Introduction to Fungi, Third Edition

Introduction to Fungi, Third Edition

Introduction to Fungi, Third Edition


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507<br />

systems of this type, although a few have more<br />

complex systems.<br />

Tetrapolar<br />

In the coprophilous ink-cap Coprinus cinereus or<br />

the wood-rotting Schizophyllum commune, fertile<br />

dikaryons result in one-quarter of the matings<br />

when primary mycelia derived from basidiospores<br />

from a single fruit body are intercrossed.<br />

The explanation originally proposed for this<br />

situation was that incompatibility is controlled<br />

by two genes (fac<strong>to</strong>rs), with two alleles at each<br />

locus. Because two separate fac<strong>to</strong>rs are involved,<br />

the genetic basis is termed bifac<strong>to</strong>rial. Thus we<br />

can denote the two genes as A and B and their<br />

two alleles as A 1 , A 2 and B 1 , B 2 , respectively.<br />

Consider the cross of a monokaryon bearing A 1 B 1<br />

with another bearing A 2 B 2 . This would result in<br />

a fertile dikaryon (A 1 B 1 þ A 2 B 2 ). Such a dikaryon<br />

would form spores following meiosis and the<br />

spores would be of four kinds: A 1 B 1 , A 2 B 2<br />

(parentals), A 2 B 1 and A 1 B 2 (recombinants). In<br />

most cases studied, the proportions of the four<br />

kinds of spore are equal, showing that the A<br />

and B loci are unlinked, i.e. borne on different<br />

chromosomes.<br />

Fertile dikaryons are only formed when the<br />

alleles present at each locus in the opposing<br />

monokaryons differ e.g. in crosses of the type<br />

A 1 B 1 A 2 B 2 or A 2 B 1 A 1 B 2 . Where there is an<br />

identical allele at either or both loci the cross<br />

is unsuccessful. Thus the success of inbreeding<br />

within the spores of any one fruit body is only<br />

25% in tetrapolar species as compared with 50%<br />

in bipolar forms.<br />

A species with tetrapolar heterothallism<br />

whose life cycle is unusual and difficult <strong>to</strong><br />

interpret is Armillaria mellea. Most of the cells of<br />

the mycelium are monokaryotic, and there is no<br />

evidence of clamp connections in the mycelium<br />

or the rhizomorphs. Fruit body primordia arise<br />

from the monokaryotic rhizomorphs, and the<br />

cells of the young primordia are also monokaryotic.<br />

However, cells making up the gill tissue<br />

are dikaryotic, and these dikaryotic hyphae are<br />

associated with clamp connections, whilst the<br />

monokaryotic cells formed in the remaining<br />

tissue of the stem and cap have no clamps.<br />

Estimations of nuclear volume in monokaryotic<br />

and dikaryotic cells suggest that the nuclei of<br />

monokaryotic cells are diploid, whilst those of<br />

dikaryotic cells are haploid. It is presumed that<br />

the diploid nuclei undergo haploidization by an<br />

unknown mechanism during the formation of<br />

gill initials. Within the basidia, nuclear fusion<br />

and meiosis occur, and a single meiotic product<br />

enters each basidiospore. In the spore, the<br />

nucleus divides mi<strong>to</strong>tically, and one daughter<br />

nucleus from each spore migrates back in<strong>to</strong> the<br />

body of the basidium and degenerates (Korhonen<br />

& Hintikka, 1974; Tommerup & Broadbent, 1974;<br />

Ullrich & Anderson, 1978; Anderson & Ullrich,<br />

1982).<br />

Variations in the life cycle of A. mellea have<br />

been reported. In a form designated as ‘Japanese<br />

A. mellea’, Ota et al. (1998) presented evidence that<br />

four haploid nuclei appear after meiotic division<br />

of the diploid nucleus in the young basidium.<br />

These haploid nuclei fuse in pairs, resulting in<br />

two diploid nuclei which migrate in<strong>to</strong> two of<br />

the developing basidiospores where they divide<br />

mi<strong>to</strong>tically. One nucleus from each basidiospore<br />

returns <strong>to</strong> the basidium, leaving the spore<br />

containing one diploid nucleus. Occasionally<br />

nuclear migration fails <strong>to</strong> occur and the<br />

spore remains binucleate. Spores with diploid<br />

nuclei can complete the life-cycle by forming<br />

a mycelium competent <strong>to</strong> fruit. Ota et al. (1998)<br />

therefore concluded that the ‘Japanese<br />

A. mellea’ illustrates a kind of secondary<br />

homothallism.<br />

18.9.3 Multiple alleles, complex loci<br />

Although a single spore from one fruit body of<br />

S. commune or C. cinereus is compatible with only<br />

one-quarter of its fellow spores, crosses between<br />

spores from fruit bodies of different origin often<br />

result in 100% mating success, i.e. a spore from<br />

one fruit body can mate successfully with 100%<br />

of the spores from a different fruit body. The<br />

explanation of this phenomenon is that a large<br />

number of alleles is present in a population<br />

representing the species as a whole, instead of<br />

the single pair of alleles at each locus present<br />

in any one dikaryotic mycelium. Suppose that a<br />

second fruit body had the composition (A 3 B 3 þ<br />

A 4 B 4 ), then all the four kinds of spore it produced,

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