2(1918) - New York Art Resources Consortium

2(1918) - New York Art Resources Consortium

2(1918) - New York Art Resources Consortium


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The Society of<br />

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Catalogue<br />

OF THE<br />

Second Annual Exhibition<br />

OF<br />

The Society<br />

of Independent <strong>Art</strong>ists<br />


HELD<br />

AT<br />

110-114 West 42nd Street<br />

<strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong><br />

From April 20th to May 12th, inclusive<br />

r<br />


Exhibits Hung in Alphabetical Order

Copyright by<br />

The Society of Independent <strong>Art</strong>ists, Inc.<br />

<strong>1918</strong><br />


<strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>

The Society of<br />

Independent <strong>Art</strong>ists<br />


1947 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY<br />

NO JURY — No<br />

PRIZES<br />

Officers<br />

President<br />

J O H N<br />

SLOAN<br />

Vice-President<br />

A R T H U R W. D O W<br />

Treasurer<br />

W A L T E R<br />

Corresponding<br />

PACH<br />

Secretary<br />


Recording<br />

Secretary<br />

H A M I L T O N EASTER F I E L D<br />

Directors<br />





















The Catalogue and other printing for the exhibition<br />

are from the shop of WILLIAM EDWIN RUDGE.<br />

The half-tone plates in the Catalogue were made<br />

under the supervision of MR. MONTAGUE LEE of the<br />


The walls of the exhibition were built by the<br />

LEE LASH STUDIOS under the supervision of MR. G. M.<br />

DE<br />

WITT.<br />

The lighting of the exhibition was installed by<br />


LIGHT<br />


Foreword<br />

THE SOCIETY OF INDEPENDENT ARTISTS was incorporated under<br />

the laws of <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> for the purpose of holding exhibitions<br />

in which all artists may participate independently of the decisions<br />

of juries. It gave its first annual exhibition at the Grand<br />

Central Palace in the Spring of 1917. Early this year an announcement<br />

of the present exhibition was sent to the members of the<br />

Society. This notice said, in part:<br />

In view of the war in which our country is now actively engaged,<br />

and the generally unsettled state of affairs caused by the war, the<br />

directors of the Society considered seriously whether or not an<br />

exhibition at such a time was advisable. As the Society was<br />

formed to make its annual exhibition a permanently recurring event,<br />

it was decided to continue the work as it was begun.<br />

The directors believe they represent the general opinion among<br />

the artists when they say that the work of the Society is sufficiently<br />

important to continue even in war-time. The results of the exhibition<br />

of 1917 — the largest of its kind ever given in America —<br />

are too great for us to endanger them by a lapse in our activity.<br />

The almost unanimous response of the artists, the quality of the<br />

work shown, the contributions from the most distinguished American<br />

artists and the amount of new talent brought to light, proved<br />

the need for the Sociey to a public whose attendance exceeded<br />

20,000 and which purchased some forty-five works.<br />

Many artists who joined the Society last year are now on<br />

the battle-front in France, or will soon be there. Others who<br />

are not doing military duty are engaged in war-work which absorbs<br />

all their attention and prevents their exhibiting this year. Those<br />

whose works form the present exhibition believe that in contrib-

uting to the effort of the Society at this moment, they are helping<br />

to give expression to the best spirit of the time. The Society's<br />

ideal is one of freedom; to continue the work under present conditions<br />

is to affirm our belief in the principle and to respond to the<br />

example of self-possession which French artists have given by<br />

pressing on in their work within hearing-distance of the battle.<br />

It is hoped that the idea on which the Society is based —<br />

and on which the great French society of the same name is based —<br />

may soon be clear to all. The principle of "no jury, no prizes"<br />

simply means that every artist should have the opportunity to<br />

present his work to the people of his time. "To show one's work<br />

is the vital question, the sine qua non for the artist," wrote<br />

Edouard Manet in a preface to the catalogue of one of his exhibitions.<br />

It is only when the chance to exhibit is given to all who<br />

ask for it that this country can know what the resources of its art<br />

really are. It will only be after years of co-operation such as<br />

has never existed before that we can judge the product of these<br />

resources. The Society takes no stand for or against any school<br />

of art or any individual. It has confidence that we have qualities<br />

worth working for and fighting for and will do its part to aid in<br />

their development.

AMAJORITY of the works exhibited are for sale.<br />

The prices will be found on the number cards<br />

of the exhibits, except in cases where the word "Desk"<br />

replaces the price.<br />

For the prices of works not given on<br />

the cards, intending purchasers may consult the officials<br />

and attendants of the exhibition, or the sales agent at the<br />

catalogue desk.<br />

The members of the Society have been<br />

requested to state the lowest prices they will accept for<br />

their exhibits; the Directors therefore decline to consider<br />

or transmit any proposals for sales at prices other<br />

than those stated.<br />

The fifty plates illustrating this catalogue were not<br />

selected by the Society, but are simply those of the first<br />

fifty members who applied for the space.


of the<br />



<strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong><br />



Manuel E. Amador


J. C. Ayer


Reynolds Real


Anne M.<br />



Eugene V. Brewster<br />



Le Grand Cameron


Michalena LeFrere Carroll


Alexander P. Couard

AN AFTERNOON, 1869<br />

Jennie Van Fleet Cowdery


Fredrick K. Detwiller


Raymond<br />



Louis M. Eilshemius

ANNA<br />

Elsu<br />



Robert R. Elliott


Hamilton Easter Field


<strong>Art</strong>hur R. Freedlander

"BOBBY"<br />

Frederic Victor Guinzburg

RED BATH<br />

Shinyo<br />



Thomas<br />




STUDY<br />

George 0. Hart ("Pop Hart")


