June/July 2013 PuBlISHeD By KenneTH HAGIn MInISTRIeS - Rhema

June/July 2013 PuBlISHeD By KenneTH HAGIn MInISTRIeS - Rhema

June/July 2013 PuBlISHeD By KenneTH HAGIn MInISTRIeS - Rhema


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<strong>June</strong>/<strong>July</strong> <strong>2013</strong><br />


Kenneth Hagin Ministries<br />

Working Together to Reach the World!<br />

1025 W. Kenosha<br />

Broken Arrow, OK 74012<br />

VOLUME XLIV, XLVI, Number 54<br />

<strong>June</strong>/<strong>July</strong> MAY 2011 <strong>2013</strong><br />

Director of Communications Patty Harrison<br />

Senior Editor Bob Murphy<br />

eDITorial Staff Jeff Kimberly Bardel Hennenfent<br />

Kimberly yvette Lanier Hennenfent<br />

cheryl Peggy Rice Piper<br />

Janet Wagner<br />

Graphic Artists Kristen Cook<br />

Jeanne lydia Galaz Hoover<br />

lisa Jeanne Moore Hoover<br />

Amber J.P. Jones Warner<br />

Rose Amanda Wenning King<br />

Amber Warner<br />

Photographer Phil<br />

Rose<br />

Anglin<br />

Wenning<br />

Project<br />

Photographer<br />

Managers Nigel<br />

Phil Anglin<br />

Arnold<br />

Christi Finley<br />

Project Managers cristina Christi Finley Mincer<br />

casey elisabeth Shirley Rogers<br />

Kris casey Taylor Shirley<br />

Kris Taylor<br />

NOVEMBER 7–9,<br />

On the <strong>Rhema</strong> USA campus<br />

in Broken Arrow, OK<br />

www.rhema.org/cta<br />

1-866-312-0972<br />

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<strong>2013</strong><br />



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by <strong>Rhema</strong> Bible Church, AKA Kenneth<br />

Hagin THE WORD Ministries, OF FAITH a non-profit is published corporation. by RHEMA Editorial Bible Church, offices: AKA 1025 Kenneth W.<br />

Kenosha, Hagin Ministries, Broken a Arrow, non-profit Oklahoma. corporation. © <strong>2013</strong> Editorial <strong>Rhema</strong> offices: Bible Church, 1025 W. Inc. All<br />

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Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the<br />

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King James Version of the Bible.<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> Bible Training College admits students of any race, color, or ethnic<br />

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My Dad’s Example<br />

Growing up, I learned so much from my dad—how to believe God, how to catch a pop fly, and<br />

how to put everything I had into everything I did. I learned a lot just by watching him.<br />

For years I saw him drive miles in a car to preach the Gospel. I watched him close meetings<br />

out on a Sunday night and drive all night long just to eat breakfast with the family. Then he’d<br />

get in the car again and drive another 12 or 13 hours to start a meeting. Once he drove 22<br />

straight hours from California on old highway 66 just to be with us for one meal. That kind of<br />

endurance—that sacrifice—is what makes me the kind of person I am today.<br />

Dad was out on the road traveling a lot, but he always made time to play with us and build a relationship. When he’d come in,<br />

we would go out and hit baseballs. He’d stand on home plate and send me out to center field. He’d say, “I don’t care where the<br />

ball is, you go catch it.” And he’d hit that bushel basket of balls and I’d throw them in. These are memories he built with me.<br />

Dad would also say to me, “Son, you can do anything you think you can do—anything you want to do. You can do it if you’ll keep<br />

God first in your life and use your abilities.” I don’t think there’s anything that warms a child’s heart like encouragement! When I<br />

face obstacles today, I still hear his voice encouraging me.<br />

I treasure the times I spent with my dad. Though he went home to be with the Lord in 2003, his example of faith, his encouragement,<br />

and the endurance I saw in him are what I live by today.<br />

Happy Father’s Day! We’ve got a wonderful magazine for you this month, so don’t miss a single page.<br />

PS. As we and our Canadian neighbors celebrate our nations’ freedom this <strong>July</strong>, let’s thank God for the spiritual freedom that<br />

