Introduction to Fungi, Third Edition

Introduction to Fungi, Third Edition

Introduction to Fungi, Third Edition


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469<br />

used (Ellis, 1971b). Electron microscopy studies<br />

(Carroll & Carroll, 1971) have shown that<br />

conidial development is blastic, involving the<br />

whole of the wall at the apex of the conidiogenous<br />

cell. The cy<strong>to</strong>plasmic connection between the<br />

conidiogenous cell and the conidium is narrow,<br />

and is surrounded by two layers of thickened<br />

wall material. Following the detachment of the<br />

first-formed conidium, the conidiophore may<br />

grow out through the detachment scar <strong>to</strong> form<br />

a second conidium, a process described as<br />

percurrent conidiogenesis. The conidia of<br />

P. herbarum are formed more readily in cultures<br />

illuminated by near-UV light (Leach, 1968),<br />

whereas daylight and low temperature stimulate<br />

pseudothecial development (Leach, 1971). The<br />

fungus is homothallic. According <strong>to</strong> Meredith<br />

(1965) the conidia are violently jolted from the<br />

tip of the conidiophores.<br />

17.2.5 Lewia<br />

The genus Lewia was named in honour of L. E.<br />

Wehmeyer by Simmons (1986) for Pleospora-like<br />

fungi with Alternaria anamorphs. Six ascocarpic<br />

species have been recognized, fruiting on grasses<br />

(including cereals) and on dicotyledonous hosts<br />

(including Brassica and Pastinaca) (Kwasna &<br />

Kosiak, 2003). The separation of Lewia from<br />

Pleospora is supported by molecular evidence<br />

(Pryor & Gilbertson, 2000).<br />

Lewia infec<strong>to</strong>ria (¼ Pleospora infec<strong>to</strong>ria) forms<br />

black, shining, subepidermal pseudothecia on<br />

overwintered grass and cereal culms. It has<br />

golden-brown muriform ascospores with up <strong>to</strong><br />

five transverse septa. The central cells of the<br />

ascospores also contain one or rarely two longitudinal<br />

septa (Fig. 17.10a). In culture, this<br />

fungus forms branching chains of obclavate,<br />

brown-coloured (melanized), muriform, beaked<br />

spores (dictyospores or dictyoconidia) and new<br />

spores are formed at the tip of the chain<br />

(Fig. 17.10c). A darkly pigmented thickened<br />

annulus is visible at the base of the conidium<br />

and at the apex of the conidiophore surrounding<br />

the point of spore separation and, if the spore<br />

has occupied an intercalary position on the spore<br />

chain, there is also an annulus at the opposite<br />

end. Chain branching occurs where a conidium<br />

produces more than one spore. Conidia of this<br />

type have been classified in the anamorph genus<br />

Alternaria, and are poroconidia. The conidial state<br />

of L. infec<strong>to</strong>ria is A. infec<strong>to</strong>ria.<br />

17.2.6 Alternaria<br />

About 50 species of Alternaria are known which<br />

have not been connected <strong>to</strong> a teleomorph<br />

(Neergaard, 1945; Joly, 1964; Simmons, 1986;<br />

Kirk et al., 2001). The taxonomy of Alternaria is<br />

difficult. Simmons (1992) has given a key <strong>to</strong> 10<br />

species-groups and Ellis (1971a, 1976) has<br />

described and figured some common species.<br />

Despite the absence of formal evidence for sexual<br />

reproduction in many species of Alternaria,<br />

Berbee et al. (2003) have shown that three species<br />

of Alternaria not known <strong>to</strong> have sexual states,<br />

A. brassicae, A. brassicicola and A. tenuissima, have<br />

mating type gene sequences. In any one isolate of<br />

these species, only one mating type idiomorph<br />

was found, but in other isolates of the same<br />

species the opposite idiomorph was detected.<br />

This suggests that these currently asexual species<br />

were derived from sexually reproducing<br />

ances<strong>to</strong>rs.<br />

The fine structure of conidial development<br />

from a pre-existing conidium in A. brassicae has<br />

been studied by Campbell (1968). The mature<br />

spore has a two-layered wall, the outer of which<br />

is melanized. A pore develops in the outer wall,<br />

probably by enzymatic activity, and the inner<br />

wall layer expands through the pore <strong>to</strong> become<br />

the primary wall of the new conidium. Later, this<br />

in turn becomes two-layered. Transverse and<br />

longitudinal septa develop within the spore,<br />

but these are incomplete; a pore in each<br />

septum allows cy<strong>to</strong>plasmic continuity between<br />

adjacent cells and flow of cy<strong>to</strong>plasm through the<br />

spore <strong>to</strong> provide material for the formation of<br />

new spores at the tip of the chain.<br />

The shape of the conidium in Alternaria<br />

affects its aerodynamic properties. Several<br />

species have conidia with long beaks, e.g.<br />

A. solani and A. brassicae (Fig. 17.11). It has been<br />

suggested that the long beaks increase the<br />

chance of wind-dispersal as compared <strong>to</strong> species<br />

with smaller, non-beaked conidia (Chou & Wu,<br />

2002). Long beaks also increase the drag on the

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