H. Heyer<br />



Martin J. Jackson


Hans<br />



Ignazio La Russa


Charles Logasa


McKendree R. Long


George Edwin<br />


BRONZE<br />


Christy Ann McKay


Christina Morton


Howard<br />



Walter<br />



W. A. Patty


Lilla Cabot<br />


THE<br />


Sidney W. Probert


Dorothy<br />


NUDE<br />

Mary C. Rogers


Albert<br />



Sigurd Schou

WINTER<br />


A. G. Schulman


Karl F. Skoog<br />


THE COT<br />

John<br />



Ella B. Smith


Florine<br />



H. Vance Swope


D. Anthony Tauszlcy<br />



Laurence<br />



Florence K. Tildesley


Abraham<br />



Clifford<br />


Exhibitors and their Exhibits<br />

The exhibition is hung in alphabetical<br />

order, beginning at the entrance with<br />

the letter "V," which was drawn by lot.<br />

Abramovitz, Albert<br />

1. Canal near Bruges, Flanders<br />

2. Le Quai a Paris<br />

Acampora, Giuliano<br />

3. My Sister<br />

4. My Grandmother<br />

Aiken, Charles A. *<br />

5. Phaeton Misguides the<br />

Sun Chariot<br />

Alberts, J. B.<br />

6. War<br />

Alger, John H.<br />

7. Moonlight<br />

8. Sand Dunes<br />

Allan, Mrs. Charles Beach<br />

9. Une Tasse de The<br />

10. Arch Rock, Laguna Beach,<br />

Calif.<br />

Altschul, Paul<br />

11. Mountain Stream<br />

Amador, Manuel E.<br />

12. Attempt at Rhythm<br />

13. Landscape<br />

A<br />

Andersen, Martinus<br />

14. Ravage<br />

15. Portrait of a Boy<br />

Anderson, Ellen Graham<br />

16. Over the Roofs from<br />

Charles Street<br />

17. Character of E Minor<br />

Anderson, J. S. "Vet"<br />

18. The Rivals (Statuette)<br />

19. The Conflict (Statuette)<br />

Ando, Kunie<br />

20. Woman in the Balcony<br />

Appel, Charles P.<br />

22. Sun-Shower<br />

23. The Valley<br />

Aring, Hamilton<br />

24. Portrait — Mrs. B.<br />

25. Mrs. McC.<br />

Arnold, Harry<br />

26. In a Gleam of Sunlight<br />

27. Waning Light<br />

Asanger, Jacob<br />

28. Mountain Village

Avent, Mayna T.<br />

30. A Girl Knitting<br />

Baker, F. A. Fuller<br />

34. Mahwee<br />

35. The Recent Arrival<br />

Baldwin, May C.<br />

36. Spring<br />

37. Autumn<br />

Banks, Miss Jessie<br />

38. Mirror Lake, Adirondacks<br />

39. Autumn<br />

Barnard, Elinor M.<br />

40. Sleeping Girl<br />

41. Still Life<br />

Barnes, Ernest Harrison<br />

42. The Silent Shore<br />

Batten, McLeod<br />

43. Wind and Willow<br />

Bauman, Louise<br />

44. Margie<br />

45. J.<br />

Baylinson, A. S.<br />

46. Girl with the Flaxen Hair<br />

47. Nude<br />

Beemer, Edwin F.<br />

48. Cleopatra Emerging from<br />

the Rug<br />

49. A Lady of the Harem<br />

Ayer, James C.<br />

32. Antonius Stradivarius<br />

33. Swiss Peasant<br />

B<br />

Behl, Harold Joseph<br />

50. At the Bottom of the Hill<br />

51. Morning Sunlight<br />

Bellows, George<br />

52. Girl in Green and Gold<br />

53. Camden<br />

Benn, Ben<br />

54. Indian<br />

55. Figure and Hills<br />

Bernstein, Aline<br />

56. Portrait<br />

57. Portrait<br />

Bernstein, Theresa F.<br />

58. Smoldering Day<br />

59. Intelligence Bureau<br />

Birr en, Joseph Pierre<br />

60. Sunday Morning<br />

61. Hollyhocks<br />

Bjorkman, Olaf<br />

62. Patrick Henry (in bronze)<br />

63. Mr. G. Anderson<br />

Black, Eleanor Simms<br />

64. In Port<br />

65. Countryside

Black, Mary C. W.<br />

66. Even Song—Santa Barbara<br />

Bloch, Julius T.<br />

67. Elsie<br />

68. Portrait of a Young Man<br />

Block, I. Mortimer<br />

69. Theuton Demon<br />

70. The Mourners<br />

Bloodgood, Marian Y.<br />

71. Portrait<br />

72. Dahlias<br />

Bloodgood, Robert F.<br />

73. The Fisherman<br />

74. Hay Boat, Setauket, L. I.<br />

Bloom, M. E.<br />

75. Peaceful Valley<br />

76. Snowy Fields<br />

Blume, Melita<br />

77. Melting Ice and Snow<br />

78. Steam of the Metropolis<br />

de Boer, B.<br />

79. Landscape<br />

80. Landscape<br />

Bogdanove, A. J.<br />

81. Eli —Eli<br />

82. The North Road<br />

Bonpensiere, Luigi M.<br />

83. Screen<br />

Boss, Homer<br />

85. Summer Seas<br />

86. Sea and Hills<br />

Bowles, Caroline H.<br />

87. Mountain Clouds<br />

88. Windy Sky<br />

Bradley, Susan H.<br />

89. Corff Castle<br />

Bremer, Anne M.<br />

91. Sentinels<br />

92. Pines at Pebble Beach<br />

Brenner, Victor D.<br />

93. The Awakening of Russia<br />

Brereton, Helen A.<br />

95. Betalo<br />

96. Olaf Bjorkman, Sculptor<br />

Brewer, H. E.<br />

97. Screen<br />

Brewster, Eugene V.<br />

99. Sentinels of the Night<br />

Brokaw, Irving<br />

101. Autumn, L. I.<br />

102. Autumn Woods<br />

Brown, E. Sheppard<br />

103. Tree on the Hill<br />

104. Moonlight<br />

Brown, Frank A.<br />

105. The Brook<br />

106. November

Brown, J. Randolph<br />

107. After the Storm<br />

108. Country Road—-Winter<br />

Burty, Frank<br />

113. The Houses<br />

114. Still Life<br />

Buck, Claude<br />

109. Miss Estrid Terkelsen<br />

(Portrait)<br />

110. The Wine Bottle, Still<br />

Life<br />

Burdick, Horace R.<br />

111. The Old House on the<br />

Hill<br />

112. Portrait<br />

Cameron, Le Grand<br />

121. La Fille de la Crinoline<br />

122. George Paine, U.S.R.A.<br />

Cammarata, Peter<br />

123. Portrait<br />

124. Portrait<br />

Campbell, Harry<br />

125. The Glen<br />

126. The Dance<br />

Cane, Florence<br />

127. Portrait of Waldo Frank<br />

128. Portrait of G. H.<br />

Carlson, Oscar A. N".<br />

129. Across the Fields in November<br />

Butler, James<br />

115. Landscape<br />

116. Still Life<br />

Butler, Theodore Earl<br />

117. <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> Harbor, 1917<br />

118. Dawn<br />

Bye, <strong>Art</strong>hur Edwin<br />

119. Synchronism in Red, Blue<br />

and Yellow<br />

120. Mountain Sky<br />

c<br />

Carriet, Jamie<br />

131. Landscape<br />

132. Interior<br />

Carroll, Michalena LeFrere<br />

133. Flamingo Design for Fire<br />

Screen (paint weaving)<br />

134. Portrait of Miss C.<br />

Chadeayne, Robert O.<br />

135. Freight Yard in Winter<br />

136. Along the Hudson<br />

Chaffee, Oliver<br />

137. Landscape<br />

138. Landscape<br />

Chapin, James<br />

139. Belgian Poet<br />

140. Charitable Harlot

Chesno, Jacques R.<br />

141. Shepherd<br />

142. Easter Eve<br />

Chew, A.<br />

143. War Brides (Sculpture)<br />

144. Portrait Bust (Sculpture)<br />

Clements, Rosalie<br />

145. Calendulas<br />

146. Delphiniums<br />

Coggeshall, John F.<br />

147. A Fishing Village<br />

148. Out to the Early Pastures<br />

Cole, Jessie D. S.<br />

149. Portrait Sketch of<br />

T. Casilear Cole<br />

150. In the Maine Woods<br />

Coles, Ann Cadwallader<br />

151. Girl with Red Scarf<br />

152. Wind, Sand and Spray<br />

Coltman, O.<br />

153. Safe Ashore<br />

Colwell, Elizabeth<br />

154. Sympathy<br />

155. Two Nudes<br />

Conant, Marjorie<br />

156. April Trees<br />

157. Portrait<br />

Cook, J. Vernon<br />

158. La Belle France<br />

Cook, John A.<br />

160. October Downs<br />

161. Gloucester Harbor<br />

Coolidge, Mountfort<br />

162. Landscape<br />

163. Landscape<br />

Coolidge, Rosamond<br />

164. The Old-Fashioned Gown<br />

165. Portrait of John Orth<br />

Cornwell, William Caryl<br />

166. End of a Long Day<br />

Cory, Kate T.<br />

167. Hopi Indian Woman<br />

168. Bald Mountain at Sunset,<br />

Arizona<br />

Cotton, Lillian<br />

169. The Amber Beads<br />

170. Portrait<br />

Conard, Alexander P.<br />

171. Harmony in Blue and<br />

Green<br />

172. Symphony in Polychrome<br />

Cowdery, Corene<br />

173. Drawing, I<br />

174. Drawing, II<br />

Cowdery, Jennie Van Fleet<br />

175. An Afternoon, 1869<br />

Crossett, Maud G.<br />

176. Still Life<br />

177. Still Life

Curtis, Constance<br />

178. An Ally's Daughter<br />

Curtis, Elizabeth<br />

179. Portrait<br />

180. Study<br />

Cutler, Carl Gordon<br />

181. Sweet Cicely<br />

182. Black-eyed Susan<br />

Cutler, Elizabeth<br />

183. A Market Scene<br />

184. Portrait of Mr. B.<br />

Cuyler, Telamon<br />

185. The Last Sausage<br />

186. September Dunes — Fire<br />

Island Beach<br />

Daniel, Mell<br />

187. Portrait<br />

188. Still Life<br />

Davis, Cornelia Cassady<br />

189. A Refugee<br />

190. Miss June<br />

Davis, Stuart<br />

190a. Gloucester Landscape<br />

No. 1<br />

190b. Gloucester Landscape<br />

No. 2<br />

Day, Katharine<br />

191. Yellow Lily<br />

192. Still Life<br />

Decker, Harold C.<br />

193. The Harbor<br />

194. Fishermen<br />

Dement, Lucia Williams<br />

195. Coyote Canyon No. 3<br />

196. Looking Toward Carmel<br />

D<br />

Derain, Andre<br />

197. Portrait<br />

198. Still Life<br />

Derre, Emile<br />

199. Walt Whitman (bust)<br />

200. Edgar Allan Poe (bust)<br />

Detwiller, Frederick K.<br />

201. Cape Cod Way, October<br />

202. Loon Lake Swamp, Mich.<br />

Diamondstein, David<br />

203. Meditation<br />

204. Sketch at Ellenville,N.Y.<br />

Dick, Gladys Roosevelt<br />

205. Azedarac<br />

206. Earths and Anilines<br />

Dirks, Rudolph<br />

207. Morris Park, 1908<br />

Dixon, Henry<br />

208. Cain and Abel

Doke, Sallie George<br />

209. Old Cabin<br />

210. The Barn<br />

Dolinsky, Nathan<br />

211. The Picnic<br />

212. Preparing the Costume<br />

Dondo, Mathurin M.<br />

213. Etude<br />

214. Landscape<br />

Douglas, <strong>Art</strong>hur<br />

215. Brook<br />

216. A Day in June<br />

Dow, <strong>Art</strong>hur Wesley<br />

217. The Moon Over the<br />

Marshes<br />

218. The Handwriting of Time<br />

Eaton, Charles Warren<br />

228. Villa Theodolinda—<br />

Lake Como<br />

229. Bellagio—Lake Como<br />

Eilshemius, Louis M.<br />

230. -®gle, with Naiad<br />

231. Somewhere in France<br />

Eimer, Elsa<br />

232. Anna<br />

233. The Pink Dress<br />

E<br />

Dreyfuss, Albert<br />

219. The Tragic Turnip<br />

220. The Fisherman<br />

(Sculpture)<br />

Duchamp-Villon, Raymond<br />

221. Gallic Cock<br />

Duer, Henrietta A.<br />

222. Frances and Her Guinea<br />

Pig<br />

223. From King George Street<br />

—Annapolis<br />

Dunbar, Daphne<br />

224. The Clothes Line—Provincetown<br />

225. Street in Provincetown<br />

Dwight, Antoinette<br />

226. The Curtain Call<br />

227. Spring<br />

Ellerhusen, Ulric H.<br />

234. The Shrine of Human<br />

Rights<br />

Elliott, Robert R.<br />

235. Doing Her Bit<br />

Ellis, Charles<br />

236. Nude<br />

237. Portrait<br />

Emerson, <strong>Art</strong>hur W.<br />

238. Self Portrait<br />

239. Sunset on Rock and Sea

Evans, Mary W.<br />

240. Cherry Tree —<br />

Kyoto, Japan<br />

241. Cryptomeria Path —<br />

Nikko, Japan<br />

Evers, Ivar Elis<br />

242. Rockland<br />

Fairfax, Virginia<br />

243. Queen Anne's Lace<br />

244. Sunset on Charles River<br />

Basin, Boston, Mass.<br />

Farmer, E. G.<br />

245. The Pool<br />

Fenimore, Ralph<br />

246. Mme. Petrova ^<br />

247. The Meatstall<br />

Ferris, Hugh<br />

248. Sketch<br />

249. Sketch<br />

Fickbohm, Sallie I.<br />

250. Reflections<br />

251. Late Afternoon<br />

Field, Hamilton Easter<br />

252. A Dog, Two Chairs<br />

253. Pineapples, Oranges,<br />

Lemons<br />

Foote, Mary<br />

256. Portrait of Madame<br />

Yorska<br />

257. Nude Study<br />

Forbes, L. S.<br />

258. Nude<br />

259. The Joy of Nature<br />

Fowler, Carlton<br />

260. The River at Lee<br />

261. Impression d'Anvers<br />

Freedlander, <strong>Art</strong>hur R.<br />

262. Eva Swain<br />

Freund, <strong>Art</strong>hur<br />

263. Yellow Dog<br />

264. Snow Scene<br />

Frueh, A. J.<br />

265. Bear<br />

266. Geese<br />

Fitch, Walter S.<br />

254. Mt. Tarnalpais, Calif.<br />

255. Muir Woods, California

Garvey, Joseph M.<br />

267. The Ascent of a Departing<br />

Soul<br />

268. The Expulsion from the<br />

Garden of Eden<br />

Gerberg, Maurice<br />

269. Portrait of Miss B.<br />

270. Nature's Mirror<br />

Gerold, Nicolas J.<br />

271. Early Autumn<br />

272. Late Summer<br />

Gerstenheim, Louis<br />

273. Albert Mullady,<br />

274. Still Life<br />

Giffen, Lilian<br />

275. Oriental Neighbors<br />

276. Phlox<br />

Girardot, Henri<br />