was bought and paid for by the precious blood of Jesus.<br />


TestimonY Page 16<br />

Seed Thoughts Page 22<br />

FAITH Academy Page 23<br />

8<br />

R H E M A<br />

Singapore<br />

Because God Cares for Me,<br />

4 I Am Worry Free<br />

Kenneth W. Hagin<br />

Learn how to cast your cares on the Lord and<br />

live in the victorious arena of a worry-free life!<br />

14<br />

What Are You Saying About<br />

Your Kids?<br />

Kenneth E. Hagin<br />

Families are very important to God. Read what<br />

three generations of Hagins have to say about<br />

family relationships.<br />

No Fear Here!<br />

20 Craig W. Hagin<br />

Whatever happens in the world around us,<br />

we don’t have to be afraid!<br />

Special Report: International <strong>Rhema</strong><br />

Joe and Mary Purcell are crisscrossing Asia to bring in a harvest for<br />

the Lord. Read their story.<br />

rhema.org 3

Kenneth W. Hagin<br />

Have you ever heard someone say, ‘No one cares about<br />

me’? You might be feeling that way right now. But there<br />

is Someone Who cares infinitely more than you’ll ever<br />

realize. God cares about you!<br />

We are instructed in First Peter 5:7 to “cast our cares<br />

upon the Lord because He cares about us.” The New International<br />

Version translation of this verse tells us to cast our “anxiety” on<br />

the Lord.<br />

What does it mean to cast your cares on the Lord? To cast<br />

means “to throw off, throw aside, or throw away.” God doesn’t<br />

want us to go through life burdened down with cares. We can<br />

throw off all of our cares.<br />

Many people take a stab at casting their cares on the Lord.<br />

They give it a try, but the Bible doesn’t tell us to give it a try. The<br />

Bible says we’re to do it!<br />

In my own life and ministry, I have to put First Peter 5:7<br />

into practice on a regular basis. As the head of a large ministry, I<br />

have a big responsibility. At times I feel the pressure of everyday<br />

operations. When I’m tempted to buckle under the load, I say,<br />

“No! This is God’s ministry. If He can’t make it go, I sure can’t! I’ll<br />

do everything I know to do, but I am not going to worry!”<br />

That’s what you need to do too. No matter what you face, you<br />

need to make up your mind that you’re not going to worry.<br />

Look at the last part of First Peter 5:7: “He careth for you.” The<br />

Twentieth Century New Testament translation says, “He makes you<br />

his care.” That means when you cast your cares over on God, He<br />

makes you His number-one priority!<br />

We need to understand that God is omnipresent. In other<br />

words, He is present in all places at all times. And God is personally<br />

concerned about mankind and will be personally involved in<br />

the lives of everyone who goes to Him and gives Him his or her<br />

cares and burdens.<br />

4 THE WORD OF FAITH // <strong>June</strong>/<strong>July</strong> ‘13

Now God will not override<br />

your will. He will not make you<br />

do something you don’t want to<br />

do. He won’t force you to give Him<br />

your worry. Nor will He forcibly remove<br />

your cares. You have to go to<br />

Him with your cares.<br />

Do you believe that God really<br />

cares about you? God cared<br />

enough for mankind to redeem us.<br />

When Adam and Eve messed up<br />

and sinned in the Garden of Eden,<br />

God didn’t abandon them, because<br />

He cared about them! He cared<br />

enough about mankind to send<br />

Jesus to redeem us. And then He<br />

cared enough about us to send us<br />

the Holy Spirit.<br />

ACTS 2:4<br />

4 And they were all filled with the<br />

Holy Ghost, and began to speak with<br />

other tongues, as the Spirit gave them<br />

utterance.<br />

Tap Into Supernatural<br />

Refreshment<br />

You don’t have to remain burdened by life’s troubles! Learn how to<br />

let go of your cares and receive the refreshing from the Lord that<br />

you desperately need.<br />

The Fresh Start Package<br />

A Fresh Anointing<br />

(3 CDs, Kenneth E. Hagin)<br />

Times of Refreshing<br />

(DVD, Kenneth W. Hagin)<br />

God sent us the Holy Spirit to<br />

help us overcome all of our tests,<br />

trials, and tribulations. The Holy<br />

Spirit is here to deliver us and teach<br />

us. We have the power of the Spirit<br />

available to us because God cares!<br />

God cares about us and will sustain us by His power in the<br />

midst of any situation or circumstance we may face in life.<br />

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PSALM 55:22<br />

22 Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall<br />

never suffer the righteous to be moved.<br />

God cared enough about us to provide us with salvation, the<br />

gift of the Holy Spirit, and healing for our bodies. But He also<br />

cares enough about us to meet our personal needs.<br />

PHILIPPIANS 4:19<br />

19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in<br />

glory by Christ Jesus.<br />

Patience and perseverance are keys to receiving the blessings<br />

of God. Have you ever started out obeying God, but then your<br />

situation didn’t look like it was improving? You obeyed, but it<br />

didn’t look like you were making any headway.<br />

When some people try to lose weight, it can look as if nothing<br />

is happening even though they are eating properly and exercising.<br />

If these people will keep doing what they’re doing, after<br />

a few months they’ll notice a difference. They may not see the<br />

desired results all at once. But if they keep up their good eating<br />

habits and their exercise program over a period of time, they will<br />

see more and more results.<br />

That’s the way it is with believing God. You may not see an<br />

instant change in your circumstances, but if you will keep doing<br />

God’s Word, you will see results!<br />

Faith has a part to play in casting our cares on the Lord. It<br />

takes faith to let go of our problems and give them to God. Then<br />

after we give our problems to God, we are to go on our way,<br />

carefree and worry-free.<br />

Your success in life depends on how much you trust the Lord<br />

and whether you cast your cares on Him. In other words, your<br />

success depends on your obedience to God and His Word.<br />

I challenge you to cast your cares on the Lord. I challenge you<br />

to move into new arenas of victorious living with God by living<br />

a worry-free life. If you’ll commit yourself to resting and trusting<br />

in God, you will move up a notch spiritually. If you need to ask<br />

God to forgive you for worrying, then do it and receive your forgiveness.<br />

Then go on down the road of life worry-free, because<br />

God cares for you!<br />

rhema.org 5

“My father, Kenneth E. Hagin, once said,<br />

‘Preparation time is never lost time.’<br />

This statement has never been truer. Coming to RBTC<br />

will both strengthen your relationship with God<br />

and help prepare you to follow His plan for your life.<br />

Because of the bal ance between the practical and the spiritual,<br />

I believe there’s no better place to train!”<br />

—Kenneth W. Hagin, President<br />

“Prepare to have your whole<br />

world changed! Every one of<br />

these teachers has so much<br />

experience and knowledge,<br />

and they’re here for you.<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> will be the best time<br />

in your life and the most<br />

challenging. But you’ll definitely<br />

come out ahead and<br />

changed for the good!”<br />

Jessica, Alaska<br />

<strong>2013</strong> Graduate<br />

“I’ve seen a lot. I’ve done a<br />

lot. I’ve been a lot of places.<br />

But <strong>Rhema</strong> has been such<br />

a blessing. It really does impart<br />

so much on all levels.<br />

There’s so much going in you<br />

that you’re [not even aware<br />

of]. But when it’s time, you’ll<br />

see it pulled out, and you’re<br />

like, ‘Wow, I got that from<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong>!’ ”<br />

James, Canada<br />

1st Year Student in 2012–<strong>2013</strong><br />

“If you’re supposed to be<br />

at <strong>Rhema</strong>, come! God will<br />

work it all out and support<br />

you. He will help you. He<br />

will strengthen you. He will<br />

make it happen!”<br />

Donnie, Wisconsin<br />

2012 Graduate<br />

3rd Year Missions<br />

“[<strong>Rhema</strong>] is the Word and<br />

the Spirit together. They<br />

train us how to apply the<br />

Word of God to our lives—<br />

not only at school, but in<br />

our marriages, at work, and<br />

on the road. They’re very<br />

balanced.”<br />

Bobby, Oklahoma<br />

2012 Graduate<br />

“<strong>Rhema</strong> [helps you understand]<br />

more about what the<br />

Lord wants you to do with<br />

your life and [helps] to develop<br />

the purpose He has<br />

for you. It’s been an amazing<br />

time here.”<br />

Ricardo, Colombia<br />

2012 Graduate<br />

3rd Year Biblical Studies<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> Bible<br />

Training College Is for you!<br />

Scan this code<br />

to hear from<br />

our dean and<br />

alumni!<br />

It’s not too late to apply!<br />

Application deadline: August 15, <strong>2013</strong><br />

Admissions email: rbtc@rhema.org<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> Bible Training College<br />

