August 2013 PuBLIsHED BY KENNEtH HAgIN MINIstRIEs - Rhema

August 2013 PuBLIsHED BY KENNEtH HAgIN MINIstRIEs - Rhema August 2013 PuBLIsHED BY KENNEtH HAgIN MINIstRIEs - Rhema

<strong>August</strong> <strong>2013</strong><br />


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Kenneth Hagin Ministries’ Word Partners—through their prayers<br />

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hearts of people around the world with the<br />

message of Jesus Christ. Each partner is an essential piece<br />

of God’s beautiful puzzle. As we work together, we are seeing<br />

people saved, delivered, and gloriously changed. And you, too,<br />

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Be an essential piece and make a<br />

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Kenneth Hagin Ministries<br />

Working Together to Reach the World!<br />

1025 W. Kenosha<br />

Broken Arrow, OK 74012<br />

VOLUME XLIV, XLVI, Number 64<br />

AUGUST MAY 2011 <strong>2013</strong><br />

Director of Communications Patty Harrison<br />

Senior Editor Bob Murphy<br />

Editorial Staff Jeff Kimberly Bardel Hennenfent<br />

Kimberly Yvette Lanier Hennenfent<br />

Peggy cheryl Rice Piper<br />

Janet Wagner<br />

gRAPHIc Artists Kristen Cook<br />

Jeanne Lydia Galaz Hoover<br />

Lisa Jeanne Moore Hoover<br />

Amber J.P. Jones Warner<br />

Rose Amanda Wenning King<br />

Amber Warner<br />

Photographer Phil<br />

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Project<br />

Photographer<br />

Managers Nigel<br />

Phil Anglin<br />

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Christi Finley<br />

Project Managers cristina Christi Finley Mincer<br />

casey Elisabeth Shirley Rogers<br />

Kris casey Taylor Shirley<br />

Kris Taylor<br />



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RHEMA<br />

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by <strong>Rhema</strong> Bible Church, AKA Kenneth<br />

Hagin THE WORD Ministries, OF FAITH a non-profit is published corporation. by RHEMA Editorial Bible Church, offices: AKA 1025 Kenneth W.<br />

Kenosha, Hagin Ministries, Broken a Arrow, non-profit Oklahoma. corporation. © <strong>2013</strong> Editorial <strong>Rhema</strong> offices: Bible Church, 1025 W. Inc. All<br />

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Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff!<br />

Life can sometimes get to the point where it seems as if it’s nothing but a bunch of burdens.<br />

Actually, if you follow the news or even just look around you, there’s plenty you could get upset<br />

about. I want to remind you this month that compared to God and what He can—and will—do<br />

in your life, everything else is small stuff!<br />

Now, I’m not trying to belittle what you’re facing. But when we begin to worry about the situations<br />

around us, we magnify the possibility of failure and disappointment in our own minds. And eventually we can get to the<br />

point of not trusting God. We can forget how big our Lord really is.<br />

We must continually renew our minds to what the Word says to keep them from getting cluttered with the mess of the world.<br />

Matthew 11:28 says, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Philippians 4:6 says, “Do<br />

not be anxious about anything” (NIV). First Peter 5:7 tells us, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (NIV).<br />

Get hold of these words and don’t turn loose of them! Begin to grasp the truth that God is greater than any problem you’ll<br />

ever face.<br />

Instead of fretting about circumstances, focus on the Lord’s faithfulness. Instead of pondering your problems, begin to press<br />

into His promises. Instead of wallowing in worry, begin to worship your wonderful Heavenly Father. Don’t sweat the small stuff . . .<br />

because God will deliver you every time!<br />

If you’re ready to lighten your load and cast all your cares on the Lord, be sure to check out my article on page 4. And you won’t<br />

want to miss our <strong>Rhema</strong> Bible Training College USA graduation report on page 11. We now have more than 60,000 graduates<br />

worldwide who are making an impact for the Kingdom of God!<br />


RBTC Graduation Page 11<br />

Seed Thoughts Page 30<br />

FAITH Academy Page 31<br />

13<br />

R H E M A<br />

Australia<br />

Lighten Your Load<br />

4 Kenneth W. Hagin<br />

Learn how to shake off the weights that burden<br />

you down and enjoy life.<br />

8<br />

The<br />

25<br />

Four F’s of Success<br />

Lynette Hagin<br />

Discover four keys to succeeding as a believer.<br />

God’s Healing Mercy<br />

Kenneth E. Hagin<br />

God’s mercy includes far more than most Christians<br />

realize . . . and that’s good news!<br />

Special Report: International <strong>Rhema</strong><br />

Tony and Patsy Cameneti knew they were exactly where God wanted<br />

them to be the moment they stepped foot on Australian soil. Read<br />

their story.<br /> 3

Lighten<br />

YourLoad<br />

Sometimes when Lynette and<br />

I go to the mall, I like to sit and<br />

watch people while she shops. It’s<br />

fun observing people as they go<br />

by. One thing I’ve noticed is that<br />

most of them look like they’re<br />

carrying the weight of the world<br />

on their shoulders.<br />

Life in general can<br />

Kenneth W. Hagin<br />

load us down. But<br />

God never designed<br />

us to be burdened with heavy loads.<br />

The good news is that God made a way<br />

of escape for us. Jesus said, “ ‘Come to<br />

me, all you who are weary and burdened,<br />

and I will give you rest. Take<br />

my yoke upon you and learn from<br />

me, for I am gentle and humble in<br />

heart, and you will find rest for your<br />

souls’ ” (Matt. 11:28–29 NIV). Jesus<br />

is saying, “If you’ll stay with<br />

Me, you can go through life with<br />

a light load.”<br />

Know Your Load Limit<br />

Many bridges have signs<br />

posted near them that read<br />

“load limit.” These signs indicate<br />

how much weight the<br />

bridge can bear. If vehicles that<br />

are heavier than the load limit try<br />

to cross, that bridge can begin to<br />

crumble under the weight.<br />

In our personal lives, we also have<br />

load limits. Some people are able to<br />

carry heavier loads than others. But<br />

all of us can get to the point where<br />

we are so weighed down that we<br />

can’t function. Life seems to have a<br />

way of loading us down beyond our<br />

load limit.<br />

Some of life’s weights are mental and emotional pressure.<br />

Pressure in relationships. Pressure on the job. Some people are<br />

carrying memories. They may have experienced failure or defeat,<br />

and they have not been able to move beyond it.<br />

We’ve probably all lain awake in bed at night thinking about<br />

something that concerns us. When this happens, we don’t get<br />

much sleep and our body is robbed of its rest. Then when the<br />

alarm clock goes off, we’re not physically, mentally, or emotionally<br />

ready to face the day.<br />

Although Jesus promised to give us rest, we have a part to play<br />

in receiving it. We have to cast our cares on Him (1 Peter 5:7). If<br />

we don’t let go of our cares, He can’t carry them.<br />

Steps to Take<br />

There are things we can do to lighten our load. Here are some<br />

practical steps that will help us rise above the pressures of life.<br />

Make right<br />

choices.<br />

We have to make the<br />

right choices if we’re going to<br />

have a carefree life. This includes<br />

choices in our thought life, our<br />

relationships, our activities, the<br />

places we go, what we see, and<br />

who our friends are.<br />

Second Corinthians 6:14 tells<br />

us not to be “unequally yoked<br />

with unbelievers.” The New Living<br />

Translation says, “Don’t team<br />

up with those who are unbelievers.”<br />

The Apostle Paul is telling us not<br />

to link up with those who don’t<br />

believe the same way we do. We<br />

can be strong in faith, but if we<br />

come together with someone who<br />

doesn’t believe like us, we can be<br />

pulled into the arena of doubt and<br />

unbelief.<br />

4 THE WORD OF FAITH // <strong>August</strong> ‘13

Learn to laugh.<br />

We need to lighten up and not take ourselves or<br />

life so seriously. Philippians 4:4 (NKJV) says, “Rejoice<br />

in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!” If we’ll just<br />

start to laugh whenever we’re feeling down and out, it will<br />

change our entire attitude.<br />

Lynette and I have learned to do this when the stress<br />

and strain of running the ministry tries to overwhelm us.<br />

Laughter changes our outlook.<br />

Sometimes we have to start out in the natural by saying,<br />

“Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. The Lord is my strength! Ha, ha, ha,<br />

ha, ha. I will make it, because God says I can do all things<br />

through Him Who strengthens me. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!”<br />

When we do this, before long we’re really laughing and<br />

feeling a whole lot better, because we’ve opened the door<br />

for the Holy Spirit to come in and carry our load.<br />

Speak right words.<br />

When trials come, instead of asking, “Why is<br />

this happening to me?” speak the Word of God. “No<br />

weapon formed against me will proper” (Isa. 54:17). Don’t<br />

say, “I don’t know how I’m going to make it.” Instead say,<br />

“My God shall supply all of my needs” (Phil. 4:19).<br />

When my dad was faced with any kind of pressure,<br />

he always said, “This is just another opportunity to prove<br />

that God’s Word works.” Anytime we’d ask him, “What<br />

are we going to do?” he’d reply, “What does the Bible say?”<br />

The Word always has the answers we need.<br />

We don’t have to let any of life’s pressures burden us down.<br />

When we realize that God will lighten our load, we’ll have a lot<br />

more fun.<br />

Sing!<br />

I like Southern Gospel and Country Gospel music.<br />

Not everyone likes that kind of music, but that’s<br />

what lifts me up. Lynette and I have music playing<br />

in our house all the time. It creates an atmosphere.<br />

Good Christian music helps us realize that we don’t have<br />

to carry burdens.<br />

Several years ago Bobby McFerrin recorded a song that<br />

became an overnight hit—“Don’t Worry, Be Happy.” Someone<br />

bought me a fake fish mounted on a plaque. When<br />

you push a button on the plaque, the fish sings “Don’t<br />

worry. Be happy!” When my grandkids were younger,<br />

they’d push the button all the time. We’d sing along with<br />

the fish and just start laughing!<br />

Pray.<br />

Paul gave us good advice when he wrote, “Do<br />

not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by<br />

prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to<br />

God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding,<br />

will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”<br />

(Phil. 4:6–7 NIV 1984).<br />

Paul is telling us not to be anxious about anything.<br />

When we come to God in prayer and turn our situation<br />

over to Him, the peace of God will guard our hearts and<br />

minds.<br />

in Troubled Times<br />

Through Jesus Christ, God has given us<br />

everything we need to survive and even thrive<br />

when trouble arrives. We can weather any<br />

storm and have new hope for the future.<br />

The Overcomer<br />

Package<br />

Unload! Know Your<br />

Load Limit and Reach<br />

You r De st inat ion<br />

with God<br />

(3 CDs, Kenneth W. Hagin)<br />

You Can Make It!<br />

(slimline book, Kenneth W. Hagin)<br />

$19.00*<br />

$23.75* Canada<br />

(Reg. Price: $26.95 /<br />

$33.70 Canada)<br />

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Special OfferWinning<br /><br />

1-800-54-FAITH (543-2484) // Mail enclosed envelope // IN Canada: 1-866-70-RHEMA (707-4362)<br />

Special Offer: KIT13WF08A // *Offer expires November 30, <strong>2013</strong>

NOVEMBER 7–9, <strong>2013</strong><br />

On the <strong>Rhema</strong> USA campus in Broken Arrow, OK<br /> | 1-866-312-0972<br />

@khm_usa<br />

For hotel discount information, check out our Web page.<br />

W1308<br />

(He must be<br />

age 16–18<br />

and must<br />

register with<br />

you.)<br />

Kenneth W. Hagin<br />

@khm_usa No matter what you’re dealing<br />

with—sickness, betrayal, addiction, lack, fear,<br />

temptation—there is victory for you. God made<br />

us conquerors.<br />

Speakers<br />

Todd White<br />

@Todd_White_ Your identity is not in<br />

what you’ve been through; it’s in what<br />

Jesus has been through.<br />

André Butler<br />

@andrebutler The key to turning things<br />

around is sometimes in your approach. Our<br />

goal is to get you thinking inside out.<br />

Oh yeah . . . we’ve got some<br />

seriously good food and workshops too.

Craig W. Hagin<br />

When adversity arises, many<br />

Christians try to figure out<br />

how to fix the problem themselves<br />

instead of turning their<br />

situation over to the Lord. When<br />

they do this, they are allowing<br />

themselves to be governed by<br />

their minds. They don’t realize<br />

it, but they are only limiting<br />

themselves.<br />

Basically, our minds are carnal.<br />

I’m not talking about sin; I’m<br />

talking about the way we think.<br />

The carnal mind will limit us in<br />

every way: in our finances, our<br />

abilities, and so forth. When<br />

our mind isn’t renewed with the<br />

Word of God, it’s quick to tell us<br />

what we can and can’t do. It will<br />

tell us there’s no way out of our<br />

situation.<br />

One reason our minds tell us<br />

these things is that we’ve been<br />

taught them. We learn in school<br />

by reading and studying books.<br />

But we also learn through experience.<br />

For example, many parents<br />

have told their children not<br />

to touch a hot stove. But some<br />

kids don’t listen and touch it<br />

anyway. They learn from experience<br />

why they shouldn’t touch a<br />

stove when it’s hot.<br />

Some people have had bad<br />

experiences with other people.<br />

And because of that they feel<br />

that people can’t be trusted.<br />

And a lack of trust in people often<br />

translates into a lack of trust<br />

in God. Why? Because part of<br />

trusting God involves letting<br />

people minister to<br />

you. God ministers through His<br />

people. Yes, it’s true that people<br />

miss it and make mistakes. But<br />

we also have to remember that<br />

many people are trustworthy.<br />

We shouldn’t let any bad experience<br />

dictate the way we live the<br />

rest of our lives.<br />

Changing the<br />

Way We Think<br />

Many people don’t realize it,<br />

but the devil attacks us in our<br />

minds because our minds<br />

control who we are. That’s why<br />

it’s important that we learn to<br />

live by the Spirit of God and not<br />

by the carnal mind.<br />

It’s when we get out of<br />

our minds that we’ll get<br />

into God’s mind. That’s when<br />

things will start happening.<br />

When we quit trying to figure<br />

things out, God and His ability<br />

will be able to shine through us.<br />

But as long as we’re trying to<br />

do something, we’re not letting<br />

God work in our lives.<br />

In Isaiah 55:8 the Lord says,<br />

“My thoughts are not your<br />

thoughts, neither are your ways<br />

my ways.” This scripture challenges<br />

us to start thinking the<br />

way God thinks. When we do,<br />

our perspective will change.<br />

We’ll stop saying things like,<br />

“I can’t do that,” or, “I can’t afford<br />

that.”<br />

If we keep trying to do things<br />

in our own strength and ability,<br />

those things won’t work.<br />

But when we let go and let<br />

God, we’ll take the limits off.<br />

When our minds are stayed on<br />

Him, there’s no limit to what we<br />

can do.<br />

Who’s In<br />

Charge?<br />

Our mind will always try to<br />

dominate us. The Apostle Paul<br />

tells us in Ephesians 4:23, “Be<br />

renewed in the spirit of your<br />

mind.” He goes on to admonish<br />

us not to allow any corrupt<br />

communication to come out of<br />

our mouths (v. 29). And he exhorts<br />

us to get rid of all bitterness,<br />

wrath, anger, clamor, and<br />

evil speaking (v. 31). An unrenewed<br />

mind will naturally do all<br />

of these things.<br />

But when we begin to think<br />

the way God thinks, we’ll “be<br />

kind to one another, tenderhearted,<br />

forgiving one another”<br />

(Eph. 4:32).<br />

Paul encouraged us to set<br />

our minds on things above<br />

(Col. 3:2 NKJV). He knew that<br />

when we do, our lives will<br />

change and we won’t allow our<br />

thoughts to hold us back.<br />

So let’s get out of our minds<br />

and change the way we think.<br />

When we line our minds up with<br />

the Word of God, there’s nothing<br />

we can’t do!<br /> 7

The Four F’s of<br />

Success<br />

When you read the title of this article, you<br />

may think that an F doesn’t sound successful.<br />

Normally you get an F when you fail a subject in<br />

school. But if you want to succeed in your Christian<br />

walk, the four F’s I’m about to share with<br />

you are going to be a tremendous benefit.<br />

Stay Focused<br />

One of the most important things we must do if we want to be<br />

successful in life is to stay focused. In this day and age, sometimes<br />

it’s difficult to do that because we have so many choices.<br />

For example, when we go to the grocery store in the United<br />

States to buy cereal, we’re faced with an abundance of choices.<br />

If we travel overseas, in some countries we might find only a<br />

few brands of cereal. Or we might find one brand of deodorant<br />

instead of the variety we have in the U.S. When we have an<br />

abundance of choices, it can be easy to get confused in making<br />

a selection.<br />

We will have many opportunities in life to get sidetracked from<br />

doing what God has called us to do. If we’re not careful to stay<br />

focused, we will become “hindsighted.” That’s what happened to<br />

the children of Israel in the wilderness. Moses led them out of<br />

Egypt toward the Promised Land, but their focus was all wrong.<br />

They kept looking back. Every time something went wrong or<br />

they became frightened, they cried out to Moses, “Why didn’t you<br />

leave us back there in Egypt?”<br />

Lynette Hagin<br />

When troubles befall us, it’s so easy to start<br />

looking back. But refuse to look back. Instead,<br />

focus on what’s ahead. The Apostle Paul said<br />

in Philippians 3:13–14, “Forgetting those things<br />

which are behind, and reaching forth unto those<br />

things which are before, I press toward the mark for<br />

the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Paul was saying,<br />

“Press on! Press on!”<br />

So what is our focus supposed to be? Let’s focus on how we<br />

can win the lost to the Lord. Jesus said in Mark 16:15, “Go ye into<br />

all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” His Great<br />

Commission should be our most important focus in life.<br />

Stay Fixed<br />

God has provided tremendous victory for us through His<br />

Word. But if we want to experience that victory, we must keep<br />

our hearts fixed on the Lord. It’s important for us to be fixed on<br />

Jesus not only as our Savior, but also as our Healer, our Provider,<br />

and our Rock.<br />

Psalm 112:6–7 says, “Surely he [the upright] shall not be moved<br />

for ever: the righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance. He shall<br />

not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord.”<br />

When we hear some kind of bad report, we need to plant our<br />

foot firmly on the Rock and say, “Devil, my foot is on the Rock<br />

and my mind is made up. I put you on notice—I am going to<br />

make it!”<br />

8 THE WORD OF FAITH // <strong>August</strong> ‘13

Whenever sickness, temptation, financial trouble, or any other kind of attack<br />

comes against us, we can boldly declare, “My heart is fixed on the Word.<br />

And the Word says that God will be with me in trouble, and that He will deliver<br />

me (Ps. 91:14–15). He always causes me to triumph in Christ (2 Cor. 2:14)!”<br />