277. Spring in Dauphine Alps<br />

Glackens, William J.<br />

278. Head of Girl<br />

279. Girl in Blue<br />

Glickie, <strong>Art</strong>hur<br />

280. A Nude<br />

281. A Portrait Study<br />

Portrait<br />

Gorson, A. H.<br />

282. Pittsburgh Nocturne<br />

283. Morning on the Monongahela<br />

River<br />

G<br />

Grandin, Elizabeth<br />

284. Still Life — Flowers<br />

285. Landscape<br />

Green, Mildred C.<br />

286. Southwest Wind — Lake<br />

Erie<br />

287. Winter Evening, Niagara<br />

River<br />

Griffith, Edward N.<br />

288. A Trio of Presidents<br />

289. Still Life—Collar and Tie<br />

Grossmann, Edwin Booth<br />

290. Landscape<br />

291. Still Life<br />

Guinzburg, Frederic Victor<br />

292. Bobby<br />

Gunn, Archibald<br />

294. Twilight Shadow<br />

295. Dolorites<br />

Gussow, Bernard<br />

296. The Woods<br />

Gutmann, Bernhard<br />

297. Two Creeds<br />

298. Falling Leaves

Haginda, Shinyo<br />

299. The Red Bath<br />

300. Writhing<br />

Hall, Thomas<br />

301. After the Snowfall<br />

302. In the Park<br />

Halpert, Samuel<br />

303. St. Tropez<br />

304. Still Life<br />

Hammer, Trygve<br />

305. Portrait of a Man<br />

306. Sorrow<br />

Hardwick, Alice R.<br />

307. Sunshine and Shadow<br />

Hare, Elizabeth Sage<br />

308. John<br />

309. A Hand<br />

H<br />

Haworth, Edith<br />

315. Human Seals<br />

316. Portrait<br />

Hays, G. A.<br />

317. Distant Hills<br />

318. A Spring Day<br />

Heaton, A. G.<br />

319. The Pride of the Farm<br />

320. A Friendly Smile<br />

Hergesheimer, E. S.<br />

321. Mr. Peeler (Portrait)<br />

322. My Mother<br />

Heyer, H.<br />

323. The Little Monkeys<br />

Hickey, Isabel<br />

324. Still Life<br />

325. <strong>New</strong> England Flower<br />

Garden<br />

Hart, George O.<br />

310. Portrait Studies<br />

311. Sailing Races in Trinidad<br />

Hasbrouck, Elsa<br />

312. Portrait of a Man<br />

(Sculpture)<br />

313. Study in Terra Cotta<br />

(Sculpture)<br />

Hatch, Emily Nichols<br />

314. Need<br />

Hicks, Amy Mali<br />

326. Iris Florentina<br />

327. Day Lillies and Larkspur<br />

Hingray, Andre<br />

328. Passing Storm<br />

329. Summer<br />

Hershbein, Peretz<br />

330. Color Symphony<br />

331. Color Symphony

Hoagland, Jane<br />

332. Grey Blue Vase<br />

(Pottery)<br />

333. South Sea Blue Jar<br />

(Pottery)<br />

Hoeckner, C.<br />

334. A Truth<br />

335. Labor<br />

Holzer, J. A.<br />

336. Resurrection<br />

Holzhauer, Emil<br />

337. Life — The Awakening<br />

338. At the Boston Symphony<br />

Hopkins, Ellen Dunlop<br />

339. Heart of the Catskills<br />

340. The Bean Jar<br />

Home, Bernard S.<br />

341. Diagonals<br />

342. I greet the namelessness,<br />

Ah, then my greeting is<br />

thy name.<br />

Max<br />

Invernizzi, Prosper<br />

Weber<br />

I<br />

Houlahan, Kathleen<br />

343. Pyramid Peak<br />

344. Bouquet Lake<br />

Howell, Josephine C.<br />

345. <strong>New</strong>burgh<br />

346. Landscape<br />

Howitt, John <strong>New</strong>ton<br />

347. Sprite and Frog<br />

348. Against the Current<br />

Howland, Edith<br />

349. Fountain<br />

350. Portrait Head<br />

Huber, Leo<br />

351. Still Life<br />

352. Still Life<br />

Hughes, George<br />

353. Portrait—Mary Raymond<br />

Shipman Andrews<br />

Iungerich, Helene<br />

354. Castle Point 358. Color Arrangement<br />

355. Spuyten Duyvil Creek 359. Drawing<br />

Irving, Anna Duer<br />

356. Portrait Study<br />

357. Portrait of a Woman

Jackson, Martin J.<br />

360. Cloudland<br />

361. Sierre Madre Canyon —<br />

California<br />

Jaques, Bertha E.<br />

362. Thames in Fog<br />

363. Back of a Roman House<br />

Kahn, Selma H.<br />

(Mrs. F. W.)<br />

366. Studio Interior<br />

367. Sunlit Barn<br />

Kallem, Morris J.<br />

368. Outcast<br />

369. South Broad Street<br />

Kantor, Morris<br />

370. Nude<br />

371. Nude<br />

Kawachi, J. B.<br />

372. The <strong>New</strong> Kimono<br />

373. Spring<br />

Kendall, Marie B.<br />

374. Moss-covered Rocks<br />

along the Pacific<br />

375. Mountain Meadow in<br />

Southern California<br />

Klaer, Adele<br />

376. Renee Prahar<br />

377. Mulatto<br />

Jones, Alexander Ogden<br />

364. Miss Watson, Professional<br />

High Diver<br />

365. May Morning<br />

K<br />

Koechl, Paul<br />

378. Spanish Master of Arms<br />

379. Red<br />

Koechl, V.<br />

380. Fisherman<br />

381. On Lake George<br />

Korach, Dean<br />

382. Woods at Twilight<br />

383. Portrait of My Mother<br />

Koulish, M.<br />

384. Variations on a Negro<br />

Theme<br />

385. Revolt<br />

Kownatzki, Hans<br />

386. Summer (Painting)<br />

387. Aversion (Sculpture)<br />

Kremelberg, Mary<br />

388. Portrait of Capt. George<br />

F. Mahool (<strong>Art</strong>illery)<br />

389. The Bunch of Violets

Kronberg, Louis<br />

390. Ballet Girl in Blue<br />

Landt, Theodora Lins<br />

393. Portrait Sketch<br />

394. Blessed Isle<br />

Lapham, Harold<br />

395. Hugh Ferriss's Poem<br />

396. Head<br />

Larocque, G. T.<br />

397. An Interior<br />

398. A Garden<br />

Larocque, Elizabeth<br />

399. The Blue Sea<br />

400. Vases<br />

La Russa, Ignazio<br />

401. Portrait of an <strong>Art</strong>ist<br />

402. South Beach on Sunday<br />

Lathrop, Dorothy Pulis<br />

403. Behold the God<br />

404. The Magic Toadstools<br />

Lathrop, I. Pulis<br />

405. Child of the Sun<br />

406. The Red Waist<br />

Lattard, N. A. L.<br />

407. Study — Cotton-tails<br />

408. Fruit<br />

L<br />

Kunz, Bessie H.<br />

391. Gisella<br />

392. Piano Mountain in Spring<br />

Latzke, Caroline<br />

409. Gypsy Maid (Spanish)<br />

410. My Mother<br />

Lauderdale, Ursula<br />

411. Spring Time<br />

412. California Hills<br />

Laurent, Robert<br />

413. Nude<br />

414. Nude<br />

Lauter, Flora<br />

415. October at Shady<br />

416. The Squaw<br />

Law, Margaret M.<br />

417. Near Spartanburg<br />

418. Hoeing Cotton<br />

Lawson, Ernest<br />

419. Segovia<br />

420. Westchester Hills<br />

Lazzell, Blanche<br />

421. November<br />

422. Gold and Violet<br />

Le Boutillier, George<br />

423. Yellow Roses<br />

424. Still Life —Yellow Jars

Le Boutillier, Isabel G.<br />

425. Basket of Roses<br />

426. Barn Yard in Winter<br />

Leitner, Leander<br />

427. At Work<br />

428. A Bit of East River<br />

L'Engle, Lucy<br />

429. The Yellow Hat<br />

430. The Two Models<br />

L'Engle, William<br />

431. The Father<br />

432. La Toilette<br />

Leslie, William Methven<br />

433. Edge of Wood<br />

434. Three Mile Harbor, East<br />

Hampton<br />

Lesshafft, Franz<br />

435. Echo Lake, Colorado<br />

Rockies<br />

436. In the High Rockies, Colorado<br />

Levitt, Joel J.<br />

437. The Poet Peretz Hirshbein<br />

438. Sunset<br />

Levy, William Auerbach<br />

439. Retired Fisherman<br />

440. Four Nasturtiums<br />

Lichtenauer, J. Mortimer<br />

441. The Call<br />

442. Retrospect<br />

Lichtenstein, Isaac<br />

443. Decorative Panel<br />

444. Fragment<br />

Lindenmuth, Tod<br />

445. A Garden Near the Dunes<br />

— No. 1<br />

446. A Garden Near the Dunes<br />

— No. 2<br />

Logasa, Charles<br />

447. The Bashful Captain<br />

448. A Portrait<br />

Londoner, Amy<br />

449. Night Light<br />

450. Portrait of a Young Man<br />

Long, McKendree R.<br />

451. Moonrise, October<br />

Longyear, Mary Beecher<br />

452. The <strong>New</strong> Sacrament<br />

Loring, William Cushing<br />

453. Bantams<br />

Lothrop, George Edwin<br />

454. Lothrop's <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>er<br />

455. Miracle "Ray"<br />

Lovell, Katharine A.<br />

456. Rocks, Ogunquit<br />

457. Tug Boat<br />

Lund, Charlotte<br />

458. A Bit of Westchester Co.<br />

459. Oscawana Woods

Mac<strong>Art</strong>hur, Betty<br />

460. The Vine<br />

461. The California Desert<br />

MacLeod, John<br />

462. Late October<br />

463. Hunting Season<br />

MacRae, Emma Fordyce<br />

464. Heart of the Wood<br />

465. Gloucester<br />

Macrum, George H.<br />

466. A Church in Brittany<br />

467. Fishermen's Houses<br />

Macsoud, Nicolas S.<br />

468. Portrait of My Father<br />

469. The Scribe<br />

Magee, James C.<br />

470. Rehearsal on the Roadside<br />

471. Scene in Holland near<br />

The Hague<br />

M<br />

Martini, Herbert E.<br />

476. Decorative Painting, Japanese<br />

Motif<br />

477. San Giorgio<br />

Mason, Miss Mary S.<br />

478. Albert, King of Belgium<br />

479. Triumph of the <strong>New</strong> Era<br />

(Statuette)<br />

Mattson, Henry E.<br />

480. Landscape<br />

Maurer, Alfred H.<br />

481. Still Life<br />

482. Still Life<br />

Maurer, Charles L.<br />

483. Mildred<br />

484. Cover Design<br />

Maurer, Louis<br />

485. Glimpse of the Wild West<br />

486. Maine Moose<br />

Mager, Gus<br />

472. Old Woman<br />

473. Landscape<br />

Mahler, Rebecca<br />

474. Naomi<br />

475. Cathrine<br />

McKay, Christy Ann<br />

487. Bronze Statuette<br />

488. An Ash Tray<br />

McMillan, J. W.<br />

489. Fountain<br />

490. Study

McVickar, Maud<br />

491. Blue Boats<br />

492. Peconic<br />

Melcher, George Henry<br />

493. Evening's Peace — Santa<br />

Monica Mountains<br />

494. Hues of September, Afternoon<br />

— Santa Monica<br />

Mountains<br />

Mewborn, A. Boyd<br />

495. Still Life<br />

Meyerowitz, William<br />

496. Cloudy Day<br />

497. Landscape<br />

Milbank, Mrs. A. G.<br />

498. Squimault<br />

499. Smilax<br />

Miner, E. H.<br />

500. Spring<br />

501. Star Fisher<br />

Minker, Gustave<br />

502. Moonlight<br />

503. Late Summer<br />

Miserendino, Vincenzo<br />

504. The Light Seekers<br />

505. Contemplation<br />

(Sculpture)<br />

Moffett, Ross E.<br />

506. Cape Cod, Evening<br />

Momose, Senzabulow<br />

507. Limonest, France<br />

508. Mont d'or, France<br />

Morgan, Lynn F.<br />

509. From the Hilltop<br />

510. The Back Yard —The<br />

Flower Market<br />

Morgan, Theodore J.<br />

511. Afterglow<br />

512. Potomac Flats<br />

Morrow, Julie Mathilde<br />

513. Sand Dunes<br />

514. A <strong>New</strong> England Noon<br />

Morton, Christina<br />

515. Volcanoes and Jungle —<br />

Dominica<br />

516. Hindu Girl — Demerara<br />

Morton, Josephine A.<br />

517. Brenton's Reef—<strong>New</strong>port<br />

518. The Month of Mars<br />

Mottet, Jeanie Gallup<br />

519. "Noble," of France<br />

520. Gladioli<br />

Muhlhofer, Elizabeth<br />

521. White and Yellow Flags<br />

522. Still Life and Roses<br />

Muller, Mrs. Mase<br />

523. Orchid<br />

524. Flowers

Mullikin, Mary Augusta<br />

Munier, Emil<br />

525. Wild Cherry Trees 527. Peonies<br />

526. Seattle Roses 528. Still Life<br />

Nathans, Gwendolyn<br />

N<br />

Nielsen, Mary<br />

529. Schemata 538. Study of Geraniums<br />

530. Schemata 539. Still Life<br />

<strong>New</strong>castle, L. M.<br />

531. Marigolds<br />

532. Looking Across the Bay<br />

Norton, Clara Mamre<br />

540. Captain <strong>Art</strong>hur Rudd<br />

and Family<br />

<strong>New</strong>man, Carl<br />

533. Composition<br />

<strong>New</strong>ton, Alice M.<br />

534. Central Park<br />

535. Chinese Still Life<br />

Nichols, Juliette S.<br />

536. The Sun<br />

537. Head of Mulatto<br />

Oland, Edith Shearn<br />

545. Through My Window,<br />

Ithaca, N. Y.<br />

546. Louise<br />

Oliver, Jean Nutting<br />

547. Mother and Child<br />

548. The Old Garden<br />

o<br />

Notman, Howard<br />

541. Down the Brook<br />

542. Evening<br />

Noxon, Grace P.<br />

543. Broadway Tabernacle<br />

Tower<br />

544. Distant Park View<br />

Orleman, Elsie M.<br />

549. A Daughter of the Orient<br />

550. A Spanish Girl<br />

Osborn, Robie F.<br />

551. Scarecrow (Modeling)

Ostrowsky, Sam<br />

552. Silvery Morning on the<br />

Hudson<br />

553. The <strong>New</strong> Home at the<br />

Water<br />

Owen, Esther S. D.<br />

554. Back of the Old Silver<br />

Mine<br />

555. Purple and Red and Gold<br />

Pach, Walter<br />

556. Petrouchka<br />

557. Still Life<br />