www.rbtc.org | (918) 258-1588, ext. 2260<br />


True Freedom<br />

Joe Duininck<br />

We are members of the <strong>Rhema</strong><br />

family, and freedom is a part of<br />

who we are and what we believe.<br />

But it can be a little tricky to<br />

know what freedom really is.<br />

We can see what freedom looks<br />

like in a church service when<br />

someone takes a lap around<br />

the auditorium. But we don’t always<br />

know what freedom looks<br />

like on Monday morning when<br />

we go to work, or when we encounter<br />

a challenging relationship,<br />

or when the Lord tells us<br />

to do something that doesn’t<br />

feel very freedom-like.<br />

We often interpret words based<br />

on our history and culture as<br />

well as on their definitions. But<br />

have we properly defined the<br />

word freedom?<br />

Here is one example of how a<br />

word can carry very different<br />

meanings for different people.<br />

In 1962 Don Richardson, a Canadian<br />

missionary, went to Papua<br />

New Guinea to work among<br />

the Sawi tribe. As he shared<br />

Christ with them, he discovered<br />

that they regarded Judas as the<br />

hero, not Jesus. In their culture,<br />

treachery, betrayal, and deception<br />

were wonderful things. They<br />

meant something totally different<br />

to the Sawi than they did to<br />

him. He had to find another way<br />

to explain the Gospel. He eventually<br />

did find that way, and the<br />

Sawi embraced it.<br />

There is a similar problem in<br />

our culture with the word freedom.<br />

For many people, freedom<br />

means being able to do anything<br />

they want to do. But is that<br />

the correct biblical definition of<br />

freedom? What does freedom<br />

in Christ look like? Let’s look at<br />

John chapter 8.<br />

John 8:31–36 (NIV 1984)<br />

31 To the Jews who had believed<br />

him, Jesus said, “If you hold to<br />

my teaching, you are really my<br />

disciples.<br />

32 Then you will know the truth,<br />

and the truth will set you free.”<br />

33 They answered him, “We are<br />

Abraham’s descendants and<br />

have never been slaves of anyone.<br />

How can you say that we<br />

shall be set free?”<br />

34 Jesus replied, “I tell you the<br />

truth, everyone who sins is a<br />

slave to sin.<br />

35 Now a slave has no permanent<br />

place in the family, but a<br />

son belongs to it forever.<br />

36 So if the Son sets you free,<br />

you will be free indeed.”<br />

There are things<br />

we’re free from<br />

and things we’re<br />

free to.<br />

Jesus told His disciples that if<br />

they obeyed His commands,<br />

they would be free. Now, most<br />

people don’t put obeying a<br />

command and being free in<br />

the same sentence. They think<br />

there aren’t any commands associated<br />

with freedom. But Jesus<br />

was saying that to be free,<br />

we will have restrictions.<br />

Lynette Hagin exhorts students<br />

during weekly RBTC prayer..<br />

Many people, however, want<br />

to limit these restrictions. They<br />

want to know the rules and<br />

regulations they have to follow<br />

so they can ultimately do what<br />

they really want to do.<br />

True freedom in<br />

Christ is being a<br />

servant.<br />

Here is the challenge with this<br />

kind of thinking. We can’t bring<br />

an “I’ve got my rights and nobody<br />

can tell me what to do”<br />

attitude into a scriptural truth.<br />

When we do, we’re trying to<br />

blend a cultural attitude and<br />

a spiritual truth together. And<br />

what we end up with is not the<br />

Gospel.<br />

In the Book of Revelation, Jesus<br />

told John to write to the head<br />

of the Church at Ephesus and<br />

tell him that they had lost their<br />

first love. On the other hand,<br />

Jesus applauded them for<br />

hating the doctrine of the Nicolaitans.<br />

(See Rev. 2:1–7.) The<br />

Nicolaitans wanted to hold on<br />

to their culture and blend it into<br />

the Gospel. In the end, the Gospel<br />

became so watered down<br />

that there really wasn’t any<br />

Gospel at all.<br />

We have to realize that there are<br />

things we’re free from and things<br />

we’re free to. If we think freedom<br />

is only what we’ve been delivered<br />

from and not what we’ve<br />

been brought into, we don’t fully<br />

understand freedom. We are<br />

Instructor<br />


free from bondage and sin’s<br />

domination. We are free from<br />

sin’s impact on our lives. But<br />

we are also free to be slaves to<br />

righteousness (Rom. 6:16–18).<br />

We are free to live consecrated<br />

to the Lord. We are free to say<br />

all day, “Lord, not my will, but<br />

Yours be done.”<br />

True freedom in Christ is being a<br />

servant. It’s not focusing on us<br />

but on others. It’s honoring God<br />

with our bodies and not fulfilling<br />

the lusts of the flesh. To some<br />

this may sound like restrictions.<br />

But that’s because they don’t<br />

understand what freedom really<br />

means.<br />

Let’s stop trying to figure out<br />

how much of a worldly lifestyle<br />

we can get away with. Instead,<br />

let’s live dedicated, sanctified,<br />

sacrificial, and crucified lives.<br />

If we think freedom is doing<br />

whatever we want to do, we’ll<br />

never be satisfied. We’ll dance<br />

in church but be miserable after<br />

we leave. True satisfaction in life<br />

is found when we follow all of<br />

the Lord’s commands.<br />

When we understand this, we’ll<br />

experience a freedom that<br />

causes us to dance in church,<br />

on the job, in relationships, and<br />

with our responsibilities. Because<br />

on the inside, we will be<br />

truly free.<br />

_____________<br />

[Editor’s Note: Joe Duininck has<br />

been a <strong>Rhema</strong> Bible Training College<br />

instructor for 21 years.]<br />

rhema.org 7

There’s no denying it. The harvest of souls is<br />

ready to be reaped. Nowhere is this more evident than<br />

in Asia. Joe Purcell, a 1988 <strong>Rhema</strong> graduate, and his<br />

wife, Mary, have a heart to reach the billions of people<br />

who live on that huge continent. It’s no wonder that<br />

God placed them in Singapore. This small city-state is<br />

located at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula. From<br />

there it is relatively easy to travel throughout Asia.<br />

For more than a decade beginning in 1992, the<br />

Purcells lived in arctic Russia and<br />

the Russian Far East. There they established<br />

churches in Provideniya<br />

and Khabarovsk. During that time<br />

they started ministering throughout<br />

Asia. They began sensing a change<br />

in their ministry, and in 2004 the<br />

Lord directed them to relocate to<br />

Singapore.<br />

At first Joe and Mary planned only<br />

to help at <strong>Rhema</strong> Singapore and use<br />

the island nation as a launching pad<br />

from which to minister. Before long,<br />

though, they were named the assistant<br />

directors of the school, and in 2006<br />

they became the directors. In addition<br />

to overseeing <strong>Rhema</strong> Singapore, the<br />

Purcells supervise <strong>Rhema</strong> campuses<br />

they’ve opened in Russia, India, and<br />

East Malaysia. And they are assisting<br />

with the development of additional<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> campuses in conjunction with<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> India. In addition, <strong>Rhema</strong> Singapore<br />

furnishes instructors to assist<br />

at <strong>Rhema</strong> campuses in Thailand, Myanmar, and Nagpur, India,<br />

as well as at other Bible schools in Nepal and Vietnam.<br />

Singapore<br />

This year <strong>Rhema</strong> Singapore celebrates its 13th anniversary.<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> Singapore grads also have the opportunity to enroll in<br />

the School of Ministry. This is an intensive program designed to<br />

further train those going into full-time Christian service. Since<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> Singapore opened, approximately 390 students have<br />

graduated from the diploma program, and 18 School of Ministry<br />

grads are being utilized as instructors<br />

in <strong>Rhema</strong> extension campuses<br />

around Asia.<br />

“A big focus of <strong>Rhema</strong> Singapore<br />

is to take <strong>Rhema</strong> to the nations,”<br />

says Joe. “We are uniquely<br />

positioned to do that. Singapore is a<br />

Students at Sibu,<br />

East Malaysia<br />

8 THE WORD OF FAITH // <strong>June</strong>/<strong>July</strong> ‘13<br />

Answering the<br />

Joe & Mary<br />

Purcell<br />

strategic hub. A big push for <strong>Rhema</strong><br />

Singapore is to raise up graduates<br />

who are called and gifted to serve<br />

Macedonian<br />

Call<br />

as instructors, and along with our faculty, to<br />

help in the starting and staffing of additional<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> campuses.”<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> Singapore grads have put their<br />

hands to the plow with the Purcells and are<br />

busy working in this massive harvest field.<br />

Here is what some of them are doing.<br />

Daniel, a 2010 School of Ministry grad,<br />

“Come over<br />

into Macedonia,<br />

and help us.”<br />

—Acts 16:9<br />

Bible school<br />

students in<br />

Nepal<br />

headed to Nepal to teach in a Bible school. Many students there<br />

were battling sickness, and Daniel taught them how to receive<br />

healing through faith. Sixteen students testified that God healed<br />

them from ailments including stomach cramps, migraine headaches,<br />

and even a toothache!<br />

Vera, a 2008 grad from Khabarovsk, Russia, returned to<br />

Khabarovsk after graduation. She currently serves as assistant<br />

pastor at Fountain of Life Church in Khabarovsk.<br />

Gyan and Joy Basumatary, ’09 and ’10 grads, went to Assam,<br />

India, to conduct a conference for about 50 pastors and lay<br />

leaders and 150 youth in the Lutheran denomination. A short<br />

time later, they were invited to minister at two conferences for


“A big focus of<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> Singapore<br />

is to take <strong>Rhema</strong><br />

to the nations.”<br />

—Joe Purcell<br />

skyline of Singapore<br />

Shillong, India<br />


about Narhari and<br />

Lata Thorat*, go to<br />

www.khm.com/qf9b.<br />

the Lutheran church in Assam.<br />

The first conference was attended<br />

by over 3,000 people. And more<br />

than 5,000 people came to the<br />

second conference!<br />

Khabarovsk, Russia<br />

The Purcells first began working<br />

in Russia over 22 years ago in<br />

Provideniya, which is in far northeast<br />

Russia. They never thought<br />

Singapore<br />

they would play a part in starting<br />

a Russian campus. But in January<br />

2011, <strong>Rhema</strong> Russia-Khabarovsk opened. Students<br />

braved minus 30-degree temperatures to<br />

learn of their righteousness in Christ and the<br />

foundations of faith. These men and women eagerly studied<br />

God’s rich Word, and in early December last year, 31 of<br />

them made up the school’s charter graduating class.<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> Khabarovsk’s opening yielded an interesting<br />

glimpse of God’s provision. While the Purcells were living<br />

in Provideniya, they received half a shipping container full<br />

of Kenneth E. Hagin books printed in Russian. Many of those<br />

books were distributed throughout the surrounding region.<br />

The Purcells also sent a large shipment of the books to a pastor<br />

they met in Khabarovsk, situated more than 2,000 air miles<br />

southwest. He gave away many of the books. Then shortly before<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> Russia-Khabarovsk opened, when the school was<br />

in need of books, the Purcells received several boxes of leftover<br />

books from this pastor’s church. When Joe shipped those books<br />

to Khabarovsk 17 years earlier, little did he know that he was<br />

sending them to himself!<br />

Shillong, India<br />

Joe and Mary first ministered in India in 2010, participating<br />

in a pastors’ conference. Later, when Gyan and Joy Basumatary<br />

returned to their hometown of Shillong, they<br />

desired for a <strong>Rhema</strong> campus to open there.<br />

The Purcells conferred with Narhari and<br />

Lata Thorat,* directors of <strong>Rhema</strong> India-Nagpur, who were<br />

delighted with the idea. Before long, <strong>Rhema</strong> India-Shillong<br />

opened its doors, and in early December last year, 32 students<br />

graduated. More than 20 of them had already been<br />

in full-time ministry before studying at <strong>Rhema</strong> Shillong. One<br />

graduate is a bishop in a Christian denomination that oversees<br />

12,000 believers in 53 congregations. She is now bringing the<br />

message of faith to all those under her care.<br />

The Thorats and their staff are aiming to open 30 <strong>Rhema</strong><br />

campuses throughout India in the next 10 years, and the Purcells<br />

are working with them to make that happen.<br />

Teaching at <strong>Rhema</strong><br />

Khabarovsk, Russia<br />

East Malaysia<br />

The largest Protestant denomination in East Malaysia invited<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> Singapore to provide RBTC training in their part of<br />

Malaysia. Three <strong>Rhema</strong> campuses have opened—in the cities of<br />

