My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!

My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!

My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!


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330 The Hoiy Sacr$ce of <strong>the</strong> Mass<br />

v o D ore sumpsimus, NTO a pure haart, 0 Lord,<br />

Q Doniine, pura ment. 1 may we receive <strong>the</strong> heavcapiamus:<br />

et de munere enly food which has<br />

temporali fiat nobis remedium passed our lips; bestowed<br />

sempiternum.<br />

upon us in time, may it be<br />

<strong>the</strong> healing of our souls for<br />

eternity.<br />

ORPUS tuum, Domine, AY Thy body, 0 Lord,<br />

quad sumpsi, et sen- m which I have received,<br />

guis, quem potavi, ad- and Thy blood which<br />

haereat visceribus meis: et I have drunk, cleave to mine<br />

przsta, ut in me non rema- inmost parts: and do Thou<br />

neat scelerum macula, quem grant that no stain of sin repura<br />

et sancta refecerunt sac- main in me, whom pure and<br />

ramenta: Qui vivis et regnas holy mysteries have refreshed:<br />

in srecula seculorum. Amen. Who livest and reignest,<br />

world without end. Amen.<br />

&fie Communion<br />

(Ps. Ixx)<br />

OMINE, memorabor ju- LORD, 1 will be mindful<br />

P stiti, tue solius: Deus, 0 of Thy justice alone:<br />

docuisti me a juventute Thou hast taught me, 0<br />

mea: et usque in senectam, God, from my youth, and<br />

et senium, Deus, ne derelin- unto old'age and gray hairs,<br />

quas me.<br />

0 God, forsake me not.<br />

V. Dominus vobiscum. V. The Lord be with you.<br />

R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit.<br />

S. Oremus. P. Let us pray.<br />

me #lofit-Communion<br />

u~svaaus clementiam E IMPLORE of Thy<br />

Q t u a m , mnipotens a mercy, almighty God,<br />

Deus: ut per hujus vir- that in virtue of this<br />

tutem sacramenti nos famulos SaCKtment Thou wouldst<br />

tuos gratia tua confirmare dig- muchsafe to streng<strong>the</strong>n us,<br />

neris: ut in hora mortis no- Thy servants,with Thy grace;<br />

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