My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!

My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom! My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!
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quia oblit& sum comedere for I have forgotten to eat panem meum. my bread. 6. A voce gemitus mei 6. Through the voice of adhresit os meum carni my groaning: my bones mez. have cleaved to my flesh. 7. Similis factus sum 7. I am become like a pellicano solitudinis; fac- pelican in the wilderness: tus sum nycticorax in do- and like a night-raven in micilio. the house. 8. Vi g i 1 avi , et factus 8. I have watched: and sum sicut passer ambecomelikeasparrow solitarius in tec- that sitteth alone on the to. housetop. 9. To ta die ex pro- 9. Mine enemies reviled brabant mihi inimici me all the day long: and mei, e t q u i 1 a u d a b a n t they that praised me have me adversum me jura- sworn together against bant : me. 10. Quia cinerem tam- 10. For I have eaten quam panemmanducabam, tshes as it were bread; and et potum meum cum tletu mingled my drink with miscebam. weeping. 11. A facie ire et 11. Because of Thine inindignationis Tuie, dignation and wrath: for quia elevans allisisti Thou hast lifted me up me. and cast me down. . 12. Dies mei sicut urn- 12. My days are gone bra declinaverunt, etc ego down like a shadow : and I sicut fcenum arui. ah withered like grass. 13. Tu autem, Domine, 13. But Thou, 0 Lord, in ctemum permanes, et endurest farever: and memoriale Tuum in gene- Thy memorial to all genrationem et generationem. erations. 14. Tu exurgens mis- 14. Thou shalt arise and Private Use Only

The Scucn P&fid Psdms 639 webehis S i on , q u i a have mercy upon Sian : for tempus miserendi it is time that Thou have ejus, quia venit tem- mercy upon her, yea, the Pus- time is came. IS. Quoniam plaeue- IS. For Thy servants derunt servis Tuis lapides lighted in her stones: ano ejus, et term ejus misere- they shall have compassion buntur. on the earth thereof. 16. Et timebunt gentes 16. The Gentiles shd nomen Tuum, Domine, et fear Thy name, 0 Lord. omnes reges terra: gloriam and all the kings of the Tuam. earth Thy glory. 17. Quia aedificavit Do- 17. For the Lord hath minus Sion, et videbitur in built up Sion : and He gloria Sua. shall be seen in His glory. 18. Respexit in om- 18. He hath had regard tionem humiiium, et unto the prayer of the non sprevit precem eo- lowly: and hath not deam. spised their petition. 19. Scribantur haec 19. Let these things be in g e n e r a t i one a 1- written for another generatera, et populus qui tion: aud the people that c r e a b i t u r laudabit Do- shdl be created shall praise minum. ebe Lord. 20. Quia pmpexit de so. For He hath looked excelso sancto Suo, Do- down from His high, holy minus de uelo in terram place, from heaven hatbthe aspexit. Lord looked upon the earth. ar. Ut audiret gem- ar. That He might hear itus compeditorum, ut theqoaningof them thatare solveret filiw interempto- in fetters: that He mightde- ~ m . liverthe children of thedain. 22. Ut annuntient in 21. That they may de- Sion nomen Domini. et clare the name of the lord More Free Items at

The Scucn P&fid Psdms 639<br />

webehis S i on , q u i a have mercy upon Sian : for<br />

tempus miserendi it is time that Thou have<br />

ejus, quia venit tem- mercy upon her, yea, <strong>the</strong><br />

Pus-<br />

time is came.<br />

IS. Quoniam plaeue- IS. For Thy servants derunt<br />

servis Tuis lapides lighted in her stones: ano<br />

ejus, et term ejus misere- <strong>the</strong>y shall have compassion<br />

buntur.<br />

on <strong>the</strong> earth <strong>the</strong>reof.<br />

16. Et timebunt gentes 16. The Gentiles shd<br />

nomen Tuum, Domine, et fear Thy name, 0 Lord.<br />

omnes reges terra: gloriam and all <strong>the</strong> kings of <strong>the</strong><br />

Tuam.<br />

earth Thy glory.<br />

17. Quia aedificavit Do- 17. For <strong>the</strong> Lord hath<br />

minus Sion, et videbitur in built up Sion : and He<br />

gloria Sua.<br />

shall be seen in His glory.<br />

18. Respexit in om- 18. He hath had regard<br />

tionem humiiium, et unto <strong>the</strong> prayer of <strong>the</strong><br />

non sprevit precem eo- lowly: and hath not deam.<br />

spised <strong>the</strong>ir petition.<br />

19. Scribantur haec 19. Let <strong>the</strong>se things be<br />

in g e n e r a t i one a 1- written for ano<strong>the</strong>r generatera,<br />

et populus qui tion: aud <strong>the</strong> people that<br />

c r e a b i t u r laudabit Do- shdl be created shall praise<br />

minum.<br />

ebe Lord.<br />

20. Quia pmpexit de so. For He hath looked<br />

excelso sancto Suo, Do- down from His high, holy<br />

minus de uelo in terram place, from heaven hatb<strong>the</strong><br />

aspexit.<br />

Lord looked upon <strong>the</strong> earth.<br />

ar. Ut audiret gem- ar. That He might hear<br />

itus compeditorum, ut <strong>the</strong>qoaningof <strong>the</strong>m thatare<br />

solveret filiw interempto- in fetters: that He mightde-<br />

~ m . liver<strong>the</strong> children of <strong>the</strong>dain.<br />

22. Ut annuntient in 21. That <strong>the</strong>y may de-<br />

Sion nomen Domini. et clare <strong>the</strong> name of <strong>the</strong> lord<br />

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