Kota Kinabalu, Sibu, and Kuching.<br />

Philip Lyn, senior pastor of Skyline Assembly in Kota Kinabalu,<br />

is grateful for the impact <strong>Rhema</strong><br />

is having on members of his congregation.<br />

“It has helped us to fuse [the]<br />

Word and Spirit in a very powerful<br />

way that has enabled many of [us] not<br />

just to know the Word but to operate<br />

in the gifts of the Spirit, in learning to<br />

hear God, and to move in a more supernatural<br />

way.”<br />

Joe and Mary Purcell are traveling<br />

nonstop—as much as 130,000 miles<br />

a year—to answer their Macedonian<br />

call. They’re focused on multiplying<br />

themselves and opening campuses<br />

in many Asian nations. As more students<br />

graduate and in turn multiply<br />

themselves, a great harvest will<br />

be reaped before the return of<br />

Christ!<br />

Prayer Focus<br />

» Wisdom for continued<br />

expansion of <strong>Rhema</strong><br />

campuses in Asia<br />

» The multiplication<br />

of ministers and<br />

mentors through the<br />

School of Ministry<br />

» Finances to advance<br />

the vision<br />

» Favor and doors of<br />

utterance<br />

» Owning their own<br />

home in Asia<br />


about Joe and Mary Purcell,<br />

go to www.JoePurcell.org.<br />

rhema.org 9


<strong>June</strong> 9–11<br />

Faith Center Church<br />

10702 NE 117th Ave.<br />

Vancouver, WA 98662<br />

Pastors Glen & Theresa Johnson<br />

(360) 253-2484<br />

Sun. 7:00 p.m.<br />

Mon.–Tues. 10:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m.<br />

<strong>June</strong> 12–14<br />

Spokane Christian Center<br />

8909 E. Bigelow Gulch Road<br />

Spokane, WA 99217<br />

Pastors Rick & Linda Sharkey<br />

(509) 924-4888<br />

Wed. 7:00 p.m.<br />

Thur.–Fri. 10:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m.<br />

August 25–28<br />

Trinity Assembly<br />

205 W. Wall St.<br />

Algood, TN 38506<br />

Pastor Mike & Jaida Campbell<br />

(931) 537-9830<br />

Sun. 7:00 p.m.<br />

Mon.–Wed. 10:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m.<br />

SEPTEMBER 8–11<br />

Faith Christian Family Church<br />

Route 24 (3 miles west of Rushville<br />

on HWY 24)<br />

Rushville, IL 62681<br />

Pastor Gary & Pam Kruzan<br />

(217) 322-6929<br />

Sun. 7:00 p.m.<br />

Mon.–Wed. 10:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m.<br />

prayer<br />

www.rhema.org/crusades<br />

Enjoy<br />

Living Abundantly Package<br />

the Good<br />

of the Land<br />

Jesus redeemed believers from sin, sickness, and<br />

poverty. God wants His people to prosper. Discover<br />

how to release your faith for finances and “eat the<br />

good of the land.”<br />

Biblical Keys to Financial Prosperity<br />

(Book, Kenneth E. Hagin)<br />

Faith Takes Back What the Devil’s Stolen Series<br />

(3 CDs, Kenneth W. Hagin)<br />

$25.25*<br />

$31.60* Canada<br />

(Reg. Price: $33.95 / $42.40 Canada)<br />

Plus Shipping and Handling<br />

order<br />

www.rhema.org/store<br />

1-800-54-FAITH (543-2484) // Mail enclosed envelope // IN Canada: 1-866-70-RHEMA (707-4362)<br />

Special Offer: KIT13WF06B // Offer expires September 30, <strong>2013</strong>

Living<br />

Abundantly<br />

in Your<br />

Giving<br />

Kenneth W. Hagin<br />

We do not have to live in lack.<br />

We do not have to be down<br />

and out. Jesus said, “The thief<br />

comes only to steal and kill<br />

and destroy; I have come that<br />

[you] may have life, and have<br />

it to the full” (John 10:10 NIV).<br />

The King James Version says,<br />

“that [you] might have it more<br />

abundantly.”<br />

You’ve probably heard this scripture<br />

before and may have even<br />

quoted it yourself many times.<br />

But are you really living a<br />

full, abundant life?<br />

It’s not impossible to live abundantly.<br />

If it was, Jesus wouldn’t<br />

have said it. So why aren’t some<br />

people experiencing abundance?<br />

They’re not living in<br />

their giving!<br />

Let’s look at the Word of God<br />

and see how our giving and living<br />

are connected.<br />

LUKE 6:38 (NLT)<br />

38 “Give, and you will receive.<br />

Your gift will return to you in<br />

full—pressed down, shaken together<br />

to make room for more,<br />

running over, and poured into<br />

your lap. The amount you give<br />

will determine the amount you<br />

get back.”<br />

Do you see it? Our receiving is<br />

tied to what God said about giving.<br />

If we want to experience an<br />

abundant life, we must consider<br />

the Lord’s instructions.<br />

Believe in the<br />

Blessing<br />

We need to understand several<br />

things about living in our giving.<br />

First, we must believe that God<br />

will pour out His blessings on<br />

those who give. That’s what the<br />

Word says.<br />

MALACHI 3:10 (NIV 1984)<br />

10 “Bring the whole tithe into<br />

the storehouse, that there may<br />

be food in my house. Test me<br />

in this,” says the Lord Almighty,<br />

“and see if I will not throw open<br />

the floodgates of heaven and<br />

pour out so much blessing that<br />

you will not have room enough<br />

for it.”<br />

This verse says that when we<br />

give, the floodgates of Heaven<br />

will be opened. Think about this<br />

a moment. What determines<br />

when a natural floodgate is<br />

opened? It’s how much water is<br />

collected behind the dam.<br />

Likewise, God’s floodgates are<br />

moved by what we’re putting<br />

behind them—by what we give!<br />

Remember what Luke 6:38<br />

says? What we give determines<br />

what we receive.<br />

You see, when we give, God<br />

pours out His blessing on us.<br />

According to Galatians chapter<br />

6, we will reap a harvest!<br />

GALATIANS 6:9–10 (NIV)<br />

9 Let us not become weary in<br />

doing good, for at the proper<br />

time we will reap a harvest if<br />

we do not give up.<br />

10 Therefore, as we have opportunity,<br />

let us do good to<br />

all people, especially to those<br />

who belong to the family of<br />

believers.<br />

We also need to know that,<br />

even though we will receive<br />

when we give, we shouldn’t be<br />

giving just to get. Our motive for<br />

giving must be to support God’s<br />

Kingdom and have His abundant<br />

life. And that abundant life<br />

doesn’t come just in the form<br />

of finances. It comes in the<br />

form of God’s favor, protection,<br />

mercy, and so forth. The good<br />

things we receive in our<br />

lives today come from<br />

our giving yesterday.<br />

Giving Goals<br />

Let me encourage you to set<br />

goals in your giving—just as you<br />

do in other areas of life. Second<br />

Corinthians 9:6–7 says, “Whoever<br />

sows sparingly will also<br />

reap sparingly, and whoever<br />

sows generously will also reap<br />

generously. Each man should<br />

give what he has decided in his<br />

heart to give, not reluctantly or<br />

under compulsion, for God loves<br />

a cheerful giver” (NIV 1984).<br />

The tithe—the first 10 percent<br />

of our income—belongs to God,<br />

but these verses are talking<br />

about giving an extra offering.<br />

And verse 6 says those who<br />

sow or give generously will reap<br />

generously. Will! That means<br />

certainly, surely, and definitely.<br />

Those are strong words, but I<br />

have found them to be true.<br />

I remember how God would<br />

speak to my dad in the early<br />

years of his ministry and tell him<br />

to give an offering. We hardly<br />

had enough for ourselves! But<br />

as Dad continued to give as<br />

God directed him, a day came<br />

when he was living abundantly<br />

in his giving.<br />

It didn’t happen overnight—but<br />

as he continued to give, it got<br />

better and better. And it will for<br />

you too. Because the more you<br />

give, the more you receive.<br />

Are you living the abundant life?<br />

Do you want to continue to live<br />

where you are? If not, it’s time<br />

to change your giving. Set some<br />

new goals. God is watching<br />

over His Word to perform it in<br />

every area, and you can begin<br />

to live abundantly out of your<br />

giving!<br />

Our motive for giving<br />

must be to support<br />

God’s Kingdom and<br />

have His abundant life.<br />

rhema.org 11

CAMPMEETING <strong>2013</strong> | <strong>July</strong> 21–26<br />

Hear the word.<br />

Experience the spirit.<br />

Know God.<br />

Kenneth W. Hagin<br />

David Vasquez<br />

Lynette<br />

Hagin<br />

Scott Webb<br />

Darrell<br />

Huffman<br />

Charles Cowan<br />

Mark Hankins<br />

Ministry and Fun<br />

for the<br />

Entire Family!<br />

CRAIG W. Hagin

K e n n e t h H a g i n M i n i s t r i e s’<br />


<strong>July</strong> 21–26<br />

(Sunday–Friday)<br />

On the RHEMA USA campus<br />

broken arrow, ok<br />

www.rhema.org/cm<br />

1-866-312-0972<br />

On-campus registration begins <strong>July</strong> 21.<br />

Check out hotel discount<br />

Service Times<br />

information on our Web page.<br />

Sunday | 7:00 p.m.<br />

Monday–Friday | 10:00 a.m.,<br />

2:30 p.m. & 7:30 p.m.<br />

R h e m a K i d s<br />

(Infants–5th Grade)<br />

Mornings—3 Years–5th Grade<br />

Evenings—Infants–5th Grade<br />

Summer Blitz<br />

(6th–12th Grade)<br />

Morning Breakout Sessions<br />

Afternoon activities<br />

Amazing evening services<br />

with worship, Concert,<br />

games, and more!<br />

Plus, a Big Splash<br />

Water Park day<br />

Living Successfully<br />

Lynette Hagin<br />

We’ve learned so much about confessing<br />

and believing the Word—and those things are<br />

very important. But if we want to succeed in<br />

life, there is a third part to this equation. We<br />

see it in Mark chapter 11:<br />

MARK 11:23–24<br />

23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever<br />

shall SAY unto this mountain, Be thou removed,<br />

and be thou cast into the sea; and<br />

shall not doubt in his heart, but shall BELIEVE<br />

that those things which he saith shall come to<br />

pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.<br />

24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever<br />

ye desire, when ye PRAY, believe that ye<br />

receive them, and ye shall have them.<br />

We’re to say, and we’re to believe. But we’re<br />

also to pray. Prayer is the third part of the<br />

equation! And if we ignore it, things are not<br />

going to turn around. It will be as if we’re<br />

treading water. We’ll stay afloat, but we won’t<br />

go anywhere.<br />

We must spend time in prayer! We must<br />

commune with our Heavenly Father. The further<br />

away we stay from God, the fainter His<br />

voice becomes. Yet His voice is what should<br />

guide us every day of our lives. His voice will<br />

warn us of things to come. It will keep us out<br />

of danger.<br />

Great things happen when a believer prays!<br />

James 5:16 in the Amplified Bible says, “The<br />

earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a<br />

righteous man makes tremendous power<br />

available [dynamic in its working].”<br />

If we’re going to live victorious, godly, Christian<br />

lives, we must stay strong in prayer. We<br />

must stay sensitive to our Heavenly Father’s<br />

voice.<br />

_____________<br />

[Editor’s Note: This was adapted from Lynette<br />

Hagin’s Monday morning message at Campmeeting<br />


At a Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship convention, a<br />

