My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!

My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom! My Prayer Book_LASANCE - the Catholic Kingdom!
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326 The Holy Sacrgce of the Mass vi+ficas, beneNcis, et praes- bless, + and bestow upon us tas nobis. all these good things. R ip+sum, et cum OUCH Him, + and pip+so, et in ip+so, with Him, + and in est tibi Deo Patri +om- Him, + is to Thee, God nipotenti, in unitate Spiritus the Father + almighty, in + Sancti, omnis honor et the unity of the Holy + gloria. Per omnia srecula Ghost, all honor and glory. saeculomm. Amen. World without end. Amen. &fit Pater Aoatr RXCEPTIS salutaribus DMONISHED by salu- P moniti, et divina insti- tary precepts, and tutione formati, aude- following divine direcmus dicere: tions, we presume to say: ATER noster, qui es m Father, Who art in ,@ in cmlis: sanctificetur 0 heaven,halloned be Thy nomen tuum : adveniat name; Thy kingdom regnum tuum: fiat voluntas come; Thy will be done ox tua, sicut in caelo, et in earth as it isinheaven; give terra. Panem nostrum quo- us this day our daily breaa; tidianum da nobis hodie: and forgive us our trespasses, et dimitte nobis debita no- as we forgive those who stra, sicut et nos dimittimus trespass against us; and debitoribus nostris. Et ne lead us not into temptanos inducas in tentationem. tion. R. Sed libera nos a malo. R. But deliver us from evil. V. Amen. V. Amen. IBEBA nos, quaesumus, ELnrER US, we beseech Domine, ab omnibus p Thee, 0 Lord, from all malis prreteritis, prae- evils, past, present, and sentibus,et futuris: et interce- to come: and by the intercesdente beata et gloriosa semper sion of the blessed and glorious virgine Dei genitrice Maria, Mary, ever a virgin, Mother cum beatis apostolis tuisPetro of God, and of Thy holy apos- Private Use Only

The Otdinary of the Mass 327 et Paulo,atque Andrea, et om- tles Peter and Paul, of Anmius sanctis +; da propitius drew, and of all the saints, pacem in diebus nostris: ut .+ graciously grant ope misericordiae tuae adjuti, in our days, that througftahc: et a peccato simus semper help of Thy bountiful mercy liberi, et ab omni perturbs- we may always be free from tione securi. Per eumdem sin and secure from all dis- Dominum nostrum Jesum turbance. Through the same Christum Filium tuum, qui Jbus Christ, Thy Son, our tecum vivit et regnat in uni- Lord, Who liveth and reigntate Spiritus Sancti Deus. eth with Thee in the unity of Per omnia saecula sseculorum. the Holy Ghost, world without end. R. Amen. R. Amen. V. Pax + Domini sit + V. May the peace + of the semper vobis+cum. Lord +be always + with you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with Thy spirit. EC commixtio et conse- AY this commingling cratio corporis et san- m and consecrating of the guinis Domini nostri body and blood of Our esu Christi, fiat accipienti- Lord Jesus Christ avail us i us nobii in vitam aetemam. who receive it unto life ever- Amen. lasting. Amen. cxus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi: mi+ erere nobis. &be f4pnus Pei US. AMB of God, Who takest away the sins of the world: have mercy on Agnus Dei, qui tollis pec- Lamb of God, Who takest catamundi: miserere nobis. away the sins of the world: have mercy on us. Agnus Dei, qui tollis pec- Lamb of God, Who takest cats mundi: dona nobis away the sins of the world: pscem. grant us peace. More Free Items at

The Otdinary of <strong>the</strong> Mass 327<br />

et Paulo,atque Andrea, et om- tles Peter and Paul, of Anmius<br />

sanctis +; da propitius drew, and of all <strong>the</strong> saints,<br />

pacem in diebus nostris: ut .+ graciously grant<br />

ope misericordiae tuae adjuti, in our days, that througftahc:<br />

et a peccato simus semper help of Thy bountiful mercy<br />

liberi, et ab omni perturbs- we may always be free from<br />

tione securi. Per eumdem sin and secure from all dis-<br />

Dominum nostrum Jesum turbance. Through <strong>the</strong> same<br />

Christum Filium tuum, qui Jbus Christ, Thy Son, our<br />

tecum vivit et regnat in uni- Lord, Who liveth and reigntate<br />

Spiritus Sancti Deus. eth with Thee in <strong>the</strong> unity of<br />

Per omnia saecula sseculorum. <strong>the</strong> Holy Ghost, world without<br />

end.<br />

R. Amen. R. Amen.<br />

V. Pax + Domini sit + V. May <strong>the</strong> peace + of <strong>the</strong><br />

semper vobis+cum. Lord +be always + with you.<br />

R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with Thy spirit.<br />

EC commixtio et conse- AY this commingling<br />

cratio corporis et san- m and consecrating of <strong>the</strong><br />

guinis Domini nostri body and blood of Our<br />

esu Christi, fiat accipienti- Lord Jesus Christ avail us<br />

i us nobii in vitam aetemam. who receive it unto life ever-<br />

Amen.<br />

lasting. Amen.<br />

cxus Dei, qui tollis<br />

peccata mundi: mi+<br />

erere nobis.<br />

&be f4pnus Pei<br />

US.<br />

AMB of God, Who takest<br />

away <strong>the</strong> sins of <strong>the</strong><br />

world: have mercy on<br />

Agnus Dei, qui tollis pec- Lamb of God, Who takest<br />

catamundi: miserere nobis. away <strong>the</strong> sins of <strong>the</strong> world:<br />

have mercy on us.<br />

Agnus Dei, qui tollis pec- Lamb of God, Who takest<br />

cats mundi: dona nobis away <strong>the</strong> sins of <strong>the</strong> world:<br />

pscem.<br />

grant us peace.<br />

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