My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!

My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom! My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!
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440 Bmedutwn of the Bkssed Sacrament On occasions of sokmn thanksgiving the follmving prayers are a&d: v. B ENEDICTUS es, LEsSED art Thou, Domine, Deus v- B 0 Lord, the Patrum nostrorum. God of our fathers. R. Et IaudabiWs, et glori- R. And worthy to be osus in saecula. praised, and glorified forever. V. Benedicamus Patrem V. Let us bless the Father et Filium, cum Sancto and the Son, with the Holy Spiritu. Ghost. R. Laudemus et super- R. Let us praise and exaltemus eum in saecula. magnify Him forever. V. Benedictus es, Do- V. Blessed art Thou, O mine Deus, in finnamento Lord, in the firmament of caeli. heaven. R. Et laudabilis, et glori- R. And worthy to be osus, .et superexaltatus in praised, glorified, and exsaecula. alted forever. V. Benedic, anima mea, V. Bless the Lord, 0 Dominum. my soul. R. Et noli oblivisci om- R. And forget not all nes retributiones ejus. His benefits. V. Domine. exaudi ora- V. 0 Lord. hear my tionem meam. prayer. R. Et clamor meus ad R. And let my cry come te veniat. unto Thee. V. Dominus vobiscum. V. The Lord be with you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit. Orernus Let us pray , cujus GOD, Whose mercies D"" cordia: non est misen- nu- 0 are without number. merus, et bonitatis infini- and the treasure of Whose tus est thesaurus: piissi- goodness is infinite; we mae majestati tuae pro col- render thanks to Thy most Private Use Only

latis donis gratias agi- gracious Ma'esty for the mus, tuam semper cle- gifts Thou iast bestowed mentiam exorantes; ut qui upon us, evermore beseechp e t e n t i b u s postulata ing Thy clemency; that as concedis, eosdem non de- Thou grantest the petitions serens, ad praemia futura of disponas pro postufationibus nostris, votisque susceptis gratias agimus, Te piissime deprecantes, ut a cunctia semper muniamur adversis. Per Christum Dominum trum. nos- those who ask Thee, Thou wilt never forsake them, but wilt prepare them for the rewards to come. EUS qui cords fide- GOD, Who hast taught liu6 Sancti Spiritus 0 hra*s of the faith- ~llustratione docuisti: da ful by the light of the Holy nobis in eodem Spiritu spirit: grant us, by the recta sapere, et de ejus same Spirit, to relish what semper consolatione gau- is right, and evermore to dere. rejoice in His consolation. Ens, qui neminem in P 0 GOD, Who suffemt Te sperantem nimium none that hope in digi permittis, sed pium Thee to be afilicted overprecibus raestaa auditum; much, but dost listen graciously to their prayers; we render Thee thanks because Thou hast received our supplications and vows; and we most humbly be seech Thee that we may evermore be protected from all adversities. Through Christ our Lord. R Amen. More Free Items at

latis donis gratias agi- gracious Ma'esty for <strong>the</strong><br />

mus, tuam semper cle- gifts Thou iast bestowed<br />

mentiam exorantes; ut qui upon us, evermore beseechp<br />

e t e n t i b u s postulata ing Thy clemency; that as<br />

concedis, eosdem non de- Thou grantest <strong>the</strong> petitions<br />

serens, ad praemia futura of<br />

disponas<br />

pro postufationibus nostris,<br />

votisque susceptis gratias<br />

agimus, Te piissime deprecantes,<br />

ut a cunctia semper<br />

muniamur adversis. Per<br />

Christum Dominum<br />

trum.<br />

nos-<br />

those who ask Thee,<br />

Thou wilt never forsake<br />

<strong>the</strong>m, but wilt prepare <strong>the</strong>m<br />

for <strong>the</strong> rewards to come.<br />

EUS qui cords fide- GOD, Who hast taught<br />

liu6 Sancti Spiritus 0 hra*s of <strong>the</strong> faith-<br />

~llustratione docuisti: da ful by <strong>the</strong> light of <strong>the</strong> Holy<br />

nobis in eodem Spiritu spirit: grant us, by <strong>the</strong><br />

recta sapere, et de ejus same Spirit, to relish what<br />

semper consolatione gau- is right, and evermore to<br />

dere.<br />

rejoice in His consolation.<br />

Ens, qui neminem in<br />

P<br />

0 GOD, Who suffemt<br />

Te sperantem nimium none that hope in<br />

digi permittis, sed pium Thee to be afilicted overprecibus<br />

raestaa auditum; much, but dost listen graciously<br />

to <strong>the</strong>ir prayers; we<br />

render Thee thanks because<br />

Thou hast received<br />

our supplications and vows;<br />

and we most humbly be<br />

seech Thee that we may<br />

evermore be protected from<br />

all adversities. Through<br />

Christ our Lord.<br />

R Amen.<br />

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