woman came up to me and said, “Brother Hagin, I want you to<br />

promise me something.”<br />

“I want to find out what it is first,” I replied.<br />

She said, “I want you to promise me that you’ll pray for my<br />

son every day. He’s 15 years old. I’m a widow and I can’t get him<br />

to go to church. He’s in a gang, and I’m afraid they’re on drugs.<br />

He’s out until 3 and 4 o’clock in the morning. I lie awake at night<br />

waiting for the phone to ring telling me they’ve got him down at<br />

the jail.”<br />

I interrupted her before she could say anything more about<br />

how bad her son was. I shocked her by saying, “I’m not going to<br />

do it.”<br />

“You’re not?”<br />

“No, I’m not. I won’t promise you I’ll pray for him at all.”<br />

“Well!” she said.<br />

“In the first place,” I continued, “it wouldn’t do any good because<br />

you’d nullify the effects of my prayers by your wrong believing<br />

and talking. As long as you keep telling your son that he’ll<br />

never amount to anything and he’ll wind up in the penitentiary—<br />

he’ll never make it.”<br />

Her eyes got big. “How did you know I was talking that way<br />

to him?”<br />

I said, “To be in the mess he’s in, you had to talk him into it.<br />

Children are products of words. Words will make a boy want to<br />

go to church, or they’ll keep him out of church.”<br />

“What should I do?” the woman asked.<br />

“Since you’ve done this for so long and because he’s as old<br />

as he is, just leave him alone. He resents your trying to tell him<br />

anything. Don’t preach at him. Don’t nag him.<br />

“Then,” I went on, “change your thinking and talking. Begin<br />

saying, ‘I surround my son with faith and love.’ You’ve been surrounding<br />

him with doubt. Now surround him with faith. Even<br />

if your heart doesn’t believe it to begin with—say it out of your<br />

mouth. Once it registers on your heart, you’ll start believing it.<br />

Say, ‘I do not believe he’s going to the penitentiary. I believe he’s<br />

coming to God.’ ”<br />

“Well,” she said, “I’ll try it.”<br />

“It won’t work if you try it, but it will work if you’ll do it. Jesus<br />

didn’t say we would have whatever we tried. He said we’d have<br />

whatever we said.”<br />

Over a year later I returned to that city to speak at another Full<br />

Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship convention. After an afternoon<br />

service, a woman came up to me and said, “Brother Hagin, do you<br />

remember me?”<br />

“No, I meet so many people I don’t really remember you.”<br />

“You were here a year ago,” she said. “I asked you to pray for<br />

my boy, and you shocked me by saying you wouldn’t.”<br />

The woman continued, “What you told me worked! At first<br />

my son got worse. And keeping my mouth shut was the hardest<br />

thing I ever did. But I kept saying day and night, ‘I surround him<br />

with faith and love. I believe he’s coming to God. I believe things<br />

are going to work out right in his life. I believe he’s not going to<br />

the reform school or the penitentiary.’<br />

“We went along that way for almost a year,” she continued.<br />

“Then one Sunday morning, after he’d been out nearly all night,<br />

he got up and came to the breakfast table. And while we were<br />

eating, he said, ‘Momma, I believe I’ll go to Sunday school with<br />

you this morning.’<br />

“I said, ‘Now son, you were up awfully late; you probably need<br />

the rest.’<br />

“ ‘No,’ he said. ‘I want to go.’<br />

“He went to Sunday school and stayed for church.<br />

“The next Sunday,” the mother told me, “he was out till 4<br />

o’clock in the morning, but again, he was up for breakfast.”<br />

“Momma,” he said, “I believe I’ll go to Sunday school with you<br />

this morning.”<br />

“Son, you were out late last night. You need the rest.”<br />

14 THE WORD OF FAITH // <strong>June</strong>/<strong>July</strong> ‘13

The Bible has a lot to say<br />

about the family. Personally,<br />

I believe the Bible teaches<br />

that, other than our relationship<br />

with the Lord, our<br />

family should come before<br />

anything else in life.<br />

Caring for a family involves<br />

more than just providing<br />

food, shelter, and clothing.<br />

It also means giving family<br />

members love, discipline,<br />

and time.<br />

If our family suffers because<br />

of our job or other commitments,<br />

we’ve got a problem.<br />

At times we have to<br />

be away from home. But at<br />

other times our family must<br />

come first.<br />

Family Ties<br />

Kenneth W. Hagin<br />

Faith Nuggets<br />

It’s vital that we<br />

build a relationship<br />

with our children. It<br />

can take effort to be involved<br />

in their lives after we’ve had<br />

a long day at work. But despite<br />

the demands and time<br />

pressures we face, we must<br />

make that effort to be there<br />

for them.<br />

To have a close relationship<br />

with our children when<br />

they’re older, we must<br />

spend time with them when<br />

they’re young. Quality time,<br />

love, and attention are more<br />

important than anything<br />

else we can give them.<br />

“Well, yes,” he said, “but I can go.”<br />

Her son went to Sunday school, stayed for church, and that<br />

evening went back to church. When the invitation was given at the<br />

end of the service, he went to the altar and was saved.<br />

“He’s been filled with the Spirit and is on fire for God,” she said.<br />

“He’s just a brand-new boy!<br />

“At first I almost got my feelings hurt,” she continued. “You were<br />

so blunt with me. But I corrected myself. Now he’s got a brand-new<br />

momma too.<br />

“I don’t think like I used to,” she said. “I almost pinch myself<br />

sometimes and say, ‘Is that really me?’ I used to worry, worry, worry.<br />

But I don’t anymore.”<br />

Jesus said, “[You] shall have whatsoever [you] saith” (Mark 11:23).<br />

When this woman began saying the right things, her son’s life was<br />

turned around.<br />

_____________<br />

[Editor’s Note: This article was adapted from the book Ministering to Your Family<br />

by Kenneth E. Hagin and Kenneth W. Hagin.]<br />

Yours, Mine, and Ours<br />

Tips for Blended Families<br />

Craig W. Hagin<br />

Blended families are becoming common. But joining two<br />

families together can be complex. When blended families<br />

fail, it’s usually not because the spouses don’t love each<br />

other. It’s because the two families aren’t blending well.<br />

Here are some things to be aware of.<br />

1<br />

2<br />

If a previous marriage<br />

ended in divorce, take<br />

time to figure out why<br />

it failed. Most people<br />

enter a second marriage<br />

clueless about<br />

what went wrong the<br />

first time. Unresolved<br />

issues usually flair up<br />

in the new marriage.<br />

Realize that blending<br />

two families together<br />

while kids are going<br />

through puberty can<br />

be more emotional.<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

As much as possible,<br />

try to maintain cordial<br />

communications with<br />

ex-spouses. Children<br />

should not be messengers<br />

for parents.<br />

Don’t have an “us<br />

versus them” mentality.<br />

It’s not his kids<br />

or her kids. It’s our<br />

children.<br />

Remember,<br />

love conquers<br />

all.<br />

Family<br />

Problems<br />

Answered!<br />

Christian families and marriages<br />

are under severe attack. Christians<br />

must build strong families on the<br />

solid foundation of God’s Word.<br />

Kenneth E. Hagin and Kenneth W.<br />

Hagin share insights on how to do that.<br />

Family Matters Package<br />

Ministering to Your Family<br />

(Book, Kenneth E. Hagin and Kenneth W. Hagin)<br />

Love: The Way to Victory<br />

(3 CDs, Kenneth E. Hagin)<br />

$24.00*<br />

$30.00* Canada<br />

(Reg. Price: $29.95 / $37.40 Canada)<br />

Plus Shipping and Handling<br />

order<br />

www.rhema.org/store<br />

1-800-54-FAITH (543-2484) // Mail enclosed envelope // IN Canada: 1-866-70-RHEMA (707-4362)<br />

