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u The Scum PenihW Psakns 7. &MtE. Bmint Bxut&i *. David prays for favor h judgment. 3. He v t s hi distress He prays for grace; 9. for del~verancc; ro. for sanctification ; 12. for victory over his enemies. EAR my ray-, 2 a i '. 0 hr$ eve muun; auribus perape ear to my supplicat~on obsecrationem mcam in in Thy truth; hearken veritate Tua; exaudi me unto me for Thy justia' in Tua justitia. sake. 2. Et mn in- in judi- a. And enter not into cium cum servo Tuo, quia judgment with Thy seraon justificabihlr in mn- vant: for in Thy sight shall qectu tuo omnis vivens. no man living be justified. 3. Quia perrecutus 3. For the enemy .Uh est inimicus animam rsecuted my soui: he me am, humiliavit in F ath brought my life down terra vitam meam: untotheground. Hehath coilocavit me in ob- mademetodweflm darkreuris, sicut mor t u os ness, as those that have ratculi. been long dead. 4. Et anxiatus est super 4. And my spirit is me spiritus meus; in me vexed within me,.py kart turbatum est cot meum. within me is tmumed. 5. Memor fui dierum an- 5. I remembered the tiquorum ; meditatus sum days of old, I meditated aH in omnibus operibus Tuis, Thy works: I have mused in factis manuum Tuarum upon the work of Thy meditabar. hands. 6.Expandi menus 6.Ihaveotretchedfort.h meas ad Te; anima my hands unto The; my mea sicut terra sine aqua soul ~aspeth unto Thee, as Tibi. a laud where no water is Private Use Only

The Snm PtdtWiel Psalm 64s 7. VeIociter exaudi me, Domine; defedt spiritmeus. 8. Non avertas Iaciem Tuam a me, et similis ero descendentibus in lacum. g. Auditam fac mihi mane misericordiam Tuam, quia in Te speravi. 10. Notam fac mihi viam in qua ambukm, quia ad Te levavi animam meam. 11. Eripe me de inimicis meis, Domine, ad Te confugi. 12. Doce me facere voluntatem tuam, quia Deus meus es Tu. Spiritus Tuus bonus deducet me in terram rectam. 13. Propter nomen Tnum, Domine, vivifica bin me; in quitate Tua, eduas de tibulatione animam meam. 14. Et in misericordia Tua disperdes inimicos meos, et perdes omnes qui tribulant animam meam, quonb' ego servus Tuus sum. Gloria, etc. 7. Hear me speedily, 0 Lord; my spirit hatb fainted away. 8. Turn not away Tbf face from me: lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit. 9. Make me to hear Thy mercy in the morning: for in Thee have I hoped. 10. Make me to know the wa wherein I should walk: [or to Thee have I lifted up my soul. 11. Deliver me from mine enemies, 0 Lord, unto Thee have I fled. IS. Teach me to do Thy will, for Thou art my God. Thy good spirit shall lead me into the right land. 13. For Thy name's sake, 0 Lord, Thou shalt quicken me in Thy justice. Thou shalt bring my soul out of trouble. 14. And in Thy mercy Thou shalt destroy mine enemies. Thou shalt destroy all them that d i d my soul: for I am Thy servant. Glory, etc More Free Items at

u<br />

The Scum PenihW Psakns<br />

7. &MtE. Bmint Bxut&i<br />

*. David prays for favor h judgment. 3. He v t s<br />

hi distress He prays for grace; 9. for del~verancc;<br />

ro. for sanctification ; 12. for victory over his enemies.<br />

EAR my ray-,<br />

2 a i '. 0 hr$ eve<br />

muun; auribus perape ear to my supplicat~on<br />

obsecrationem mcam in in Thy truth; hearken<br />

veritate Tua; exaudi me unto me for Thy justia'<br />

in Tua justitia. sake.<br />

2. Et mn in- in judi- a. And enter not into<br />

cium cum servo Tuo, quia judgment with Thy seraon<br />

justificabihlr in mn- vant: for in Thy sight shall<br />

qectu tuo omnis vivens. no man living be justified.<br />

3. Quia perrecutus 3. For <strong>the</strong> enemy .Uh<br />

est inimicus animam rsecuted my soui: he<br />

me am, humiliavit in F ath brought my life down<br />

terra vitam meam: unto<strong>the</strong>ground. Hehath<br />

coilocavit me in ob- mademetodweflm darkreuris,<br />

sicut mor t u os ness, as those that have<br />

ratculi.<br />

been long dead.<br />

4. Et anxiatus est super 4. And my spirit is<br />

me spiritus meus; in me vexed within me,.py kart<br />

turbatum est cot meum. within me is tmumed.<br />

5. Memor fui dierum an- 5. I remembered <strong>the</strong><br />

tiquorum ; meditatus sum days of old, I meditated aH<br />

in omnibus operibus Tuis, Thy works: I have mused<br />

in factis manuum Tuarum upon <strong>the</strong> work of Thy<br />

meditabar.<br />

hands.<br />

6.Expandi menus 6.Ihaveotretchedfort.h<br />

meas ad Te; anima my hands unto The; my<br />

mea sicut terra sine aqua soul ~aspeth unto Thee, as<br />

Tibi.<br />

a laud where no water is<br />

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