We need to make sure that our anchor is secure on God’s Word. Then when<br />

the waves of tribulation come, we can stay steady.<br />

Be Faithful<br />

Did you know that you are planting seeds today that will produce a harvest<br />

in your life tomorrow? But what kind of seeds are you planting? Are they seeds<br />

of faithfulness?<br />

Luke 16:10 says, “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in<br />

much.” Verse 12 goes on to say, “If ye have not been faithful in that which is another<br />

man’s, who shall give you that which is your own?” In other words, we must be<br />

faithful in helping others fulfill their vision before God will help us fulfill our<br />

vision.<br />

Faithfulness is one of the fruit of the Spirit described in Galatians 5:22.<br />

And God wants us to be faithful in every area of our lives. Be willing to do the<br />

menial tasks, and be faithful to do them with excellence. Whatever your hand<br />

finds to do, do it with all of your might and to the best of your ability, and God<br />

will be faithful to promote you in His season!<br />

You can develop your faithfulness—along with the other fruit of the Spirit—as<br />

you choose to give your whole heart in serving and obeying the Lord.<br />

Be Fruitful<br />

If you stay focused, fixed, and faithful, then you’re going to be fruitful. You’re<br />

going to fulfill the four F’s of success. You may not see the fruit immediately.<br />

But eventually, in the right season, you will produce fruit.<br />

Psalm 1:1–3 says, “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly<br />

. . . but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and<br />

night. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, THAT BRINGS FORTH<br />

ITS FRUIT IN ITS SEASON, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does<br />

shall prosper” (NKJV).<br />

When harvest time comes, we’ll bear much fruit. Why? Because we’ve been<br />

rooted and grounded in the Word. We’ve been watered and fed. And we’ve<br />

been pruned and sprayed.<br />

Then, when the enemy throws us a curve, we’ll stand strong like the tree<br />

that’s planted by the rivers of water. And when the winds of life try to blow all<br />

of our fruit to the ground, we can boldly declare, “Satan, you cannot destroy<br />

my fruit! I’ve stayed focused. I’ve stayed fixed on the Lord. I’ve stayed faithful.<br />

And now I’m going to be fruitful. Nothing can hinder me from bearing fruit<br />

for the Lord!”<br />

Confessions<br />

Faith in action<br />

Make these confessions daily to help you fulfill<br />

the four F’s of success.<br />

Focused—I will keep<br />

my eyes focused on Jesus<br />

and how I can win the lost<br />

to the Lord.<br />

Fixed—I will not allow<br />

myself to be moved by<br />

trials. I am standing on the<br />

Rock and His Word.<br />

Faithful—By God’s<br />

grace, I will be faithful in<br />

every area of my life.<br />

Fruitful—Because I’m<br />

staying focused, fixed, and<br />

faithful, I will bear much<br />

fruit for the Lord.<br />

Special Offer<br />

Walk<br />

Like Him<br />

The more rooted and grounded we<br />

are in the Word, the more we become<br />

like Christ. Lynette Hagin shares how<br />

moment by moment, day by day,<br />

we can build a legacy that will draw<br />

others to Jesus and change lives.<br />

Along the Way<br />

(book, Lynette Hagin)<br />

Also on eBook!<br /><br />

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$12.50* Canada<br />

(Reg. Price: $11.95 / $14.95 Canada)<br />

Plus Shipping and Handling<br />

order<br /><br />

1-800-54-FAITH (543-2484)<br />

Mail enclosed envelope<br />

IN Canada: 1-866-70-RHEMA (707-4362)<br />

Look for the eBook<br />

icon in each issue<br />

of the magazine.<br />

Special Offer: KIT13WF08B<br />

*Offer expires November 30, <strong>2013</strong>

Q: What makes <strong>Rhema</strong> different<br />

from other Bible schools?<br />

A: At RBTC, we provide both<br />

natural and supernatural training.<br />

You’ll get the practical<br />

information you need to be a<br />

success, but you’ll also catch<br />

the spirit of faith that saturates<br />

our campus. You’ll receive vital<br />

spiritual “deposits” that will<br />

carry you through—wherever life<br />

takes you.<br />

Q: I don’t feel called to fulltime<br />

ministry. Is RBTC really<br />

for me?<br />

A: Yes! While we do provide<br />

training for those who plan to<br />

enter full-time ministry, our overall<br />

mission is to equip believers<br />

It’s not too late to apply!<br />

Application deadline:<br />

<strong>August</strong> 15, <strong>2013</strong><br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> Bible Training College<br /> | (918) 258-1588, ext. 2260<br />

Scan this code to<br />

hear from our<br />

dean and alumni!<br />

to live successfully and reach<br />

their world for Jesus Christ.<br />

We want to see students grow<br />

stronger in their relationship<br />

with God and learn to know and<br />

follow the leading of the Holy<br />

Spirit. Simply put, you’ll come<br />

out a stronger believer, ready to<br />

accomplish whatever God has<br />

called you to do!<br />

Q: What types of people attend<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> Bible Training<br />

College?<br />

A: We get many students<br />

straight out of high school or<br />

college. Others have already<br />

started a career and/or family<br />

when they come, and some<br />

have even retired. Our students<br />

are from all walks of life and in<br />

all seasons of life.<br />

Q: What sort of experience do<br />

the <strong>Rhema</strong> instructors have?<br />

A: Our faculty members have<br />

proven track records in their<br />

particular ministry areas and<br />

have more than 700 years of<br />

Admissions email:<br /><br />

combined ministerial experience.<br />

They lived it, they’re still<br />

living it, and they’re ready to<br />

share their expertise with you.<br />

Q: What are some of the<br />

courses <strong>Rhema</strong> offers?<br />

A: All first- and second-year<br />

students take the same core<br />

courses. These include classes<br />

like Christ the Healer, Redemptive<br />

Realities, The Holy Spirit,<br />

and Principles of Prayer. In<br />

third-year, students specialize<br />

in the program of their choice:<br />

Pastoral Ministry, Worship,<br />

World Missions, Student Ministries,<br />

Biblical Studies, Itinerant<br />

Ministry, or Helps Ministry. Students<br />

may also choose to do a<br />

fourth year to take another specialty<br />

program. For a full course<br />

listing, visit and<br />

click on Academics.<br />

Q: When do classes meet?<br />

A: Classes meet Monday through<br />

Friday from 8:30 a.m. to around<br />

noon.<br />

Q: Can I receive college credits<br />

for attending <strong>Rhema</strong>?<br />

A: Yes. While RBTC is not an accredited<br />

school, we are privileged<br />

to work with several regionally<br />

accredited colleges and universities<br />

that accept our credits.<br />

Southwestern Christian University<br />

even has an extension<br />

school on our campus which<br />

uses our credits and theirs toward<br />

a degree.<br />

Q: What do students do for<br />

fun during the school year?<br />

A: Our students love attending<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> Eagles basketball<br />

games, playing intramural<br />

sports (softball, floor hockey,<br />

basketball, bowling, volleyball,<br />

and flag football), and just<br />

hanging out with friends. You’ll<br />

also find them at other <strong>Rhema</strong><br />

activities and events that we<br />

plan throughout the year.<br />

Q: I’m still not sure if I should<br />

attend RBTC. What should<br />

I do?<br />

A: If you’ve been asking yourself,<br />

“What should I do with my<br />

life?” RBTC is a good place to<br />

come and find out. No matter<br />

what God ultimately calls you to<br />

do, when you have a solid foundation<br />

in His Word, you’ll be a<br />

step ahead.<br />

®<br />

Experience<br />

RBTC<br />

On the <strong>Rhema</strong> USA Campus<br />

Broken Arrow, OK<br />

for yourself!<br /> | 1-866-312-0972

Sending Out<br />

the<br />

Starters<br />

®<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> USA Graduates 39th Class<br />

On Friday, May 17, <strong>Rhema</strong><br />

Bible Training College USA<br />

graduated its newest class,<br />

nicknamed “The Starters.” This<br />

special group of 356 bold men<br />

and women didn’t wait for graduation<br />

day to begin sharing the<br />

love and power of God with this<br />

generation. They immediately<br />

took what they learned in the<br />

classroom into malls, airports,<br />

bus stations, and grocery stores.<br />

And we’ve received testimony<br />

after testimony of people’s lives<br />

being changed.<br />

One woman was healed of<br />

stage four breast cancer after<br />

one of these students laid<br />

hands on her at a makeup<br />

counter. Another student got an<br />

80-year-old man filled with the<br />

Holy Spirit after this man overheard<br />

him talking to a friend in<br />

a restaurant bathroom!<br />

On graduation night, Dr. David<br />

Beebe, traveling minister and<br />

1977 <strong>Rhema</strong> Bible Training<br />

College graduate, encouraged<br />

these amazing graduates to<br />

continue pouring themselves<br />

out for God.<br />

In comparison to eternity,<br />

whatever time we spend on<br />

this planet is like a vapor.<br />

We might as well give it all<br />

to God. That’s part of being<br />

a vessel unto honor. Second<br />

Timothy 2:21 says, “He shall<br />

be a vessel unto honour,<br />

sanctified, and meet for the<br />

master’s use, and prepared<br />

unto every good work.”<br />

As I was studying this portion<br />

of Scripture one day, three<br />

things dropped into my spirit,<br />

and I’d like to share them<br />

with you.<br />

A vessel unto honor is first<br />

of all washed. No matter what<br />

kind of vessel you have—<br />

it could be a cup, a bottle,<br />

or something larger—before<br />

you’re ever going to use it,<br />

you’re going to wash it out.<br />

That’s what happened when<br />

we were born again. First<br />

Corinthians 6:11 says, “but<br />

ye are WASHED, but ye are<br />

sanctified, but ye are justified<br />

in the name of the Lord<br />

Jesus, and by the Spirit of<br />

our God.” John 15:3 says,<br />

“Ye are CLEAN through the<br />

word which I have spoken<br />

unto you.” We find the same<br />

thought in Ephesians 5:26:<br />

“That he might sanctify and<br />

cleanse it [the church] with<br />

the WASHING of water by the<br />

word.” A vessel unto honor is<br />

a clean vessel.<br />

Secondly, the contents put<br />

in a vessel indicate the value<br />

and trust a person has in it.<br />

I’m not going to take a very<br />

expensive perfume and put it<br />

in a cracked vessel. I’m not<br />

going to put my trust in it.<br />

In First Corinthians 6:19 Paul<br />

says, “Know ye not that your<br />

body is the temple of the<br />

Holy Ghost which is in you?”<br />

After we are saved, we have<br />

the great opportunity to be<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

filled with—baptized in—the<br />

Holy Spirit. God must have<br />

some trust in us as vessels,<br />

because the Holy<br />

Spirit on the inside is<br />

very valuable. What He’s<br />

put inside us makes us a gift<br />

to the world.<br />

Lastly, a vessel, no matter<br />

what it’s filled with, doesn’t really<br />

fulfill its purpose in life until<br />

its contents are poured out.<br />

Likewise, our true purpose<br />

as ministers of the<br />

Gospel of Jesus Christ,<br />

and as Christians, is to<br />

pour out what has been<br />

put into us by God. That’s<br />

being a vessel unto honor.<br />

We’ll never find our true purpose<br />

in life until we begin to<br />

pour out somewhere.<br />

You’re not here at <strong>Rhema</strong> by<br />

accident. Before Kenneth E.<br />

Hagin ever drew his first breath,<br />

his purpose was to help usher<br />

in that last great move of the<br />

Spirit before Jesus returns. I<br />

once asked him, “Well, if that<br />

was the purpose of God on<br />

your life, and there’s been a<br />

special anointing on your life,<br />

then what about any student<br />

who was ever led to come<br />

to RBTC? If they maintain<br />

Did You Know?<br />

the same purpose on their<br />

life that you have on yours,<br />

wouldn’t they have the same<br />

anointing?”<br />

He said, “The same anointing.”<br />

You may have never been<br />

in a ministry position yet,<br />

but you’ve got the same<br />

purpose we do here—to<br />

help usher in that last<br />

great move of the Spirit<br />

before Jesus returns.<br />

And there will be an anointing<br />

on your life!<br />

Be a vessel unto honor. Stay<br />

clean, stay filled with the Holy<br />

Ghost, and keep that purpose<br />

fresh! Go and be a part of<br />

something God is doing and<br />

pour out your gifts all around<br />

the world!<br />

As the new graduates prepared<br />

to march out of the auditorium<br />

at the end of the evening,<br />

Kenneth W. Hagin left them<br />

with these words ringing in their<br />

hearts: “I charge you to be true<br />

to the things you’ve been taught<br />

and have learned. Go forth.<br />

Do what God has called you<br />

to do!”<br />

In addition to receiving a traditional<br />

diploma, RBTC graduates<br />

receive a red runner’s relay baton. The inscription on<br />

each baton reads, “I commit today to carry the baton of revival to<br />

this generation. I will carry the banner of faith and God’s power to<br />

a lost and dying world. This is my time to do all God has called<br />

me to do.”<br /> 11

A World-Changing<br />

Movement<br />

Kenneth W. Hagin<br />

Everyone in the Body of<br />

Christ has a part to play in fulfilling<br />

the Great Commission.<br />

There is something that each<br />

one of us can do. And to make<br />

the greatest impact for the Kingdom<br />

of God, it’s important that<br />

each of us finds our part.<br />

Some Christians are called to<br />

leave their families and friends<br />

and take the good news of<br />

the Gospel to other countries.<br />

Others are supposed to stay<br />

behind. Their cities and neighborhoods<br />

become their mission<br />

field. Wherever we are, we need<br />

to be winning souls to Christ.<br />

Although it’s been 10 years<br />

since Dad went home to be with<br />

the Lord, the mandate that God<br />

gave him so long ago to “go<br />

teach My people faith” still continues<br />

at <strong>Rhema</strong>. Lynette and<br />

I, along with our children and<br />

their spouses, are committed<br />

to carrying out what God has<br />

called this ministry to do.<br />

At Campmeeting 1973, when<br />

Dad said under the inspiration<br />

of the Holy Spirit,<br />

“We’re going to start a<br />

Bible school,” we never<br />

dreamed <strong>Rhema</strong> would<br />

become what it is today.<br />

We have graduates living and<br />

ministering across the U.S. and<br />

in 80 other nations. Since the<br />

school’s beginning in 1974,<br />

over 60,000 people have graduated<br />

from <strong>Rhema</strong> worldwide.<br />

Right now, there are 162<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> Bible Training College<br />

