My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!

My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom! My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!
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6-/* Qmofims iu Honor oftha IUssad Virgm Muvy ALVE; horologium, Quo, retrogadiatw Sol in decem lineis; Verbum incarnatur. Homo ut ab inferis Ad summa attollatur, Immensus ab angelis Paulo minoratur. Solis hujus radiis Maria coruscat; Consurgens aurora In conceptu micat. AIL, Dial of AchazJ On thee the true sun Told backward the course Which from old he had run J And, that man might be raised, . Submitting to shame, A little more low Than the angels became Thou, rapt in the blaze Of Hi infinite light, Dost shine as the mom On the confines of night; Lilium inter spinas, . As the moon on the lost Qua serpentis conterat Through obscurity dawns; Caput: pulchra ut luna The serpent's destroyer! Errantes colustrat. A lily 'mid thorns! Amen. Amen. V. Ego fed in ccelis, ut V. I made an unfailing oriretur lumen indefiaens. light to arise in heaven. R. Et quasi nebula texi R. And as a mist I overomnem terram. spread the whole earth. V. Domina,protege,etc. V. 0 Lady, aid, etc (cum oratk uC supra). (with thc payer as dm). ONVERTAT AY Jesus Christ, Domina, tuispreabus placatus Jesus onciled by thy prayers, 0 Cbristus Filius tuus. Lady i convert our kuk " C[ , Private Use Only

Da,&ms h H ow qf tkc Blaknd Vir& Mary 673 R. Et ave.rtat iramsuam . R. And turn away His a nobis. anger from us. V. Domina, in adju- V. 0 Lady! makespeed torium meum intende. to befriend me. R. Medemanu hostium R. From the hands of potenter defende. the enemy mightily defend me. V. Gloria Patri, etc V. Glory be to the Father, etc Hymn Mater illibata, Regina clementise, Stellis coronata. Super omnes angel- Pura, immaculata, Atque ad regis dexteram Stans veste deaurata. Per te, mater gratise, Dulcis spes reorum, Fulgens stella maris, Portus naufragorum. Hail, ~ kgin renowned! Hail. Queen with the stars, As a diadem, crowned. Above all the angels In glory untold, Standing next to the King In a vesture of gold. 0 Mother of mercy ! 0 Star of the wave! 0 Hope of the guilty! 0 Light of the gravel Patens cceli janua Through thee may we come Salus infirmorum To the haven of rest; Videamus regem And see heaven's King In aula sanctorum. In the courts of the blest l Amen. Amen. LEUM effusum, HY name, 0 " 0 Maria. nomn v' 5 Mary! is as t~mm oil poured out. More Free Items at

6-/* Qmofims iu Honor oftha IUssad Virgm Muvy<br />

ALVE; horologium,<br />

Quo, retrogadiatw<br />

Sol in decem lineis;<br />

Verbum incarnatur.<br />

Homo ut ab inferis<br />

Ad summa attollatur,<br />

Immensus ab angelis<br />

Paulo minoratur.<br />

Solis hujus radiis<br />

Maria coruscat;<br />

Consurgens aurora<br />

In conceptu micat.<br />

AIL, Dial of AchazJ<br />

On <strong>the</strong>e <strong>the</strong> true sun<br />

Told backward <strong>the</strong> course<br />

Which from old he had run J<br />

And, that man might be<br />

raised, .<br />

Submitting to shame,<br />

A little more low<br />

Than <strong>the</strong> angels became<br />

Thou, rapt in <strong>the</strong> blaze<br />

Of Hi infinite light,<br />

Dost shine as <strong>the</strong> mom<br />

On <strong>the</strong> confines of night;<br />

Lilium inter spinas, . As <strong>the</strong> moon on <strong>the</strong> lost<br />

Qua serpentis conterat Through obscurity dawns;<br />

Caput: pulchra ut luna The serpent's destroyer!<br />

Errantes colustrat. A lily 'mid thorns!<br />

Amen.<br />

Amen.<br />

V. Ego fed in ccelis, ut V. I made an unfailing<br />

oriretur lumen indefiaens. light to arise in heaven.<br />

R. Et quasi nebula texi R. And as a mist I overomnem<br />

terram. spread <strong>the</strong> whole earth.<br />

V. Domina,protege,etc. V. 0 Lady, aid, etc<br />

(cum oratk uC supra). (with thc payer as dm).<br />


AY Jesus Christ,<br />

Domina,<br />

tuispreabus placatus Jesus onciled by thy prayers, 0<br />

Cbristus Filius tuus. Lady i convert our kuk<br />

" C[ ,<br />

Private Use Only

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