Paddock, Ethel Louise<br />

558. At Huyler's<br />

Pandick, John<br />

559. Reminiscion<br />

560. Still Life<br />

Parker, Anna Benedict<br />

561. Early Winter Evening —<br />

Catskill Mountains<br />

562. Winter Lights<br />

Parker, Seymour D.<br />

563. Mountain Brook, Canada<br />

564. Brook at Weir, Canada<br />

Pasquelle, Frances M. L.<br />

565. Fruit<br />

566. Skippie<br />

Pausas, Francisco<br />

567. My Boy<br />

568. Mediterranean Sea<br />

Patty, W. A.<br />

569. The Red Barn in Winter<br />

570. Winter<br />

Peirce, H. Winthrop<br />

571. Moonlight, Luxembourg<br />

Garden<br />

572. The Seine<br />

Pelton, Agnes<br />

573. Over Mantel Decoration<br />

—• River Maidens<br />

Penniman, Helen A. F.<br />

574. Morning in the Garden<br />

575. After the Cotillon<br />

Perot, Annie Lovering<br />

576. The Golden Tree<br />

577. Cobbs Creek<br />

Perrine, Van Dearing<br />

578. Decorative Panel<br />

579. Decorative Panel<br />

Perry, Lilla Cabot<br />

580. Among the Birches<br />

Phillips, Grace H.<br />

581. -My Japanese Garden<br />

582. Tea Drinker<br />

Phillips, Harriet S.<br />

583. The Dreamer<br />

584. The Dreamer

Picabia, Francis<br />

Post, May Audubor<br />

585. A Little Solitude in the 597. Old Hollander and His<br />

Midst of Suns<br />

Grandson<br />

586. A Very Rare Picture on 598. Bride and Groom of<br />

Earth<br />

Volendam<br />

Picasso, Pablo<br />

587. Woman Dressing Her Hair<br />

588. Still Life<br />

Plaschke, Paul A.<br />

589. Allegro<br />

590. Covered Bridge<br />

Plumb, H. G.<br />

591. Three Thoroughbreds<br />

592. The Rear Fence in June<br />

Pollak, Charlotte L.<br />

593. Japanese Drama<br />

594. Dancing in the Grove<br />

Potts, W. Sherman<br />

599. Sam Rathbun of Noank<br />

600. Doris<br />

Praus, Harry J.<br />

601. Village<br />

602. Old Mill<br />

Precht, Fred. A.<br />

603. Descent from the Cross<br />

Prendergast, Charles E.<br />

604. Panel<br />

Prendergast, Maurice B.<br />

605. Landscape with Figures<br />

Polo wet ski, C. E.<br />

Probert, Sidney W.<br />

595. Girl in Pink<br />

606. The Sentinels<br />

596. Near Niles, Michigan 607. In Cathedral Woods<br />

Q<br />

Quinlan, Will J.<br />

608. The Waning of Autumn<br />

609. Indian Ladder Falls —<br />

Pocono Mountains<br />

Rasmussen, Bertrand<br />

R<br />

Rathbone, Edith<br />

610. Toward Evening 612. Tiny (Sculpture)<br />

611. Portrait 613. Larry (Sculpture)

Ray, Man<br />

614. Narcissus<br />

Read, Helen Appleton<br />

615. In the Shadow<br />

Regan, Mrs. Lillian Levins<br />

616. Somewhere in France<br />

617. No Title<br />

Reiffel, Charles<br />

618. Spring<br />

619. A Homestead<br />

Reynolds, Edith<br />

620. Open Country<br />

621. Flower Piece<br />

Rice, Dorothy<br />

622. Mannequins<br />

Rice, William M. J.<br />

623. Landscape<br />

Rice, William S.<br />

624. Monterey Cypresses<br />

(Block Print)<br />

625. Moonrise Behind Pines<br />

(Block Print)<br />

Richards, George Mather<br />

626. Caliban<br />

627. Thor<br />

Richards, Gertrude L.<br />

628. Notes<br />

629. Midi<br />

Richmond, Agnes M.<br />

630. Youth<br />

631. Alice<br />

Ripley, Lucy Perkins<br />

632. Head of Brittany Girl<br />

633. Dawn<br />

Ritchie, Alexander<br />

634. Hillsides<br />

635. A June Day<br />

Ritter, C. H.<br />

636. Road to the Wood<br />

637. Winter<br />

Rivera, Diego M.<br />

638. Landscape, "Monserrat"<br />

Robbins, Theresa R.<br />

639. <strong>New</strong> England Coast<br />

640. Portrait<br />

Robbins, Mrs. Royal<br />

641. Portrait<br />

Robinson, David<br />

642. Top o' the Hill<br />

Rogall, Wilhelmine<br />

643. Spring<br />

644. Summer<br />

Rohland, Paul<br />

645. Southern France<br />

646. Blue Jar and Flowers

Roman, Eric<br />

647. Blody Brook, Deerfield,<br />

Mass.<br />

648. Crescent Bay, <strong>New</strong> England<br />

Ropes, Phebe<br />

649. Self Portrait<br />

650. Still Life<br />

Rose, John<br />

651. Droning Noon<br />

652. Parrot Palms<br />

Rosenberg, H. M.<br />

653. The Enchanted Isle<br />

Rosenthal, Albert<br />

654. Reflections<br />

655. Mademoiselle B.<br />

Rosenthal, Doris<br />

656. Character Women<br />

657. In St. John the Divine's<br />

Rosenthal, M.<br />

658. Still Life<br />

659. Study<br />

Roseland, Harry<br />

660. Portrait — Betty Blythe<br />

661. Picking Cotton<br />

Roth, E. D.<br />

662. Brook<br />

663. Riverside<br />

Rothbort, Samuel<br />

664. One Night<br />

665. Ida<br />

Rowley, J. R. Capel<br />

666. The River Peep<br />

667. Lovers' Lane<br />

St. Gaudens, Annetta J.<br />

668. Morning Glory Girl<br />

(Statuette in bronze)<br />

669. Ornis In Bird Masque<br />

St. Leger, Isabella<br />

670. George Madden Martin<br />

(Mrs. Attwood Martin)<br />

671. Fountain, Boboli Gardens,<br />

Florence<br />

Sandzen, Birger<br />

672. Pines<br />

673. Among the Red Rocks,<br />

Colorado<br />

Saunders, Miss L. Pearl<br />

674. A Country Road<br />

675. Pearl Street, Provincetown,<br />


Sawtelle, Mary<br />

676. The Dead Bird<br />

Say en, Lyman<br />

677. The Thunder Shower<br />

Schenck, Phoebe Josephine<br />

678. <strong>New</strong> England Hills<br />

679. <strong>New</strong> England Home<br />

Schoen, James D.<br />

680. Landscape<br />

681. Landscape<br />

Schulman, A. G.<br />

682. Winter Evening<br />

683. Contour of the Woods<br />

Schulze, Herbert<br />

684. Slopes of Verdure<br />

685. The Silent Monarch<br />

Schumacher, Wm. Emile<br />

686. Flower Panel<br />

687. Flower Panel<br />

Schultze, Eve Watson<br />

688. Russian Girl<br />

689. Zinneas and Others<br />

Schwab, Eloisa<br />

690. The Effect of a Song<br />

691. Venus and Adonis<br />

Seymour, Helen W.<br />

692. Noonday<br />

693. Connecticut Hills<br />

Sherman, Hyman<br />

694. Destitute<br />

695. Slumber<br />

Sherwood, Anna K. K.<br />

696. Portrait of A. K. K. S.<br />

697. Rachel<br />

Shigematsu, L<br />

698. Rowboat<br />

699. Fifth Street %—- Los Angeles<br />

Silsbee, Miss Martha<br />

700. Monadnock Postoffice<br />

701. Winter<br />

Skoog, Karl F.<br />

702. A Tune in the Heart<br />

703. Morning Glory<br />

Slade, Cora JJ.<br />

704. Study of Fruit<br />

Sloan, John<br />

705. The Cot<br />

706. The Town Steps<br />

Smith, Miss Ella B.<br />

707. Lillian<br />

708. The Old Trees<br />

Soskice, Mrs. Victor<br />

709. Athlete en Repos<br />

710. Eve<br />

Spader, W. E.<br />

711. Fire!

Spaeth, Marie Haughton<br />

712. A Grandmother<br />

713. A Baby<br />

Speare, Caroline<br />

714. Still Life<br />

715. Still Life<br />

Spencer, Howard B.<br />

716. The Mirror<br />

717. Winter<br />

Springarn, Amy<br />

718. Nama-rupa<br />

719. Vedana<br />

Springer, Eva<br />

720. Point Abino — Canada<br />

721. In <strong>New</strong> Mexico<br />

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady<br />

722. Priscilla<br />

723. The White House<br />

Stanton, Gideon T.<br />

724. Promenaders<br />

Starkweather, William<br />

725. A Capricho on Ibsen's<br />

"Ghosts"<br />

726. Japanese Clematis<br />

Starr, Walter D.<br />

727. <strong>New</strong>ark Meadows, Winter<br />

Dusk<br />

728. Still Life<br />

Steele, Zulma<br />

729. Borinquen<br />

730. From Hacienda Limon to<br />

the Sea<br />

Stettheimer, Florine<br />

731. The Birthday Party<br />

732. Flowers<br />

Stevenson, Beulah Elsie<br />

733. Plunder<br />

734. Spider<br />

Strait, C. Barrett<br />

735. A Widow of <strong>New</strong> Orleans<br />

736. Winifred Selwyn<br />

Stuart, J. E.<br />

737. Sunset Glow—Mt. Hood<br />

738. Sunset Glow-Mt. Rainier<br />

Stuever, Miss Celia M.<br />

739. Evening (Etching)<br />

740. Sunny Street, Donauwerth<br />

(Etching)<br />

Suib, Joseph<br />

741. Peacocks (Screen)<br />

Swan, Mrs. Eleanor G.<br />

742. The Spirit of the East<br />

(Batik)<br />

743. Wayside Inn, Sudbury,<br />

Mass.<br />

Swope, H. Vance<br />

744. Sicilian Waters<br />

Sykes, G. H.<br />

745. Hardy Blooms<br />

746. Blue, Red and White

Tait, Nina Sterling<br />

747. A Hindu<br />

748. Nude<br />

Tanner, F. Berthel<br />

749. Still Life<br />

750. Still Life<br />

Tauszky, D. Anthony<br />

751. Lady in Blue<br />

752. Portrait of a Spanish Girl<br />

Taylor, Ethel C.<br />

753. The Duncan Dancers<br />

Theobald, Elisabeth Sturtevant<br />

(Mrs. Sam'l, Jr.)<br />

754. Portrait Sketch, Mary<br />

Eager (Statuette)<br />

755. The San Martino Vase<br />

Theobald, Samuel, Jr.<br />

756. Autumn<br />

757. Spring<br />

Tildesley, Florence K.<br />

758. "Blue Grotto," Island of<br />

Capri<br />

759. "Castle of Chillon," Lake<br />

Geneva<br />

Titlaw, Harriet W.<br />

760. Portrait of Miss Marshall<br />

761. Miss C.<br />

T<br />

Tompkins, Laurence<br />

762. Portrait Bust of Mrs.<br />

James Perry<br />

Torrey, George Burroughs<br />

763. Madame G.<br />

764. The Pool<br />

Townsend, C. W.<br />

765. Along Catskill Creek<br />

766. At Anchor<br />

Townsend, Ruth<br />

767. Mt. San Mighel<br />

768. Indian Village<br />

Trask, Mary C.<br />

769. Behind the Bars<br />

770. Huntresses<br />

Treadwell, Lydia<br />

771. Smoke<br />

Tricca, M. Aurelio<br />

772. Still Life<br />

773. Six Sketches<br />

True, Dorothy<br />

774. Still Life<br />

775. Portrait<br />

Tucker, Allen<br />

776. Landscape<br />

Tudor, Rosamond<br />

777. The Yellow Dressing<br />


Turney, Winthrop Twose, George M. R.<br />

778. Rockport 780. Spanish Mountains<br />

779. Storm Clouds 781. Decorative Landscape<br />

u<br />

Usher, Leila<br />

782. A Refugee<br />

783. Medallion of Ivan Gorokhoff<br />

Van Buskirk, Mrs. Janet<br />

Orem<br />

784. A Decorative Panel:<br />

The Rose Coat<br />

785. Portrait of Lt. Col. Reed<br />

of the 69th (Rainbow<br />

Division)<br />

Walkowitz, Abraham<br />

790. Rutgers Square, N. Y.<br />

791. <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong><br />

Wallace, Lucy<br />

792. Nude<br />

793. Embroidery — Landscape<br />

with Figures<br />

Walton, Florence L.<br />

794. Portrait Study<br />

795l" Portrait Study<br />

V<br />

w<br />

Vanderpoel, E. N.<br />

786. Cross County<br />

787. The Red Meadow<br />

Van Vleck, Natalie<br />

788. A Fan<br />

789. An Interior<br />

Warner, Mrs. W. H.<br />

796. Mt. Carmel, Conn.<br />

797. Opalescent Hour<br />

Watson, Adele<br />

798. These Early Wilding<br />

Flowers<br />

799. Dim Vales<br />

Weber, Max<br />

800. Women Seated<br />

801. Still Life

Weiland, James<br />

802. Nude in Doorway<br />

803. Life's Goldenrod<br />

Weill, Edmond<br />

804. After the Storm<br />

805. The Pool<br />

Weinberg, Florence C.<br />

806. Portrait of Peter<br />

807. Woman Resting<br />

Weinert, Albert<br />

808. The Last Station<br />

Weinrich, Agnes<br />

809. Two Girls<br />

810. The Hillside<br />

Werntz, Carl N.<br />

811. Rhododendron<br />

812. The Lookout<br />

Wheeler, Edith<br />

813. Friends<br />

814. Pointers<br />

Whitney, Isabel L.<br />

815. Rose and Hand<br />

816. Vermont Landscape<br />

Wicks, Heppie En Earl<br />

817. Forest Dugan<br />

Williams, Charles Sneed<br />

818. At the Window<br />

819. The Doorway<br />

Williams, Clifford<br />

820. Drawing<br />

821. Drawing<br />

Wilmot, Alta E.<br />

822. Mr. L. P. Williamson<br />

823. Mabel Beddoe<br />

Wilson, Charles<br />

824. A Glimpse of Achray,<br />

Scotland<br />

825. Palisades in Summer<br />

Wintringhaus, Frances M.<br />

826. Miss McCarthy<br />

827. Miss McCarthy<br />

Woe<br />

828. Lester Lee<br />

Wolf, Fay Miller<br />

829. The <strong>Art</strong> Shop<br />

830. Room 601<br />

Woods, Lilla Sorrenson<br />

831. Mt. Lafayette in Sunset<br />

Glow<br />

832. The Cottage Under the<br />

Hill<br />

Woodward, William<br />

833. Lieut. Carl Ellsworth<br />

Woodward<br />

834. In <strong>New</strong> Orleans, La.

Worth, Beatrice B. Wright, William B.<br />

835. On the Old Stone Wall 837. Crab Meadow<br />

836. Moonlight on the Ocean<br />

Yale, Charlotte Lilla<br />