Special Offer: KIT13WF06C // *Offer expires September 30, <strong>2013</strong>

Testimony<br />

For Rachael Rowland, August 13, 2012, began like any<br />

other day. She woke up, spent time with her 3-year-old son, and<br />

headed to the gym before going to work.<br />

A 2000 <strong>Rhema</strong> Bible Training College graduate and former<br />

Lady Eagles basketball player, Rachael had followed this routine<br />

many times before. But on this day, as she finished up at the<br />

gym, things changed swiftly.<br />

“I felt something like a disc slip in my back,” she recalled.<br />

“And I was 28 weeks pregnant, so it made me nauseous.” Shaking<br />

badly, Rachael lowered herself to the floor. “I probably<br />

looked pretty crazy,” she said. “Pregnant and lying on the floor<br />

at the gym.”<br />

After a few moments, Rachael struggled to her feet. But she<br />

felt as if she could pass out, so she stood leaning against a wall.<br />

Concerned by what he was seeing, a man working out nearby<br />

came to check on her. As he turned to get help, Rachael’s<br />

eyes rolled back and she passed out. The left side of her head<br />

slammed into the tiled, concrete floor.<br />

long after and knew something was not right. Cupfuls of blood<br />

were now pouring out of her ear.<br />

The neurosurgeon looked at her CAT scans and immediately<br />

determined that Rachael needed emergency brain surgery. She<br />

had fractures to the temporal bone in her skull and two types of<br />

intracranial bleeding. But even with the surgery, there was no<br />

guarantee that she or the baby would make it.<br />

“There’s no way to describe it,” said Sally Daniels, Rachael’s<br />

mom. “It’s your baby and your grandbaby. But on the inside<br />

there was always a peace. I thought, ‘She’ll be OK.’ ”<br />

After a four-hour surgery, Rachael was still alive. And doctors<br />

did not have to do a C-section to save the baby. Because<br />

of the severity of Rachael’s injuries, though, recovery remained<br />

uncertain.<br />

The next morning, God proved Himself faithful once again.<br />

Rachael woke up in the intensive care unit with doctors and<br />

family closely monitoring her. She didn’t remember passing out,<br />

‘I Should Not<br />

Have Lived’<br />

“I talked to this man and his wife later, and they<br />

said they’d never seen anything like what happened<br />

that day,” Rachael said. “My head actually hit first,<br />

so it got all of the impact. This couple didn’t think<br />

I would live.<br />

“There was another gentleman working at the<br />

gym whom I had never met,” Rachael continued.<br />

“His name was Whitney and he later told me he<br />

heard me hit the ground and came running. He said,<br />

‘I thought you were either dead or dying.’ ”<br />

Rachael didn’t find out until later that Whitney<br />

was a <strong>Rhema</strong> student. “Thank God for <strong>Rhema</strong> students,”<br />

she exclaimed. “The first person who had<br />

contact with me knew the Word and knew what to<br />

do! My body was convulsing because of the impact<br />

and the head injury. Whitney just laid hands on me<br />

and said, ‘In the Name of Jesus, stop!’ And I stopped<br />

convulsing. I was still unconscious, but he said he<br />

just prayed in the Spirit and spoke life into me.”<br />

Even as blood began to come out of Rachael’s left<br />

ear, Whitney spoke and declared that there would<br />

be no side effects and that she would be completely<br />

healed and whole.<br />

Paramedics finally arrived and rushed Rachael to<br />

the hospital. Her husband and parents arrived not<br />

16 THE WORD OF FAITH // <strong>June</strong>/<strong>July</strong> ‘13

Testimony<br />

Rachael with her husband, Jason; son, Hunter;<br />

and new daughter. Ali-Joy was born totally<br />

healthy on November 1, 2012—the completion<br />

of the miracle!<br />

Saving<br />

Lives—<br />

Literally!<br />

but she knew who she was and who her family was. She even remembered<br />

things she needed to do at work!<br />

“We didn’t know how serious it was,” Rachael said. “My brother<br />

is a doctor in California, and as soon as he heard, he got on a plane.<br />

The nurses let him see my CAT scans and he said it’s a miracle. I<br />

should not have lived. If I did, I should have been severely mentally<br />

and physically handicapped for the rest of my life.<br />

“My brain shifted because of the fall, which is really dangerous,”<br />

she explained. “And because of an arterial bleed, I lost 2 1/2 liters<br />

of blood. They actually didn’t give me any blood, either, because of<br />

the baby. That’s another miracle.”<br />

That same week, much to the surprise of doctors and physical<br />

therapists, Rachael was released from the hospital. One of the<br />

neurosurgeons told her, “People aren’t just walking out of here like<br />

you’re about to do with the kind of injury you had.”<br />

“God protected me,” Rachael observed. “And He also held my<br />

baby in His hands the whole time. Not once did they even have<br />

to contemplate stepping in to do something to save her. Her heart<br />

rate never fell.”<br />

After hearing Rachael’s story, a fellow church member commented<br />

that Rachael had everything in her that she needed to bring<br />

her through.<br />

“That just stuck with me,” Rachael said. “As I thought about it,<br />

it brought me back to my parents moving here when I was 9 years<br />

old to go to <strong>Rhema</strong>—and to the foundation that was set. Then at 19<br />

years old, I felt like the Lord called me to go to <strong>Rhema</strong>. The word<br />

of faith was in my heart—in my spirit.<br />

“So when my body was lying there and my mind was not<br />

working, the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead . . .<br />

He was in me! He was dwelling in me, and He was quickening my<br />

mortal body! The guy at the gym, Whitney . . . he had the spirit of<br />

faith. It had to be scary, but he just jumped down there.<br />

“I’m so thankful that I’ve been hooked up with this ministry<br />

for all these years. When the biggest storm of my life hit, not only<br />

did my spirit work, but the people here were praying. They were<br />

believing for me to walk out of this and receive a miracle. And I<br />

did! When you have a team of neurosurgeons, OBs, and nurses tell<br />

you that you shouldn’t be here, you’re a miracle.”<br />

“You may not know much about<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong>, but this is a place that’s not<br />

only affecting the community; it is<br />

touching the world. And I’m thankful<br />

to be able to encourage you to give<br />

into something that has changed my<br />

life. I’m a living testimony—literally.”<br />

RHEMA<br />

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—Rachael Rowland<br />

When you join the <strong>Rhema</strong> Word Partner<br />

Club, you’re investing in the lives of people<br />

like Rachael. It’s because of the teaching<br />

that she and her family received—because<br />

of the teaching that <strong>Rhema</strong> students like<br />

Whitney receive—that she’s alive and<br />

perfectly well.<br />

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Sherlyn<br />

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Brenda<br />

Thomas<br />

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Run Your Race With Joy!<br />

