My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!

My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom! My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!
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632 Tks S m PmirCatW Psalms 2. Quo n i a m sagiF5 2. For Thine arrows Tuae infix= sunt rmhq stick fast in me: and Thou et mlirmasti super me hast laid Thy hand heavily manurn Tuam. upon me. 3. Non est sanitas in 3. Them is no health in came ma, a facie im my flesh because of Thy Tuz; non est pax 0s- wrath: there is no rest in sibus meis, a facie pc- my bones because of my catorum meorum. sins 4. Quoniam iniquitates 4. For my iniquities are meaesupergressaxmnt caput gone over my head: and, meum, et sicut onus gave like a heavy burden, press gravatae sunt super me. sorely upon me. 5. Putmemt et mr- 5. My wounds have puruptae sunt cicatrices mere, trefied and are corrupt: a facie insipientiae me=. because of my foolishness. 6. Miser factus sum et d I am become miscurvatus sum usque in erable and am bowed down finem; tota die contrista- even to the end: I go sortus ingredlebar. rowfully all the day long. 7. Quoniam lumbi mi 7. For my loins axe filed impleb sunt illusionibus; with illusions: and there et non est sanitas in came is no soundness in my mea. flesh. 8. Mictus sum, et hu- 8. I am acted and miliatus sum nimis; ru- humbled exceedingly: I iebam a gemlta cordis have roared for the groanmei . ing of my heart. 9. Domine,anteTqomne g. Lord, all my desire desiderium meum, et gemi- is before Thee: and my tus mas a Tk non est groaning is not hidden absconditus. from Thee. 10. Cor meum contur- 10. %heart is troubled, batum eat, dereliquit my strength hah failed Private Use Only

me virtus ma, et lumen me: the very light of oculorum~meorum, et ip mine eyes is gone from sum non est mecum. me. 11. Mici mei at pro& 11. My friends and my mi mei adversum meappso- neighbors drew near, and prinquavenmt, et stetcant. stood up against me. 12. Et qui juxta me 12. They that were once erant, de kmge stetenznt, nigh me stood afar off: and et vim faciebant qpi qua= they that sought after my rebant animam meam. soul didviolence against me. 13. Et qui inquirebant 13. And they that sought mala mihi, locuti sunt bdome euil talked vanivanitates, et dolos tota ties: a d imagined deceits die meditabantur. all the day long. 14 Ego autem, tan- 14. But I, asa deaf man, quam surdus, ngn audie- heard not: and as one that bam; et sicut mutus non is dumb, who openeth not aperims os mum. his mouth. 15- Et factus sum sicut 15. I became as a man homo non audiens, et non that heareth not: and that habens in ore suo redargu- hath no reproofs in his tiones. mouth. 16. Quoniam in Te, Do- 16. Forin Thee, 0 Lord, mine, speravi; Tu exau- have I hoped: Thou wilt dies me, Domine Deus hear me, 0 Lord my meus. God. 17. Quia dixi: Nequan- 17. F6r I said, Let not do supergaudeant mihi ini- mine enemies at any time mici mei; et durn corn- triumph over me: and moventur pedes mei, su* when my feet slip, they per me mgna locuti have spoken great things sunt. against me. 18. Quoniam ego in 18. For I am prepared flagella paratus sum, et for scourges; and my More Free Items at

me virtus ma, et lumen me: <strong>the</strong> very light of<br />

oculorum~meorum, et ip mine eyes is gone from<br />

sum non est mecum. me.<br />

11. Mici mei at pro& 11. <strong>My</strong> friends and my<br />

mi mei adversum meappso- neighbors drew near, and<br />

prinquavenmt, et stetcant. stood up against me.<br />

12. Et qui juxta me 12. They that were once<br />

erant, de kmge stetenznt, nigh me stood afar off: and<br />

et vim faciebant qpi qua= <strong>the</strong>y that sought after my<br />

rebant animam meam. soul didviolence against me.<br />

13. Et qui inquirebant 13. And <strong>the</strong>y that sought<br />

mala mihi, locuti sunt bdome euil talked vanivanitates,<br />

et dolos tota ties: a d imagined deceits<br />

die meditabantur. all <strong>the</strong> day long.<br />

14 Ego autem, tan- 14. But I, asa deaf man,<br />

quam surdus, ngn audie- heard not: and as one that<br />

bam; et sicut mutus non is dumb, who openeth not<br />

aperims os mum. his mouth.<br />

15- Et factus sum sicut 15. I became as a man<br />

homo non audiens, et non that heareth not: and that<br />

habens in ore suo redargu- hath no reproofs in his<br />

tiones.<br />

mouth.<br />

16. Quoniam in Te, Do- 16. Forin Thee, 0 Lord,<br />

mine, speravi; Tu exau- have I hoped: Thou wilt<br />

dies me, Domine Deus hear me, 0 Lord my<br />

meus.<br />

God.<br />

17. Quia dixi: Nequan- 17. F6r I said, Let not<br />

do supergaudeant mihi ini- mine enemies at any time<br />

mici mei; et durn corn- triumph over me: and<br />

moventur pedes mei, su* when my feet slip, <strong>the</strong>y<br />

per me mgna locuti have spoken great things<br />

sunt.<br />

against me.<br />

18. Quoniam ego in 18. For I am prepared<br />

flagella paratus sum, et for scourges; and my<br />

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