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634 The Seven P m M Psahns dolor meus in conspectn sorrow is always before meo semper. me. 19. Quoniam iniquita- 19. For I will confess tem meam annuntiabo, et mine iniquity: and will cogitabo pro peccato m a think upon my sin. zo. Inimici autem mei lo. But mine enemies vivunt, et confirmati sunt live, and are strengthened super me: et multiplicati against me: and they that sunt qui oderunt me in- hate me wrongfully are ique. multiplied. 21. Qui retribuunt mala 21. They that render evil probonis, detrahebantmihi, for good spake against me, quoniam sequebar boni- because I followed goodtatem. ness. 22. Ne derelinquas me, 22. Forsake me not, 0 Domine Deus meus; ne Lord my God: go not discesseris a me. Thou far from me. 23. Intende in adju- 23. Haste Thee to my torium meum, Domine, help, 0 Lord God of my Deus salutis meze. salvation. Gloria, etc Glory, etc. 4. WsaIm %. blRisncrc I. David prays for remission of his sins; 8. for perfect sanctity. I 7. Sacrifice without contrition will not pardon sin. 19. David prays for the exaltation of the Church. ISERERE mei AVE mercy upon Dew: secun- I' fi me, 0 God; dum rnagnam misericor- according to Thy great diam Tuam. mercy. .2. Et secundum multi- 2. And acwrding to the tudinem miserationurn Tu- multitude of Thy tender arum: dele iniquitatem mercies: blot out my inmcam. iquity. Private Use Only

The Sevtn Pmihtid Psalms 635 3. Amplius lava me ab 3. Wash me more yet iniquitate mea: et a pec- from my iniquity: and cat0 meo munda me. cleanse me from my sin. 4. Quoniam, iniquita- 4. For I acknowledge tem meam ego cognosco: ~?y iniquity: and my et peccatum meum oon- sm k always before rra me eat semper. me. 5. Tibi soli peccavi, 5. Against Thee only et malum coram Te have I sinned, and done evil fea: ut justificeris in Thy sight: that Thou. in sermon i b us Tuis, mayest be justified in Thy et v i n c as cum j u d i - words,andmayestovercome caris. when Thou art judged. 6. Ecce enim in iniquita- 6. For behold, I wascontibus conceptus sum: et in ceived in iniquities: and in peccatis concepit me mata sins did my mother conmea. ceive me. 7. Ecce enim verita- 7. For behold, Thou tern d i 1 exist i : incerta hast loved truth: the unet occu 1 t a sapientise certain and hidden things Tua: manifestasti ofThywisdomThouhast mihi. made manifest unto me. 8. Asperges me hys- 8. Thou shalt sprinkle sopo, et munda bor : me with hyssop, and I lavabis me, et su- shall be cleansed: Thou per nivem deafba- shaltwashme,andIshall bor. be made whiter than snow. 9. Auditui meo dabis 9. Thou shalt make me gaudium et lietitiam: et hear of joy and gladness: exultabunt osa humili- and the bones that were ata. humbled shall rejoice. 10. Averte faaam Tuam 10. Turn away Thy a peccatis meis: et omnea face from my sins and blot iniquitatea meas dele. out all my iniquities More Free Items at

The Sevtn Pmihtid Psalms 635<br />

3. Amplius lava me ab 3. Wash me more yet<br />

iniquitate mea: et a pec- from my iniquity: and<br />

cat0 meo munda me. cleanse me from my sin.<br />

4. Quoniam, iniquita- 4. For I acknowledge<br />

tem meam ego cognosco: ~?y iniquity: and my<br />

et peccatum meum oon- sm k always before<br />

rra me eat semper. me.<br />

5. Tibi soli peccavi, 5. Against Thee only<br />

et malum coram Te have I sinned, and done evil<br />

fea: ut justificeris in Thy sight: that Thou.<br />

in sermon i b us Tuis, mayest be justified in Thy<br />

et v i n c as cum j u d i - words,andmayestovercome<br />

caris.<br />

when Thou art judged.<br />

6. Ecce enim in iniquita- 6. For behold, I wascontibus<br />

conceptus sum: et in ceived in iniquities: and in<br />

peccatis concepit me mata sins did my mo<strong>the</strong>r conmea.<br />

ceive me.<br />

7. Ecce enim verita- 7. For behold, Thou<br />

tern d i 1 exist i : incerta hast loved truth: <strong>the</strong> unet<br />

occu 1 t a sapientise certain and hidden things<br />

Tua: manifestasti ofThywisdomThouhast<br />

mihi.<br />

made manifest unto me.<br />

8. Asperges me hys- 8. Thou shalt sprinkle<br />

sopo, et munda bor : me with hyssop, and I<br />

lavabis me, et su- shall be cleansed: Thou<br />

per nivem deafba- shaltwashme,andIshall<br />

bor.<br />

be made whiter than snow.<br />

9. Auditui meo dabis 9. Thou shalt make me<br />

gaudium et lietitiam: et hear of joy and gladness:<br />

exultabunt osa humili- and <strong>the</strong> bones that were<br />

ata.<br />

humbled shall rejoice.<br />

10. Averte faaam Tuam 10. Turn away Thy<br />

a peccatis meis: et omnea face from my sins and blot<br />

iniquitatea meas dele. out all my iniquities<br />

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