12 THE WORD OF FAITH // <strong>August</strong> ‘13<br />

campuses in 46 nations. Plus,<br />

we have a stack of applications<br />

for new campuses that people<br />

want to open.<br />

We’re finding that many of our<br />

international students were<br />

already in full-time ministry<br />

before enrolling to study at<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong>. What’s exciting about<br />

this is that they already have a<br />

platform from which they can<br />

share what they’ve learned. And<br />

they’re immediately taking what<br />

they’ve learned in the classroom<br />

and teaching it to their<br />

congregations.<br />

One pastor who is attending<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> Haiti didn’t know that<br />

God heals today. But after hearing<br />

12 hours of teaching on<br />

‘W e’v e o f t e n s a i d t h a t t h e s u n n e v e r s e t s<br />

o n a R h e m a g r a d u a t e. W e c a n n o w s a y<br />

Christ the Healer, he went back<br />

to his church and held a healing<br />

meeting. During the service, two<br />

people—one with a brain tumor<br />

and the other with breast cancer—were<br />

miraculously healed!<br />

A recent graduate of <strong>Rhema</strong><br />

Shillong, which is located in<br />

northeast India, is the first<br />

and only female bishop in her<br />

denomination. She heads up<br />

53 congregations with more<br />

than 12,000 members. Now<br />

that she’s graduated, her top<br />

priority is to share what she<br />

has learned at <strong>Rhema</strong> with her<br />

congregations. She only wishes<br />

Winter Bible Seminar<br />

that the sun never sets o n a<br />

R h e m a c a m p u s w h e r e s o m e o n e i s<br />

s t u d y i n g t h e W o r d o f G o d.’<br />

that she had learned the truths<br />

that <strong>Rhema</strong> teaches earlier.<br />

When I was a young boy, I remember<br />

hearing Dad pray,<br />

“Lord, how am I going to get<br />

this message out? I’m just one<br />

man.” Well, the message is out!<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> grads are teaching the<br />

faith message everywhere. And<br />

as more and more people hear<br />

The message is out!<br />

about faith in God, who they<br />

are in Christ, and their authority<br />

as believers, nations are<br />

being transformed and<br />

many souls are being won<br />

to the Kingdom of God.<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> truly is a world-changing<br />

movement.<br />

Mark Your Calendar!<br />

&<br />

RHEMA<br />

worldwide<br />

HOMECOMING2014<br />

February 16–21, 2014<br />

On the <strong>Rhema</strong> USA campus<br />


Following God’s Call<br />

to the Land Down Under<br />

From the moment they stepped foot on Australian soil in<br />

2006, Tony and Patsy Cameneti, 1983 and 1977 <strong>Rhema</strong> USA<br />

graduates, knew they were exactly where God wanted them to<br />

be. This “land down under” had been in their hearts and prayers<br />

for two years. And they were certain that everything they had<br />

experienced up to this point had prepared them to follow God’s<br />

call in this nation.<br />

Tony and Patsy met at <strong>Rhema</strong> USA in 1981. Patsy had remained<br />

on staff after graduating. She served as vocal director of<br />

Faith’s Creation, a singing group; coordinator of the Prayer and<br />

Healing Center; and an instructor at <strong>Rhema</strong> Bible Training<br />

College.<br />

Born again for only a few years, Tony had left his large<br />

Italian family behind to attend Bible school. Upon graduation,<br />

he returned to his home state of Ohio and helped his<br />

brother Joe establish a church. He eventually came back to<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> as bass player—and ultimately, manager—for the<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> Singers & Band.<br />

To the Nations<br />

In 1989, eight years after they met, Tony and Patsy<br />

married. Several years later, the Lord began dealing with<br />

them about moving to Sicily. Though Tony and Patsy<br />

always had missions on their hearts, they were still surprised.<br />

They had assumed they would live in Tulsa and<br />

travel to the nations.<br />

However, in 1993, just three months after the birth of<br />

their first daughter, Liliana, they moved to Altavilla Milicia.<br />

In this small mountain town outside Palermo, Sicily,<br />

their second daughter, Annalisa, was born 16 months<br />

later.<br />

Once overseas, the Camenetis spent two years setting<br />

up a Bible school to train church leaders. Realizing how<br />

easy it was to travel to other European countries, they also<br />

ministered in Bible schools, churches, and conferences in<br />

a number of other nations.<br />

From Sicily, Tony and Patsy moved to Rome where<br />

they again oversaw a Bible school. It was here that they<br />

heard <strong>Rhema</strong> was beginning to open campuses around the<br />

world. And it immediately came into their hearts to help.<br />

They spent three years helping <strong>Rhema</strong> Italy get started in<br />

Verona.<br />

“Our years in Italy were really valuable,” Patsy noted.<br />

“We learned a lot.” But in 2002, after nearly nine years in<br />

this nation, God opened yet another door.<br />

Singapore Calls<br />

“We were actually looking for a house in Italy,” Tony<br />

recalled. Then they received a phone call from Lynette<br />

Hagin that changed everything. She asked if they would pray<br />

and consider becoming the directors of <strong>Rhema</strong> Singapore, as the<br />

current director was returning to the States.<br />

After doing just that, the Camenetis knew this was the right<br />

opportunity. So in 2002, they packed their bags and moved to<br />

Singapore to take over running the school. For four years, they<br />

poured all they had into eager and attentive students. Deep<br />

down, however, they knew Singapore wasn’t their last stop.<br />

Nevertheless, they were surprised again when a few years<br />

later God dropped into their hearts another nation—Australia.<br />

Tony & Patsy<br />

Cameneti<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> Family<br />

Church<br /> 13


Did You Know?<br />

In addition to <strong>Rhema</strong><br />

Australia, Patsy and Tony<br />

are directors of <strong>Rhema</strong><br />

Papua New Guinea.<br />

Future Plans<br />

» Establish additional<br />

campuses. Among the<br />

campuses Tony and<br />

Patsy are considering is<br />

one in the Outback for<br />

the Aboriginal people.<br />

» Plant churches.<br />

There are already two<br />

additional <strong>Rhema</strong> Family<br />

Churches in Australia.<br />

» Raise up more local<br />

believers to teach in<br />

the schools, establish<br />

churches, and reach<br />

nations. Aussies are<br />

well received all over<br />

the world, so they can<br />

go to places that may<br />

be difficult for others to<br />

enter.<br />

Neither Tony nor Patsy had ever<br />

imagined they’d serve in this country,<br />

but as they prayed over a period of<br />

two years, they knew God was in it.<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> Australia<br />

In 2006, the Camenetis once<br />

again packed up their family and<br />

moved—this time to Brisbane, Australia.<br />

They had a strong desire to see<br />

Faith Library Publications’ books on<br />

that side of the world, and the first<br />

thing they did was start Kenneth<br />

Hagin Ministries Australia. They<br />

purchased a building and set up a<br />

warehouse for book distribution.<br />

Then they set their sights on reestablishing<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> Bible Training<br />

Centre Australia. <strong>Rhema</strong> previously<br />

had two campuses there—one in<br />

Perth and one on the Gold Coast.<br />

Those graduates were already producing<br />

fruit across the nation, but<br />

the Camenetis knew that God wasn’t<br />

finished yet. “Part of our assignment<br />

here has been to finish what <strong>Rhema</strong><br />

was sent here to do in the beginning,”<br />

explained Tony.<br />

In March 2010, <strong>Rhema</strong> Australia’s doors opened once again—<br />

this time in Brisbane. Students came from all over Australia to<br />

attend, and it was clear to Tony and Patsy that God had been<br />

preparing these men and women for this time.<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> Australia’s students tackle a fast-paced schedule, completing<br />

first- and second-year subjects in one year. The school is<br />

registered with the Australian government as a training organization,<br />

which means students receive a fully accredited diploma<br />

upon graduation. But it also means a lot of hands-on activities<br />

are required.<br />

A favorite of both the Camenetis and the students—and a significant<br />

training tool—is the monthly Explosion Day. Students,<br />

led by the Holy Spirit, go into shopping malls, railway stations,<br />

and many other public places to win the lost. RBTC Australia is<br />

located in an area that has many economic and social challenges<br />

and numerous international residents. This makes it the perfect<br />

training ground. Since <strong>Rhema</strong> Australia began Explosion Day,<br />

hundreds of people have been born again, healed, and filled with<br />

the Spirit.<br />

Noticeable changes are also taking<br />

place in the students as they realize<br />

who they are in Christ. On one<br />

occasion, several students went to a<br />

hospital to pray for a woman with<br />

spinal meningitis. They laid hands<br />

<strong>2013</strong> Graduates<br />

on her and she was healed and released from the hospital the<br />

very next day.<br />

The Camenetis are also seeing results in the third area of their<br />

ministry—<strong>Rhema</strong> Family Church. The church was founded by<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> graduate and evangelist Terry Walker. He prayed for six<br />

years for God to send pastors to take it over. Tony and Patsy were<br />

the answer to his prayers. And with the Lord’s help, they have<br />

seen the church steadily grow.<br />

God has assembled a widely diverse group of people—from<br />

doctors and other professionals to ex-drug addicts. All are experiencing<br />

the transforming power of the Word of God in their lives.<br />

One church member, Annie, had lumps on her back. She<br />

heard Tony preach that believers are blessed coming in and going<br />

out. That hit her as a word from the Lord. Not caring what<br />

the neighbors thought, she started walking back and forth across<br />

the threshold of her door—going in and out. And every lump<br />

disappeared!<br />

“It’s a privilege to be a part of something<br />

that’s proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus<br />

Christ in the world.”<br />

The church is also very outreach-oriented. The “Go! Suburb<br />

Invasion” program focuses on reaching different areas of the community.<br />

Many of the church people are also sharing the Gospel<br />

in their everyday lives. One couple regularly visits the local train<br />

station to share Jesus. Over the last several months, they have led<br />

over 260 people to the Lord. Another young man with a Samoan<br />

background recently got a Samoan chief saved outside the local<br />

shopping center.<br />

When Tony and Patsy see God at work like this in the lives<br />

of the people, they know it’s the Word that makes the difference.<br />

And they are truly grateful they’re able to pass on the truths <strong>Rhema</strong><br />

instilled in them.<br />

“<strong>Rhema</strong> laid the foundation of the Word of God and the ministry<br />

of the Holy Spirit,” Tony said. “Because I stayed on campus<br />

long enough, I also learned the practical part of ministry. Pastor<br />

Hagin taught me so much along that line and made me finish<br />

things. I don’t know if I would even be in ministry if it weren’t<br />

for that.”<br />

“It’s a privilege to be a part of something that’s proclaiming the<br />

Gospel of Jesus Christ in the world,” Patsy added. “And being able<br />

to equip and train other<br />

people to do the same . . .<br />

it’s just an honor.”<br />

RBTC Australia<br />


A guide to help you find the locations of churches pastored by graduates of<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> Bible Training College who are licensed and/or ordained by RMAI.<br />

StATE City Church Name PHONE<br />

StATE City Church Name PHONE<br />

AK Fairbanks Harvest (907) 799-9999<br />

Palmer Family Christian Center (907) 745-6033<br />

Wasilla Abundant Life Church (907) 376-5475<br />

AL Adamsville Victory Christian Fellowship (205) 791-9673<br />

Andalusia Andalusia Bible Church (334) 222-3072<br />

Birmingham Harvest Church (205) 781-5212<br />

Birmingham New Life World Outreach (205) 560-2044<br />

Birmingham The Life Church (205) 833-8500<br />

Daphne Abundant Life Christian Center (251) 621-1933<br />

Decatur Decatur Christian Fellowship (256) 355-7880<br />

Dothan Cornerstone Church (334) 983-1848<br />

Eufaula Christian Life Church (334) 687-7757<br />

Fosters Victorious Life Church (205) 759-1439<br />

Hueytown River Of Life Church (205) 602-3682<br />

Jacksonville Faith Temple Christian Center (256) 435-2059<br />

Linden Cornerstone Church (334) 295-0044<br />

Madison Cornerstone Word Of Life (256) 461-7055<br />

Mobile Faith Word Church (251) 776-1171<br />

Mobile Harvest Church (251) 471-2914<br />

Montgomery Harvest Family Church (334) 277-1156<br />

Muscle Shoals Word Alive Church (256) 383-1036<br />

Pelham Life Church (205) 663-1937<br />

Sylacauga Reaching The World Bible Church (256) 249-9790<br />

Talladega Word Of Life Family Church (256) 362-3000<br />

Tuscaloosa Revolution Bible Church (205) 886-2697<br />

AR Alma Beyond Church (479) 632-2340<br />

Benton Faith Fellowship (501) 794-1683<br />

Bentonville Catalyst Church (479) 273-7775<br />

Fayetteville Redeeming Love Fellowship (479) 283-3993<br />

Foreman Prince of Peace Church (870) 542-7729<br />

Hamburg Church of the Redeemer (870) 853-5731<br />

Harrison Grace Christian Center (870) 741-9099<br />

Harrison Restoration Life Fellowship (870) 741-1204<br />

Jonesboro Living Word Church (870) 931-3248<br />

Jonesboro Trinity Church (870) 935-7705<br />

Lake Village Faith Fellowship Church (870) 265-5754<br />

Mountain Home Word Of Life Church (870) 425-6916<br />

Rogers Faith Builders Family Church (479) 631-7777<br />

Springdale Cornerstone Word Alive (479) 419-9033<br />

AZ Apache Junction Love Gospel Church (480) 510-7089<br />

Cameron Cameron Full Gospel Church (928) 679-2419<br />

Chandler Faith Family Church (480) 539-8933<br />

El Mirage Grace Church (623) 875-1900<br />

Glendale CityLife Church (623) 847-0971<br />

Glendale Community Faith Church (623) 703-3318<br />

Lake Havasu City Inspire the Church (928) 846-4649<br />

Mesa Christ to the Nations Church (480) 671-5246<br />

Phoenix Spirit of Faith Family Church (480) 200-7209<br />

Prescott Valley Victory Worship Bible Church (928) 775-3314<br />

Scottsdale Desert Valley Church of Scottsdale (480) 659-7970<br />

Sierra Vista Living Word Family Church (520) 378-6632<br />

Tucson Word In Season Christian Center (520) 323-5075<br />

CA Avenal The Life Church (559) 410-1435<br />

Beaumont God’s Living Church (951) 845-2368<br />

Big Bear City Big Bear Believers Chapel (909) 866-2552<br />

Carson Good News Bible Church (310) 952-9228<br />

Chula Vista Spectrum Church (619) 691-0880<br />

Dunsmuir Abundant Life Family Church (530) 524-1265<br />

East Palo Alto Bread Of Life Worship Center (650) 326-2633<br />

El Centro Imperial Valley Christian Center (760) 352-3105<br />

Elk Grove Answers Church (916) 667-9634<br />

Fresno Celebration Church (559) 275-2083<br />

Glendora Family Life Church (626) 914-1229<br />

Hayward Heart Of The Bay Christian Center (510) 786-3232<br />

Lake Forest Foothill Family Church (949) 581-5070<br />

Lancaster Antelope Valley Christian Center (661) 949-7200<br />

Lincoln Harvest Time Church (916) 645-3787<br />

Los Alamitos Cottonwood Church (714) 947-5300<br />

Los Angeles International Churches of Word Center & Affiliates (323) 291-7002<br />

