, a ship with a carry<strong>in</strong>g capacity of 70 conta<strong>in</strong>ers and 33<br />

semi-trailers, opens the direct shipp<strong>in</strong>g l<strong>in</strong>e between <strong>Tunisia</strong><br />

and Morocco, after its launch<strong>in</strong>g early <strong>in</strong> April from Morocco.<br />

The shipp<strong>in</strong>g l<strong>in</strong>e is jo<strong>in</strong>tly run by the private Moroccan water<br />

carrier “International maritime transport corporation” (IMTC)<br />

and the <strong>Tunisia</strong>n company “Africa Mar<strong>in</strong>e Company” (AMC).<br />

This shipp<strong>in</strong>g lane between the two countries, with on average<br />

one cruise every 10 days, will allow to reduce the goods’<br />

transit period from 15 days to less than 4 days, and will<br />

dispense the ships from putt<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to European ports (Malta,<br />

Marseilles, Valence).<br />

Accord<strong>in</strong>g to the managers of both <strong>Tunisia</strong>n and Moroccan<br />

companies, the two carriers consider to run <strong>in</strong> the future a<br />

larger ship <strong>in</strong> order to meet the requirements of the expected<br />

grow<strong>in</strong>g commercial exchanges of goods on this l<strong>in</strong>e.<br />

This l<strong>in</strong>e is an example of the cooperation between <strong>Tunisia</strong> and<br />

Morocco <strong>in</strong> the private sector and will contribute to the growth<br />

of commercial exchanges between the two countries. Experts<br />

consider that these exchanges will improve <strong>in</strong> the next years,<br />

not only on a bilateral basis but also <strong>in</strong> the Arab free-trade zone<br />

and also <strong>in</strong> the framework of the Agadir<br />

agreement.<br />

This l<strong>in</strong>e will help promot<strong>in</strong>g maritime transport and re<strong>in</strong>force<br />

the commercial exchanges <strong>in</strong> the North African area s<strong>in</strong>ce it can<br />

extend to the other ports of the region’s countries, namely those<br />

of Libya, Algeria and Mauritania.<br />

Labor Day 2008<br />

Rise of the Smig*, the Smag**<br />

and of the retirement pensions<br />

On Labor day, the head of State has announced a rise of the<br />

Smig and the Smag (May 1 st 2008). The government will def<strong>in</strong>e<br />

the amount of the rise <strong>in</strong> agreement with the <strong>in</strong>volved<br />

professional organizations.<br />

In 2007, the Smig of the different bus<strong>in</strong>ess sectors (48 hours<br />

scheme) has risen by 8.528 d<strong>in</strong>ars. The Smig reaches 239.824<br />

d<strong>in</strong>ars at present. As for the, <strong>in</strong> the 40 hours scheme, it<br />

<strong>in</strong>creased by 7.107 d<strong>in</strong>ars. It is today of 207.828 d<strong>in</strong>ars.<br />

The m<strong>in</strong>imum agricultural guaranteed wage (SMAG) has<br />

<strong>in</strong>creased dur<strong>in</strong>g the same fiscal year by 250 millimes per day.<br />

Today it is of 7.129 d<strong>in</strong>ars per day. The SMAG of semiskilled<br />

FIPA News May 2008<br />


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agricultural workers is of 7.849 d<strong>in</strong>ars and that of skilled agricultural workers is of 8.274 d<strong>in</strong>ars per day.<br />

Around 280 thousand workers benefited from these <strong>in</strong>creases last year.<br />

Besides, and <strong>in</strong> compliance with the retirement system reform implemented s<strong>in</strong>ce 2001, the retirement pensions<br />

belong<strong>in</strong>g to the public plan of the social security fund (CNSS) will rise accord<strong>in</strong>g to the same rate as that of the<br />

m<strong>in</strong>imum wage.<br />

Translator’s note :<br />

* M<strong>in</strong>imum <strong>in</strong>ter-professional guaranteed wage<br />

** M<strong>in</strong>imum agricultural guaranteed wage<br />

European imports of cloth<strong>in</strong>g:<br />

<strong>Tunisia</strong> 5th supplier<br />

European imports of cloth<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Country Rank 2006 2007 2007/2006<br />

