Introduction to Fungi, Third Edition

Introduction to Fungi, Third Edition

Introduction to Fungi, Third Edition


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Fig 21.4 Dacrymyces stillatus. (a) Basidiospores showing germination by germ tubes or formation of conidia (bot<strong>to</strong>m). (b) Basidia.<br />

Note that the attached basidiospores are unicellular.They become three-septate on germination. (c) Arthrospores from a conidial<br />

pustule.<br />

are surrounded by parenthesomes without<br />

perforations (Wells, 1994). The probasidium<br />

arises from a dikaryotic hypha and is initially<br />

club-shaped. At this stage karyogamy occurs and<br />

is immediately followed by meiosis. Meanwhile<br />

the two epibasidia develop. Each of the two<br />

basidiospores seems <strong>to</strong> receive one nucleus, and<br />

the remaining two nuclei degenerate in the<br />

epibasidia (see Wells & Bandoni, 2001). Before<br />

the basidiospore germinates, it lays down one or<br />

more septa. Each spore segment can produce a<br />

haploid monokaryotic hypha or may give rise <strong>to</strong><br />

conidia which in turn germinate by means of<br />

monokaryotic germ tubes (Ingold, 1983b). It is<br />

unclear in many species how and where dikaryotization<br />

occurs, but it is probably by fusion<br />

of monokaryotic hyphae. Mating systems, where<br />

known, are bifac<strong>to</strong>rial (tetrapolar), i.e. with two<br />

mating type loci A and B.<br />

Members of the Dacrymycetales are saprotrophic<br />

on wood and cause brown-rots, although<br />

some lignin degradation has also been observed<br />

(Seifert, 1983; Worrall et al., 1997). The fruit<br />

bodies are common on decaying wood, including<br />

wood built in<strong>to</strong> outdoor structures such as park<br />

benches or fences. There are about 70 species,<br />

and the order is monophyletic (Oberwinkler,<br />

1993). Reid (1974) has given keys and descriptions<br />

of the common British and European species.<br />

The seminal features of the order have been<br />

summarized by Wells (1994) and Wells and<br />

Bandoni (2001).

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