My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!

My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom! My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!
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""R' bedth, md so ed by most painful mbrmitia, that it aeemed a miracle t at he should still be able, not only to watch over the a&ik of his diocese, but even apply hinuelf to the composition of several important and learned works. "Referring to these labors, his learned and pious hiographer, Cardinal Villecourt, remarks: 'In the midst of dl his sufferings of body and mind, St. Alphonsus profited . by every moment of kisure, to contribute by his writings to the glory of God. Thus, in 1773, he published "Rektions on the Passion of Jesus Christ," and in the same volume a number of "Devout Reflections on Spiritual Gubjects" Every one saw in this little work a lodestone, u it were, to attract the hearts of men, and unite them to that of Jesus Christ.' "St. Alphonsus himself wrote to one of his penitents: 'As regards the book on the Passion, I myself make use of it every day. I read likewise, evexday, something in the second book, entitled: "Devout eflections." I should wish you to do the same; for I have composCd it especially for those who desire to give themselves entirely to God.' "To such recommendations nothin could be added. And we cur ooly hope and pray that Little work, one of the last written by St. Alphonsus, may be as fruitful d grace, now, and in this our country, as it was in his native land, w,? first it came forth f m the pen of the hdy Doctor. Private Use Only

afig Spfrftual f oob %*urt srainur DAILY spiritual bouquet, a sweet little nosegay of devotion, may be gathered fmm such maxims of Scripture as those which follow. The Psalms, the Proverbs, the Epistles, and especially the Gospels are replete with beautiful and sublime thoughts, which tend to elwate the soul, to console, encourage, and strengthen us in our daily trials and to help us onward in the way of salvation. f rrr hne thing is necessary (Lrk x. 42). You can not serve God and Mammon. . . . Lay up to yourselves treasures in heaven; for where thy treasure is there is thy heart also. . . . Be not solicitous for your life, what you shall eat, nor for your body, what you sha!! put on. Seek e first the Kingdom of God and His justice, and all these tgings shall be added unto you (Ma#. mi. The fashion of this world passeth away (I Cm. vii. 31). There is but one step between me and death (1 Khgs =- 3). Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man what thidgs God hath prepared for them that love Him (I Cm. ii. 9). HAT shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his soul? Or what shdl a. man give in exchange for his soul? Tor he that shall be ashamed of me and of m words in, this adulterous and sinful generation: the Son ol man also 647 More Free Items at

""R'<br />

bedth, md so ed by most painful mbrmitia, that it<br />

aeemed a miracle t at he should still be able, not only to<br />

watch over <strong>the</strong> a&ik of his diocese, but even apply hinuelf<br />

to <strong>the</strong> composition of several important and learned works.<br />

"Referring to <strong>the</strong>se labors, his learned and pious hiographer,<br />

Cardinal Villecourt, remarks: 'In <strong>the</strong> midst of<br />

dl his sufferings of body and mind, St. Alphonsus profited .<br />

by every moment of kisure, to contribute by his writings<br />

to <strong>the</strong> glory of God. Thus, in 1773, he published "Rektions<br />

on <strong>the</strong> Passion of Jesus Christ," and in <strong>the</strong> same<br />

volume a number of "Devout Reflections on Spiritual<br />

Gubjects" Every one saw in this little work a lodestone,<br />

u it were, to attract <strong>the</strong> hearts of men, and unite <strong>the</strong>m to<br />

that of Jesus Christ.'<br />

"St. Alphonsus himself wrote to one of his penitents:<br />

'As regards <strong>the</strong> book on <strong>the</strong> Passion, I myself make use of<br />

it every day. I read likewise, evexday, something in <strong>the</strong><br />

second book, entitled: "Devout eflections." I should<br />

wish you to do <strong>the</strong> same; for I have composCd it especially<br />

for those who desire to give <strong>the</strong>mselves entirely to God.'<br />

"To such recommendations nothin could be added.<br />

And we cur ooly hope and pray that Little work, one<br />

of <strong>the</strong> last written by St. Alphonsus, may be as fruitful d<br />

grace, now, and in this our country, as it was in his native<br />

land, w,? first it came forth f m <strong>the</strong> pen of <strong>the</strong> hdy<br />

Doctor.<br />

Private Use Only

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