1 000 € % 1 000 € % %<br />

EXTRAT-E27 55 496 842 100.0 57 813 567 100.0 4.2<br />

Ch<strong>in</strong>a 1 18 887 563 34.0 21 791 866 37.7 15.4<br />

Turkey 2 8 238 488 14.8 8 875 918 15.4 7.7<br />

Bangladesh 3 4 614 576 8.3 4 363 662 7.6 -5.4<br />

India 4 3 809 372 6.9 3 832 788 6.6 0.6<br />

<strong>Tunisia</strong> 5 2 468 626 4.5 2 563 757 4.4 3.9<br />

Morocco 6 2 367 720 4.3 2 513 805 4.4 6.2<br />

Hong Kong 7 2 512 151 4.5 1 682 460 2.9 -33.0<br />

Indonesia 8 1 413 463 2.6 1 193 054 2.1 -15.6<br />

Vietnam 9 1 024 347 1.9 1 113 145 1.9 8.7<br />

Sri Lanka 10 966 401 1.7 1 037 007 1.8 7.3<br />

Pakistan 11 906 922 1.6 900 282 1.6 -0.7<br />

Thailand 12 878 833 1.6 794 636 1.4 -9.6<br />

Switzerland 13 532 253 1.0 608 490 1.1 14.3<br />

Cambodia 14 552 166 1.0 513 925 0.9 -6.9<br />

Mauritius 15 483 492 0.9 471 942 0.8 -2.4<br />

Macedonia 16 345 998 0.6 454 693 0.8 31.4<br />

Egypt 17 379 773 0.7 411 334 0.7 8.3<br />

Croatia 18 382 176 0.7 379 882 0.7 -0.6<br />

Ukra<strong>in</strong>e 19 419 769 0.8 368 394 0.6 -12.2<br />

USA 20 371 827 0.7 360 556 0.6 -3.0<br />

<strong>Tunisia</strong>- Germany<br />

16 new companies<br />

2007 has been a particularly fruitful year <strong>in</strong> terms of direct <strong>in</strong>vestments carried out by German companies <strong>in</strong><br />

<strong>Tunisia</strong>. The German <strong>in</strong>vestment volume has thus almost doubled, ris<strong>in</strong>g from 19 million d<strong>in</strong>ars <strong>in</strong> 2006 to 40.5<br />

million d<strong>in</strong>ars <strong>in</strong> 2007.<br />

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16 new companies with a global <strong>in</strong>vestment volume of 8.7<br />

million d<strong>in</strong>ars have been set up and 18 already exist<strong>in</strong>g ones<br />

were enlarged for a value of 31.8 million d<strong>in</strong>ars, accord<strong>in</strong>g to<br />

the data collected by the <strong>Tunisia</strong>n-German Chamber of<br />

Industry and commerce (CTAIC). Around 610 new jobs were<br />

created <strong>in</strong> 2007 by the newly established companies and<br />

almost 1000 jobs thanks to companies’ expansion.<br />

<strong>Tunisia</strong> is Germany’s 3rd supplier and the first importer of<br />

German products <strong>in</strong> the region. As for Germany, it is the 3rd<br />

trade partner of <strong>Tunisia</strong> with a share of 7.9% <strong>in</strong> the global<br />

volume of <strong>Tunisia</strong>n imports and exports.<br />

<strong>Tunisia</strong> –France<br />

A new jo<strong>in</strong>t venture<br />

<strong>in</strong> eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g service provision<br />

The French company Altran has announced on Wednesday<br />

April 30th the signature of a letter of <strong>in</strong>tent <strong>in</strong> order to create<br />

a common company with the <strong>Tunisia</strong>n company Telnet <strong>in</strong> the<br />

field of eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g service provision. This newborn will be<br />

based <strong>in</strong> Tunis and will have its operat<strong>in</strong>g unit <strong>in</strong> Sfax. “By<br />

br<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>g Telnet’s competencies closer to those of Altran, this<br />

jo<strong>in</strong>t venture will allow to provide Altran (a European leader<br />

<strong>in</strong> consult<strong>in</strong>g and <strong>in</strong>novation) and its customers with top<br />

quality services, as demonstrated by the CMMI 5 certification<br />

that Telnet obta<strong>in</strong>ed. This newly created company also aims<br />

at develop<strong>in</strong>g eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g services professions <strong>in</strong> <strong>Tunisia</strong> and<br />

<strong>in</strong> neighbour<strong>in</strong>g countries, and at becom<strong>in</strong>g the leader <strong>in</strong><br />

North Africa” as expla<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the group’s release. The new<br />

company considers employ<strong>in</strong>g around 300 persons by 2010 <strong>in</strong><br />

<strong>Tunisia</strong>.<br />

Altran, a group founded <strong>in</strong> 1982 is <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> technology<br />

consult<strong>in</strong>g and <strong>in</strong>novation (about half the turnover),<br />

organization and <strong>in</strong>formation system consult<strong>in</strong>g (one third of<br />

the turnover) and strategy and management consult<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