Y<br />

Young, <strong>Art</strong>hur<br />

838. Peonies 840. Restaurant Plant<br />

839. A Quiet Nook — West- 841. Nurse and Child<br />

field, Conn.<br />

Zorach, Marguerite<br />

Zorach, William<br />

842. Country Life 844. The Roof Playground<br />

843. The Tree 845. A <strong>New</strong> England Farm

List of Members<br />

Abramovitz, Albert<br />

10 East 15th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Acampora, Giuliano<br />

205 East 116th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Acker, Marjorie G 80 Main Street, Ossining, N. Y.<br />

Ackerman, Caroleen 445 Macon Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Aiken, Charles A ' Fenway Studios, Boston, Mass.<br />

Alberts, John B<br />

418 South 1st Street, Louisville, Ky.<br />

Alger, John H<br />

210 East 17th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Allan, Charles Beach (Mrs.)<br />

542 Park Avenue, Kansas City, Mo.<br />

Altschul, P<br />

...9 East 49th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Amador, Manuel E<br />

66 West 107th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Andersen, Martinus<br />

110 Haven Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Anderson, Ellen Graham<br />

39 Charles Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City:<br />

Anderson, J. S. "Vet"<br />

145 West 55th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Ando, Kunie<br />

122 West 21st Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Ankeney, John S<br />

906 Conley Avenue, Columbia, Mo.<br />

Appel, Charles P 57 Ely Place, E. Orange, N. J.<br />

Arnold, Harry 6334 Dorchester Avenue, Chicago, 111.<br />

Aring, Hamilton<br />

....1947 Broadway, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Asanger, Jacob<br />

12 East 15th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Aschermann. Edward H<br />

120 East 31st Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Ashe, E. M<br />

116 East 66th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

A vent, Mayna T. (Mrs. Frank) Belmont Terrace, Nashville, Tenn.<br />

Ayer, James C<br />

39 West 67th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Baker, F. A. Fuller<br />

189 Fulton Avenue, Hempstead, L. L<br />

Baldwin, May C 30 Bennett Place, Amityville, L. I.<br />

Banks, Jessie<br />

329 West 83rd Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Barnard, Elinor M...c/o Messrs. Dubernet, 40 E. 8th St., <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Barnes, Ernest Harrison<br />

1308 Geddes Avenue, Ann Arbor, Mich.<br />

Barr, Paul E<br />

Goldsmith, Ind.<br />

Bartlett, Frederic Clay<br />

1 West 67th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Batten, McLeod<br />

Mill Valley, Marin Co., Cal.<br />

Bauman, Louise<br />

501 West 110th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Bayard, Eleanor<br />

259 West 85th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Baylinson, A. S<br />

1947 Broadway, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Beal, Reynolds <strong>New</strong>burgh, N. Y.<br />

Beatty, Sarah Blythe<br />

Penn Ave. and Peebles St., Pittsburgh, Pa.<br />

Beemer, Edwin F<br />

103 East 10th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Behl, Harold Joseph 1500 Yyse Avenue, Bronx, N. Y.<br />

Bellows, George W<br />

146 East 19th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Benn, Ben<br />

244 East 23rd Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Bernstein, Aline<br />

233 West End Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Bernstein, Theresa F<br />

39 West 67th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Bierach, S. E 246 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Birren, Joseph Pierre 426 Aldine Avenue, Chicago, 111.<br />

Bjorkman, Olaf<br />

400 West 57th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Black, Eleanor Sims<br />

3732 Dawson Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Black, Mary C. W<br />

Mission Ridge, Santa Barbara, Cal.<br />

Bloch, Julius T<br />

1730 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.<br />

Block, I. Mortimer<br />

10 East 14th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Bloodgood, Marian Y<br />

257 West 86th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Bloodgood, Robert F....<br />

58 West 57th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Bloom, M. E...<br />

334 East 87th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Blume, Melita<br />

939 Eighth Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Bodnar, Thomas .,...11 Bergen Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Boer, B. de '.289 Eighth Street, Jersey City, N. J.<br />

Bogdanove> A. J<br />

145 East 23rd Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Bonpensiere, Luigi M<br />

....610 Riverside Drive, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Boss, Homer<br />

North Walbraham, Mass.<br />

Bouch6, Louis G<br />

310 West 86th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Bowles, Caroline Hutchinson<br />

Pasadena, Cal<br />

Boylan, William J 37 Garden Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Bradley, Susan H<br />

20 Brimmer Street, Boston, Mass.<br />

Premer, Anne M<br />

1369 Post Street, San Francisco, Cal.<br />

Brenner, Victor D<br />

18 East 8th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Brereton, Helen A.....>... 15 West 67th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Erewer, Harriet E 1 Boulevard, Whitestone, L. I.<br />

Brewster, Eugene V 175 Duffield Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Brokaw, Irving<br />

985. Fifth Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Brown, E. Sheppard<br />

421 East 58th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Brown, Frank A<br />

755 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass.<br />

Brown, J. Randolph<br />

188 Dartmouth Street, Boston, Mass.<br />

Brown, Katharine L<br />

829 Park Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Brown, M. Lesley Bush.... 1729 G Street, Washington, D. C.<br />

Brumback, Louise Upton<br />

.Gloucester, Mass.<br />

Buck, Claude<br />

565 West 139th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Burdick, Horace R<br />

16 Park Avenue, Maiden, Mass.<br />

Burtis, Mary Elizabeth 6 Clarendon Place, Orange, N. J.<br />

Burty, Frank c/o Modern Gallery, 500 5th Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Butler, James<br />

75 Washington Place, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Butler, Theodore Earl<br />

..75 Washington Place, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Bye, <strong>Art</strong>hur Edwin Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.<br />

Calder, Nanette<br />

58 West 12th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Cameron, Le Grand<br />

55 West 95th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Cammarata, Peter 145 Union Street, Union Hill, N. J.<br />

Campbell, Harrv<br />

8 West 40th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Cane, Florence/.<br />

9 West 68th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Cape, Emily Palmer (Mrs.) 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Carlson, Oscar A. Nordstrom 17 Olympic Terrace, Irvington, N. J.<br />

Carpenter, Horace T<br />

Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pa.<br />

Carret, J. E<br />

:. 88 Front Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Carroll, Michalena LeFrere 125 Washington Place, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Cassidy, Gerold<br />

62 Washington Mews, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Chadeayne, Robert O Firthcliff, N. Y.<br />

Chaffee, Oliver N<br />

Provincetown, Mass.<br />

Chaloupka, J. Francis c/o F. Fogarty, 328 E. 52nd St., <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Chandler, Robert W<br />

147 East 19th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.

Chapin, James 140 Hillside Avenue, Glenn Ridge, N. J.<br />

Charland, E<br />

c/o Schultze, 47 East 58th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Chesno, Jacques R<br />

10 East 14th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Chew, Amos c/o Osman, 88 Montross Avenue, Rutherford, N. J.<br />

Church, F. Edwin<br />

33 West 67th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Churchman, E. Mendenhall 3215 Powelton Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa.<br />

Clark, Roy<br />

7 Glenwood Avenue, Pittsfield, Mass.<br />

Clements, Rosalie<br />

107 East 59th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Coffin, Sarah Taber (Mrs.) 6 Alwington Road, Chestnut Hill, Mass.<br />

Coggeshall, John F<br />

Lanesville, Gloucester, Mass.<br />

Cohen, George W<br />

18 East 87th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Cohen, Isabel<br />

508 West 114th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Cole, Jessie D. S. (Mrs.) 81 Wicks Avenue, Nepperhan, Yonkers, N. Y.<br />

Coleman, Glenn 0<br />

6 Patchin Place, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Coles, Ann Cadwallader<br />

164 Waverly Place, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Coltman, Ora<br />

10714 Deering Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.<br />

Colwell, Elizabeth 1373 East 57th Street, Chicago, 111.<br />

Conant, Marjorie<br />

Duxbury, Mass.<br />

Conkling, Paul<br />

26 West 8th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Cook, I. Vernon ' ..39 West 67th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Cook, John A<br />

16 Sayward Street, Gloucester, Mass.<br />

Coolidge, Mounfort 126 Penn Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Coolidge, Rosamond<br />

206 Belmont Street, Watertown, Mass.<br />

Cornwell, William Caryl<br />

26 East 8th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Cory, Kate T<br />

322 West 58th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Cotton, Lillian<br />

37 East 38th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Couard, Alexander P<br />

944 Park Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Covert, John R<br />

15 West 29th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Cowdery, Corene<br />

63 Washington Square, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Cowdery, Jennie Van Fleet.... Judson Hotel, Washington Sq. S., N. Y. C.<br />

Crise, Stewart S<br />

123 East 29th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Crossett, Maud G<br />

1230 Amsterdam Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Curtis, Constance<br />

331 West 76th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Curtis, Elizabeth<br />

399 Park Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Cutler, Carl Gordon<br />

409 Fenway Studios, Boston, Mass.<br />

Cutler, Elizabeth..<br />

96 Fifth Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Cuyler, Telamon<br />

54 West 10th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Daniel, Mell<br />

175 Claremont Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Darson, A<br />

110 East 18th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Dartiguenave, Paul<br />

216 West 34th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Davidson, Jo<br />

23 Macdougal Alley, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Davis, Cornelia Cassidy (Mrs.) 230 West 4th Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.<br />

Davis, Earl R Providence, R. I., Box 1532.<br />

Davis, Lora Baldwin, Long Island, N. Y.<br />

Davis, Stuart<br />

86 Greenwich Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Davison, Henry J<br />

489 Park Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Day, Katharine<br />

62 Perry Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Debonnet, Maurice G Broadway and 2nd Street, Bayside, N. Y.<br />

Decker, Harold 417 William Street, East Orange, N. J.<br />

Dement, Lucia Williams<br />

501 West 120th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.

Derain, Andr6 c/o Modern Gallery, 500 Fifth Ave., <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Derr6, Emile<br />