Martinez Gateway Church (925) 335-9519<br />

Mather The Lord’s Church (916) 364-4380<br />

Merced Triumphant Believers Center (209) 722-5222<br />

Modesto Victory Faith Center (209) 577-8556<br />

Moreno Valley Generations Church (951) 813-8413<br />

Moreno Valley Renewed Life Fellowship (951) 924-8828<br />

North Highlands Family Community Church (916) 334-7700<br />

Northridge Living Faith Christian Church (818) 709-8532<br />

Nuevo Jesus Center Church (951) 928-0615<br />

Perris Perris Valley Christian Center (951) 940-0400<br />

Pittsburg Light the Bay Church (925) 432-3808<br />

Rancho Cucamonga Abundant Living Family Church (909) 987-7110<br />

Rancho Mirage Victory Christian Center (760) 328-3313<br />

Red Bluff Walnut Grove Christian Center (530) 527-9065<br />

Rialto Living Hope Fellowship (909) 820-6520<br />

Roseville Abundant Life Fellowship (916) 783-1989<br />

San Bernardino Life Changing Ministries (909) 882-3277<br />

San Diego Chain Reaction Church (619) 302-1435<br />

San Francisco Living Water Fellowship (415) 242-4438<br />

San Jose Oasis Of Living Waters (408) 954-8571<br />

San Leandro Faith Family Life Ministries (510) 635-0143<br />

San Mateo Victory International Church (650) 655-4749<br />

San Rafael Victory Christian Center (415) 897-0136<br />

Santa Maria Shekinah Glory Christian Fellowship (805) 925-5845<br />

Santa Rosa Living Word Family Church (707) 575-8218<br />

South San Francisco Word Of Faith By The Bay (650) 872-2190<br />

Spring Valley Father’s House Church (619) 741-0630<br />

ALASKA<br />


Arkansas<br />

Arizona<br />

california<br />

R M A I C h u r c h G u i d e<br />


RMAI<br />


StATE City Church Name PHONE StATE City Church Name PHONE<br />

california<br />






HAWAII<br />

IOWA<br />

R M A I C h u r c h G u i d e<br />

Stockton Harvest Bible Church (209) 931-9548<br />

Ventura The Net Bible Church (805) 861-3190<br />

Visalia Destiny Church (559) 627-4304<br />

Willows Ark Christian Center (530) 934-7105<br />

Yucca Valley Victory Christian Center Of Yucca Valley (760) 365-4302<br />

CO Arvada Agape Life Church (303) 431-6481<br />

Aurora Joy Christian Fellowship (303) 337-0582<br />

Aurora Light of the World Family Church (303) 367-8353<br />

Berthoud Berthoud Family Church (970) 532-0717<br />

Burlington Free Life Church (719) 346-5115<br />

Colorado Springs Impact Christian Center (719) 359-3105<br />

Colorado Springs Life of Faith Church (719) 291-4275<br />

Colorado Springs Rock Family Church (719) 531-6600<br />

Durango Durango Faith Fellowship (970) 317-1500<br />

Fort Collins Cornerstone Family Church (970) 282-1290<br />

Glenwood Springs New Creation Church (970) 945-5902<br />

Greeley Victory Christian Fellowship (970) 351-8300<br />

Lakewood Church On The Move (303) 914-1062<br />

Lamar Redeeming Love Church (719) 336-5277<br />

Laporte Laporte Outreach Ministries (970) 419-8463<br />

Longmont New Creation Ministries (303) 776-4225<br />

Loveland Impact Church (970) 581-1999<br />

Montrose Word Of Life Fellowship (970) 596-1453<br />

Pueblo Rocky Mountain Family Church (719) 584-7766<br />

Rifle Family of Faith Church Outreach (970) 625-3844<br />

Rocky Ford Worship Center of Rocky Ford (719) 254-4046<br />

Silverton Word of Life Fellowship (970) 387-5893<br />

Trinidad First Christian Church (719) 846-3843<br />

CT Bristol Faith Family Church - Bristol (860) 506-5395<br />

Darien New Beginnings Community Church (203) 655-7194<br />

Glastonbury Faith Family Church (860) 633-0889<br />

Hartford Shiloh Christian Church (860) 997-2378<br />

Meriden Faith Bible Church (203) 530-5690<br />

Middlebury Word of Life Family Church (860) 426-0446<br />

New London Faith Fellowship (860) 443-7507<br />

New Milford Faith Church (860) 354-7700<br />

Newtown Grace Family Church (203) 270-1005<br />

Norwalk Word Alive Bible Church (203) 838-5003<br />

Rocky Hill Trinity Christian Fellowship (860) 257-4150<br />

Southbury Connections Church (203) 405-3212<br />

Stratford Jesus Lives Christian Center (203) 377-7589<br />

DE Delmar Cornerstone Community Church (302) 846-0701<br />

FL Apopka Word Of Life Church (407) 886-7427<br />

Casselberry East Coast Believers Church (407) 774-3222<br />

Clearwater Faith Family Outreach Church (727) 461-9673<br />

Daytona Beach Relevant Church (386) 257-4622<br />

Fernandina Beach Abundant Life Christian Church (904) 491-8424<br />

Gainesville Faith Christian Family Church (352) 575-0742<br />

High Springs Impact Family Church (386) 454-1563<br />

Hudson West Coast Word of Faith (727) 862-7230<br />

Indian Rocks Beach Heirs Of Promise Church (727) 397-0806<br />

Jacksonville Abundant Love Family Worship (904) 751-3121<br />

Jacksonville Abundant Life Church (904) 777-1888<br />

Keystone Heights Community Church Of Keystone Heights (352) 473-4182<br />

Kissimmee Kingdom Life International Christian Center (407) 442-2688<br />

Lake Worth Believer’s Victory Church (561) 969-9009<br />

Lake Worth Faith Family Church (561) 582-0016<br />

Lehigh Acres All Faiths Church (239) 369-3726<br />

Live Oak Melody Christian Church (386) 364-4800<br />

Lutz Heritage Church (813) 909-4080<br />

Marianna Word Of Life Victory Center (850) 526-5309<br />

Melrose Lake Area Bible Church (352) 475-3773<br />

Miami Alpha & Omega Church (305) 273-1263<br />

Miami Words Of Life Fellowship Church (305) 653-8155<br />

Milton Living Faith Church (850) 623-4521<br />

Naples Living Word Family Church (239) 348-7400<br />

Naples New Hope Ministries (239) 348-0122<br />

Niceville Living Faith Christian Center (850) 659-7757<br />

Ocala The Rock Family Church (352) 854-9081<br />

Okeechobee Resurrection Life World Outreach Church (863) 763-7770<br />

Orange City New Life Bible Church (386) 775-8158<br />

Orange Park Spirit & Word of God Church (904) 504-4838<br />

Orlando Direction Church Orlando (407) 460-9753<br />

Orlando Faith Creation Fellowship (407) 295-8901<br />

Orlando Love Covenant World Church (407) 438-2222<br />

Orlando Orlando Faith Ministries International (407) 291-2030<br />

Palm Harbor World Wide Word of Faith Church (727) 942-9700<br />

Panama City Cornerstone Family Fellowship (850) 770-4047<br />

Pensacola Forever Faith Bible Church (850) 453-5860<br />

Plant City The Cynergy Church (813) 708-2783<br />

Port Orange Family Worship Center (386) 788-3966<br />

Port Saint Joe Family Life Church (850) 229-5433<br />

Riverview The Life Church (813) 672-0810<br />

Saint <strong>August</strong>ine Anchor Faith Church (904) 342-3845<br />

Saint Petersburg Family Oasis Victory Center (727) 415-7023<br />

Saint Petersburg Hope Community Church (727) 272-7620<br />

Sarasota Iglesia Palabra de Fe (941) 359-9869<br />

Sarasota Shining Light Bible Church (941) 366-9903<br />

Sopchoppy Spirit Life Church (850) 962-9000<br />

Tallahassee Abundant Life Fellowship (850) 576-3593<br />

Tampa Faith Life Church (813) 910-7336<br />

Vero Beach Faith United Fellowship (772) 778-3635<br />

Weeki Wachee Believers Christian Fellowship (352) 587-5223<br />

West Palm Beach Joy of Faith Christian Center (561) 839-9829<br />

GA Appling Word Of Life Church @ Keg Creek (706) 541-1753<br />

Athens Church 316 (706) 353-7303<br />

Auburn Lifeway Church (770) 696-4860<br />

<strong>August</strong>a Faith Christian Church (706) 722-8665<br />

Bowdon Community Church (770) 258-4908<br />

Cairo Faith Christian Center (229) 377-8840<br />

Commerce Foundations Church (706) 309-0234<br />

Cumming Cumming New Life Church (770) 889-6919<br />

Dawson Family Bible Church (229) 854-3761<br />

Decatur Fellowship Christian Center (770) 374-7830<br />

Flovilla Faith Family Church (678) 379-7618<br />

Lawrenceville Spirit Life International Christian Center (770) 855-1082<br />

Lawrenceville Word Of Truth Family Church (770) 538-0654<br />

Locust Grove Harvest Worship Center (770) 228-1622<br />

McDonough Living Word On the Move (770) 957-9872<br />

Newnan Abundant Life Faith Church (770) 304-1172<br />

Norcross Victory World Church (770) 849-9400<br />

Peachtree City Gracepointe Church (770) 631-9880<br />

Powder Springs Word Of Life Christian Center (770) 222-3331<br />

Riverdale Faith Cornerstone Worship Center (404) 388-0638<br />

Rome Journey Church (706) 235-1310<br />

Warner Robins Eklesia Of The Word (478) 955-1548<br />

Warner Robins Faith Life Family Church (478) 987-6888<br />

Winder Word Of Faith Bible Church (770) 307-8707<br />

Winterville Family Worship Center (706) 543-4472<br />

HI Aiea Master’s Touch Ministries (808) 371-5027<br />

Kahului Faith Family Fellowship (808) 244-4992<br />

Kapaa God Can Christian Center (808) 246-6777<br />

IA Carroll Grace Christian Fellowship (712) 792-0138<br />

Cedar Rapids Cedar Rapids Family Church (319) 366-0755<br />

Cedar Rapids Spirit Of Faith Family Church (319) 366-2147<br />

RMAI<br />

2 GUIDE<br />


StATE City Church Name PHONE StATE City Church Name PHONE<br />

Clear Lake Agape Christian Family Church (641) 357-8014<br />

Davenport Living Water Family Church (563) 324-0377<br />

De Witt Living Word Bible Church (563) 659-3970<br />

Denison Cornerstone Family Church (712) 263-2003<br />

Des Moines World Outreach Church (515) 299-4677<br />

Dubuque Word Of Life Church (563) 556-2155<br />

Fairfield Antioch Independent Church (319) 385-4023<br />

Hampton Church of the Living Word (641) 812-0351<br />

Harlan Abundant Life Church (712) 755-7420<br />

Independence Triumphant Church (319) 334-2407<br />

Indianola Destiny Bible Church (515) 961-4846<br />

Iowa City Grace Fellowship Church (319) 337-9907<br />

Mason City Christian Fellowship Church (641) 423-0000<br />

Mount Pleasant Faith Christian Outreach Church (319) 986-5377<br />

Oakland Fellowship of Faith Christian Center (712) 482-3455<br />

Oskaloosa Jubilee Family Church (641) 673-9852<br />

Rolfe St. Pauls Lutheran Church (712) 848-3868<br />

Shenandoah Harvest Family Church (712) 246-1488<br />

Sioux City Family Worship Center (712) 258-0270<br />

Winterset Word Of Life Family Church (515) 462-4405<br />

ID Boise River’s Edge Church (208) 841-4299<br />

Meridian Life Church (208) 658-8800<br />

Meridian World Outreach Center (208) 938-8440<br />

Sandpoint Living Faith Church (208) 437-0861<br />

IL Alton Word and Spirit Family Church (618) 466-0910<br />

Auburn New Life Family Church (217) 438-3956<br />

Aurora Abundant Life Family Church (630) 851-5433<br />

Belleville Harvest Church of Illinois (618) 213-7800<br />

Belleville Victory Family Church (618) 235-6373<br />

Bluffs New Song Ministries (217) 754-3718<br />

Bradley Kankakee Valley Family Church (815) 929-1030<br />

Byron Global Harvest Church (815) 234-8032<br />

Caseyville Generation Church (618) 789-2068<br />

Champaign Midwest Believers Church (217) 607-1211<br />

Chicago Greater Love Christian Center (773) 661-7894<br />

Chicago Trinity Christian Fellowship (773) 205-5522<br />

Chicago Victory Ministries Church (312) 664-5474<br />

Durand Cornerstone Foursquare Church (815) 248-8053<br />

Effingham New Beginnings Church (217) 342-3305<br />

Fairbury Faith Fellowship Ministries (815) 692-4625<br />

Farmer City Victory Christian Center (309) 928-9628<br />

Franklin Park Faith Christian Center (847) 671-7680<br />

La Harpe La Harpe United Methodist Church (217) 659-7511<br />

La Salle Mighty Word Church (815) 224-4067<br />

Lovington Lovington Assembly of God (217) 873-8791<br />

Matteson Believers Church (708) 720-9000<br />

Matteson Trees Of Righteousness Church (708) 481-1004<br />

Mattoon LifePointe Church (217) 234-4580<br />

Oswego Oswego Family Church (630) 554-0347<br />

Paris Grace Fellowship Church (217) 465-1800<br />

Paxton Full Gospel Christian Fellowship (217) 379-4758<br />

Princeton Victory Worship Center (815) 915-2155<br />

Quincy Crossroad Church (217) 222-4968<br />

Rockford Banner of Truth International (815) 968-0026<br />

Rushville Faith Christian Family Church (217) 322-6929<br />

Saint Joseph Living Word Family Church (217) 469-7410<br />

Sterling Abiding Word Church (815) 626-1827<br />

Tolono Fountain Of Life Family Fellowship (217) 485-4165<br />

Wayne City Church Of The Harvest (618) 895-3229<br />

Wedron Victory Fellowship Church (815) 222-2485<br />

IN Bloomington Living Waters Church (812) 339-4117<br />

Burlington Burlington Church of Christ (765) 566-3184<br />

Carmel Turning Point Ministries (317) 650-2188<br />

Columbus Faith Victory Church (812) 372-6625<br />

Crawfordsville Church Alive (765) 359-0921<br />

Crawfordsville The River of Life (765) 866-0619<br />

Decatur New Beginnings Family Center (260) 728-9000<br />

Evansville Destiny Of Faith Community Church (812) 434-0445<br />

Fort Wayne Summit Church (260) 424-5683<br />

Geneva Harvest Time Bible Church (260) 273-0877<br />

Granger New Creation Fellowship (574) 264-0469<br />

Petersburg Glezen Revival Center (812) 354-9909<br />

PORTLAND River OF LIFE CHURCH (260) 726-7466<br />

Redkey Redkey Faith Ministries (765) 369-2920<br />

Spencer Open Door Christian Fellowship (812) 829-4880<br />

Sullivan Sullivan Word Of Life Church (812) 268-3130<br />

Terre Haute Faith Outreach Family Church (812) 232-4454<br />

Warsaw New Life Christian Church and World Outreach (574) 269-5851<br />

KS Arkansas City Vinelife Family Church (620) 442-9190<br />

Delphos Living Cornerstone Fellowship (785) 523-4567<br />

Dodge City Abundant Life Family Church (620) 227-3303<br />

Eudora Family Of Faith Fellowship (785) 542-3353<br />

Garden City Word Of Life Church (620) 276-3825<br />

Hays Westview Church (785) 625-6359<br />

Holton Word Of Encouragement Family Church (785) 364-4392<br />

Hutchinson Grace Christian Church (620) 662-1429<br />

Leavenworth Household Of Faith (913) 682-5585<br />

Manhattan Agape Family Church (785) 539-3570<br />

Olathe Life Pointe Church (913) 764-5433<br />

Olathe Living Waters Fellowship (913) 780-1655<br />

Topeka Light Of The World Christian Center (785) 271-1010<br />

Wichita Triumphant Faith Center (316) 522-2204<br />

Wichita Word Of Life Church (316) 838-9200<br />

Wichita Word of Life South (316) 263-8463<br />

KY Bowling Green Life Fellowship Church (270) 782-3746<br />

Carrollton Family Worship Center (502) 732-5418<br />

Corbin Life Church (606) 215-3408<br />

Danville Faith Church (859) 236-4995<br />

Georgetown Victory Life Church (502) 863-0523<br />

Glasgow Restoration Church (270) 651-8121<br />

Horse Cave Immanuel Ministry Church (270) 786-4339<br />

La Grange Cornerstone Family Church (502) 222-2345<br />

Lawrenceburg Golden Pathway Fellowship (502) 839-4788<br />

Lexington Family Worship Center (859) 273-2700<br />

Louisville Faith Fellowship Church (502) 366-1248<br />

Louisville Life of Faith Bible Church (502) 240-0016<br />

Maysville Victory Christian Center of Maysville (606) 759-7211<br />

Pikeville Christian Life Fellowship (606) 478-5433<br />

Shelbyville Family Worship Center of Shelby County (502) 633-6017<br />

Wilder Family Worship Center (859) 441-5433<br />

Williamstown Family Worship Center Grant County (859) 824-7391<br />

LA Bossier City Christian Faith Family Church (318) 834-0460<br />

Denham Springs The Glory Of God Worship Center (225) 791-4464<br />

Destrehan Covenant Church (985) 764-2000<br />

Lafayette The Living Glory (337) 237-4462<br />

Many Word Of Truth Family Church (318) 256-2733<br />

Monroe Northgate Church (318) 323-5198<br />

Ruston Faith Christian Center (318) 255-2575<br />

Slidell Living Word Bible Church (985) 781-5149<br />

Winnsboro Winnsboro Faith Christian Center (318) 412-8730<br />

MA Andover Andover Christian Center (978) 409-2311<br />

East Sandwich Lighthouse On The Rock Family Church (508) 833-9511<br />

New Bedford Redeeming Family Church (508) 991-8684<br />

Raynham Father’s House Family Church (508) 824-8193<br />

Salisbury New England Christian Church (978) 463-3149<br />

IOWA<br />

IDAHO<br />



KANSAS<br />




R M A I C h u r c h G u i d e<br />


RMAI<br />


StATE City Church Name PHONE StATE City Church Name PHONE<br />


MAryland<br />

Maine<br />

Michigan<br />

Minnesota<br />

Missouri<br />

Mississippi<br />

Montana<br />

North Carolina<br />

R M A I C h u r c h G u i d e<br />

Seekonk Faith Christian Center (508) 336-4110<br />

West Somerville Adonai Bible Center (857) 204-3482<br />

MD Gaithersburg Montgomery Faith Fellowship (301) 330-8521<br />

Glen Burnie Extraordinary Life Church (410) 761-5433<br />

Halethorpe Living Word Family Church (410) 247-9673<br />

ME Waterville Resurrection Life Church (207) 872-4969<br />

MI Ann Arbor Accelerate Church (734) 585-5660<br />

Attica New Life Christian Church (810) 724-2702<br />

Auburn Hills The River Church of Bloomfield (248) 853-1524<br />

Birch Run Agape Faith Fellowship (517) 777-3200<br />

Cadillac Victory Outreach Fellowship (231) 775-9636<br />

Coldwater Oasis Of Love Family Church (517) 278-8694<br />