In 2007, the group’s turnover has reached 1,591.4 millions<br />

euros, with more than 17.000 consultants <strong>in</strong> 20 countries.<br />

Founded <strong>in</strong> 1994, Telnet is a company of eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> high<br />

technologies specialized <strong>in</strong> imbedded system development,<br />

electronic design and mechanical CAD <strong>in</strong> the fields of<br />

telecommunication, multimedia, aviation technology,<br />

defence, automotive eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g and transport, security,<br />

microchips, <strong>in</strong>dustry and automation. It employs today 300<br />

eng<strong>in</strong>eers and achieves the bulk of its externalized R&D<br />

activities for European motor vehicle equipment<br />

manufacturers.<br />

Competence Center<br />

Cisco is plann<strong>in</strong>g to make of <strong>Tunisia</strong><br />

a regional Hub for North Africa.<br />

The American company Cisco, a provider of<br />

network solutions for <strong>in</strong>ternet, has organized on<br />

April 22nd its “Cisco Expo 2008” <strong>in</strong> Tunis.<br />

The choice of the <strong>Tunisia</strong>n capital to host this<br />

event as well as the next stages of this provider’s<br />

activity development were among the ma<strong>in</strong><br />

topics of the press conference, that the company<br />

managers held along with the event.<br />

Present <strong>in</strong> the region of the Middle East for<br />

several years, the company expresses more and<br />

more <strong>in</strong>terest for <strong>Tunisia</strong>. Accord<strong>in</strong>g to Zied<br />

Mortaja, Regional General Manager of Cisco for<br />

the Middle East, North Africa and the Orient,<br />

the organization of the Expo <strong>in</strong> Tunis, is one<br />

more step to make of this site “the Hub for all<br />

our activities <strong>in</strong> the region of North Africa and<br />

the African cont<strong>in</strong>ent”. Cisco <strong>in</strong>tends re<strong>in</strong>forc<strong>in</strong>g<br />

its presence <strong>in</strong> the country by open<strong>in</strong>g a new<br />

office which accord<strong>in</strong>g to Adel Dahmani “will<br />

emphasize our event for Cisco <strong>in</strong> <strong>Tunisia</strong>”.<br />

Without giv<strong>in</strong>g figures for this new <strong>in</strong>vestment,<br />

Adel Dahmani declared that “this new<br />

Competence center <strong>in</strong> <strong>Tunisia</strong> will allow Cisco to<br />

make of <strong>Tunisia</strong> a Hub to cover other countries<br />

of the region <strong>in</strong> order to export our know-how”.<br />

Zied Mortaja expressed his satisfaction with the<br />

level of competencies <strong>in</strong> the company’s fields of<br />

activity. He added that “Cisco has 11 Cisco<br />

Network<strong>in</strong>g Academy centers <strong>in</strong> <strong>Tunisia</strong>, one of<br />

which is based <strong>in</strong> the technology pole El<br />

Ghazala. <strong>Tunisia</strong> holds the necessary <strong>in</strong>gredients<br />

to create an ICT <strong>in</strong>dustry and we will<br />

concentrate more on the tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g and<br />

certification of eng<strong>in</strong>eers ”With a turnover<br />

growth by 50% last year, the Cisco Tunis office<br />

is plann<strong>in</strong>g to <strong>in</strong>tensify its <strong>in</strong>volvement with<br />

local telephone operators. For the managers of<br />

this American company which achieves a<br />

turnover of 5 billion dollars “<strong>Tunisia</strong> rema<strong>in</strong>s a<br />

major source of growth for the company <strong>in</strong> the<br />

North African area”.<br />

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Textile<br />

The Italian group Mart<strong>in</strong>elli G<strong>in</strong>etto<br />

<strong>in</strong>vests <strong>in</strong> <strong>Tunisia</strong><br />

Accord<strong>in</strong>g to the Technical Centre for Textile<br />

(Cettex), The group Mart<strong>in</strong>elli G<strong>in</strong>etto, leader <strong>in</strong><br />

the production of lice and jacquard clothes, for<br />

household l<strong>in</strong>en and furniture has decided to<br />

<strong>in</strong>vest <strong>in</strong> <strong>Tunisia</strong> and to create by the end of<br />

2008 a sp<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g and weav<strong>in</strong>g unit.<br />

Named Magimed, the new unit will be<br />

established <strong>in</strong> the <strong>in</strong>dustrial zone of Meghira<br />