26 East 85th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Detwiller, Frederick K<br />

Ranger Studio, Noank, Conn.<br />

Diamondstein, David 473 Sutter Avenue, Brooklyn. N. Y.<br />

Dick, Gladys Roosevelt<br />

818 Madison Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Dirks, Rudolph..<br />

316 West 79th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Dixon, Francis S<br />

55 Central Park West, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Dixon, Henry<br />

119 East 23rd Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Doderlein, Frederick W<br />

222 West 23rd Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Doke, George (Mrs.).<br />

Rice, Texas.<br />

Dolinsky, Nathan<br />

400 West 23rd Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Dondo, Mathurin M<br />

Smith College, Northampton, Mass.<br />

Douglas, <strong>Art</strong>hur Phenix, R. I.<br />

Dow, <strong>Art</strong>hur W<br />

501 West 120th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Drayton, Grace G.<br />

830 Park Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Dreyfous, Florence<br />

315 West 99th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Dreyfuss, Albert<br />

232 West 14th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Dryden, Helen<br />

46 Washington Square, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Duchamp-Villon, Raymond<br />

Paris, France.<br />

Duer, Henrietta A<br />

: Sudbrook Park, Md.<br />

Dunbar, Daphne<br />

337 Charles Street, Boston, Mass.<br />

Dwight, Antoinette<br />

891 Park Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Eaton, Charles Warren<br />

318 West 57th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Eilshemius, Louis M<br />

58 West 57th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Eimer, Elsa<br />

190 Riverside Drive, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Ellerhusen, Ulric H<br />

51 West 10th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Elliott, Robert R<br />

1305 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa.<br />

Ellis, Charles Frederick<br />

86 Greenwich Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Emerson, A. W<br />

1931 Broadway, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Esherick, Wharton Harris<br />

Paoli, Pa.<br />

Evans, Mary W 5 Park Street, Bloomfield, N. J.<br />

Evers, Ivar'Ellis.. Tillson, Ulster Co., N. Y.<br />

Fairfax, Virginia, .c/o W. Middleton, 309 West 128th St;, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Farmer, E.G.... Oak Lawn, R. I.<br />

Farrelly, Regina A<br />

2345 Broadway, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Fenimore, Ralph c/o A. S. Baylinson, 1947 Broadway, N. Y. C.<br />

Ferguson, Alice L. L 2330 California Avenue, Washington, D. C.<br />

Ferriss, Hugh<br />

210 Central Park South, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Fickbohm, Sallie I Hotel Holley, 36 Washington Sq., N. Y. C.<br />

Field, Hamilton Easter 106 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Fitch, Walter<br />

348 Judah Street, San Francisco, Cal.<br />

Fisher, Joseph Delevan Avenue, Belleville, N. J.<br />

Foote, Mary<br />

3 Washington Square, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Forbes, Laura S<br />

..22 East 8th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Fowler, Carlton C<br />

409 Lexington Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Freedlander, <strong>Art</strong>hur R<br />

80 West 40th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Freund, <strong>Art</strong>hur<br />

710 East 219th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Fuertes, Louis Agassiz 201 Wyckoff Avenue, Ithaca, N. Y.<br />

Frueh, Alfred J<br />

128 West 58th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Fry, Laura A<br />

.....Lafayette, Ind.

Gahre, Peter<br />

331 West 57th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Garvey, Joseph M Alpine, N. J.<br />

Genth, Lillian<br />

62 Washington Square, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

George, S. D 633 Macon Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Gerberg, Maurice 451 <strong>New</strong>port Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Gerold, Nicholas J<br />

120 Broadway, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Gerstenheim, Louis<br />

117 West 117th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Gerstle, M. A<br />

51 West 10th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Giffen, Lilian<br />

1004 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, Md.<br />

Giradot, Henri c/o J. Le Royer, Lasell Seminary, Auburndale, Mass.<br />

Glackens, Wm. J<br />

29 Washington Square, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Glickie. <strong>Art</strong>hur 1330 45th Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Goldberg, Elias<br />

114 East 13th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Gorson, A. H<br />

8 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.<br />

Grandin, Elizabeth<br />

37 Madison Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Green, C. Mildred<br />

Fort Erie, Ont.<br />

Greenleaf, Ray<br />

344 West 72nd Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Greenwood, M. F. (Mrs.) Woodstock, Ulster Co., N. Y.<br />

Griffith, Edward N 82 Orange Avenue, Irvington, N. J.<br />

Groot, Adri de<br />

92 Fifth Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Grossmann, Edwin Booth<br />

133 West 21st Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Guarino, Salvatore Anthony<br />

6 East 15th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Guinzburg, F. V<br />

21 West 89th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Gunn, Archie<br />

....116 West 49th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>City.<br />

Gussow, Bernard...<br />

54 Charles Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Guthrie, W. N Rector St. Mark's Church, 232 E. 11th St., N. Y. C.<br />

Gutmann, Bernhard Norwalk, Conn., R. F. D. 43.<br />

Haginda, Shinyo<br />

...131 West 23rd Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Hale, Gardner<br />

25 Charlton Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Hall, Thomas 5727 S. Wells Street, Chicago, 111.<br />

Halpert, Samuel<br />

209 West 118th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Hammer, Trygve...... Palisades Park, N. J.<br />

Hardwick, Alice R<br />

486 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass.<br />

Hare, Elizabeth Sage<br />

177 East 71st Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Hart, George O. ("Pop") Coytesville, N. J.<br />

Hartman, C. Bertram<br />

96 Grove Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Hasbrouck, Elsa<br />

2414 Creston Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Hatch, Emily Nichols<br />

62 Washington Square, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Hawley, Margaret Foote<br />

20 S. Botolph Street, Boston, Mass.<br />

Haworth, Edith<br />

102 West 80th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Hayden, Florentine H<br />

146 Pine Street, Waterbury, Conn.<br />

Hayes, Lee<br />

1020 West Broadway, Butte, Mont.<br />

Hays, G. A .19 College Street, Providence, R. I.<br />

Heaton, A. G.. . 42 Davis Avenue, <strong>New</strong> Rochelle, N. Y.<br />

Heckman, Albert W<br />

420 West 119th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Hellmuth, Charles A<br />

331 West 55th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Henry, Sarah<br />

West Chester, Pa.<br />

Hergesheimer, E. Sophonisba<br />

803 Broad Street, Nashville, Tenn.<br />

Herrick, E. H. (Mrs.)<br />

35 East 30th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Herzog, Louis Edward<br />

80 West 40th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.

Heyer, H. Douglaston, L. I.<br />

Hickey, Isabel<br />

10 South 18th Street, Philadelphia, Pa.<br />

Hicks, Amy Mali<br />

9 East 17th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Hingray, Andre<br />

2120 Crotona Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Hirshbein, Perets c/o A. Walkowitz, 12 Union Square, N. Y. C.<br />

Hoagland, Jane 206 Quincy Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Hoeckner, C<br />

123 East 59th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Holzer, J. A<br />

182 East 72nd Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Holzhauer, Emil<br />

146 West 77th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Hopkins, Ellen (Mrs. D.)<br />

127 East 29th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Horne, Bernard S Princeton, N. J.<br />

Houlahan, Kathleen<br />

2159 Shelby Street, Seattle, Wash.<br />

Howell, Josephine C<br />

853 Seventh Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Howitt, John <strong>New</strong>ton<br />

147 West 23rd Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Howland, Edith c/o Lucy R. Ripley, 36 West 12th Street, N. Y. C.<br />

Huber, Leo<br />

149 East 15th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Hughes, George 78 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y.<br />

Humphriss, Charles H<br />

502 West . 173rd Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Huntington, Margaret W<br />

53 Washington Square, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Hurry, Lucy W. (Mrs.) 60 Greenwich Street, Hempstead, L. I.<br />

Illers, C. C<br />

244 West 14th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Invernizzi, Prosper<br />

500 West 179th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Irving, Anna D<br />

18 East 8th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Iujamfenig<br />

23 Macdougal Alley, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Iungerich, Helene<br />

Bryn Athyn, Pa.<br />

Ives, Neil McD Woodstock, N. Y.<br />

Jackson, Martin J<br />

444 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.<br />

Jaques, Bertha E. (Mrs.) 4316 Greenwood Avenue, Chicago, 111.<br />

Johnson, Grace Mott 145 Frenchard Street, Yonkers, N. Y.<br />

Jones, Alexander Ogden<br />

100 Northern Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Jones, Francis Devereux Springside, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa.<br />

Jordan, Marguerite P. H<br />

165 West 58th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Kahn, Selma H. (Mrs. F. W.) Woodmere, L. I.<br />

Kallem, Morris J<br />

718 S. 5th Street, Philadelphia, Pa.<br />

Kane* Louise Langdon<br />

23 West 47th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Kane, Sybil Kent<br />

23 West 47th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Kantor, Morris 230 Smith Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Kat, William<br />

78 Elwood Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Kaufmann, Herman 1955 East 8th Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Kawachi, J. B<br />

170 Fifth Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Kelly, Julia..' Rossmore, Great Neck Station, L. I.<br />

Kendall, Marie B<br />

451 Grant Street, Redlands, Cal.<br />

King, Jeanne<br />

270 Park Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Klaer, Adele Miller Bldg., B'way and 65th St., N. Y. C.<br />

Klauder, Mary<br />

Bala, Pa.<br />

Kleinert, H. E<br />

15 West 67th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Koechl, Paul 47 Montgomery Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Koechl, Victor 47 Montgomery Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Koopman, John R<br />

1367 Plimpton Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.

Korach, Dean 61 Poplar Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Koulish, Meyer<br />

1446 Webster Avenue, Bronx.<br />

Kownatzki, Hans<br />

939 Eighth Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Kremelberg, Mary<br />

1007 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, Md.<br />

Kroll, Leon<br />

253 West 42nd Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Kronberg, Louis<br />

Boston <strong>Art</strong>s Club, Boston, Mass.<br />

Kuniyoshi, Yasuo<br />

215 West 57th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Kunz, Bessie H<br />

601 West 110th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Landt, Theodora Lins 202 Prospect Avenue, <strong>New</strong> Brighton, N. Y.<br />

Langenbach, Clara E , 449 Auburn Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y.<br />

Lapham, Harold<br />

168 West 64th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Larocque, Elizabeth<br />

163 East 74th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Larocque, E. T<br />

163 East 74th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

La Russa, Ignazio<br />

219 East 113th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Lash, Lee <strong>New</strong> Rochelle, N. Y.<br />

Lathrop, Dorothy Pulis 151 S. Allen Street, Albany, N. Y.<br />

Lathrop, J. Pulis... 151 S. Allen Street, Albany, N. Y.<br />

Lattard, N. A. L<br />

. ..602 Madison Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Latzke, Caroline<br />

362 Riverside Drive, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Lauderdale, Ursula (Mrs.)<br />

4005 Miramar Avenue, Dallas, Tex.<br />

Laurent, Robert..c/o H. E. Field, 106 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Lauter, Flora<br />

325 West 83rd Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Law, Margaret M.<br />

1028 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, Md.<br />

Lawson, Adelaide J<br />

209 West 97th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Lawson, Ernest...c/o Daniel Gallery, 2 West 47th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Lazzell, Blanche<br />

Morgantown, W. Va.<br />

Le Boutillier, George<br />

Ridgefield, Conn.<br />

Le Boutillier, Isabel G<br />

Ridgefield, Conn.<br />

Leitner, Leander<br />

10 Beekman Place, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

L'Engle, Lucy<br />

144 East 19th Street, <strong>New</strong> fork City.<br />

L'Engle, W. J., Jr<br />

144 East 19th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Leslie, William Mathven<br />

307 West 89th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Lesshafft, Franz<br />

1020 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.<br />

Levitt, Joel J<br />

42 West 39th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Levy, William Auerbach<br />

210 West 14th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Lewis, Toma<br />

51 West 10th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Lichtenauer, J. Mortimer<br />

24 West 59th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Lichtenstein, Isaac<br />

10 East 14th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Lindenmuth, Tod..<br />

26 North 6th Street, Allentown, Pa.<br />

Lindsley, Emily Earle Larchmont, N. Y.<br />

Logasa, Charles<br />

c/o Brown-Proctoria, Winchester, Ky.<br />

Lohr, Alfred 226 Third Street, N. W., Washington, D. C.<br />

Londoner, Amy<br />

Hotel Endicott, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Long, McKendree R Statesville, N. C.<br />

Longstreth, Margaret West Chester Pa.<br />

Longyear, Mary Beecher<br />

70 Leicester Street, Brookline, Mass!<br />

Lorenzo S 198 Seventh Street, Buffalo, N. Y.<br />

Loring, Wm. Cusning R. I. School of Design, Providence, R. I.<br />

Lothrop, George E<br />

1287 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass.<br />

Lovell, Kathrine... 260 Cumberland Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Lund, Charlotte<br />