Lynette Hagin<br />

At one time or another, we’ve<br />

all dealt with baggage in our<br />

lives. It doesn’t matter who we<br />

are—life isn’t perfect. We experience<br />

disappointments, failures,<br />

deceptions, and ugly situations.<br />

In the midst of these difficult<br />

times, whether we realize<br />

it or not, we start accumulating<br />

baggage.<br />

Sometimes we don’t see the<br />

baggage we’re carrying because<br />

we’ve become so accustomed<br />

to it. It’s just a part<br />

of our lives. But that baggage<br />

keeps us from fulfilling<br />

God’s plan for us. Baggage<br />

prevents us from<br />

having the joy of the Lord<br />

in our hearts. It keeps us in<br />

bondage.<br />

We’ve got to get rid of that baggage!<br />

Things are gearing up in<br />

the spirit realm, and we have<br />

a race to run. We have assignments<br />

from God, and the only<br />

way we’re going to accomplish<br />

them is to kick the baggage out<br />

the door! Look at what the Book<br />

of Hebrews tells us.<br />

HEBREWS 12:1–2 (NLT)<br />

1 Therefore, since we are surrounded<br />

by such a huge<br />

crowd of witnesses to the life<br />

of faith, LET US STRIP OFF<br />


US DOWN, especially the sin<br />

that so easily trips us up. And<br />

let us run with endurance the<br />

race God has set before us.<br />

2 We do this by keeping our<br />

eyes on Jesus, the champion<br />

who initiates and perfects our<br />

faith. Because of the joy awaiting<br />

him, he endured the cross,<br />

disregarding its shame. Now he<br />

is seated in the place of honor<br />

beside God’s throne.<br />

In these days we must lay aside<br />

every weight—anything that<br />

loads us down. In other words,<br />

the baggage. What’s keeping<br />

you from moving forward—from<br />

running your race? Let’s look at<br />

some things that have become<br />

baggage for many people.<br />

Low<br />

Self-Esteem<br />

Sometimes we try to cover up<br />

low self-esteem. We hide it with<br />

our bling. We say, “Nobody’s going<br />

to know that I have low selfesteem<br />

because I’m just going<br />

to bling them out!” But when<br />

we get home, reality sets in.<br />

We look at ourselves and don’t<br />

value ourselves as God values<br />

us. He doesn’t want us to have<br />

low self-esteem. So how do we<br />

get rid of it?<br />

We draw upon God’s provision<br />

of self-esteem. God made us.<br />

He made us exactly the way He<br />

wanted us to be. Psalm 139:14<br />

(NKJV) says, “I will praise You,<br />

for I am fearfully and wonderfully<br />

made.” If He made you<br />

with long legs like me—<br />

be proud of them.<br />

You just tower<br />

over all the<br />

guys.<br />

We need to kick out that baggage<br />

of low self-esteem and<br />

know that God made us the way<br />

we are!<br />

Frustration<br />

This can be another piece of<br />

baggage. Sometimes we can<br />

become frustrated with what’s<br />

going on around us—whether<br />

it’s a job, family, a house, or<br />

some other situation. When that<br />

happens, we need to draw on<br />

the patience God has provided.<br />

James 1:4 (NKJV) says, “Let<br />

patience have its perfect work,<br />

that you may be perfect and<br />

complete, lacking nothing.”<br />

I’ve learned a valuable lesson:<br />

Sometimes God does not<br />

give us specifics overnight,<br />

and we have to be<br />

patient and let things<br />

work out. He’s not only working<br />

on us; He’s working on other<br />

things to make everything work<br />

out as it should. Kick that frustration<br />

out and know that God<br />

is working patience in your life.<br />

Depression<br />

The baggage of depression is<br />

very real. It will take you<br />

into a dark hole, and<br />

it can be difficult<br />

to get out. If<br />

you start<br />

Host/SPEAKER<br />


accepting just a little portion of<br />

it, depression will engulf your<br />

whole vision.<br />

God has made provision<br />

for depression; He has<br />

given us joy. Jesus said in<br />

John 15:11 (NKJV), “ ‘These<br />

things I have spoken to you,<br />

that My joy may remain in you,<br />

and that your joy may be full.’ ”<br />

We can have joy. We don’t have<br />

to be depressed.<br />

God’s got grace for disappointments,<br />

comfort for hurts, love<br />

for fear, and peace for worry.<br />

He’s got reconciliation, restoration,<br />

high self-esteem, patience,<br />

health, provision, and<br />

joy unspeakable!<br />

So often we share with those<br />

around us about the baggage<br />

we are experiencing, and they<br />

try to give us advice. But I want<br />

you to know that when Jesus<br />

died on the cross, He took all<br />

our baggage for us. We’ve got<br />

to accept and receive what He<br />

did! It’s time for us to get rid of<br />

that baggage for good and let<br />

God use us!<br />

_____________<br />

[Editor’s Note: This article was<br />

adapted from Lynette Hagin’s Thursday<br />

night message at Kindle the<br />

Flame 2011. Don’t miss this year’s<br />

awesome women’s conference!]<br />

rhema.org 19

CRAIG W. Hagin<br />

“ G o d h a s n o t g i v e n u s<br />

a spirit of fear, but of power and of<br />

love and of a sound mind.”<br />

—2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV)<br />

The Bible clearly says that God has not given us a spirit<br />

of fear. So if we have a spirit of fear, where does it come from? It<br />

comes from the devil.<br />

When people say, “I’m afraid of this” or “I’m afraid of that,”<br />

what they’re actually saying is, “I’m giving place to the devil to<br />

rule and reign over this area of my life.”<br />

It’s no fun to live life afraid. When I first began to snow<br />

ski, I became afraid every time I went. And I crashed a lot! It<br />

wasn’t fun.<br />

I finally found that if I’d just play music, it would take my<br />

mind off how tough the hills were. I became a fairly decent skier<br />

when I had my music going, because I wasn’t afraid.<br />

You see, we can’t be afraid of what might happen. But that’s<br />

what people sit around and worry about. Remember Y2K? People<br />

were worried because “we might not have this or that.”<br />

There are a lot of “mights”! But we can’t worry about those<br />

things—about what could happen. We can’t be afraid just because<br />

something tragic happened. We have to trust our God. We<br />

have to go on with our lives.<br />

The Power of the Lord’s Protection<br />

We need to understand the power of the Lord’s protection.<br />

My mom taught me Psalm 91 when I was very young. She would<br />

always claim it over our family, and I do the same with my kids<br />

today. It is also a great passage of scripture to claim when we<br />

feel fear.<br />

I remember when I was about 10 and playing at home with<br />

one of my friends. We came inside and I saw a guy banging on<br />

the door.<br />

It could have been a salesman who just really wanted to sell<br />

something, but I immediately began to feel afraid. And this guy<br />

wouldn’t leave!<br />

So I took my buddy, grabbed a Bible, and said, “We’re going to<br />

read the 91st Psalm.” <strong>By</strong> the time I finished reading, that guy had<br />

left. It might have been no big deal, but I went to the Word when<br />

I felt I was in danger.<br />

The Word will work for us! But we have to know what it says.<br />

It says it doesn’t matter if a thousand people fall on one side<br />

of us and 10 thousand people on the other side. We will not<br />

be hurt!<br />

It says we don’t have to be afraid of famine and pestilence.<br />

We don’t have to get the flu when everyone else is getting the flu.<br />

Jesus took stripes on His back so that we could be healed!<br />

Quit worrying about everything—about every situation and<br />

circumstance. Quit letting fear enter your heart, because God has<br />

not given us a spirit of fear!<br />

20 THE WORD OF FAITH // <strong>June</strong>/<strong>July</strong> ‘13

PSALM 91:1–16 (NCV)<br />

1 Those who go to God Most<br />

High for safety will be protected<br />

by the Almighty.<br />

2 I will say to the Lord, “You<br />

are my place of safety and<br />

protection. You are my God<br />

and I trust you.”<br />

3 God will save you from<br />

hidden traps and from deadly<br />

diseases.<br />

4 He will cover you with his<br />

feathers, and under his wings<br />

you can hide. His truth will be<br />

your shield and protection.<br />

5 You will not fear any danger<br />

by night or an arrow during the<br />

day.<br />

6 You will not be afraid of<br />

diseases that come in the<br />

dark or sickness that strikes<br />

at noon.<br />

7 At your side one thousand<br />

people may die, or even ten<br />

thousand right beside you, but<br />

you will not be hurt.<br />

8 You will only watch and see<br />

the wicked punished.<br />

9 The Lord is your protection;<br />

you have made God Most High<br />

your place of safety.<br />

10 Nothing bad will happen to<br />

you; no disaster will come to<br />

your home.<br />

11 He has put his angels in<br />

charge of you to watch over<br />

you wherever you go.<br />

12 They will catch you in their<br />

hands so that you will not hit<br />

your foot on a rock.<br />

13 You will walk on lions and<br />

cobras; you will step on strong<br />

lions and snakes.<br />

14 The Lord says, “Whoever<br />

loves me, I will save. I will<br />

protect those who know me.<br />

15 They will call to me, and I<br />

will answer them. I will be with<br />

them in trouble; I will rescue<br />

them and honor them.<br />

16 I will give them a long, full<br />

life, and they will see how I can<br />

save.”<br />

Led by the Spirit<br />

Psalm 37:23 says that the Lord orders our steps. Romans 8:14<br />

(NKJV) says, “As many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons<br />

of God.” We need to endeavor to be led by the Spirit of God. But<br />

what does that mean?<br />

It means that if we ever get a check in our heart about doing<br />

something, then we don’t do it. If something on the inside tells us<br />

not to go, we don’t go.<br />

As my grandfather Kenneth E. Hagin always said, it’s like taking<br />

a bath with your clothes on. You don’t feel right about it. And<br />

if you don’t feel right, you don’t do it!<br />

I believe that we’re living in the last days, and that the Lord<br />

gives us warnings. Every time a tragedy happens, I hear stories<br />

about how some people got a check not to go somewhere and<br />

they’re still alive today. Or I hear how someone overrode those<br />

checks and they’re not alive today.<br />

My grandfather told about a time when he and the family were<br />

in Texas visiting some minister friends. They were on the porch<br />

getting ready to leave when he told the pastor, “I don’t feel like we<br />

should leave yet. I don’t know why, but I’m not going.”<br />

They sat down and talked for another 15 or 20 minutes. Then<br />

he said, “I think it’s time to go.” When they left, they came across<br />

a tragic accident where some people had been killed. If they had<br />

left earlier, they’d have been right there when it happened!<br />

You see, the Lord will lead and guide us, and He will protect<br />

us—but we have to follow Him. We must listen to His still, small<br />

voice on the inside. And we need to claim the 91st Psalm over<br />

our families.<br />

We can have whatever we say. We don’t have to fear!<br />

Kick Worry<br />

out the Door!<br />

Trusting in the Lord with all your<br />

heart involves not worrying about<br />

situations. Be encouraged to keep<br />

your faith in God no matter what<br />

obstacles you face.<br />

The Ultimate Bailout Plan<br />

(2 CDs, Craig W. Hagin)<br />

$10.00*<br />

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“The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a<br />

sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be Like<br />

a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.”<br />

- Isaiah 58:11 (NIV 1984)<br />

Have you ever started a project and<br />

never finished it? I started knitting an afghan many years ago that<br />

is still unfinished. In fact, I started it so many years ago that I have<br />

even lost the skill of knitting! While it takes work and energy to<br />

start a project, it takes more work and energy to actually finish it.<br />

Why is that? We are constantly bombarded by things competing<br />

for our attention. Therefore we become distracted and get<br />

sidetracked. One definition of distraction is “anything that gets our<br />

attention off of what it should be on.” Nikita Khrushchev was once<br />

head of the former Soviet Union. He used to tell a story of a time in<br />

that nation when there was a wave of petty theft. To curtail it, the<br />

authorities posted guards around the factories.<br />

At a lumber factory in Leningrad, one guard knew the workers<br />

very well. The first evening, out came a worker with a wheelbarrow<br />

carrying a great, bulky, suspicious-looking sack. “All right,<br />

Petrovich,” said the guard. “What have you got there?”<br />

“Just sawdust and shavings,” he replied.<br />

“Come on,” the guard said. “I wasn’t born yesterday. Tip it out.”<br />

The worker did so, and out came nothing but sawdust and<br />

shavings. So he was allowed to put it back in the sack and go<br />

home. When the same thing happened every night that week,<br />

the guard became frustrated. Finally, his curiosity overcame his<br />

frustration. “Petrovich,” he said, “I know you. Tell me what you’re<br />

smuggling out of here and I’ll let you go.”<br />

“Wheelbarrows, my friend,” said Petrovich.<br />

The guard was so focused on the distraction that he missed the<br />

obvious. God wants to speak to you and give you direction. But He<br />

is saying, “You must remove the distractions from your life.”<br />

Even everyday life has many distractions. How many times have<br />

you walked into a room and<br />

then asked yourself, “What<br />

am I doing here? I came in<br />

here for a reason. What was<br />

it?” This has happened to all<br />

of us. Somewhere along the<br />

way we became distracted by<br />

something or someone.<br />

Have you ever started the<br />

day feeling good about<br />

your To-Do List? You<br />

were proud to<br />

be organized;<br />

you had good intentions.<br />

However, at the end of the<br />

day you were frustrated.<br />

Nothing on your To-Do List<br />

had gotten done, because<br />

you had been interrupted and<br />

distracted.<br />

Life often seems to consist<br />

of rabbit trails rather than highways. We are always moving but<br />

getting nowhere. Life’s distractions dictate our decisions and<br />

control our schedules. Our lives are filled with the urgent, and<br />

we have no time for the eternal. We have tended to a million little<br />

things and left undone the big things. We have filled our days with<br />

things that do not ultimately matter and left undone the things that<br />

do matter.<br />

It is time that we get back to the essentials. I like Matthew 6:33–34<br />

in The Message: “ ‘Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, Godprovisions.<br />

Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday<br />

human concerns will be met. Give your entire attention to what God is<br />

doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not<br />

happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things<br />

come up when the time comes.’ ”<br />

We need to give God our full attention. How many times have<br />

we said to our children, “Look at me—I want your full attention”?<br />

I wonder how many times God has said, “Listen to Me!” and we<br />

were so distracted that we didn’t even hear His voice, much less<br />

heed His instructions.<br />

God wants to lead, guide, and direct our lives, yet we are letting<br />

the distractions of life keep us from even hearing what He has to<br />

say. The Holy Spirit has been sent to be our Guide. John 15:26<br />

(Amplified) says, “When the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Advocate,<br />

Intercessor, Strengthener, Standby) comes, Whom I will send to you from<br />

the Father, the Spirit of Truth Who comes (proceeds) from the Father, He<br />

[Himself] will testify regarding Me.”<br />

The Holy Spirit does not holler—He speaks in a still, small<br />

voice. We must become quiet to hear His voice. All too often we<br />

expect Him to yell and we ignore His whispers. We get so caught<br />

up in distractions that we do not even hear His voice. I encourage<br />

you to concentrate on eliminating distractions. Allow the Holy<br />

Spirit to be your Guide. Stay sensitive to His voice, and He will<br />

always lead, guide, and direct you down the right path and help<br />

you make the right decisions.<br />

22 THE WORD OF FAITH // <strong>June</strong>/<strong>July</strong> ‘13

In the “find-a-word” puzzle below, see if you<br />

can find words that show three ways we use<br />

our bodies in worship and three ways we use<br />

our mouths in worship.<br />

L<br />

A<br />

N<br />

K<br />

E<br />

E<br />

S<br />

I<br />

N<br />

G<br />

T<br />

H<br />

O<br />

E<br />

C<br />

B<br />

O<br />

W<br />

E<br />

R<br />

Y<br />

U<br />

N<br />

L<br />

Y<br />

S<br />

T<br />

A<br />

N<br />

D<br />


Listed below are some “just for fun” telephone<br />

numbers of Bible characters. Find out<br />

whose phone number it is by replacing the<br />

numbers with the appropriate letter that<br />

appears on the numbered buttons above.<br />

Example: 227-2426 = ABRAHAM<br />

For a quick haircut, call: 335-4524<br />

For pet care service, call: 662-4275<br />

For important messages, call: 422-7435<br />

For help with your taxes, call: 628-8439<br />

Non-prophet organizations, call: 539-3235<br />

To charter a fishing boat, call: 932-3333<br />

For wise counseling, call: 765-6666<br />

Most people have a favorite<br />

place where they like to be.<br />

Some prefer the mountains, others enjoy the ocean, and still<br />

others prefer the peace and quiet found by a gentle brook in<br />

the meadow. Well, Mary, the sister of Lazarus and Martha of<br />

Bethany, had a favorite place too! We are going to look at<br />

three different times Mary is mentioned in the Bible, and each<br />

time you will find her in the exact same place—HER FAVORITE<br />

PLACE TO BE. See if you can figure out the answer to the question:<br />

“Where was Mary’s favorite place?”<br />

1. Luke 10:38–39—“Now it came to pass, as they<br />

went, that he [JESUS] entered into a certain village: and a<br />

certain woman named Martha received him into her house.<br />

And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus’ feet,<br />

and heard his word.”<br />

2. John 11:32—“Then when Mary was come where Jesus<br />

was, and saw him, she fell down at his feet, saying unto<br />

him, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.”<br />

3. John 12:3—“Then took Mary a pound of ointment<br />

of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and<br />

wiped his feet with her hair.”<br />

Did you figure out where her favorite place was? That’s right!<br />

It was “AT JESUS’ FEET!” And that should be a favorite place<br />

for all of God’s children . . . sitting at His feet to hear His words<br />

and bowing at His feet in worship!<br />

Color-Full Names!<br />

A B C D E F G H I<br />

J K L M N O P Q R<br />

S T U V W X Y Z<br />

Mary isn’t the only one who bowed at Jesus’ feet. Each color<br />

circle above has a letter in it. Match the color circles below to<br />

those above and you will discover the names of others who<br />

bowed at Jesus’ feet.<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

4.<br />


If some of the men and women of the Bible<br />

could give us their advice, perhaps this is<br />

what they would say:<br />

ADVICE: If you can’t stand the heat . . .<br />

bow to the idol.<br />

FROM: Shadrach, Meshach, and<br />

Abednego<br />

ADVICE: Be careful where you take a bath!<br />

FROM: Bathsheba<br />

ADVICE: An apple a day . . . gets you<br />

kicked out of the Garden of Eden.<br />

FROM: Eve<br />

ADVICE: Beggars can’t be choosers . . .<br />

but they can get healed of<br />

blindness.<br />

FROM: Bartimaeus<br />

ADVICE: Never fall asleep in the lap<br />

of a woman with scissors in<br />

her hand.<br />

FROM: Samson<br />

ADVICE: If you’re saving up for a rainy<br />

day . . . make sure you have<br />

a boat!<br />

FROM: Noah<br />

S<br />

T<br />

A<br />

N<br />

D<br />

Answers:<br />

Who Ya Gonna Call?:<br />



7. SOLOMON<br />

Color-full Names:<br />

1. Jairus<br />

2. Samaritan<br />

Leper<br />

3. Mary<br />

W<br />

Magdalene<br />

4. Gadarene<br />

Demoniac<br />

Y<br />

U<br />

N<br />

L<br />

Y<br />

E<br />

R<br />

B<br />

O<br />

T<br />

H<br />

O<br />

E<br />

C<br />

E<br />

S<br />

I<br />

N<br />

G<br />

L<br />

A<br />

N<br />

K<br />


P.O. Box 50126 • Tulsa, OK 74150-0126<br />


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Healing to the World!<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> Praise<br />

is broadcast<br />

internationally.<br />

Please visit www.rhema.org/media/rhemapraise for stations.<br />

Or watch our online channel anytime at rhema.tv.

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