Detroit Harvest Christian Church (313) 532-0346<br />

Detroit WOW Church and Life Center (313) 521-5090<br />

Flint Genesee Valley Church (810) 733-5208<br />

Flint A Word In Season Family Christian Fellowship (810) 787-2470<br />

Grandville Eternal Word Church (616) 719-1821<br />

Hazel Park Solid Rock Church (248) 543-4319<br />

Hillsdale Hillsdale City Church (517) 437-4563<br />

Menominee Abundant Joy Church (906) 863-2799<br />

Merritt Butterfield Christian Fellowship (231) 328-4400<br />

Oakland Township Oakland Christian Church (248) 276-9900<br />

Portage Valley Family Church (269) 324-5599<br />

Reese Oasis of Love Family Worship Center (989) 714-5128<br />

Romeo Harvest Fellowship Of Romeo (586) 752-7620<br />

Sanford Cleft Of The Rock Family Church (989) 687-5028<br />

Southfield Word Of Faith Christian Center (248) 223-0166<br />

Sterling Heights Grace Christian Church (586) 258-4390<br />

Three Rivers Agape Family Church (269) 273-2133<br />

Traverse City City Church (989) 205-2133<br />

Traverse City Victory Outreach Fellowship of Traverse City (231) 920-1720<br />

Troy Life In The Word Christian Church (248) 689-3667<br />

MN Anoka Ramsey Cornerstone Church (763) 427-0147<br />

Appleton Word Fellowship of Appleton (320) 289-2736<br />

Brainerd Living Word North (218) 829-0612<br />

Cambridge Victory Christian Center (763) 689-4407<br />

Fergus Falls Life Church (218) 739-3886<br />

Forest Lake God Encounter Church (763) 772-4133<br />

Harmony New Life Victory Church (507) 886-3525<br />

Hopkins Family Church (763) 425-7232<br />

Minnetonka Christian Family Church Minnetonka Campus (507) 455-3205<br />

Moorhead Faith Hope Love Church (218) 236-7276<br />

Owatonna Christian Family Church Owatonna Campus (507) 455-3205<br />

Rochester Lighthouse Church (507) 288-2591<br />

Saint Cloud Joy Christian Center (320) 253-7819<br />

Saint Paul Established Heart Community Church (651) 699-6068<br />

Savage Three Rivers Church (952) 440-7200<br />

Vergas Lakes Area Word Fellowship (218) 342-2620<br />

MO Ashland Faith Family Church of Boone County (573) 657-0650<br />

Blue Springs Cornerstone Church (816) 228-1979<br />

Branson Faith Life Church (417) 334-9233<br />

Branson West Living Word Church (417) 272-1959<br />

Bridgeton The Anointed Word Church (314) 738-9890<br />

Bruner Fellowship Lighthouse (417) 634-4274<br />

California New Life Church (573) 338-2154<br />

Chillicothe Cornerstone Church (660) 646-2231<br />

Columbia Revolution (573) 289-2377<br />

Cuba Faith Chapel (573) 885-3691<br />

Dixon Living Word Worship Center (573) 759-7878<br />

Farmington Life Church Farmington (573) 756-9101<br />

Fenton Summit Church (636) 861-1410<br />

Florissant Compassionate Ministries Fellowship (314) 831-5444<br />

Joplin Abundant Life Christian Center (417) 624-7500<br />

Joplin Joplin Church Alive (417) 781-6764<br />

Kansas City Harvest Church (816) 455-7777<br />

Laurie The Door (573) 374-6323<br />

Lebanon Lebanon Family Church (417) 533-3655<br />

Mansfield Harvest Projects Revival Center (417) 230-2201<br />

Marble Hill Grace Fellowship Family Worship Center (573) 238-4746<br />

Marshall Marshall Family Worship Center (660) 886-9576<br />

Pacific Rock Family Church (636) 257-7625<br />

Rogersville Victory Life Church (417) 753-4405<br />

Rolla Grace Church (573) 368-3040<br />

Saint Louis Communion Church Ministries (314) 521-6525<br />

Saint Louis Miracle Revival Center (314) 965-8488<br />

Saint Clair Victory Church Of Saint Clair (636) 629-3033<br />

Scott City Father’s Arms Fellowship (573) 264-4233<br />

Springfield Healing Word Church (309) 264-3179<br />

Sullivan Word Of Life Worship Center (573) 468-7773<br />

Sunrise Beach Sunrise Bible Church (573) 374-5937<br />

Union Grace Family Church And World Outreach Center (636) 583-1144<br />

Warsaw River Church (660) 438-5749<br />

Washington Living Bread Church (636) 239-5944<br />

Wentzville Faith Christian Family Church Wentzville (636) 327-3964<br />

Wright City Faith Christian Family Church (636) 456-4748<br />

MS Anguilla Son Flower Church (662) 873-2215<br />

Byram Relate Church (601) 372-4117<br />

Columbus Real Life Church (662) 328-2131<br />

Eupora Living Word Christian Center (662) 552-5700<br />

Flowood Word Of Life Church (769) 216-3650<br />

Greenville Grace Outreach Bible Church (662) 332-8833<br />

Gulfport Family Worship Center (228) 831-0819<br />

Horn Lake Dominion Faith Worship Center (662) 280-1415<br />

Houston Branch of the Vine Christian Fellowship Church (662) 456-9923<br />

Jackson Tema Life Church (601) 506-2423<br />

Madison Keypointe Church (601) 605-2880<br />

Ridgeland Victory Life Church (601) 853-2176<br />

Tupelo New Life Church (662) 844-9464<br />

Yazoo City River Mountain Church (662) 746-4087<br />

MT Billings Zoe Bible Church of Billings (406) 860-2527<br />

Bozeman Celebration of Life Church (406) 239-1800<br />

Butte Church On The Rock (406) 494-7625<br />

Glendive Break Forth Bible Church (406) 377-4922<br />

Great Falls Zoe Bible Church of Great Falls (218) 943-1084<br />

Kalispell Word of Life Christian Center Kalispell (406) 756-5433<br />

Miles City Break Forth Bible Church (406) 234-4572<br />

Missoula Elevate Church (406) 251-6874<br />

Missoula Millennium Christian Center (406) 728-4850<br />

Missoula Missoula Bible Church (406) 543-3441<br />

NC Brevard Spoken Word Church Brevard (828) 884-5942<br />

Burlington Word Of Life Family Church (336) 586-9673<br />

Cary New Life Church (919) 467-3456<br />

Charlotte Grace Christian Center (704) 341-1610<br />

Charlotte Seed of Faith Ministry (704) 905-6565<br />

Cherokee Cherokee Bible Church (828) 497-2286<br />

Elizabeth City Family Worship Center (252) 340-3386<br />

Ennice New Covenant Church Of Sparta (336) 657-3133<br />

Fayetteville Church of the Harvest (910) 323-1345<br />

Garner Victory Church (919) 779-5180<br />

Greensboro Faith and Victory Church (336) 852-0088<br />

Greensboro Harvest World Outreach Church (336) 885-0587<br />

Hickory Life Center (828) 638-3545<br />

Hickory Word of Life Church (828) 291-2277<br />

Hillsborough Voice Of God Among You (919) 606-1636<br />

Huntersville Faith Life Church (704) 996-4657<br />

Indian Trail Lighthouse Family Church (704) 291-7877<br />

RMAI<br />

4 GUIDE<br />


StATE City Church Name PHONE StATE City Church Name PHONE<br />

Jamestown New Life Family Church (336) 889-4842<br />

Kinston Webb Chapel United Methodist (252) 569-0308<br />

Laurel Hill Xalt Church (910) 462-2901<br />

Lumberton Love and Joy Christian Center (910) 258-7783<br />

Midland Calvary Praise & Worship Center (704) 888-4680<br />

Murphy Abundant Life Church (828) 837-7815<br />

Nashville Fellowship Church (252) 459-3651<br />

New Bern Foundation Life Fellowship (252) 636-2113<br />

Newton Living Faith Bible Church (828) 464-0009<br />

Raleigh Prevailing Word Church International (919) 877-1073<br />

Raleigh Triangle Christian Center (919) 846-0470<br />

Rocky Point Believers Destiny Church (910) 602-7729<br />

Statesville Believers Faith Center (704) 873-5484<br />

West End Jubilee Word of Faith Church (910) 944-7506<br />

Weddington Redeeming Life Church (704) 774-0267<br />

Wilmington Wilmington Christian Center (910) 231-6740<br />

Winston Salem St. Peter’s World Outreach Center (336) 650-0200<br />

ND Bismarck Word Of Faith Church and Outreach Center (701) 222-1004<br />

Dickinson Break Forth Bible Church (701) 483-0720<br />

Fargo Joy Family Church (701) 364-0860<br />

Ryder Calvary Presbyterian Church (701) 758-2401<br />

NE Broken Bow Christian Life Center (308) 872-5523<br />

Grand Island Spirit of Life Church (308) 384-6880<br />

Hastings Home Church (402) 705-6128<br />

Kearney New Hope Family Church (308) 237-0220<br />

McCook McCook Harvest Church (308) 345-4810<br />

Omaha Faith Family Church (402) 637-7771<br />

Omaha Jubilee Church (402) 933-1110<br />

Superior Living Faith Fellowship Church (402) 879-3814<br />

NH Claremont Victory In Jesus Family Church (603) 542-0266<br />

Exeter The Father’s Family Church (603) 772-0731<br />

Goffstown Goffstown Harvest Christian Church (603) 641-5993<br />

Rindge Monadnock Full Gospel Church (603) 899-2815<br />

Union Abundant Harvest Family Church (603) 473-8914<br />

NJ Brick New Beginnings Christian Fellowship (732) 451-0777<br />

McAfee Faith With Love Fellowship- McAfee Bible Church (973) 827-3345<br />

Montclair Voice Of Victory Bible Church (973) 675-3600<br />

Paterson Abundant Life Worship Center (973) 754-8777<br />

Pennsauken World Harvest Christian Center (856) 488-9070<br />

Randolph Family Life Church (973) 229-3407<br />

Toms River Abundant Grace Church (732) 914-2058<br />

Toms River Together With Christ Church (732) 330-9242<br />

Willingboro Kingdom Living Ministries (609) 877-1080<br />

NM Albuquerque Church Alive! (505) 896-2800<br />

Blanco Blanco Canyon Word of Faith (505) 320-3468<br />

Bloomfield Victory In The Word Church (505) 632-8323<br />

Clovis Faith Christian Family Church (575) 762-7751<br />

Farmington Faith Family Church (505) 326-3040<br />

Farmington Summit Church (505) 325-8525<br />

Las Cruces Living Word Family Church (575) 644-6695<br />

Las Cruces Revolution Life Church (575) 523-0522<br />

Portales Vineyard (575) 356-6839<br />

Santa Fe New Life Family Fellowship (505) 982-8950<br />

NV Caliente Caliente Christian Center (775) 726-3414<br />

Fallon River of Life Faith Church (775) 867-5572<br />

Las Vegas Family Worship Christian Church (702) 880-9673<br />

Las Vegas Word Of Life Christian Center (702) 645-1990<br />

NY Bellmore REAL Church at Christian Joy Fellowship (516) 781-4569<br />

Bronx Christ Alive Christian Center (718) 994-0514<br />

Bronx Friendship Community Church (718) 933-3915<br />

Cheektowaga Resurrection Life Fellowship (716) 656-8995<br />

Clinton Life In Christ Family Church (315) 853-1582<br />

Cohoes Good Ground Family Church (518) 233-0398<br />

Endicott Triumphant Life Church (607) 239-5414<br />

Fredonia Family Church North (716) 672-8100<br />

Jamaica Tabernaculo De Alabanza Palabra De Vida (347) 230-6919<br />

Jamestown Family Church Jamestown (716) 487-1712<br />

Long Island City Champion Worship Center (718) 706-8719<br />

Mount Kisco Westchester Family Church (914) 244-9200<br />

Nanuet Redeeming Love Christian Center (845) 623-9300<br />

Palatine Bridge Faith, Hope and Love Christian Fellowship (518) 673-5128<br />

Patchogue Oasis Christian Center (631) 289-8641<br />

Plessis Thousand Islands Christian Church (315) 482-6756<br />

Rochester Victory Community Church (585) 352-5334<br />

Schenectady Abounding Grace Christian Church (518) 355-4673<br />

South Dayton Family Church of Cattaraugus (716) 720-2372<br />

Utica Victorious Life Church (315) 797-0418<br />

West Harrison Hudson Valley Family Church (877) 297-1172<br />

OH Bellaire Faith Fellowship Church (740) 676-0057<br />

Bowersville Wow Church (937) 502-5550<br />

Canfield Jubilee Christian Fellowship (330) 533-7730<br />

Canton His Place 4-U Ministries (330) 478-3099<br />

Cincinnati Cincinnati Word Of Faith Church (513) 226-5272<br />

Cleveland Master In Action Believers Church (216) 862-6607<br />

Columbus Faith Life Family Church (614) 898-7688<br />

Dayton The River Church (937) 287-1758<br />

Delaware Father’s House International Church (740) 816-1824<br />

Freemont Victory Church (419) 332-1527<br />

Granville Faith Fellowship Church (740) 587-2994<br />

Grove City Faith Believing Word Church (614) 539-1545<br />

Kettering Lifepointe Church (937) 435-9055<br />

Lewisburg Lewisburg Word of Faith (937) 583-5010<br />

Mason Faith World Outreach Center (513) 351-9673<br />

Massillon Church On The Move (330) 834-1127<br />

Montpelier River of Life Worship Center (419) 485-5029<br />

Newark Family Of Faith Community Church (740) 366-7931<br />

North Canton Faith Family Church (330) 305-0925<br />

North Lewisburg Riversong Worship Center (937) 747-2202<br />

Portsmouth Living Waters Fellowship (740) 353-2452<br />

Powell Life Family Church (614) 937-2222<br />

Springfield Faith Tabernacle Church (937) 869-0693<br />

Strasburg Lighthouse Outreach Center (330) 878-8082<br />

Troy Living Hope Worship Center (937) 552-9609<br />

Urbana River Of Life Christian Center (937) 653-6754<br />

Warren Believers Church (330) 372-3333<br />

Wilmington Faith Family Church (937) 382-2213<br />

Xenia Victory Life Christian Center (937) 372-8986<br />

OK Alva Grace And Faith Fellowship (580) 327-4210<br />

Anadarko First Christian Church (405) 247-3093<br />

Ardmore Family Life Church (580) 220-9254<br />

Bartlesville Victory Church (918) 335-2085<br />

Broken Arrow <strong>Rhema</strong> Bible Church (918) 258-1588<br />

Broken Arrow The Gathering Place (918) 409-3001<br />

Buffalo Sure Foundation Fellowship (580) 735-2019<br />

Chandler Word of Life Family Church (405) 258-6794<br />

Edmond Oasis Church (405) 348-9673<br />

El Reno Faith Family Church (405) 262-5509<br />

Elk City Elk City Community Church (580) 225-1184<br />

Eufaula Piney Creek Fellowship Church (918) 452-2556<br />

Gore Cornerstone Tabernacle (918) 489-2385<br />

Guymon Victory Center (580) 338-5616<br />

Kellyville Faith Life Family Church (918) 247-3647<br />

Lawton Soldiers Of Faith Family Church (918) 808-0108<br />

Lindsay Fellowship of Living Faith (405) 756-1950<br />

Midwest City Cornerstone Church (405) 737-5599<br />

North Carolina<br />

North Dakota<br />

Nebraska<br />

New Hampshire<br />

New Jersey<br />

New Mexico<br />

Nevada<br />

New York<br />

Ohio<br />

Oklahoma<br />

R M A I C h u r c h G u i d e<br />


RMAI<br />


StATE City Church Name PHONE StATE City Church Name PHONE<br />

Oklahoma<br />

Oregon<br />

Pennsylvania<br />

South Carolina<br />

South Dakota<br />

Tennessee<br />

Texas<br />

R M A I C h u r c h G u i d e<br />

Mustang New Beginnings Family Church (405) 261-6887<br />

Norman Christian Center Church (405) 360-5504<br />

Norman Grace Life Church (405) 364-7213<br />

Nowata Living Word Family Church (918) 894-3522<br />

Oklahoma City Faith That Pleases God Christian Center (405) 686-1889<br />

Oklahoma City <strong>Rhema</strong> Bible Church OKC (405) 365-7988<br />

Pawhuska Pawhuska Bible Church (918) 287-3177<br />

Prague Faith Bible Church (405) 567-4751<br />

Pryor Your Place Church (918) 824-1240<br />

Sand Springs Word Of Life Church (918) 245-0262<br />

Tahlequah Abundant Life Fellowship (918) 458-0040<br />

Tulsa COME Church (918) 496-9555<br />

Tulsa Living Power Church (918) 833-1903<br />

Tulsa Living Word International Christian Center (651) 323-8757<br />

Tulsa New Beginning Bible Church (918) 455-5348<br />

Tulsa The Rock Church (918) 694-7625<br />

Vian Round Mountain Community Church (918) 521-6116<br />

Wagoner Life Choice Fellowship (918) 485-9885<br />

Warner Church On The Word (918) 463-3050<br />

Wilburton New Life Christian Center (918) 465-5579<br />

OR Astoria Onward Church (503) 298-8018<br />

Coos Bay Harvest Of Faith Family Church (541) 266-0613<br />

Eugene Church Of The Harvest (541) 505-7696<br />

Gresham Champions Church (503) 492-8784<br />

Hillsboro New Creation Church (503) 747-2230<br />

Hillsboro Rivers Of Peace Church (503) 640-6203<br />

Lebanon Grace Bible Fellowship (541) 367-8275<br />

Oregon City Victorious Faith Family Church (503) 655-6729<br />

Portland Life Christian Center (503) 656-5433<br />

Portland Southeast Christian Center (503) 760-0441<br />

Portland Word & Spirit Church (503) 771-0022<br />

Tualatin Abundant Life Family Church (503) 692-9673<br />

PA Butler Community Life Church (724) 287-3303<br />

Chambersburg Freedom In Christ Church (717) 261-1931<br />

Cranberry TOWNSHIP Victory Family Church (724) 453-6200<br />

Curwensville Susquehanna Community Church (814) 236-1190<br />

Erie Grace Fellowship International Church (814) 459-4722<br />

Erie Mount Gerizim Christian Center (814) 456-1807<br />

Fairview Erie Christian Fellowship (814) 833-7729<br />

Fort Littleton Freedom Worship Center (717) 987-3490<br />

Greenville Word Of Life Christian Center (724) 588-2130<br />

Hazleton Word Family Church (570) 454-4618<br />

Industry Christian Assembly (724) 643-8885<br />

Lancaster The Worship Center (717) 656-4271<br />

Lebanon Living Word Ministries (717) 270-9027<br />

Lewistown Light Ministries Church (717) 248-6583<br />

Meadville Living Waters Church (814) 333-6170<br />

Monroeville Grace Life Church (412) 373-5433<br />

Monroeville International Word of Faith Family Church (724) 387-1112<br />

Murrysville Blood Bought Church (724) 327-3102<br />

New Albany Grace Mountain Fellowship (570) 637-4979<br />

Palmyra Victory Christian Fellowship (717) 838-2033<br />

Philadelphia Better Way Bible Church (215) 471-4302<br />

Pittsburgh Covenant Family Church (724) 263-7147<br />

Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Christian Fellowship (412) 381-4111<br />

