My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!

My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom! My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!
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404 Holy Cm1~1nion to Him, that He may govern it according to His good pleasure. "Take, 0 Lord, and receive all that I am and have." -(Prayer: "Suscipe" of St. Ignatius.) Resolutions.-Renew, with strong determination, your promises and good resolutions to lead a more perfect life, to overcome your predominant passion, to become like to your divine Master, by the exercise of His virtues, to be more charitable and more faithful in the discharge of your duties. You cany God away with you. Let every one see it by your modesty, your recollection, your devotedness, your spiritual progress, your charity, your kindness. " In all places and times I mill never depart From the Heart of my Cod and the God of my heart.'' SACRUM ~onvivium, SACRED Banquet, 0 in quo C hr IS tu s 0 wherein Christ is resumitur; recolitur memo- ceived; the memory of His ria passionis ejus; mens passion is renewed, the mind irnpletur gratia, et futu- is filfed with grace, and the rn glorile nobis pignus pledge of future glory is datur. given unto us. m Y JESUS my Lord, my God, and my All! Jesus, my Life, my Love, Thou art really mine I Thou art truly within me, Thou art all mine ! With the angels and sa~nts I adore Thee. In union with the Messed Virgin Mary, in her transports of joyful praise and thanksgiving, when the Angel Gabriel announced to Private Use Only

Another Exwcise for Cmnmunwn 405 her the mystery of Thy incarnation, and when later she received Thee in the Most Holy Sacrament at the hands of St. John, Thy beloved disciple, I adore Thee with the liveliest faith, the most profound respect, the deepest gratitude, the most ardent devotion. "My soul doth magnify the Lord and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour, for He hath regarded the humility of His handmaidJ' (Luke i. 46, 47, 48). With Mary Magdalen I fall at Thy feet and cry wlth her faith and love and devotedness ! Rabboni / Maskr l Master of my heart I Master of all I am and have I 0 hidden God, devoutly unto Thee, Bends my adoring knee; With lowly semblances from sight concealed, To faith alone revealed. MY God, my supreme Good, my divine Friend 0 and Benefactor in this wonderful sacrament, I praise Thee, I thank Thee, and in reparation for all my ingratitude and infidelities of the past, I consecrate to Thee my heart with all its affections, my soul with all its powers, my body with all its senses; I offer to Thee all my prayers, works, and sufferings, in union with Thy sacred Heart, for all the intentions for which Thou dost plead on our altars in the holy sacrifice of the Mass; I am determined to honor and glorify Thee more than ever in the Holy Eucharist; I offer to Thee, with a contrite .and humble heart, Thy own bitter passion, the sorrows of Thy blessed Mother, and the merits of all the saints. By the fervor of my love, by my devotedness to Th interests, by my fidelity to all my duties, and by cuf tivating and exercising the virtues of Thy sacred Heart, in particular, meekness, humility, charity, and zeal for More Free Items at

Ano<strong>the</strong>r Exwcise for Cmnmunwn 405<br />

her <strong>the</strong> mystery of Thy incarnation, and when later<br />

she received Thee in <strong>the</strong> Most Holy Sacrament at <strong>the</strong><br />

hands of St. John, Thy beloved disciple, I adore Thee<br />

with <strong>the</strong> liveliest faith, <strong>the</strong> most profound respect,<br />

<strong>the</strong> deepest gratitude, <strong>the</strong> most ardent devotion. "<strong>My</strong><br />

soul doth magnify <strong>the</strong> Lord and my spirit hath rejoiced<br />

in God my Saviour, for He hath regarded <strong>the</strong> humility<br />

of His handmaidJ' (Luke i. 46, 47, 48). With Mary<br />

Magdalen I fall at Thy feet and cry wlth her faith and<br />

love and devotedness ! Rabboni / Maskr l Master of<br />

my heart I Master of all I am and have I<br />

0 hidden God, devoutly unto Thee,<br />

Bends my adoring knee;<br />

With lowly semblances from sight concealed,<br />

To faith alone revealed.<br />

MY God, my supreme Good, my divine Friend<br />

0 and Benefactor in this wonderful sacrament,<br />

I praise Thee, I thank Thee, and in reparation<br />

for all my ingratitude and infidelities of <strong>the</strong> past, I<br />

consecrate to Thee my heart with all its affections, my<br />

soul with all its powers, my body with all its senses;<br />

I offer to Thee all my prayers, works, and sufferings,<br />

in union with Thy sacred Heart, for all <strong>the</strong><br />

intentions for which Thou dost plead on our altars<br />

in <strong>the</strong> holy sacrifice of <strong>the</strong> Mass; I am determined to<br />

honor and glorify Thee more than ever in <strong>the</strong> Holy<br />

Eucharist; I offer to Thee, with a contrite .and humble<br />

heart, Thy own bitter passion, <strong>the</strong> sorrows of Thy<br />

blessed Mo<strong>the</strong>r, and <strong>the</strong> merits of all <strong>the</strong> saints.<br />

By <strong>the</strong> fervor of my love, by my devotedness to Th<br />

interests, by my fidelity to all my duties, and by cuf<br />

tivating and exercising <strong>the</strong> virtues of Thy sacred Heart,<br />

in particular, meekness, humility, charity, and zeal for<br />

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