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My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom! My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!
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41 - m AGMFICAT anima mea Y SOUL doth mag*y Dominum. the Lord : Et'exultavit Spiritus me- - id my sp&t hath re. us in Deo salutan meb. joiced in God my Saviour. Quia respexit humili- Because He hath regardtatem ancillre sure; ecce ed the humility of His enim ex hoc beatam me handmaid, for behold from dicent omnes generatio- henceforth all generations nes shall call me blessed. Quia fecit mihi magna For He that is mighty Qui potens est; et sanctum hath done great things to nomen Ejus. me: and holy is His namc Et mlsericordia Ejus a And His mercy is from progenie in progenies, timen- generation to generation, tibus eum. to them that fear Him. Fecit potent iam in He hath shown might brachio suo; dispersit in His arm; He hath scat su-pe r bos men t e cordis tered the proud in the con- sul. ceit of their heart. Deposuit potentes de He hath put down the sede, et ex a1 t a v i t humi- mighty from their seat, and les. hath exalted the humble. Esurientes implevit bo- He hath filled the hungry nis: et divites dimisit in- withgood things; and the rich anes. He hath sent away empty. Suscepit Israel puerum He hath received Israel Suum ; recordatus miseri- His servant; being mindfd cordia: Sure. of His mercy. Sicut locutus est ad pa- As He spoke to our tres nostros, Abraham, et fathers, to Abraham, and semini ejus in sgcula. to his seed forever. Indulgence of roo days, once a day. -Leo XIII, Ftb. na. 1888. Private Use Only

Devotions in How of the Blessed Virgin Mary 565 Efit Mmn %be BEiitia SttUa H VE, maris stella, AIL, thou star of ocean! Dei Mater alma, Portal of the sky I Atque semper Virgo, Ever virgin Mother Fehx caeli porta. Of the Lord most high; Sumens illud ave Oh ! by Gabriel's Ave, Gabrielis ore, Uttered long ago, Funda nos in pace, Eva's name reversing, Mutans Hevie nomen Establish pace below. Solve vincla reis, Break the captives' fetters, Profer Iumen crecis, Light on blindness pour; Mala nostra pelle, All our ills ex elling, Bona cuncta posce. Every bliss fmplore. Monstra te esse Matrem, Show thyself a Mother; Sumat per te preces, Offer Him our sighs, Qui pro nobis natus, Who for us incarnate Tulit esse tuus. Did not thee despise. Virgo singularis, Virgin of all virgins! inter omnes mitis, To thy shelter take us; Nos culpis solutos, Gentlest of the gentle1 Mites fac et castos. Chaste and gentle make us, Vitam pmta puram, Still, as on we journey, Iter para tutum, Help our weak endeavor, Ut videntes Jesum Till with thee and Jesus Semper collaetemur. We rejoice forever. Sit laus Deo Patri, Throu h the highest heaven, Summo Christo decus, To tie almighty Three, S iritui sancto, Father, Son, and Spirit, $. rlbus honor unus. One same glory be. Amen Amen. His Holiness Leo XIII, by a rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences, Jan. 27, 1888, granted to the faithful who shall recite the above hymn, an ind& Renee of three kdred days, once a day. More Free Items at

Devotions in How of <strong>the</strong> Blessed Virgin Mary 565<br />

Efit Mmn %be BEiitia SttUa<br />

H<br />

VE, maris stella,<br />

AIL, thou star of ocean!<br />

Dei Mater alma,<br />

Portal of <strong>the</strong> sky I<br />

Atque semper Virgo, Ever virgin Mo<strong>the</strong>r<br />

Fehx caeli porta.<br />

Of <strong>the</strong> Lord most high;<br />

Sumens illud ave<br />

Oh ! by Gabriel's Ave,<br />

Gabrielis ore,<br />

Uttered long ago,<br />

Funda nos in pace, Eva's name reversing,<br />

Mutans Hevie nomen Establish pace below.<br />

Solve vincla reis,<br />

Break <strong>the</strong> captives' fetters,<br />

Profer Iumen crecis,<br />

Light on blindness pour;<br />

Mala nostra pelle,<br />

All our ills ex elling,<br />

Bona cuncta posce.<br />

Every bliss fmplore.<br />

Monstra te esse Matrem, Show thyself a Mo<strong>the</strong>r;<br />

Sumat per te preces, Offer Him our sighs,<br />

Qui pro nobis natus, Who for us incarnate<br />

Tulit esse tuus.<br />

Did not <strong>the</strong>e despise.<br />

Virgo singularis,<br />

Virgin of all virgins!<br />

inter omnes mitis,<br />

To thy shelter take us;<br />

Nos culpis solutos, Gentlest of <strong>the</strong> gentle1<br />

Mites fac et castos.<br />

Chaste and gentle make us,<br />

Vitam pmta puram, Still, as on we journey,<br />

Iter para tutum,<br />

Help our weak endeavor,<br />

Ut videntes Jesum<br />

Till with <strong>the</strong>e and Jesus<br />

Semper collaetemur.<br />

We rejoice forever.<br />

Sit laus Deo Patri, Throu h <strong>the</strong> highest heaven,<br />

Summo Christo decus, To tie almighty Three,<br />

S iritui sancto,<br />

Fa<strong>the</strong>r, Son, and Spirit,<br />

$. rlbus honor unus.<br />

One same glory be.<br />

Amen<br />

Amen.<br />

His Holiness Leo XIII, by a rescript of <strong>the</strong> Sacred<br />

Congregation of Indulgences, Jan. 27, 1888, granted to<br />

<strong>the</strong> faithful who shall recite <strong>the</strong> above hymn, an ind&<br />

Renee of three kdred days, once a day.<br />

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