Sadsburyville Strong Faith Family Church (610) 400-1188<br />

Saylorsburg A Glorious Gathering Christian Fellowshp (570) 992-2834<br />

Shillington Grace Fellowship Church (610) 775-0151<br />

Spring Mills Faith Alive Fellowship (814) 422-8133<br />

Titusville Keystone Christian Center (814) 758-9105<br />

Verona KFM Word (412) 798-0638<br />

Warren Family Church Warren (716) 785-0396<br />

Warrington Zoe Christian Fellowship (215) 343-7686<br />

Washington Victory Church (724) 328-3397<br />

Whitehall Victory Family Church (610) 261-1704<br />

Williamsport Eagle Mountain Word Of Faith (570) 447-0162<br />

York Gateway Church International (717) 252-4148<br />

York York Christian Fellowship (717) 792-5354<br />

SC Blythewood New Direction Church (803) 786-8787<br />

Columbia Glory Church International (803) 786-6003<br />

Columbia Good Shepherd’s Faith Assembly (803) 783-9025<br />

Columbia The Harvest Northeast Campus (803) 808-6373<br />

Columbia Living Water Christian Outreach Center (803) 699-9346<br />

Columbia Word Of Faith Christian Center (803) 736-9992<br />

Greenville Rivers Of Life Family Church International (864) 306-6549<br />

Greenville Grace Christian Church (864) 235-9386<br />

Jefferson Faith Family Church (803) 475-7374<br />

Marion Resurrection Life Church (843) 765-3181<br />

North Myrtle Beach Today’s Harvest Church (843) 272-5718<br />

Seneca Restoration Family Church (864) 280-4910<br />

Taylors Faith Family Church (864) 244-0207<br />

TAYLORS Real Life Church (864) 610-0440<br />

SD Custer Living Outreach Church (605) 673-3926<br />

Eagle Butte The Lighthouse of Eagle Butte (605) 964-7717<br />

Interior Victory Bible Church (605) 455-2332<br />

Madison Abundant Life Church (605) 427-5433<br />

Menno Salem Reformed Church (605) 387-5334<br />

Timber Lake New Hope Church (605) 865-3252<br />

TN Camden Faith Christian Fellowship Church (731) 584-8500<br />

Clarksville Riverside Church (931) 551-4363<br />

Cleveland Cleveland Christian Fellowship (423) 476-2642<br />

Columbia Trinity Family Church (931) 381-0472<br />

Fayetteville The Lighthouse Church (931) 433-7288<br />

Franklin Freedom Church (615) 790-1213<br />

Germantown Germantown Christian Center (901) 753-7777<br />

Hendersonville Present Help Family Church (615) 476-3187<br />

Hixson Living Faith Church (423) 731-7325<br />

Kingsport Power House Church (423) 591-4368<br />

McMinnville Living Word Fellowship (931) 668-2545<br />

Memphis Kingdom Knowledge Ministries (901) 528-5009<br />

Murfreesboro Word & Spirit Church (615) 867-0033<br />

Nashville Faith Is The Victory Church (615) 226-2145<br />

Nashville Victory Fellowship Church (615) 254-3322<br />

Nashville Word Of Grace Church (615) 512-0247<br />

Oak Ridge Oak Ridge Family Bible Church (865) 483-7171<br />

Ridgely Abundant Life Fellowship Church (731) 264-5166<br />

Selmer Believers’ Church (731) 645-8741<br />

Shelbyville Victory Celebration Revival Church (931) 680-0302<br />

Springfield Faith Covenant Church (615) 384-3565<br />

TX Arlington Abundant Life In God’s Love Bible Church (817) 704-4052<br />

Beaumont Trinity Church Of Beaumont (409) 838-2545<br />

Beaumont Victory To Victory Church (409) 886-0206<br />

Big Spring Temple Centro de Alabanza (432) 517-4386<br />

Brownsville Real Life Church (956) 545-4565<br />

Brownwood Heartland Church (325) 646-7306<br />

Conroe Conroe Christian Center (936) 788-5683<br />

Dallas Faith 4 Life Church (214) 559-6121<br />

Duncanville Risen Christ Family Church (972) 572-4477<br />

East Bernard Shield of Faith Church (281) 677-0315<br />

Elgin Glory Temple Church (512) 281-2695<br />

Farmers Branch North Dallas Church (214) 998-5314<br />

Fort Worth Abundant Life Family Church (817) 514-9122<br />

Fredericksburg Fredericksburg Victory Fellowship (830) 997-9717<br />

Fulton Fulton Community Church (361) 729-2180<br />

Georgetown Faith Impact Church (512) 554-7280<br />

Grand Prairie Grace Church (972) 988-6151<br />

Houston Joint Heirs Fellowship Church (281) 922-0901<br />

Houston The Worship Center (281) 999-5683<br />

RMAI<br />

6 GUIDE<br />


StATE City Church Name PHONE StATE City Church Name PHONE<br />

Houston True Life Fellowship (713) 896-0354<br />

Katy Northwest Believers Church (281) 829-8985<br />

Kenedy The Word Fellowship Church (830) 583-9512<br />

Leander Christian Family Church (512) 528-9377<br />

Lewisville Adventure Church (972) 315-2757<br />

Liberty Cornerstone Church (936) 336-2688<br />

Livingston Living Word Church (936) 327-7466<br />

Longview Triumphant Christian Center (903) 295-3370<br />

Lubbock Harvest Church (806) 798-7770<br />

Mansfield Abundant Life in God’s Love Bible Church (817) 704-4052<br />

Midland Church In The Wind (432) 556-2062<br />

Midland Faith Foundation International Church (432) 250-5661<br />

Montgomery Father’s House Family Worship Center (936) 588-4660<br />

New Braunfels Northpoint Church (830) 515-9458<br />

New Braunfels Tree Of Life Church (830) 625-6375<br />

Pflugerville First His Kingdom Family Church (512) 251-1345<br />

Plainview The Oasis Church (806) 293-4356<br />

Plano Grace Outreach Center (972) 985-1112<br />

Port Arthur Harvest Time Bible Church (409) 985-3787<br />

Portland Portland Christian Center (361) 643-8624<br />

Post Family Harvest Church (806) 495-1400<br />

Round Rock Immanuel Church Of Austin (512) 736-5885<br />

San Angelo Trinity Fellowship Church (325) 949-2534<br />

San Antonio Faith in Jesus Covenant Church (210) 521-7545<br />

San Antonio Lord Of The Harvest Church (210) 590-9113<br />

San Antonio Triumphant Word Christian Center (210) 823-5942<br />

San Antonio Word Of God Church (210) 564-0001<br />

Schertz Word and Spirit Church (210) 865-4604<br />

Seguin Crossroads Church (830) 379-7737<br />

Seminole Family Harvest Church (432) 758-3316<br />

Sierra Blanca Church Of Faith (915) 369-2731<br />

Silsbee Word Of Life Church (409) 385-6536<br />

Texarkana TCC Family Church (903) 832-5304<br />

Tomball Harvest Christian Center (281) 356-9226<br />

Tyler Church on the Move (903) 595-5256<br />

Waco Family Worship Center Of Waco (254) 756-1240<br />

Weatherford Harvest Hills Family Church (817) 694-5570<br />

Wellington Abundant Life Fellowship (618) 946-4163<br />

UT Midvale Great Harvest Family Church (801) 255-2901<br />

Vernal Living Word Christian Church (435) 781-9992<br />

VA Aylett Hope Alive Family Church (804) 690-7624<br />

Charlottesville Word Of Faith Church (434) 978-7984<br />

Colonial Beach New Life Ministries (804) 224-8447<br />

Covington New Life Fellowship (540) 559-3072<br />

Culpeper New Beginnings Worship Center (540) 825-1708<br />

Dale City Truth Ministries Church (703) 590-0668<br />

Fredericksburg Victory Bible Church (540) 845-4394<br />

Front Royal Dynamic Life Ministries (540) 636-9595<br />

Hampton Victory Life Church (757) 838-1304<br />

Hampton World Harvest Church (757) 722-0073<br />

Herndon Word Of Grace Christian Center (703) 796-9673<br />

Locust Grove Step Of Faith Ministries (540) 972-3294<br />

Lynchburg Harvest Worship Center (434) 847-5683<br />

Manassas Park Iglesia Inspiracion (703) 490-8560<br />

N Springfield Abiding Life Church (703) 867-3615<br />

Newport News Covenant of Love Church (757) 930-4134<br />

Richmond Faith Landmarks Ministries (804) 262-7104<br />

Richmond Living Word Church (804) 794-0040<br />

Roanoke Grace Christian Fellowship (540) 389-5668<br />

Roanoke Valley Word Church (540) 562-1500<br />

Staunton Victory Worship Center (540) 886-6249<br />

Troy Open Door Church (434) 589-3673<br />

Vinton Grace Family Church (540) 857-9750<br />

Virginia Beach Exceed Life Church (757) 473-2484<br />

Virginia Beach Rivers of Living Water Church (757) 495-5663<br />

Warrenton Living Water Church (540) 937-8260<br />

Wirtz Faith Fellowship (540) 334-3477<br />

Yorktown Living Word Family Church (757) 867-8024<br />

VT Essex Junction Living Waters Family Church (802) 310-9666<br />

WA Bothell Nejat Church (425) 227-8440<br />

Brush Prairie Faith Center Church (360) 253-2484<br />

Kent River Of Life Fellowship (253) 859-0832<br />

Lakewood Living Stone Church (253) 582-8399<br />

Lynnwood Life Church Northwest (425) 876-6457<br />

Port Orchard A New Beginning Family Christian Center (360) 874-8404<br />

Richland Grace Life Church (509) 396-8888<br />

Spokane Spokane Christian Center (509) 924-4888<br />

Tacoma By His Word Christian Center (253) 536-2233<br />

Tacoma Inspiration Bible Church (253) 752-8422<br />

Yakima Open Bible Christian Center (509) 972-1895<br />

WI Appleton Lakewoods Christian Center (920) 734-1947<br />

Delavan Harvestpoint Church (262) 740-0920<br />

Exeland Living Faith Church (715) 943-2349<br />

Fond Du Lac Grace Christian Church (920) 923-5292<br />

Glendale World Outreach and Bible Training Center (414) 962-0600<br />

Hartland Lake Country Family Church (262) 646-2084<br />

Marinette Faith Christian Family Church (715) 732-4760<br />

Menomonie Liberty Christian Center (715) 231-9673<br />

Milwaukee New Horizons Word Of Faith Church (414) 875-8880<br />

New Richmond New Life Family Church (715) 246-9951<br />

Rice Lake Joy Fellowship Church (715) 236-7173<br />

River Falls Abundant Life Church (715) 425-9564<br />

Sister Bay Door Of Life Christian Church (920) 421-1525<br />

Stevens Point Good News Fellowship Church (715) 341-3275<br />

Wisconsin Rapids Victory Christian Outreach Center (715) 421-3909<br />

WV Charleston Shining Light Celebration Church (304) 344-5959<br />

Huntington New Life Church (304) 733-4423<br />

Junior New Covenant Church (304) 823-2911<br />

Logan Word Of Life Church (304) 752-4927<br />

Middlebourne United Christian Fellowship (304) 758-2515<br />

Morgantown Rock Family Church (304) 292-1128<br />

New Martinsville Family Community Church (304) 455-2733<br />

Parkersburg Living Word Church (304) 485-9778<br />

WY Casper Destiny Outreach Center (307) 337-2849<br />

Cheyenne Family Harvest Church (307) 638-8880<br />

Rock Springs Rock Springs Worship Center (307) 329-7240<br />

Saratoga Abundant Life Fellowship (307) 329-7240<br />

For further assistance in locating<br />

a church pastored by an RMAI<br />

member please<br />

contact us at:<br />

Kenneth Hagin Ministries<br />

P.O. Box 50126<br />

Tulsa, OK 74150-0126<br />

(918) 258-1588, ext. 2256<br /><br />

(Under Quick Links, click on Find a Church.)<br />

A S S O C<br />


I AT I O N<br />


®<br />

Texas<br />

Utah<br />

Virginia<br />

Vermont<br />

Washington<br />

Wisconsin<br />

West Virginia<br />

Wyoming<br />

R M A I C h u r c h G u i d e<br />


RMAI<br />


International Locations<br />

COUNTRY CITY / state CHURCH Name<br />

COUNTRY CITY / State CHURCH Name<br />

R M A I C h u r c h G u i d e<br />

AMERICAN SAMOA Pago Pago Word of Faith Outreach Center<br />

AUSTRALIA Wagga Wagga, NSW Oasis Family Church<br />

Burleigh Waters, QLD Glorious Family Church<br />

Ipswich, QLD<br />

Compassion Connection International Church<br />

Slacks Creek, QLD <strong>Rhema</strong> Family Church<br />

E Bentleigh, VIC<br />

Discover Church<br />

AUSTRIA Wels Freie Christengemeinde Wels<br />

BENIN Jericho Cotonou Life Changers Church International<br />

BOLIVIA Cochabamba La Palabra De Fe<br />

El Alto/ La Ceja<br />

Iglesia Alas De Fe<br />

BOTSWANA Francistown Light Of The World<br />

BRAZIL Recreio Igreja De Nova Vida<br />

Suiga, Aracaju Sergipe Igreja Evangelico Verbo Da Vida<br />

CANADA Breton, AB Breton Word Of Faith Church<br />

Calgary, AB<br />

Calgary Word Of Faith Church<br />

Red Deer, AB<br />

Family of Faith Church<br />

Kelowna, BC<br />

Victory Life Fellowship<br />

Surrey, BC<br />

Word in Action Church<br />

Victoria, BC<br />

Life Of Victory World Outreach Centre<br />

Fredericton, NB<br />

Fredericton Word Of Faith Family Church<br />

Halifax, NS<br />

Impact Ministries Church - Halifax<br />

Barrie, ON<br />

Faith Alive Christian Church of Barrie<br />

Belleville, ON<br />

Quinte Harvest Church<br />

Cobourg, ON<br />

Living Well Family Church<br />

Collingwood, ON<br />

Living Faith Christian Church<br />

London, ON<br />

Word Of His Power Faith Christian Centre<br />

Milton, ON<br />

True North Church<br />

Morrisburg, ON<br />

Faith Christian Center of Morrisburg<br />

Toronto, ON<br />

Bible Faith Church<br />

Drummondville, QC Eglise Chretienne La Vie<br />

Montreal, QC<br />

Faith Christian Center Of Montreal<br />

Quebec, QC<br />

Eglise de la foi Triomphante<br />

Saskatoon, SK<br />

Saskatoon Christian Center<br />

COLOMBIA Bogotá Iglesia De Columbia<br />

Bogotá<br />

Iglesia Semillas De Vida<br />

Cartagena<br />

Iglesia Rios De Vida<br />

COSTA RICA San Pedro Montes de Oca Centro Palabra Hablada<br />

CZECH REPUBLIC Ceská Ves New Hope Church of Velkakras<br />

Dobris<br />

Triumphant Center Of Faith<br />

ESTONIA Paide Jarvemaa Christian Center<br />

Tallinn<br />

Elava Vee Kogudus<br />

FRANCE Change-Laval Centre Chretien Du Maine<br />

Nice Cedex 1<br />

Victoire Centre Chretien<br />

GERMANY Bonn <strong>Rhema</strong> Bibel Gemeinde<br />

Coburg<br />

Christliches Zentrum Coburg<br />

Hamburg<br />

Lebendiges Wort Christliches<br />

Neu Ulm<br />

Missionszentrum Immanuel<br />

GREECE Peristeri Logos Church<br />

HONDURAS San Pedro Sula Iglesia La Reunion Del Senor<br />

Tegucigalpa<br />

Ensenanza De Agua Viva<br />

HONG KONG Fanling NT Faith Family Church - Hong Kong<br />

Sheung Shui NT<br />

Abundant Life Christian Center<br />

INDIA Bangalore Ever Increasing Faith Church<br />

Dimapur Nagaland Spirit Of Faith Church<br />

