Introduction to Fungi, Third Edition

Introduction to Fungi, Third Edition

Introduction to Fungi, Third Edition


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functions at subsequent developmental stages<br />

such as gall formation and teliospore production<br />

(Gold et al., 1997). For instance, the fuz7 gene<br />

product which encodes a MAP kinase kinase<br />

involved in the signalling chain shown in<br />

Fig. 23.8 is also involved in the process of<br />

hyphal fragmentation leading <strong>to</strong> teliospore production<br />

(Banuett & Herskowitz, 1996). Further,<br />

there is extensive cross-talk between the cAMP/<br />

protein kinase A and MAP kinase chains at<br />

different time-points in development.<br />

The cy<strong>to</strong>skele<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Much valuable work has been performed on<br />

U. maydis <strong>to</strong> assign various cellular transport<br />

phenomena <strong>to</strong> particular elements of the cy<strong>to</strong>skele<strong>to</strong>n<br />

and their associated mo<strong>to</strong>r proteins.<br />

Thus, microtubules have been implicated in<br />

the transport of nuclei, mi<strong>to</strong>chondria, vacuoles<br />

and the endoplasmic reticulum, as well as<br />

secre<strong>to</strong>ry vesicles in exocy<strong>to</strong>sis and endosomes<br />

in endocy<strong>to</strong>sis (Steinberg, 2000; Basse &<br />

Steinberg, 2004; Steinberg & Fuchs, 2004).<br />

Bidirectional movement can be achieved by<br />

kinesin mo<strong>to</strong>rs which move <strong>to</strong>wards the polymerizing<br />

end (plus end) of microtubules, and<br />

dynein which moves <strong>to</strong>wards the minus end.<br />

Actin cables and their myosin mo<strong>to</strong>rs are also<br />

involved in morphogenetic events and transport<br />

processes. Since the genome of U. maydis has been<br />

completely sequenced, the number of genes<br />

encoding myosin (3), dynein (1) and kinesin (10)<br />

is known (Basse & Steinberg, 2004) and further<br />

rapid progress on the role of the cy<strong>to</strong>skele<strong>to</strong>n<br />

in morphogenesis and cellular transport can be<br />

expected with U. maydis as an experimental<br />

organism.<br />

Mycoviruses and killer <strong>to</strong>xins in U. maydis<br />

Although mycoviruses are not uncommon in<br />

fungi, few of them have been investigated<br />

in detail. Two examples we have encountered in<br />

earlier chapters of this book are the virus-like<br />

particles in S. cerevisiae (p. 273) and related yeasts<br />

which contain double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)<br />

encoding killer <strong>to</strong>xins, and the hypovirulencecausing<br />

dsRNA viruses of Cryphonectria parasitica<br />

(p. 375) and Ophios<strong>to</strong>ma novo-ulmi (p. 366).<br />

Mycoviruses infecting Ustilago maydis are similar<br />

<strong>to</strong> those of S. cerevisiae in that they encode killer<br />

<strong>to</strong>xins. The first evidence of them was found<br />

when certain U. maydis strains killed sexually<br />

compatible strains upon anas<strong>to</strong>mosis in mating<br />

assays. The cy<strong>to</strong>plasmic inheritance of the killing<br />

trait, the proteinaceous nature of the <strong>to</strong>xin and<br />

the presence of virus particles in killer strains<br />

were quickly established (Hankin & Puhalla, 1971;<br />

Wood & Bozarth, 1973). There are three types<br />

of virus (P1, P4 and P6) each encoding its own<br />

killer protein (KP) <strong>to</strong>xin. Day (1981) showed that<br />

virus-infected U. maydis strains are common in<br />

field populations.<br />

A great deal is now known about viruses of<br />

U. maydis (see Magliani et al., 1997; Martínez-<br />

Espinoza et al., 2002). Their genomes are fragmented<br />

in<strong>to</strong> three size classes of dsRNA, whereby<br />

each size class can have several members.<br />

In <strong>to</strong>tal, there are six dsRNA fragments in P1,<br />

seven in P4 and five in P6, with one capsid able<br />

<strong>to</strong> accommodate either one H or one <strong>to</strong> several<br />

M chains (Bozarth et al., 1981). In all three<br />

viruses, a heavy (H) segment encodes the capsid<br />

protein and the replication machinery, and<br />

H segments are also essential for the maintenance<br />

of the medium-sized (M) and light (L)<br />

segments. The <strong>to</strong>xins are encoded by the<br />

M fragments, and their synthesis as prepropolypeptide<br />

chains followed by proteolytic<br />

cleavage and secretion of the mature <strong>to</strong>xins<br />

is similar <strong>to</strong> that of the S. cerevisiae killer<br />

<strong>to</strong>xins (p. 273). The function of the L segments<br />

is unknown at present.<br />

The modes of action of the three <strong>to</strong>xins seem<br />

<strong>to</strong> be diverse. The best-characterized is KP4 which<br />

is active as a monomer blocking certain types<br />

of Ca 2þ uptake channel. This activity can be<br />

observed in susceptible U. maydis strains as well<br />

as in mammalian cells, where it acts in a similar<br />

way <strong>to</strong> the black mamba snake venom, calciseptine<br />

(Gage et al., 2001, 2002). The KP1 and KP6<br />

<strong>to</strong>xins are released as two separate polypeptides<br />

after proteolytic cleavage, but in contrast <strong>to</strong> the<br />

yeast killer <strong>to</strong>xins these do not re-associate with<br />

each other by covalent (disulphide) bonds. Whilst<br />

the mode of action of KP1 is unknown, KP6 may<br />

form membrane pores which disrupt the ionic<br />

balance of the target cells (N. Li et al., 1999). The<br />

<strong>to</strong>xin-producing cell must obviously be resistant

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