Introduction to Fungi, Third Edition

Introduction to Fungi, Third Edition

Introduction to Fungi, Third Edition


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Plate1 Slimemoulds(Myxomycota).(a)White coralloidsporocarps ofCeratiomyxafruticulosa (Pro<strong>to</strong>steliomycetes) onrotting wood.<br />

(b) Developing aethalia of Lycogala epidendron on rotting wood. (c) Aethalium of Reticularialycoperdon with a silvery grey peridium.<br />

(d) Aethalium of R.lycoperdonwithitsperidiumruptured <strong>to</strong>reveala darkbrownpowderymass of spores. (e) Arcyriadenudata onrotting<br />

wood.The sporangia have openedup, releasing their dullred spores.The capillitium network is exposed. (f) Phaneroplasmodium of<br />

Physarumpolycephalum producing numerous stalked sporangia on an agar surface. (g) Slightly immature aethalium of Fuligo septica.<br />

(h) Clustered stalked sporangia of Stemonitisaxifera. (e) and (h) kindly providedby G.L.Barron.

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