Kohima Nagaland Faith Harvest Church<br />

Nagpur Maharashtra Peace Of Life Church<br />

INDONESIA Lippo Karanaci Tangerang Living Faith International Church<br />

Manado Sulut<br />

GBIS - Firman Yang Hidup<br />

IRELAND Bishopstown County Cork New Life Christian Centre<br />

Derry<br />

Life Triumphant Church<br />

Limerick<br />

World Outreach Christian Centre<br />

ITALY Lecco Chiesa Cristiana Parola Di Fede<br />

Milan<br />

Word For The World<br />

Tissi (SS)<br />

Chiesa Evangelico ‘Miracoli Di Fede’<br />

Verona<br />

Parola Di Vita<br />

JAPAN Hidaka Saitama Kamino Mikotoba Kyokai<br />

KENYA Ruiru Father’s House Family Church<br />

MALAYSIA Puchong Selangor Community Baptist Church<br />

Selangor Darul Ehsan Poiema Christian Centre<br />

MALTA Floriana Victorious LIfe Church<br />

Gzira<br />

River of Love Christian Fellowship<br />

MEXICO Durango Mision Carismatica Internacional<br />

Leon<br />

Arbol de Vida<br />

Lidice<br />

<strong>Rhema</strong> Mexico<br />

Loreto<br />

Vision International<br />

Nogales<br />

La Palabra De Victoria<br />

NEPAL Kathmandu Nepal Bible Church<br />

NIGERIA Lagos, Lagos Christ Lovers Christian Center<br />

Wuse, Abuja<br />

Faith Life Assembly<br />

Wuse, Abuja<br />

The Summit Bible Church<br />

NORWAY Skien The Way<br />

PERU Arequipa Comunidad Cristiana De Arequipa<br />

Lima<br />

La Comunidad Carismatica De Lima<br />

Salamanca de Monterrica Comunidad Cristiana Familiar Amor Eterno<br />

ROMANIA Bucharest New Creation Church<br />


Fountain of Life<br />

Khabarovsk<br />

Fountain Of Life Church<br />

Kursk<br />

Word Of Christ Church International<br />

Moscow<br />

Logos Bible Center<br />

Murmansk<br />

Murmansk Christian Church<br />

SINGAPORE Singapore Faith Bible Church Singapore<br />

Singapore<br />

His Harvest Church<br />

SOUTH KOREA Yong In Hansori Presbyterian Church<br />

SWEDEN Linköping Victory Bibel Center<br />

Skövde<br />

Skövde Pingstfðsamling<br />

SWITZERLAND Basel Agape Christian Centre Basel<br />

Bern<br />

Agape Christian Centre Bern<br />

Herisau<br />

Agape Christian Centre Herisau<br />

Langenthal<br />

Familiengemeinde Langethal<br />

Rapperswil<br />

Familienkirche<br />

Zurich<br />

Agape Christian Centre Zurich<br />

Zurich<br />

Zoe Gospel Center<br />

Zurich-Bassersdorf Powerhouse International<br />

TANZANIA Dar Es Salam Shining light Church<br />

THAILAND Bangkok <strong>Rhema</strong> Bible Church Bangkok<br />

Bangkok<br />

Word Of Faith Church - Nothanburi<br />

Chiang Mai<br />

Aashaosu ‘New Life’ Church<br />


Bristol Avon<br />

Carmel Christian Centre<br />

Liverpool<br />

Grace Family Church<br />

London<br />

Living Faith Bible Church<br />

London<br />

Living Word Ministries International<br />

Mayfair, London<br />

Commonwealth Christian Fellowship<br />

Northern Ireland A Glorious Fellowship<br />

Oxford, Ox<br />

Oxford Bible Church<br />

Southport Mercyside Living Faith Fellowship<br />

Wolverhampton<br />

Restoration Bible Church<br />

Zambia Lusaka Miracle Life Family Church<br />

Puerto Rico Coto Laurel Iglesia Cristiana El Aprisco<br />

Yauco<br />

Iglesia Cristiana Ciudad De Fe<br />

U.S. Virgin Islands Saint Thomas<br />

International Gospel Center<br />

Saint Thomas<br />

VI Christian Ministries<br />

RMAI<br />

8 GUIDE<br />

RHEMA BIBLE CHURCH AFFILIATE/ASSOCIATE CHURCHES ARE LISTED IN RED // This list is current as of June 21, <strong>2013</strong>.

Redeemed<br />

From the Curse of<br />

Poverty Kenneth E. Hagin<br />

Paul says in Galatians 3:13,<br />

“Christ hath REDEEMED us . . .”<br />

If you ask Christians “What did<br />

Christ redeem us from?” they<br />

usually say, “From sin.” That’s<br />

partly true, but it’s not nearly<br />

the whole story.<br />

The rest of this verse tells us in<br />

no uncertain terms what Christ<br />

redeemed us from: “Christ hath<br />

redeemed us FROM THE CURSE<br />

OF THE LAW.”<br />

In the New Testament, “the Law”<br />

can mean either the 10 Commandments,<br />

the first five books<br />

of the Bible, or the entire Old<br />

Testament. In Deuteronomy<br />

chapter 28, Moses stated the<br />

blessings and curses of the Law.<br />

The curse for breaking God’s<br />

commandments was threefold:<br />

poverty, sickness, and spiritual<br />

death. Christ has redeemed<br />

us from all of these. But here I<br />

Special Offer<br />

What Does ‘Redeemed’ Mean?<br />

Jesus has redeemed Christians from the curse of<br />

spiritual death, sickness, and poverty! Through this<br />

teaching you’ll understand who you are in Christ and<br />

the blessings you now have in Him.<br />

Redeemed From Poverty, Sickness,<br />

and Spiritual Death Series<br />

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$19.00*<br />

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want to focus on the blessing of<br />

being redeemed from the curse<br />

of poverty.<br />

The curse of poverty should<br />

come upon all of us, because<br />

we all have sinned and come<br />

short of the glory of God (Rom.<br />

3:23). But Galatians 3:13 tells<br />

us that Jesus was made to be<br />

a curse for us. Jesus became<br />

our substitute. He paid the debt<br />

for our sins through His death<br />

on the cross. And God wrote it<br />

down as though we had paid<br />

the debt for sin ourselves! Now<br />

because of Jesus, we are free<br />

from the curse of the Law—and<br />

that includes poverty.<br />

The Blessing of<br />

Abraham<br />

Let’s look in Galatians chapter<br />

3 again: “Christ hath redeemed<br />

us from the curse of the law . . .<br /><br />

1-800-54-FAITH (543-2484) // Mail enclosed envelope // IN Canada: 1-866-70-RHEMA (707-4362)<br />

Special Offer: KIT13WF08C // *Offer expires November 30, <strong>2013</strong><br />



GENTILES though Jesus Christ”<br />

(vv. 13–14).<br />

Under the New Covenant, Abraham’s<br />

blessing belongs to us!<br />

The blessing of Abraham is<br />

threefold in nature: spiritual,<br />

physical, and material. In Deuteronomy<br />

we see the material<br />

and financial blessings we now<br />

have in Christ.<br />

DEUTERONOMY 28:3–6, 8<br />

3 Blessed shalt thou be in the<br />

city, and blessed shalt thou be in<br />

the field. [You’ll be blessed wherever<br />

you are!]<br />

4 Blessed shall be the fruit of<br />

thy body, and the fruit of thy<br />

ground, and the fruit of thy cattle,<br />

the increase of thy kine, and<br />

the flocks of thy sheep.<br />

5 Blessed shall be thy basket<br />

and thy store.<br />

6 Blessed shalt thou be when<br />

thou comest in, and blessed<br />

shalt thou be when thou goest<br />

out. . . .<br />

8 The Lord shall command<br />

the blessing upon thee IN THY<br />

STOREHOUSES, and in all that<br />

thou settest thine hand unto:<br />

and he shall bless thee in the<br />

land which the Lord thy God giveth<br />

thee.<br />

Some Christians say you<br />

shouldn’t desire material possessions<br />

in this life. But God<br />

says He will bless what you<br />

have stored up! He promises<br />

an abundant supply!<br />

It’s unscriptural to believe that<br />

God wants us to live in lack in<br />

this life. In Matthew 6:33 Jesus<br />

promised us that if we’ll seek<br />

first God’s Kingdom, we will be<br />

taken care of. He talks about<br />

the material things of life, such<br />

as food to eat and clothes to<br />

wear, being added unto us<br />

(Matt. 6:31–32).<br />

Enjoying the<br />

Blessings!<br />

We have to believe God’s promises<br />

and exercise faith by walking<br />

in the light of His Word in order<br />

to receive His blessings. And it’s<br />

important to know that we have<br />

a part to play in activating these<br />

blessings.<br />

For example, God promised to<br />

bless the work of our hands<br />

(Deut. 28:12), the fruit of our<br />

ground (Deut. 28:4), and our<br />

storehouses (Deut. 28:8). He expects<br />

us to work (2 Thess. 3:10).<br />

But as we put our hands to something,<br />

we can trust Him to prosper<br />

what we do.<br />

So don’t settle for living under<br />

the curse of poverty. God wants<br />

you to live an abundant,<br />

prosperous life. You’ve<br />

been redeemed from the<br />

curse of the Law by the<br />

blood of Jesus Christ.<br />

Stand on God’s Word and claim<br />

the blessing of Abraham that is<br />

yours in Christ. Believe God for<br />

a full supply in every area of<br />

your life!<br />

_____________<br />

[Editor’s Note: This article was<br />

adapted from Kenneth E. Hagin’s<br />

book Classic Sermons.]<br /> 23

Whether you’re flying transatlantic or riding your<br />

bicycle . . . whether you live in South Bend or<br />

Singapore . . . the faith-building messages of <strong>Rhema</strong><br />

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Sign up for a free subscription, and have <strong>Rhema</strong> for<br />

Today downloaded automatically to your computer.<br />

Message-of-the-Month Club<br />

Each month you’ll receive a powerful message from<br />

Kenneth W. Hagin, Lynette Hagin, Craig W. Hagin, or<br />

the archives of Kenneth E. Hagin.<br />

Plus, you’ll get a storage album<br />

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($62 Canada)<br />


<strong>August</strong> 25–28<br />

Trinity Assembly<br />

205 W. Wall St.<br />

Algood, TN 38506<br />

Pastor Mike & Jaida Campbell<br />

(931) 537-9830<br />

Sun. 7:00 p.m.<br />

Mon.–Wed. 10:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m.<br />

SEPTEMBER 8–11<br />

Faith Christian Family Church<br />

Route 24 (3 miles west of Rushville on HWY 24)<br />

Rushville, IL 62681<br />

Pastor Gary & Pam Kruzan<br />

(217) 322-6929<br />

Sun. 7:00 p.m.<br />

Mon.–Wed. 10:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m.<br />

October 13-16<br />

Word of Life Church<br />

4450 Dodge St.<br />

Dubuque, IA 52003<br />

Pastors Loren and Joy Hirschy<br />

(563) 556-2155<br />

SUN. 7:00 P.M.<br />

MON. –WED. 10:30 A.M. & 7:00 P.M.

Many people imagine God as a mean fellow sitting up in<br />

Heaven with a big flyswatter. They think the minute they make<br />

a mistake, He’s going to swat them. But that’s not what the Bible<br />

says!<br />

Psalm 145:8–9 tells us that God is gracious, full of compassion,<br />

slow to anger, and of great mercy—to all people. In these<br />

verses, the words compassion and mercy are translated from the<br />

same Hebrew word. They mean the same thing. In other words,<br />

to be merciful means to be full of compassion. And that’s God’s<br />

character.<br />

Now, there are quite a few people who think of God’s mercy<br />

only in relation to salvation for sinners. Thank God, His mercy<br />

is extended to sinners. But Second Corinthians 1:3 says God is<br />

the Father of “mercies”—plural. We see this again in Psalm 106:7:<br />

“They [the Israelites] remembered not the MULTITUDE of thy [God’s]<br />

mercies.”<br />

What were the “multitude” of mercies God showed to the<br />

children of Israel? For one thing, God’s mercies were shown in<br />

the wonders and miracles He performed in delivering them out<br />

of Egypt where they had been held captive. The psalmist called<br />

those wonders God’s mercies. And those mercies encompass all<br />

the Lord’s provisions—including healing.<br />

A Hidden Truth Revealed<br />

You see, when Jesus was on earth, He didn’t just heal to prove<br />

His deity. Scripture says that He healed because of His compassion,<br />

or mercy.<br />

I think this truth has really been hidden from the Church today.<br />

But when our faith is just as strong in God’s mercy of healing<br />

as it is in His mercy of forgiveness, we’ll be healed just as easily<br />

as we were forgiven.<br />

Let’s look at a few passages of Scripture that show the compassion—the<br />

mercy—of the Lord in regard to healing.<br />

MARK 1:40–41<br />

40 And there came a leper to him [Jesus], beseeching him, and kneeling<br />

down to him, and saying unto him, If thou wilt, thou canst make me<br />

clean.<br />

41 And Jesus, MOVED WITH COMPASSION [or mercy], put forth his<br />

hand, and touched him, and saith unto him, I will; be thou clean.<br />

According to dictionary definitions, to have compassion is<br />

to love tenderly, to pity, to show mercy, and to be full of eager<br />

yearning. That means that Jesus, full of tender love, pity, and an<br />

eager yearning to help and bless, laid His hands on this leper and<br />

healed him. Hallelujah!<br /> 25

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Mail enclosed envelope<br />

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Special Offer: KIT13WF08D<br />

*Offer expires November 30, <strong>2013</strong><br />

Special Offer<br />

We find this same compassion in Matthew chapter 20.<br />

MATTHEW 20:30–34<br />

30 And, behold, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they heard that Jesus<br />

passed by, cried out, saying, HAVE MERCY ON US, O Lord, thou son of David.<br />

31 And the multitude rebuked them, because they should hold their peace: but they<br />

cried the more, saying, HAVE MERCY ON US, O Lord, thou son of David.<br />

32 And Jesus stood still, and called them, and said, What will ye that I shall do unto you?<br />

33 They say unto him, Lord, that our eyes may be opened.<br />

34 So Jesus HAD COMPASSION ON THEM, and touched their eyes: and immediately<br />

their eyes received sight, and they followed him.<br />

Notice that these two blind men asked the Lord for mercy. Then Jesus responded,<br />

