Introduction to Fungi, Third Edition

Introduction to Fungi, Third Edition

Introduction to Fungi, Third Edition


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Table 20.1. Taxonomic affinities and spore release mechanisms of selected gasteromycetes.<br />

Hymenomycete<br />

grouping<br />

Gasteromycete<br />

genus<br />

Gasterocarp<br />

type<br />

Propagule Dispersal Ecology<br />

Euagarics clade Bovista,Calvatia Puffball<br />

(epigeous)<br />

Lycoperdon Puffball<br />

(epigeous)<br />

Crucibulum, Bird’s nest<br />

Cyathus (epigeous)<br />

Nia<br />

Gelatinous<br />

(epigeous)<br />

Bole<strong>to</strong>id clade Rhizopogon False truffle<br />

(hypogeous)<br />

Melanogaster False truffle<br />

(hypogeous)<br />

Pisolithus Earth ball<br />

(epigeous)<br />

Scleroderma Earth ball<br />

(epigeous)<br />

Astraeus Earth star<br />

(epigeous)<br />

Calos<strong>to</strong>ma Puffball<br />

(epigeous)<br />

Gomphoid<br />

phalloid clade<br />

Geastrum<br />

Anthurus,<br />

Clathrus,<br />

Phallus,<br />

Mutinus<br />

Sphaerobolus<br />

Earth star<br />

(epigeous)<br />

Stinkhorn, etc.<br />

(epigeous)<br />

Cannonball<br />

(epigeous)<br />

Basidiospore A Saprotrophic<br />

Basidiospore B Saprotrophic<br />

Peridiole C Saprotrophic<br />

Basidiospore D Saprotrophic<br />

Basidiospore E Ec<strong>to</strong>mycorrhizal<br />

Basidiospore E Ec<strong>to</strong>mycorrhizal<br />

Peridiole or A Ec<strong>to</strong>mycorrhizal<br />

basidiospore<br />

Basidiospore A Ec<strong>to</strong>mycorrhizal<br />

Basidiospore B Ec<strong>to</strong>mycorrhizal<br />

Basidiospore B Saprotrophic<br />

Basidiospore B Saprotrophic<br />

Basidiospore F Saprotrophic<br />

Peridiole G Saprotrophic<br />

Dispersal mechanisms of propagules are as follows:<br />

A.Disintegration of gasterocarp followed by release of propagules by wind or animal trampling.<br />

B.Puffing through a pore after a raindrop hits the endoperidium (‘bellows mechanism’).<br />

C. Splash cup dispersal following impact by a raindrop.<br />

D. Passive release in<strong>to</strong> water.<br />

E.Distribution by burrowing animals and/or passive release in<strong>to</strong> the soil following disintegration of the<br />

gasterocarp.<br />

F.Insectdispersal following olfac<strong>to</strong>ry and visual attraction.<br />

G. Active discharge of peridiole by tension-snap mechanism.

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