(governorate of Ben Arous) and will cover a<br />

surface of 4 hectares.<br />

The amount <strong>in</strong>vested <strong>in</strong> this project goes<br />

beyond 35.6 million d<strong>in</strong>ars. Besides, it will be<br />

achieved <strong>in</strong> 3 stages and will create around 400<br />

jobs.<br />

Magimed will produce threads and textile<br />

fabrics of wool, cotton, viscose, silk…Its annual<br />

production capacity will reach 2,600 tons for the<br />

sp<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g and 3.4 million meters for the weav<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

Perfect<strong>in</strong>g competencies<br />

A village for a better command of<br />

foreign languages<br />

In order to face the grow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>ternational<br />

demand for <strong>Tunisia</strong>n technical competencies<br />

with a good command of languages, a village<br />

will soon be created <strong>in</strong> <strong>Tunisia</strong> to improve the<br />

mastery of foreign languages. The ma<strong>in</strong> mission<br />

of this village is to organize tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g sessions for<br />

foreign language students and for the public.<br />

The objective is to develop the competencies of<br />

higher education graduates <strong>in</strong> the different<br />

areas of expertise to meet the requirements of<br />

the labour market <strong>in</strong> a context of a country<br />

open to the regional and <strong>in</strong>ternational economic<br />

environment.<br />

So far recognized for their mastery of French<br />

and English, the <strong>Tunisia</strong>n graduates will open<br />

up to Italian, German, and Spanish as well as to<br />

other languages.<br />

Sealynx Automotive produces <strong>in</strong> <strong>Tunisia</strong> for<br />

Renault and Citoren<br />

Us<strong>in</strong>e Nouvelle has reported <strong>in</strong> its onl<strong>in</strong>e edition of April 11 th<br />

that the trade union of Sealynx Automotive factory, <strong>in</strong><br />

Charleval <strong>in</strong> the region of Eure (France) and which <strong>in</strong>cludes<br />

840 employees <strong>in</strong> the sector of manufactur<strong>in</strong>g jo<strong>in</strong>ts for<br />

automobiles (glasses...) has eventually agreed to transfer of<br />

two productions to <strong>Tunisia</strong>.<br />

These productions concern the jo<strong>in</strong>ts of two commercial<br />

vehicles, one of them belong<strong>in</strong>g to the brand Renault and the<br />

other is marked Citroën.<br />

The offshore regime exports more and the public<br />

regime imports more<br />

The firs quarter of the year 2008 ended with 5,820.9 M TND of<br />

export revenues. <strong>Tunisia</strong>n exportation (value expressed <strong>in</strong><br />

TND) has hence progressed by 21.6% compared to the figures<br />

recorded <strong>in</strong> the same period of the previous year. However, it<br />

is <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g po<strong>in</strong>t out that offshore companies’ exports were<br />

more important, even if they progressed only by 13.2 %<br />

whereas local companies belong<strong>in</strong>g to the public regime have<br />

progressed by 35.4%. With this rise, the sales of offshore<br />

companies have brought <strong>in</strong> 3,371.2 M TND as aga<strong>in</strong>st 2,449.7<br />

M TND for local companies. However, the latter have<br />

imported more, much more. The imports of companies under<br />

the public regime have <strong>in</strong>deed reached 4,797.1 M TND,<br />

compared to 2,027 M TND for the offshore companies, of<br />

which imports have much less progressed (1.7%) than those of<br />

the public regime (34.8 %).<br />

By the end of 2007, <strong>Tunisia</strong> totals 2800 companies operat<strong>in</strong>g<br />

under the offshore regime<br />

Acknowledgement<br />

<strong>Tunisia</strong> a remarkable model<br />

of harmonious development<br />

Speak<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the forum of l’Economiste Maghréb<strong>in</strong> on Friday<br />

April 11th 2008 <strong>in</strong> Tunis, Jean-François Limantour,<br />

President of the CEDITH, has considered <strong>Tunisia</strong> as a very<br />

attractive site for production and sourc<strong>in</strong>g, and a remarkable<br />

model of harmonious social and economic development.<br />

He believes that <strong>Tunisia</strong> is a wonderful host country for direct<br />

foreign <strong>in</strong>vestments. He was sorry that foreign <strong>in</strong>vestors do<br />

not take full advantage of “the extraord<strong>in</strong>ary human potential<br />

of the Mediterranean south shore, a potential of <strong>in</strong>telligence,<br />

of know-how and of high level technological specialization ".<br />

FIPA News May 2008<br />


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