257 West 86th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.

Mac<strong>Art</strong>hur, Betty....<br />

624 Main Street, Columbus, Miss.<br />

MacCord, Charles William<br />

358 John Street, Bridgeport, Conn.<br />

MacCord, Mary Nicholena<br />

358 John Street, Bridgeport, Conn.'<br />

MacLeod, John West Fort Lee, N. J.<br />

MacRae, Emma Fordyce<br />

12 West 69th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Macrum, George H<br />

121 East 23rd Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

MacSoud, Nicolas S 191 Clinton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Magee, James C<br />

514 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.<br />

Mager, Gus 2 White Terrace, <strong>New</strong>ark, N. J.<br />

Mahler, Rebecca<br />

1270 Madison Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Manigault, Middleton<br />

130 West 57th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Mari, Valere de<br />

123 Joice Street, San Francisco, Cal.<br />

Markham, Marion E<br />

16 West 8th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Marr, Malcolm Leighton<br />

615 Hampton Place, Joplin, Mo.<br />

Martini, Herbert E<br />

461 Eighth Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Mason, Mary s Elmsford, N. Y.<br />

Mattson, Henry E 553 Dean Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Maurer, Alfred H<br />

404 West 43rd Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Maurer, Charles L<br />

1947 Broadway, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Maurer, Louis<br />

404 West 43rd Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Maverick, Lucy Madison<br />

316 Ogden Street, San Antonio, Texas.<br />

Mayer, Edward L<br />

1 East 33rd Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

McEwen, Katherine<br />

432 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Mich.<br />

McFee, H. I Woodstock, N. Y.<br />

McKay, Christy Ann<br />

9 Macdougal Alley, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

McMillen, Mildred<br />

3 Central Street, Provincetown, Mass.<br />

McMillan, Josephine W<br />

1 West 67th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

McVickar, Maud (Mrs. H. W.) 763 Fifth Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Mege, Violet<br />

289 Fifth Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Melcher, George Henry<br />

Topanga, L. A. County, CaL<br />

Mennie, Florence c/o T. H. Smith, 2121 Third Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Mewborn, A. Boyd Ossining, N. Y.<br />

Meyerowitz, William<br />

66 East 120th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Milbank, Albert G<br />

123 East 37th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Miller, Gladys G<br />

338 Fifth Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Miner, E. H<br />

58 West 57th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Minker, Gustave 187 Garden Avenue, Belleville, N. J.<br />

Miserendino, Vincenzo<br />

1947 Broadway, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Moch, G. A<br />

57 West 91st Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Modjeska, Felicie (Mrs. Ralph)<br />

.1216 Astor Street, Chicago, III<br />

Moffett, Ross E<br />

Provincetown, Mass.<br />

Momose, Senzabulow<br />

465 East 57th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Morgan, Lynn T<br />

147 West 71st Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Morgan, Theodore J.. .2017 E St., N. W., c/o <strong>Art</strong>s Club, Washington, D. C.<br />

Morrison, Zaidee<br />

152 West 57th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Morrow, Julie Mathilde<br />

101 West 85th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Morton, Christina (Mrs.)<br />

27 West 67th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Morton, Josephine A<br />

Williamstown, Mass.<br />

Mottet, Jeanie Gallup (Mrs.) 47 West 20th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Muhlhofer, Elizabeth 1333 G Street, N. W., Washington, D. C.<br />

Muller, Martha<br />

255 West End Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.

Mullikin, Mary Augusta<br />

Mummert, Sallie Blyth<br />

Munier, Emil<br />

Murphy, Rowley W<br />

Muth, Alice H<br />

Hotel Kempton, Berkeley Street, Boston, Mass.<br />

Paris, Texas.<br />

522 West 112th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

235 South 11th Street, Philadelphia, Pa.<br />

12 East 8th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Nathans, Gwendolyn<br />

352 East 19th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

<strong>New</strong>castle, L. M<br />

175 William Street, <strong>New</strong> Bedford, Mass.<br />

<strong>New</strong>man, Carl<br />

Bethayres, Montg. Co., Pa.<br />

<strong>New</strong>ton, Alice M<br />

25 East 65th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Nichols, Juliette S. (Mrs.)<br />

132 West 4th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Nielsen, Mary 489 McLean Avenue, Yonkers, N. Y.<br />

Norton, Clara Mamre..<br />

33 West 67th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Notman, Howard 136 Joralemon Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Noxon, Grace P<br />

710 Carnegie Hall, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Of, George F<br />

274 Madison Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Oland, Edith Shearn<br />

257 West 86th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Olcott, Harriet M 1140 Pacific Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Olin, Harold Manson 414 Union Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Oliver, Jean Nutting<br />

305 Fenway Studios, Boston, Mass.<br />

Orleman, Elsie M<br />

32 Bagg Street, Detroit, Mich.<br />

Osborn, Frank C Dobbs Ferry, N. Y.<br />

Osborn, Robie F. (Mrs.) Dobbs Ferry, N. Y., Box 236.<br />

Ostrander, Wm. C<br />

48 West Housatonic Street, Pittsfield, Mass.<br />

Ostrowsky, Sam 2649 LeMoyne Street, Chicago, 111.<br />

Owen, Esther L. D<br />

33 Niles Street, Hartford, Conn.<br />

Pach, Walter<br />

13 East 14th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Paddock, Ethel Louise<br />

141 West 70th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Paine, George H. (Mrs.)<br />

55 West 95th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Pandick, John Fanwood, N. J.<br />

Parker, Anna Benedict Woodstock, Ulster Co., N. Y.<br />

Parker, Seymour D... 108 Stanley St., <strong>New</strong> Empire Theatre, Montreal, Can.<br />

Parshall, Dewitt<br />

Santa Barbara, Cal.<br />

Pasquelle, Frances M. L<br />

62 East 90th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Patty, Wm. A 313 73nd Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Pausas, F<br />

215 West 51st Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Peirce, H. Winthrop<br />

36 Morton Street, Andover, Mass.<br />

Pelton, Agnes<br />

28 West 8th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Penniman, Helen A. F<br />

.609 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, Md.<br />

Pepper, Charles H<br />

Concord, Mass.<br />

Perkins, Harley<br />

Fenway Studios, Boston, Mass.<br />

Perot, Annie L<br />

1305 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pa.<br />

Perrine, Van D Englewood, N. J.<br />

Perry, Lilla Cabot<br />

312 Marlborough Street, Boston, Mass.<br />

Petrovits, Milan<br />

221 13th Avenue, Homestead, Pa.<br />

Picabia, Francis... c/o Modern Gallery, 500 Fifth Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Picasso, Pablo<br />

...Paris, France.<br />

Phillips, Grace H Mohegan Park, Tuckahoe, N. Y.<br />

Phillips, Harriet S...<br />

39 West 67th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Plaschke, Paul A<br />

Louisville Times Bldg., Louisville, Ky.

Plumb, H. G<br />

149 East 39th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Pollock, Charlotte L. . Cullman, Ala.<br />

Polowetski, C. E<br />

75 Fifth Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Post, May Audubon<br />

4446 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa.<br />

Potts, W. Sherman<br />

45 East 59th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Praus, Harry J 556 Eighth Avenue, Astoria, L. I.<br />

Precht, Fred. A<br />

1960 Third Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Prendergast, Charles E<br />

50 Washington Square, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Prendergast, Maurice B<br />

50 Washington Square, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Probert, Sidney W 168 Graham Avenue, Paterson, N. J.<br />

Quinlan, Will J<br />

51 West 10th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Rasmussen, Bertrand 468 60th Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Rathbone, Edith K<br />

120 West 80th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Regan, Lillian 1684 Nostrand Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Reiffel, Charles<br />

Silvermine, Norwalk, Conn.<br />

Reynolds, Edith<br />

84 South River Street, Wilkes Barre, Pa.<br />

Rice, Dorothy<br />

Hotel Ansonia, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Rice, Wm. M. ,J<br />

15 West 67th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Rice, Wm. S<br />

...2083 Rosedale Avenue, Oakland, Cal.<br />

Richards, George Mather c/o C. D. Levin, Inc., 1269 Broadway, N. Y. C.<br />

Richards, Gertrude Lundborg, c/o C. D. Levin, Inc., 1269 B'way, N. Y. C.<br />

Richardson, Anna M<br />

41 West 59th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Richmond, Agnes M<br />

122 East 59th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Ripley, Lucy R<br />

36 West 12th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Ritchie, Alexander ...715 Seneca Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Ritter, Anne Gregory 1712 N. Nevada Avenue, Colorado Springs, Colo.<br />

Riter, C. H<br />

351 West 56th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Rivera Diego M...c/o Modern Gallery, 500 Fifth Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Robbins, Mrs. Royal<br />

22 Carlton Street, Brookline, Mass.<br />

Robbins, Theresa H..<br />

22 Carlton Street, Brookline, Mass.<br />

Robinson, David<br />

13 West 29th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Rogall, Wilhelmine<br />

96 Fifth Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Rogers, A :.: ........ P. O. Box 254, Palatka, Fla.<br />

Rogers, Mary C<br />

430 Lafayette Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Rohland, Paul ..Woodstock, Ulster Co., N. Y.<br />

Rolshoven, Julius t 525 E. G. Boulevard, Detroit, Mich.<br />

Roman, Eric 19 East Hayes Avenue, Corona, L. I.<br />

Roosevelt, Jean S<br />

>.818 Madison Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Ropes, Phebe<br />

Danvers, Mass.<br />

Roseland, Harry 191 Clinton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Rosenberg, H. M<br />

Citronelle, Ala.<br />

Rosenberg, James N<br />

......74 Broadway, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Rosenthal, Albert...:........ .1722 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.<br />

Rosenthal, Doris<br />

23 Sutton Place, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Rosenthal, Michael<br />

8 Ludlow Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Rosenthal, Rudolph (Mrs.)<br />

50 East 83rd Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Roth, E. D........... ................232 West 14th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Rothbart, Samuel v.93 Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Rowley, J. R. Capel : 90 Pinehurst Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Rudge, William Edwin<br />

218 William Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.

St. Gaudens, Annetta J<br />

Windsor, Vt.<br />

St. Leger, Isabella<br />

1115 Amsterdam Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Sandzen, Birger<br />

Lindsborg, Kans.<br />

Saunders, L. Pearl<br />

.301 The Vaux Hall, Nashville, Tenn.<br />

Sawtelle, Mary B 1429 21st Street, Washington, D. C.<br />

Sayen, Lyman<br />

3818 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa.<br />

Schenck, Phoebe Josephine<br />

Cos Cob, Conn.<br />

Schoen, James D „ 1339 Intervale Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Schou, Sigurd<br />

24 West 40th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Schulman, A. G c/o Haas Gallery, 24 East 59th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Schulze, Herbert<br />

117 West 117th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Schumacher, William Emile 138 West 55th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Schutze, Eve Watson Woodstock, Ulster Co., N. Y.<br />

Schwab, Eloise<br />

340 West 85th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Seymour, Helen W<br />

422 West 119th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Shackleton, Charles<br />

10308 Wilbur Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.<br />

Sherman, Heyman<br />

620 East 6th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Sherwood, Anna K. K. 289 Garfield Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Shigematsu, 1<br />

445 S. Olive Street, Los Angeles, Cal.<br />

Sibley, Ferol<br />

103 W. Patterson Avenue, Columbus, Ohio.<br />

Sielke, Leo 175 Duffield Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Silsbee, Martha<br />

115 Marlboro Street, Boston, Mass.<br />

Simonds, Edith Vernon M<br />

20 West 8th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Simpson, A. M<br />

...328 West 57th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Skoog, Karl F<br />

61 Boylston Street, Cambridge, Mass.<br />

Slade, Cora L<br />

. .863 High Street, Fall River, Mass.<br />

Sloan, John<br />

88 Washington Place, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Smith, Ella B<br />

307 Fenway Studios, Boston, Mass.<br />

Smith, Thomas Herbert<br />

2121 Third Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Soskice, Mrs. Victor<br />

71 West 85th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Spaeth, Marie Haughton Princeton, N. J.<br />

Spader, W. E 261 Clifton Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Speare, Caroline Bearsville, Ulster Co., N. Y.<br />

