Introduction to Fungi, Third Edition

Introduction to Fungi, Third Edition

Introduction to Fungi, Third Edition


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are common on the surfaces of many fungal<br />

hyphae. Oxalic acid may also chelate other ions<br />

such as Cu 2þ , which is used as a preservative for<br />

the treatment of wood. The oxalic acid concentration<br />

may bring about strongly acidic conditions,<br />

sometimes as low as pH 1.7, which would<br />

be sufficient for acid hydrolysis of pectin and<br />

even cellulose (Green et al., 1991). Both endoand<br />

exo-enzymes of the cellulase complex are<br />

generally produced by brown-rot fungi (Hegarty<br />

et al., 1987), and these may act in the usual<br />

synergistic way <strong>to</strong> convert cellulose <strong>to</strong> oligosaccharides<br />

and thence <strong>to</strong> glucose (Radford et al.,<br />

1996). Hemicellulases are thought <strong>to</strong> act in a<br />

similar way. However, these enzymes may<br />

not gain access <strong>to</strong> their substrate where it is<br />

masked by the lignin-containing secondary wall.<br />

Although the detailed mechanism of brown-rot<br />

decay is still unknown, there is evidence that<br />

at least the initial attack on cellulose<br />

(and hemicellulose) is mediated by small molecules<br />

capable of penetrating the lignin layer.<br />

These may be the hydronium ion (H 3 O þ ) generated<br />

by oxalic acid in water, or another molecule<br />

such as the hydroxyl radical (HO) released from<br />

hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) by the Fen<strong>to</strong>n reaction<br />

(Fe 2þ þ H 2 O 2 ! Fe 3þ þ HO þ HO ). The<br />

mechanism of brown-rot decay is all the more<br />

mysterious because many brown-rot fungi do,<br />

in fact, produce enzymes capable of degrading<br />

lignin (Mtui & Nakamura, 2004), but these may<br />

have other functions, such as the de<strong>to</strong>xification<br />

of antimicrobial phenolics which are often<br />

present in wood at high concentrations<br />

(Rabinovich et al., 2004).<br />

White-rot<br />

The suite of enzymes required <strong>to</strong> break down<br />

lignin has been most thoroughly examined in<br />

the white-rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium<br />

(see de Jong et al., 1994a; Heinzkill & Messner,<br />

1997). There are numerous conflicting ideas<br />

about the enzymology of lignin degradation,<br />

and we can only generalize here. Initial attack on<br />

lignin is mediated by lignin peroxidases (LiP)<br />

and/or manganese peroxidases (MnP) which do<br />

not themselves enter the lignin layer. Instead,<br />

small diffusible molecules probably act as redox<br />

charge carriers between the enzymes and their<br />

substrate. A possible reaction scheme for LiP is<br />

shown in Fig. 19.13 (Heinzkill & Messner, 1997;<br />

ten Have & Teunissen, 2001). The enzyme consists<br />

of a single polypeptide chain and a pro<strong>to</strong>porphyrin<br />

IX (haem) group which is buried deep<br />

inside the enzyme, accessible <strong>to</strong> small diffusible<br />

molecules through a narrow pore. LiP loses two<br />

electrons when it reduces H 2 O 2 <strong>to</strong> water. This<br />

highly oxidized LiP I state is returned <strong>to</strong> the<br />

ground state in two steps, each associated with<br />

the one-electron oxidation of a reductant in<strong>to</strong><br />

its cation radical. Veratryl alcohol, produced<br />

in abundance by most white-rot fungi, is such<br />

a reductant. The two cation radicals leave the<br />

enzyme and either themselves attack the lignin<br />

structure, or pass on their charge <strong>to</strong> other small<br />

molecules. Either way, the extraction of one<br />

electron from an aromatic ring of lignin generates<br />

a structure reacting both as a cation and as a<br />

radical, leading <strong>to</strong> numerous possible degradation<br />

products. The conversion of LiP in<strong>to</strong> LiP I<br />

requires H 2 O 2 which is generated by extracellular<br />

enzymes such as glucose oxidase or aryl<br />

alcohol oxidase. The latter uses organohalogens<br />

such as 3-chloroanisylalcohol as substrates, and<br />

these may accumulate in the environment<br />

colonized by white-rot fungi (de Jong et al.,<br />

1994b), even though organohalogens have traditionally<br />

been regarded as man-made (anthropogenic)<br />

environmental pollutants.<br />

Manganese peroxidase (MnP) is closely related<br />

<strong>to</strong> LiP in its protein structure and its catalytic<br />

cycle, except that the co-fac<strong>to</strong>r is Mn 2þ instead of<br />

veratryl alcohol. The oxidized Mn 3þ may be<br />

stabilized by organic acids en route <strong>to</strong> the<br />

lignin substrate, where it catalyses a one-electron<br />

oxidation either directly or via charge transfer<br />

molecules, followed by recycling of Mn 2þ back <strong>to</strong><br />

the MnP enzyme. Copper-containing laccases are<br />

a third group of enzymes attacking lignin, and<br />

these are produced by a range of fungi much<br />

wider than that causing white-rot. By reducing<br />

O 2 <strong>to</strong> H 2 O, laccases are capable of performing a<br />

four-electron oxidation either of a redox carrier<br />

or the final substrate itself. In this way, laccases<br />

may be able <strong>to</strong> degrade smaller lignin fragments,<br />

although they are probably incapable of a direct<br />

attack on intact lignin, due <strong>to</strong> steric problems.<br />

The precise role of laccases in lignin degradation

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