Introduction to Fungi, Third Edition

Introduction to Fungi, Third Edition

Introduction to Fungi, Third Edition


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303<br />

Cheese production involves complex consortia<br />

of bacteria and numerous different yeast species,<br />

but two Penicillium spp. are important in specialized<br />

cheeses. These are P. roqueforti for blue-veined<br />

cheeses, and P. camemberti for white mould<br />

cheeses. The subject has been summarized by<br />

Jakobsen et al. (2002). The moulds are inoculated<br />

<strong>to</strong>gether with enzymes or bacterial starters after<br />

the cooling of the pasteurized milk, and gradually<br />

colonize the maturing cheese. They contribute<br />

significantly <strong>to</strong> the texture as well as the flavours,<br />

with the characteristic blue cheese or camembert<br />

flavours being due mainly <strong>to</strong> the activity of extracellular<br />

lipases which break down short-chain<br />

fatty acids. A substantial contribution is also<br />

made by protein and peptide degradation products<br />

resulting from the activities of fungal<br />

proteinases and peptidases (Jakobsen et al., 2002).<br />

Production of enzymes<br />

The prominent role of Aspergillus and Penicillium<br />

species in food production is, of course, due <strong>to</strong><br />

their ability <strong>to</strong> produce large quantities of extracellular<br />

enzymes. This feature has also been<br />

harnessed for industrial purposes, with the<br />

majority of all commercial fungal enzymes produced<br />

by Aspergillus spp. (Oxenbøll, 1994).<br />

Proteases, amylases, lipases and pectinases are<br />

important in many industrial processes, including<br />

the manufacture of dairy, bakery, distillery<br />

and brewery products, juices and leather, and in<br />

the starch industry.<br />

Citric acid fermentation<br />

Citric acid is found in many fruits, and it is used<br />

for flavouring and pH control of food and beverages.<br />

In combination with carbonates and<br />

bicarbonates, it is also used <strong>to</strong> create the<br />

effervescent effect when medications such as<br />

vitamin preparations or aspirin are dissolved in<br />

water. Initially extracted from citrus fruits, citric<br />

acid has been produced commercially by Aspergillus<br />

niger since about 1923 and this fungus remains<br />

the world’s most important producer. The <strong>to</strong>tal<br />

current annual world production of citric acid<br />

is about 9 10 6 <strong>to</strong>ns. Curiously, although production<br />

of citric acid by A. niger is one of the most<br />

efficient biotechnological fermentations with<br />

conversion of up <strong>to</strong> 95% (by weight) of the sugar<br />

substrate, the biochemistry of it is still only<br />

poorly unders<strong>to</strong>od. The uptake of sugar (as<br />

hexose) is followed by glycolysis in the cy<strong>to</strong>sol,<br />

the tricarboxylic acid cycle in the mi<strong>to</strong>chondrion,<br />

and export of citric acid in<strong>to</strong> the cy<strong>to</strong>sol and<br />

thence in<strong>to</strong> the extracellular medium where it<br />

accumulates, creating a pH below 3. Citric acid<br />

production proceeds optimally when an excess of<br />

sugar and aeration is provided, whereas phosphate<br />

and trace elements, especially manganese,<br />

must be limiting. Excellent reviews of citric acid<br />

production have been published by Brooke (1994)<br />

and Karaffa and Kubicek (2003).<br />

Production of antibiotics<br />

The accidental discovery of penicillin by a contamination<br />

of Penicillium notatum growing on a<br />

bacterial agar culture (Fleming, 1929, 1944)<br />

followed by the re-discovery of penicillin by<br />

Florey and Chain and its development in<strong>to</strong> an<br />

antibiotic against Gram-negative bacteria has<br />

been <strong>to</strong>ld many times, and the original 1945<br />

Nobel Lectures by Fleming, Florey and Chain can<br />

be found at http://www.nobel.se. In nature,<br />

penicillin (Fig. 11.14a) is produced by P. notatum,<br />

the closely related or identical P. chrysogenum, by<br />

A. nidulans and a few other conidial fungi, whereas<br />

the chemically related cephalosporins are produced<br />

by Acremonium chrysogenum (formerly<br />

Cephalosporium chrysogenum), which probably<br />

belongs <strong>to</strong> the Pyrenomycetes (p. 348). Together,<br />

penicillin- and cephalosporin-type antibiotics<br />

take a staggering 50% share (approximately<br />

11 billion US$) of the <strong>to</strong>tal worldwide sales of<br />

antibiotics (Schmidt, 2002). Aspergillus nidulans has<br />

been useful for studies of the genetics and<br />

biosynthesis of penicillin production because<br />

it is easily manipulated by molecular biological<br />

methods. However, for commercial production<br />

P. chrysogenum has been used traditionally. The<br />

first penicillins were produced commercially<br />

by purification of the final product from<br />

static liquid cultures. Over several decades, highproducing<br />

mutants were generated, resulting<br />

in a 50 000-fold enhanced penicillin yield relative<br />

<strong>to</strong> that of the original strain, and current yields<br />

are as high as 50 g penicillin l 1 of liquid culture<br />

(Schmidt, 2002). A wide range of penicillin (and<br />

cephalosporin) derivatives has been produced,

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