Spencer, Howard B<br />

1947 Broadway, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Spencer, Mrs. R. P<br />

969 Park Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Spicer, Lieutenant Clayton V.,<br />

1st Tr. Bn. Depot Brigade, Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va.<br />

Spiegle, F. M<br />

508 West 153rd Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Spingarn, Amy (Mrs. J. E.) 9 West 73rd Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Sprinchorn, Carl<br />

Monson, Me.<br />

Springer, Eva<br />

12 Gramercy Park, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Stange, Emile North Hackensack, N. J.<br />

Stanton, Elizabeth C<br />

319 West 57th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Stanton, Gideon T<br />

822 Common Street, <strong>New</strong> Orleans, La.<br />

Starkweather, William E. B 47 Washington Square, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Starr, Loraine Brewster<br />

43 West 58th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Starr, Walter D 56 Bayard Lane, Princeton, N. J.<br />

Steele, Zulma Woodstock, N. Y.<br />

Stettheimer, Florine<br />

80 West 40th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Stevenson, Beulah Elsie 246 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Stoehr, Lotte<br />

330 Park Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.

Stone, Walter King<br />

Twin Doors, Falls Village, Conn.<br />

Strait, C. Barrett<br />

96 Fifth Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Stuart, J. E<br />

239 Geary Street, San Francisco, Cal.<br />

Stuever, Celia M<br />

3444 Russell Avenue, St. Louis, Mo.<br />

Suib, Joseph 2008 Daly Avenue, Bronx, N. Y.<br />

Swan, Mrs. Eleanor G 10 Nutgrove Street, White Plains, N. Y.<br />

Swope, H. Vance<br />

939 Eighth Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Sykes, G. H<br />

115 Washington Place, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Tait, Nina Sterling<br />

153 East 18th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Tanner, F. Berthel<br />

521 West 122nd Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Tauszky, D. Anthony...<br />

132 East 19th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Taylor, Ethel C<br />

125 West 16th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Taylor, Henry Fitch<br />

1 Sutton Place, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Theobald, Elizabeth Sturtevant, Jr.,<br />

280 Lafayette Avenue, <strong>New</strong> Brighton, S. I., N. Y.<br />

Theobald, Samuel, Jr...280 Lafayette Avenue, <strong>New</strong> Brighton, S. I., N. Y.<br />

Thompson, Myra<br />

Spring Hill, Tenn.<br />

Thomson, Henry G...<br />

Wilton, Fairfield Co., Conn.<br />

Tildesley, Florence K 75 Clifton Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Titlow, Hariet W<br />

108 Waverly Place, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Tompkins, F. H<br />

Pope Building, Boston, Mass.<br />

Tompkins, Frances Louise 533 Greene Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Tompkins, Laurence 12 East 31st Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Tonetti, F. M. L<br />

135 East 40th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Torrey, George Burroughs<br />

27 East 35th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Townsend, Charles W 1133 East 39th Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Townsend, Ruth<br />

129 East 10th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Trask, Mary C<br />

140 West 46th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Treadwell, Lydia<br />

201 Goodrich Avenue, St. Paul, Minn.<br />

Tricca, M. Aurelio.<br />

26 East 23rd Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

True, Dorothy<br />

319 West 57th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Tucker, Allen<br />

121 East 79th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Tudor, Rosamond<br />

Inverness Driveway, N. Chevy Chase, Ind.<br />

Turney, Winthrop<br />

122 East 59th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Tweedy, Richard<br />

232 West 14th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Twose, George M. R Chatham, N. Y.<br />

Usher, Leila<br />

Van Buskirk, Mrs. Janet Orem<br />

Vanderpool, E. W<br />

Van Vleck, Natalie<br />

6 East 8th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

1947 Broadway, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

22 Gramercy Park, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

40 East 83rd Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Wadsworth, Adelaide E<br />

10 West Cedar Street, Boston, Mass.<br />

Walkowitz, A<br />

12 Union Square, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Wallace, Lucy<br />

939 Eighth Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Walton, Florence L<br />

18 East 8th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Ward, Hilda Roslyn, N. Y.<br />

Warner, Mrs. W. H<br />

1268 Quinnipiac Avenue, <strong>New</strong> Haven, Conn.

Waterbury (Miss)<br />

55 East 58th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Watson, Adele<br />

283 S. Grand Avenue, Pasadena, CaL<br />

Weber, Max<br />

66 Post Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Weil, Josephine M<br />

50 Central Park West, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Weiland, James 61 Poplar Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Weill, Edmund 424 Irving Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Weinberg, Florence C<br />

47 East 75th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Weinert, Albert<br />

..120 West 11th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Weinrich, Agnes<br />

Provincetown, Mass.<br />

Werntz, Carl N 81 East Madison Street, Chicago, 111.<br />

Wheeler, Edith 618 Morford Avenue, Long Branch, N. J.<br />

Whitmer, Helen C<br />

316 Spahr Street, Pittsburg, Pa.<br />

Whitney, Isabel L<br />

253 West 42nd Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Wicks, Heppie En Earl<br />

710 Carnegie Hall, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Will, Blanca<br />

1230 Emerson Street, Palo Alto, Cal.<br />

Williams, Chas. Sneed,<br />

c/o Ackerman & Son, 620 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111.<br />

Williams, Clifford Ithaca, N. Y.<br />

Williams, Pauline B<br />

465 West 23rd Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Willich Embroidery Studios, The 129 Fifth Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Wilmot, Alta E<br />

319 West 57th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Wilson, Charles 2310 Beaumont Avenue, Bronx, N. Y.<br />

Wintringham, Francis M<br />

1245 Madison Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Woe (Drick, Gertrude S.)<br />

Brazoria, Tex.<br />

Wolf, Fav Miller Woodmere, L. I.<br />

Wolf, Hamilton A c/o Milch, 108 West 57th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Woods, Lilla Sarrenson 30 Ocean Ridge, Hanover, N. H.<br />

Woodward, Robert S<br />

Shelburne Falls, Mass.*<br />

Woodward, Wm<br />

<strong>New</strong>comb <strong>Art</strong> School, <strong>New</strong> Orleans, La.<br />

Worth, Beatrice B ....326 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, N. J.<br />

Wray, Henry Russell<br />

Colorado Springs, Colo.<br />

Wright, Charles H<br />

1931 Broadway, Room 309, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Wright, Wm. B<br />

701 West 178th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Yale, Charlotte Lilla<br />

...208 West Main Street, Meriden, Conn.<br />

Young, <strong>Art</strong>hur<br />

421 East 58th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

Young, Helen 333 South 3rd Street, Mt. Vernon, N. Y.<br />

Zink, John R<br />

Zorach, Marguerite<br />

Zorach, William...<br />

Boonton, N. J.<br />

.123 West 10th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.<br />

123 West 10th Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City.

Henry Reinhardt & Son<br />

Old Masters and<br />

Modern Paintings<br />

565 Fifth Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong><br />


12 Place Vendome 536 So. Michigan Boulevard<br />

/ Gom/iany V> Beautiful Home<br />

( ^cnsTMKtvm&I/Z&L.<br />

Wupwms & Fn^^gfS^/<br />

Westfield, <strong>New</strong> Jersey<br />

The<br />

Palette <strong>Art</strong> Co.<br />

Established 1884<br />

327 FIFTH AVENUE<br />

Below 33rd Street<br />

NEW YORK<br />

<strong>Art</strong>ists 9<br />

Materials<br />

Picture Framing. Frames for<br />

Oil Paintings a Specialty<br />

ONLY<br />

$ 5500<br />

for sale on easy terms<br />

& CO.<br />

Woolworth Building<br />



Friday Evening, May 3rd, 8:15<br />

Joint Recital<br />

by<br />


French Soprano, recently from Theatre des Champs-Elysees, Paris<br />

and<br />


Pianist<br />

Tickets, $2.00, $1.50, $1,00, 75c<br />

Boxes, $15.00<br />

On sale at box office (43rd Street), or may be secured from<br />

Pho<br />

ANNA M. SLOAN, 88 Washington Place, 2 T 79 Spri „ g<br />

N. E. MONTROSS<br />

Works of <strong>Art</strong><br />



550 Fifth Avenue (above 45th Street)<br />


C. W. Kraushaar<br />

<strong>Art</strong> Galleries<br />

260 5th Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong><br />

ON VIEW<br />

Important Paintings by<br />

George Luks<br />

John Sloan<br />

A. Y. Tack Alplfonse Lezros<br />

A. Yollon A. L. Bouche<br />

Sir John Lavery<br />

Monticelli<br />

Gustav Courbet<br />

Fantin<br />

and Whistler<br />

The Schindler National<br />

Detective Agency<br />

Incorporated<br />

Singer Building, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong><br />

Day Phones, CORTLANDT j gjK<br />

Night Phone - STUYVESANT 153<br />

Licensed and Bonded by the State of <strong>New</strong><br />


The Amalgamated<br />

Clothing Workers of America<br />

600,000 strong<br />

extend Greeting and Wishes for Success to the<br />

Society of Independent <strong>Art</strong>ists<br />

•<br />

Packers, Removers and Shippers of<br />

Works of <strong>Art</strong><br />

W. S. BUDWORTH & SON<br />

Established 1867<br />

424 W. 52nd Street, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong><br />

Telephone Connection, 120 Columbus<br />

Telephone 2477-2478 Cortlandt<br />



<strong>Art</strong>istic Framing<br />



Established 1873 Tel. 7484 Murray Hill<br />

GEO. F. OF<br />

274 Madison Avenue, NEW YORK<br />

Bet. 39th and 40th Streets<br />


Reframing, Regildiug, Repairing and Packing<br />

E. DREHER & CO.<br />

<strong>Art</strong>istic Frames of Every Description<br />

507 West 43rd Street<br />

I\EW YORK<br />

Telephone Bryant 4999<br />

W. H. Powell, <strong>Art</strong> Gallery<br />


Paintings Relined, Cleaned, Restored<br />

Appropriate Framing, Regilding<br />

Telephone, Circle 2643.<br />

983 Sixth Avenue, NEW YORK<br />


2366 Seventh Avenue<br />

<strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City<br />

For Medical, Surgical and<br />

Obstetrical Cases<br />

Telephones: 4340-4341 Audubon<br />


Packers and Movers of<br />


139 West 54th Street<br />

Handling for Exhibitions a Specialty<br />

Telephone, 1149 Circle<br />

Samuel Schwartz's Sons & Co.<br />

Etchings<br />

Mezzotints<br />

Modern<br />

Paintings<br />

290 Fifth Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>

F. W. DEVOE & CO.'S<br />

<strong>Art</strong>ists' Tube Colors<br />

"Highly commended by the most eminent American<br />

artists, and the standard colors in all the<br />

advanced schools of art in the United States!"<br />


At the request of a number of prominent<br />

<strong>Art</strong>ists we are now putting up a line of Devoe<br />

<strong>Art</strong>ists' Oil Colors in studio size tubes.<br />

F. W. Devoe & Co.'s Prepared Canvas for Oil Paintings<br />

F. W. Devoe & Co.'s Varnishes and Mediums<br />

F. W. Devoe & Co.'s Fine Brushes<br />

Catalogue on Application<br />


NEW YORK<br />

Fulton and William Streets<br />


14 and 16 West Lake Street


Excellent Cuisine<br />

Interesting Atmosphere<br />

Greenwich Village Inn<br />

Polly's"<br />

Date of PIETER MIJER Exhibition<br />

to be announced shortly<br />

5 Sheridan Square (4th Street, between 6th and 7th Avenues)

Thurnscoe School<br />

of Modern <strong>Art</strong><br />

Ogunquit, Maine<br />

Ardsley Studios<br />

110 Columbia Heights<br />

Brooklyn - <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong><br />

A School in full sympathy with<br />

the aims of the Society of Independent<br />

<strong>Art</strong>ists. Life Class in<br />

the Open.<br />

At Ardsley Studios are held<br />

throughout the year exhibitions<br />

where you pay for the wall space<br />

you need.<br />

For further information apply to<br />

Hamilton Easter Field<br />

106 Columbia Heights<br />

Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

N. B. In the absence qf Robert Laurent, who is in the U. S.<br />

Naval Aeronautic Service, Mr. Field is continuing the<br />

making qf hand-carved frames qf the highest type at<br />

low prices, and the sale qf Mr. Laurent's assortment qf<br />

old Japanese prints, the largest in <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>.

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