“What will ye that I shall do unto you?” The blind men replied, “Lord,<br />

that our eyes may be opened.” These men asked for the mercy of having their eyes<br />

opened, and Jesus granted them the mercy or compassion of healing. Healing<br />

is a mercy!<br />

Throughout the Gospels, we see again and again how Jesus was moved with<br />

compassion toward suffering humanity. Matthew 14:14 says, “Jesus went forth,<br />

and saw a great multitude, AND WAS MOVED WITH COMPASSION toward them,<br />

and he healed their sick.”<br />

In Mark chapter 5 we find the story of the madman of Gadara. Jesus cast<br />

the demons out of him and the man was delivered. He later told the man, “Go<br />

home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, AND<br />

HATH HAD COMPASSION on thee” (Mark 5:19).<br />

Jesus was plenteous in mercy—in compassion—to all who needed healing.<br />

That means God is the same way. Remember, Jesus said, “He that hath seen me<br />

hath seen the Father” (John 14:9).<br />

Is God’s Healing Mercy for You?<br />

How far does the Lord’s compassion and mercy reach? Only to the forgiveness<br />

of sins? No! The Bible says, “The Lord is good to all: and his tender mercies<br />

are over all his works” (Ps. 145:9). If you are in Christ (Eph. 2:10), then you are<br />

one of God’s “works”! And because you are one of His works, His mercies are<br />

over you. That includes His healing mercy.<br />

Jesus is just as compassionate, loving, and merciful now as He was in the<br />

Bible. Begin to see healing as a mercy of God. Don’t try to base obtaining healing<br />

on works—or on anything else but your faith in His mercy. When you do<br />

that, you will see His healing mercy manifest in your life.<br />

You can receive whatever it is you need from your Heavenly Father, because<br />

God is the Father of mercies!<br />

Receive Your Healing<br />

Faith in action<br />

When we are born again, we come into contact with all of<br />

God’s mercies—including healing. But we make it possible<br />

for Him to bless us by coming to Him in faith (Heb. 11:6).<br />

Start meditating on the fact that Jesus is<br />

just as compassionate now as He was in the<br />

Bible. Even if it doesn’t seem real to you, keep speaking<br />

it and reading the scriptures that say Jesus was moved<br />

with compassion to heal. Don’t think about it just a time or<br />

two. Feed on it until His compassion registers in your spirit<br />

and becomes real to you. That’s when you’ll get results!

‘Devil, You Can’t Fence Me In’<br />

Brenda Thomas<br />

Our attitude when we are<br />

facing difficult situations determines<br />

our altitude. If we’re<br />

whining, complaining, and<br />

murmuring, it won’t get us very<br />

far. Just ask the children of<br />

Israel—that was what got them<br />

into trouble. But rejoicing<br />

always brings God on the<br />

scene.<br />

We can learn a valuable lesson<br />

from a guy in the Bible<br />

who was going through a really<br />

tough time. Talk about various<br />

trials! Just read what this man<br />

was experiencing. “Though the<br />

fig tree may not blossom, nor<br />

fruit be on the vines; though<br />

the labor of the olive may fail,<br />

and the fields yield no food;<br />

though the flock may be cut<br />

off from the fold, and there<br />

be no herd in the stalls . . .”<br />

(Hab. 3:17 NKJV).<br />

That sounds like bad news,<br />

doesn’t it? That sounds like<br />

a terrible day. There are trials<br />

with the fig trees and trials with<br />

the flock. There are trials in the<br />

fields. Every area of Habakkuk’s<br />

livelihood is being attacked.<br />

What did he do? Look at verses<br />

18 and 19: “Yet I will rejoice in<br />

the Lord, I will joy in the God of<br />

my salvation. The Lord God is<br />

my strength; He will make my<br />

feet like deer’s feet, and He will<br />

make me walk on my high hills”<br />

(NKJV).<br />

What was he doing? First of all,<br />

he made the decision to rejoice.<br />

And how did he rejoice? He<br />

began to magnify the Lord. He<br />

began to declare some things.<br />

He said, “The Lord is my<br />

strength. The Lord will make my<br />

feet like hinds’ feet” (v. 19 KJV).<br />

The hind is a red-tailed deer,<br />

and I’m told that you can hardly<br />

fence these animals in. They can<br />

leap high fences. So what was<br />

Habakkuk saying? “Devil, you<br />

can’t fence me in! There might<br />

be a test here, a trial there,<br />

some trouble here, and some<br />

lack there. But my God is coming<br />

upon me. He’s anointing my<br />

feet, and I’m going to leap right<br />

out of this mess.” That’s what he<br />

was saying. There is always<br />

a way out with God.<br />

The Bible Kind<br />

of Joy<br />

In Habakkuk 3:18, the word joy<br />

is not some kind of quiet, inner<br />

strength. According to Strong’s<br />

Hebrew Dictionary it means to<br />

be glad, to be joyful, and it suggests<br />

dancing and leaping for<br />

joy. The verb originally meant<br />

to spin around with intense<br />

emotion.*<br />

This is contrary to the idea that<br />

the biblical concept of joy<br />

is only an inner sense<br />

of well-being. That’s<br />

well and good,<br />

but there comes a time when<br />

you have to act upon the Word<br />

of God. There comes a time<br />

when you have to lift your<br />

hands. You have to shout unto<br />

the Lord. You may even need<br />

to dance or spin around. You<br />

have to do whatever it takes to<br />

release the joy of the Lord on<br />

the inside of you and shake off<br />

depression and oppression.<br />

Joy will restore and it will make<br />

things better than before. God<br />

doesn’t just give back what the<br />

enemy stole. He gives all of that<br />

back plus even more, added<br />

and multiplied unto you. You<br />

can’t beat a joyful believer!<br />

Fear Not, Be<br />

Glad, Rejoice!<br />

What are our instructions for<br />

receiving restoration? Look at<br />

what Joel 2:21 says: “ ‘FEAR<br />

NOT, O land; BE GLAD and RE-<br />

JOICE, for the Lord has done<br />

marvelous things!’ ” (NKJV).<br />

The first thing we have to do is<br />

fear not. Fear connects us to the<br />

things that we don’t desire. But<br />

we have been given the ability<br />

to resist fear and put it<br />

out of our lives.<br />



Don’t miss any of our awesome<br />

Kindle the Flame <strong>2013</strong><br />

speakers! Check out pages<br />

28–29 for event details.<br />

We need to be “Teflon Christians.”<br />

That means nothing sticks<br />

to us. Whatever the enemy tries<br />

to bring against us—thoughts of<br />

fear, lack, and destruction—none<br />

of them sticks to us because we<br />

are rejoicing.<br />

Second, if we want to walk in<br />

restoration, we have to make a<br />

decision to be glad, not sad. The<br />

Bible says that God has made<br />

us glad (Ps. 92:4)! Knowing<br />

Jesus and being assured of His<br />

love and how much He cares for<br />

us should be enough to keep<br />

our gladness level high.<br />

Third, we are instructed to rejoice.<br />

When we do that, we’re<br />

going to step into the overflow.<br />

We’re going to step into<br />

restoration.<br />

Refuse to fear. Refuse to be<br />

moved by the various trials that<br />

show up. Stand firm on the<br />

Word, rejoice, and watch God<br />

do great things. The best is yet<br />

to come for you!<br />

_____________<br />

*Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary, #1523<br />

guwl.<br />

[Editor’s Note: This article was<br />

adapted from Brenda Thomas’<br />

book Making the Most of Your<br />

Meltdowns.]<br /> 27

®<br />

Not your average<br />

women’s<br />

conference<br />

September 26–28, <strong>2013</strong><br />

On the <strong>Rhema</strong> USA Campus in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma<br />

Lynette<br />

Hagin<br />

Patsy<br />

Cameneti<br />

Sherlyn<br />

Smucker<br />

Brenda<br />

Thomas<br />

“You, Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my<br />

darkness into light. With your help I can advance against<br />

a troop; with my God I can scale a wall.”<br />

Check out hotel discount information on our Web page.<br />

—Psalm 18:28–29 (NIV)<br />

Don’t forget to invite a friend!<br />

$60<br />

Early Bird Registration<br />

G o<br />

i n g<br />

N o w<br />

o n<br />

!<br />

Regular Registration begins<br />

September 16—$65<br /><br />

1-866-312-0972<br />

Isn’t it time to<br />

invest in yourself?<br />

The Benefits<br />

› “Me” time! When you’re<br />

strong, you’re better able to give<br />

back to those around you.<br />

› God time. Expect to hear from God and<br />

get answers to your questions.<br />

› Girl time. Build and strengthen relationships<br />

with ladies just like you.<br />

› Practical, fun workshops. You’ll return home<br />

with creative ideas you can use.<br />

› Refreshing. Need we say more?<br />

Three Ways to Register<br />

Online<br /><br />

By Phone<br />

1-866-312-0972<br />

By Mail<br />

Send your name, address, phone number, and<br />

email address along with your registration fee to:<br />

Kenneth Hagin Ministries<br />

KTF Women’s Conference <strong>2013</strong><br />

P.O. Box 50126<br />

Tulsa, OK 74150-0126<br />

Mailed registrations must be received by<br />

September 23, <strong>2013</strong>. On-campus registration<br />

begins Thursday, September 26, at 3:00 p.m.<br />

“Hearing Mrs. Lynette . . . it just feels like she’s<br />

speaking right into your heart. And it’s God<br />

working through her and delivering the message to<br />

us. I’m expecting more and more amazing things<br />

every day.”<br />

—Annie, South Dakota<br />

“I had muscle spasms in my back and thyroid<br />

problems. I was sitting at Kindle the<br />

Flame, praying and giving God all that<br />

I had in me. I did not feel pain<br />

the whole time I was there,<br />

and I forgot that I even had<br />

pain. It was so good!”<br />

—D.P., Kansas<br />

“The first night of<br />

Kindle the Flame was<br />

incredible. A powerful<br />

corporate anointing there<br />

moved in a mighty way in my<br />

spirit. I just worshipped the Lord<br />

and poured out my heart to Him. So<br />

many destructive things that had laid<br />

waste to my life had fallen under the anointing<br />

and power of God. I was humbled and<br />

grateful, and I left the service that evening<br />

with a sense of something having<br />

changed in my life.”<br />

—L.G., Florida<br />



“The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a<br />

sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be Like<br />

a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.”<br />

- Isaiah 58:11 (NIV 1984)<br />

A lady once approached evangelist D.L. Moody<br />

and told him she had found a wonderful promise in the Bible<br />

that helped her overcome fear. Her verse was Psalm 56:3: “What<br />

time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.” Mr. Moody replied, “Why,<br />

I have a better promise than that!” And he quoted Isaiah 12:2:<br />

“Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid.”<br />

It would be easy to be overcome with fear in our world<br />

today. Violent crimes are escalating, and natural disasters are<br />

occurring in many areas. Certainly we are living in the last days.<br />

I am so thankful that in the midst of perilous times, the Word of<br />

God gives us assurance that if we have made God the center of<br />

our lives, we do not have to fear. I often heard my father-in-law<br />

say, “Fear and faith cannot reside together. If you are in fear, you<br />

are out of faith.”<br />

It is so important to conquer fear. Fear will paralyze and<br />

enslave you. It will cause you constant worry and turmoil.<br />

God never intended for us to be enslaved by fear. In fact, when<br />

writing to Timothy, Paul said, “God hath not given us the spirit of<br />

fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (2 Tim. 1:7).<br />

So often our fears are unfounded. My husband relates how<br />

as a young boy he was trying to go to sleep when suddenly<br />

outside his window he saw a shadow resembling a man’s hand.<br />

He immediately became frightened and thought someone<br />

was trying to break in. After several minutes of shaking from<br />

fright, he decided to conquer that fear by opening the door<br />

and looking outside. When he did, he saw that the shadow was<br />

caused by a mimosa tree limb blowing in the wind. The enemy<br />

always brings the worst thoughts to your mind.<br />

We must allow faith in<br />

God to replace fear. The<br />

Lord said many times in the<br />

Bible, “Fear Not.” In Mark<br />

chapter 4 we read of a time<br />

when Jesus and His disciples<br />

got into a boat and He said to<br />

them, “Let us pass over unto the other side” (v. 35). Jesus went to<br />

sleep and suddenly a great storm arose. The wind and waves<br />

began to beat on the ship. Afraid, the disciples woke Jesus up<br />

and said, “Master, carest thou not that we perish? And he arose, and<br />

rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind<br />

ceased, and there was a great calm. And he said unto them, Why are<br />

ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?” (vv. 38–40).<br />

The secret to victory over fear is faith in God. He is there to<br />

solve any problem in your life. Psalm 46:1–2 says, “God is our<br />

refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not<br />

we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be<br />

carried into the midst of the sea.”<br />

From the time our children were young, my husband and I<br />

taught them the 91st Psalm. Let me share some verses with you.<br />

PSALM 91:1–2; 14–16 (NLT)<br />

1 Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the<br />

shadow of the Almighty.<br />

2 This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of<br />

safety; he is my God, and I trust him.<br />

This psalm continues with many great promises of<br />

protection. Then at the end, the Lord speaks.<br />

14 . . . “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust<br />

in my name.<br />

15 When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I<br />

will rescue and honor them.<br />

16 I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation.”<br />

I encourage you to find scriptures in the Word of God<br />

concerning fear. Read them every day. Make them such a part of<br />

your routine that when a fearful situation arises, your immediate<br />

response is the same as D.L. Moody’s: “Behold, God is my<br />

salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid.”<br />

30 THE WORD OF FAITH // <strong>August</strong> ‘13

Bible Character<br />

License PL8s<br />

If Bible characters drove cars today, maybe<br />

some of them would have these customized<br />

license plates on their cars. See if<br />

you can discover who would be driving<br />

in the cars with the license plates below.<br />

Use the first letter of the capitalized words to discover<br />

the name of the Bible characters who fit the description<br />

perfectly.<br />

1. Jumping Overboard is Not Always Helpful<br />

2. Defeated A Very Immense Dude<br />

3. My Obedience Saved Egypt’s Slaves<br />

4. Joined Others Honoring the Nazarene<br />

5. Now Offering Animals a Home<br />

If a doctor wanted to listen to your heart, he would put a stethoscope<br />

to your chest and listen. Spiritually, there’s a much easier<br />

way to hear what your heart sounds like. Jesus said, “out of the<br />

abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh” (Matt. 12:34). In<br />

other words, whatever your heart is full of will come out of your<br />

mouth. You can hear your heart through the words you<br />

speak! Read the words of the Bible characters below and then<br />

match the phrase to the letter below it that best describes what<br />

was in their heart.<br />

1. “ Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord.” —Peter<br />

(Luke 5:8)<br />

2. “ Lord, if thou wilt, thou can make me clean.” —Leper<br />

(Matt. 8:2)<br />

3. “ Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down<br />

from heaven, and consume them . . . ?” —James<br />

and John (Luke 9:54)<br />

4. “ Father, forgive them; for they know not what they<br />

do.” —Jesus (Luke 23:34)<br />

5. “ Why do the disciples of John fast often, and make prayers,<br />

and likewise the disciples of the Pharisees; but thine eat<br />

and drink?” —Scribes and Pharisees (Luke 5:33)<br />

6. “ Master, carest thou not that we perish?” —The disciples<br />

on the boat during the storm (Mark 4:38)<br />

A. LOVE<br />


C. ANGER<br />


E. FAITH<br />


Next time you’re wondering what’s in someone’s heart—<br />

just listen to their mouth!<br />


Put these word pictures together to discover someone in the<br />

Bible who spoke his heart quite often.<br />

What is Barbie’s favorite thing to do<br />

in the summertime?<br />

Have a Barbie-Q<br />

Who started the fi rst fan club in the<br />

Bible?<br />

The Wise Men—they followed<br />

“the star.”<br />

If you drop a pound of feathers and<br />

a pound of pennies off the Golden<br />

Gate Bridge, which will hit the Hudson<br />

River fi rst?<br />

Neither. The Golden Gate<br />

Bridge crosses over The<br />

San Francisco Bay, not the<br />

Hudson River.<br />

I have a head, but it is fl at.<br />

I have a tail, but not like a cat.<br />

You might think this riddle’s dense,<br />

But I think it makes a lot of “cents.”<br />

What am I?<br />

A coin<br />

Answers:<br />


PLATES:<br />







1. JONAH<br />

2. DAVID<br />

3. MOSES<br />

4. JOHN<br />

5. NOAH<br />


1. B 2. E 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. F<br />


SIMON PETER<br /> 31

P.O. Box 50126 • Tulsa, OK 74150-0126<br />


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