My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!

My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom! My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!
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676 Dcuotww in Honor of the Bksscd Virgin Mafy acted: look, therefore, with pity an us, miserable children of Eve, and hear our prayer: for since, in jllst punishment of our &us, we are encompassed by evils, whither can we fly for more secure shelter than to thy maternal protection? Attend, therefore, with an ear of pity, we beseech thee, to our humble and earnest request. We ask it through the marcy of thy dear Son, and through the lwe and d d n wherewith He embraced our nature, wben, in compliance with the divine will, thou g m t thy consent, and Whom, after the expiration of nine months, thou didst bring forth from thy chaste womb to visit this world, and bless it with His presence. We ask it through the anguish of slind wherewith thy beloved Son, our dear Saviour, was ove~whelmed on Mount Olivet, when He besought Hi eternal Father to remove from Him, if pospibk, the bitter chalice of His future Passion. We ask it through the threefold repetition of His prayer in the garden, h m whence afterwards, with mournful tears, thou didst accompany Him to the doleful theater of His sufferings and death. We ask it through the welds and sores of His virginal flesh, o&ed by the cords and whip wherewith He was bound and scourged when stripped of His seamless garment, for which His executioners afterwards cast lots. We ask it through the scoffs and ignominies by which He was insulted, the false accusations and unjust sentence by which He was condemned to death, and which He bore with heavenly patience. We ask it through His bitter tears and sweat of blood, His silence and resignation, His sadness and grief of heart. We ask it through the blood which trickled from His royal and s a d head, when struck with the scepter of r red and pi?& wib Wis crown of thorns. We ask it through the tarma& Private Use Only

&vdim.s W Eonor of thc &sat Virgin Mmy 677 He endured, when Hia hadds and feet were fastened with gross nails to the tree of the cross. We ask it through His vehement thirst and bitter potion of vinegar and galL We ask it through His dereliction on the cross, when He exclaimedi "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" We ask it through His mercy extended to the good thief, and through His recommending His precious soul into the hands of His eternal Father before He expired, saying: "All is consummated." We ask it through the blood mixed with water which issued from His sacred side when pierced with a lance, and whence a flood of grace and mercy hath flowed to us. We ask it through His immaculate, life, bitter Passion, and ignominious death upon the ms, at which nature itself was thrown into convuisions, by the bursting of rocks, rending of the mil of the Temple, the etrrthquake, and darkness of the sun and moon We ask it through His descent into hell, where He comforted & saints of the Old Law, and led captivity captive. We ask it through His glorious victory over death, His triumphant Ascension into heaven, and through the grace of the Holy Ghost, infused into the hearts of the disciples when He descended on them in the form of fiery tongues. We ask it through His awful appearance on the last day, when He shall come to judge the living and the dead, and shall destroy the world by fire. We ask it through the compassion He bore thee, and the ineffable joy thou didst feel at thine assumption into heaven, where thou art absorbed in the sweet contemplation of His divine perfections. 0 glorious and ever-blessed Virgin, comfort the hearts of thy supplicants, by obtaining for us -? And as we are persuaded that our divine 1 Here mention your reque& More Free Items at

676 Dcuotww in Honor of <strong>the</strong> Bksscd Virgin Mafy<br />

acted: look, <strong>the</strong>refore, with pity an us, miserable<br />

children of Eve, and hear our prayer: for since, in jllst<br />

punishment of our &us, we are encompassed by evils,<br />

whi<strong>the</strong>r can we fly for more secure shelter than to thy<br />

maternal protection? Attend, <strong>the</strong>refore, with an ear<br />

of pity, we beseech <strong>the</strong>e, to our humble and earnest<br />

request. We ask it through <strong>the</strong> marcy of thy dear Son,<br />

and through <strong>the</strong> lwe and d d n wherewith He<br />

embraced our nature, wben, in compliance with <strong>the</strong><br />

divine will, thou g m t thy consent, and Whom, after<br />

<strong>the</strong> expiration of nine months, thou didst bring forth<br />

from thy chaste womb to visit this world, and bless it<br />

with His presence. We ask it through <strong>the</strong> anguish of<br />

slind wherewith thy beloved Son, our dear Saviour, was<br />

ove~whelmed on Mount Olivet, when He besought Hi<br />

eternal Fa<strong>the</strong>r to remove from Him, if pospibk, <strong>the</strong><br />

bitter chalice of His future Passion. We ask it through<br />

<strong>the</strong> threefold repetition of His prayer in <strong>the</strong> garden,<br />

h m whence afterwards, with mournful tears, thou<br />

didst accompany Him to <strong>the</strong> doleful <strong>the</strong>ater of His<br />

sufferings and death. We ask it through <strong>the</strong> welds<br />

and sores of His virginal flesh, o&ed by <strong>the</strong> cords<br />

and whip wherewith He was bound and scourged<br />

when stripped of His seamless garment, for which His<br />

executioners afterwards cast lots. We ask it through<br />

<strong>the</strong> scoffs and ignominies by which He was insulted,<br />

<strong>the</strong> false accusations and unjust sentence by which He<br />

was condemned to death, and which He bore with<br />

heavenly patience. We ask it through His bitter tears<br />

and sweat of blood, His silence and resignation, His<br />

sadness and grief of heart. We ask it through <strong>the</strong><br />

blood which trickled from His royal and s a d head,<br />

when struck with <strong>the</strong> scepter of r red and pi?& wib<br />

Wis crown of thorns. We ask it through <strong>the</strong> tarma&<br />

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