Introduction to Fungi, Third Edition

Introduction to Fungi, Third Edition

Introduction to Fungi, Third Edition


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836 INDEX<br />

Rhizopus microsporus 182<br />

Rhizopus oryzae 182<br />

Rhizopus rhizopodiformis 182<br />

Rhizopus sexualis 29, 173, 177, 183;<br />

zygospore development 176, 178<br />

Rhizopus s<strong>to</strong>lonifer 166, 172–173, 176,<br />

179, 182, 184, Pl. 3<br />

rhizoxin 183<br />

Rhodocollybia 546<br />

Rhodosporidium <strong>to</strong>ruloides 667<br />

Rhodo<strong>to</strong>rula 667; carotenoid<br />

production 671; ecology 668<br />

Rhodo<strong>to</strong>rula glutinis (teleom.<br />

Rhodosporidium) 659, 667<br />

Rhynchosporium secalis 439<br />

Rhynie chert 35, 133, 246, 454<br />

Rhytisma acerinum 441, 442–443<br />

Rhytismataceae 440<br />

riboflavin production 284<br />

rice, foolish seedling disease 339;<br />

rice blast 378<br />

ring wall building 232<br />

ringworm 293<br />

Robigalia 610<br />

roestelioid aecium 632, Pl. 12<br />

Rogation Sunday 610<br />

root exudates 434, 435<br />

root rot, Phy<strong>to</strong>phthora and Pythium 102,<br />

Pl. 2<br />

rose, powdery mildew 404; rust 631<br />

Rosellinia necatrix 333<br />

rostrate; see ascus wall<br />

rotifers 64<br />

rRNA (ribosomal RNA) analysis 35, 36<br />

rumen fungi; see Neocallimastigales<br />

rumposome 130<br />

Russula 566; ec<strong>to</strong>mycorrhiza 566;<br />

orchid mycorrhiza 598<br />

Russula atropurpurea 567<br />

Russula cyanoxantha, trama 524<br />

Russula emetica 566<br />

Russula fellea 566<br />

Russula ochroleuca 566<br />

russuloid clade 566–572; phylogeny<br />

516–517<br />

rust fungi 610; cereal rusts 627–629;<br />

see Uredinales<br />

Rutstroemia echinophila Pl. 7<br />

rye, ergot 350; eyespot 439<br />

Saccharomyces 263<br />

Saccharomyces cerevisiae 10–11, 229,<br />

232, 256; alcoholic fermentation<br />

262, 274–275; ascospore cleavage<br />

267; bread-making 274; cell cycle<br />

270, 271, 272, 301; cell wall 270;<br />

cy<strong>to</strong>logy 264; killer <strong>to</strong>xins 273–274,<br />

646; life cycle 265–266; mating<br />

266–270; membrane cycling 272;<br />

morphogenesis 270–272;<br />

pheromones 267; pseudohyphae<br />

272; vacuole 273<br />

Saccharomyces pas<strong>to</strong>rianus 263<br />

Saccharomycopsis 282–284<br />

Saccharomycopsis fibuligera 282, 283<br />

Saccobolus 420<br />

sagenogen 68, 73<br />

Sai<strong>to</strong>ella 250<br />

Sakaguchia dacryoidea 659<br />

saké 276<br />

salicylic acid 412<br />

sanguinolen<strong>to</strong>us hypha; see lactifer<br />

Saprochaete 282<br />

Saprolegnia 9, 24, 30, 79, 81–86,<br />

Pl. 2; asexual reproduction 82,<br />

83–85; cyst 84; hypha 80; life cycle<br />

78; ooplast arrangement 86;<br />

sexual reproduction 85, 86;<br />

zoospore 76<br />

Saprolegnia li<strong>to</strong>ralis 85<br />

Saprolegnia parasitica 81, 85<br />

Saprolegnia polymorpha 81<br />

Saprolegniales 79–95; hypha 79;<br />

nutrition 81<br />

sap-stain (of wood) 364, 371, 373<br />

sarco-hypha 518<br />

sarcomitic basidiocarp construction<br />

519<br />

sarcotrimitic basidiocarp<br />

construction 519<br />

Sarcoscypha 419<br />

Sarcoscypha australis Pl. 6<br />

Sauternes wine 438<br />

Sawadaea 403<br />

Sawadaea bicornis 404, 405<br />

Schizochytrium 74<br />

schizogenous perithecial<br />

development 315, 318, 338<br />

schizolytic secession 235<br />

Schizophyllum 542<br />

Schizophyllum commune 7–8, 489, 499,<br />

542, 543–544, 545; dikaryotization<br />

(Buller phenomenon) 510; fruiting<br />

in the labora<strong>to</strong>ry 544;<br />

hydrophobins 545; mating type<br />

fac<strong>to</strong>rs 508, 543<br />

Schizosaccharomyces 250, 261<br />

Schizosaccharomyces japonicus 253<br />

Schizosaccharomyces oc<strong>to</strong>sporus 253,<br />

254, 255<br />

Schizosaccharomyces pombe 51, 253–259;<br />

cell cycle 256, 257, 301; cell walls<br />

255; life cycle 255; morphogenesis<br />

258, 259; pheromones 255<br />

Schizosaccharomycetales 253–259<br />

Schizothecium 320<br />

Schizothecium tetrasporum 321, 322<br />

Schizothecium vesticola 320<br />

Scleroderma 557, 585–586; bole<strong>to</strong>id<br />

clade 579, 585<br />

Scleroderma bovista 586<br />

Scleroderma citrinum 515, 586, 587<br />

Scleroderma verrucosum 586, 587<br />

Sclerosporaceae 125–126<br />

Sclerospora 125<br />

Sclerospora graminicola 126<br />

sclerotial stroma 430<br />

Sclerotinia, macroconidium 430;<br />

microconidium 430, 432;<br />

sclerotium (sclerotial stroma) 20,<br />

430<br />

Sclerotinia (Myriosclerotinia) curreyana<br />

430, 431, Pl. 7; Myrioconium-type<br />

microconidium 430, 431;<br />

sclerotium 431<br />

Sclerotinia fructigena; see Monilinia<br />

fructigena<br />

Sclerotinia fuckeliana; see Botryotinia<br />

fuckeliana<br />

Sclerotinia laxa; see Monilinia laxa<br />

Sclerotinia (Stromatinia) narcissi, mating<br />

behaviour 435<br />

Sclerotinia porri; see Botryotinia porri<br />

Sclerotinia sclerotiorum 431–434;<br />

biological control 433; infection<br />

biology 432; mating behaviour 436;<br />

oxalic acid 433; pH sensing 433;<br />

sclerotium 432, 434<br />

Sclerotinia trifoliorum, mating<br />

behaviour 436<br />

Sclerotinia (Dumontinia) tuberosa 431,<br />

432<br />

sclerotium 18, 19, 20–21; in<br />

Myxomycetes 49; see Aspergillus,<br />

Botrytis, Claviceps, Cordyceps,<br />

Morchella, Penicillium, Polyporus<br />

mylittae, Rhizoc<strong>to</strong>nia, Sclerotinia,<br />

Sclerotium<br />

Sclerotium cepivorum 431, 434; sclerotia<br />

and root exudates 434, 435<br />

Sclerotium rolfsii, sclerotium 20, 501<br />

scolecospore 23

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